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Oracle Java CAPS HTTP Binding Component Tutorial     Java CAPS Documentation
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Document Information

Processing an Order in a Purchase Order System

Tutorial Requirements


System Requirements

Software Needed for the Tutorials

Project Overview

Scenario Message Flow

Core System Pieces

Configuring the Tutorial Environment

To check the status of GlassFish

To configure GlassFish

To start GlassFish

Creating a New Project

To Create a New Project

Creating the XML Schemas

Creating the inventory.xsd Schema

To create the inventory.xsd schema

To add a complex type to the XML Schema

Add Local Elements to the XML Schema

To add a global element

To validate the XML Schema

Creating the purchaseOrder.xsd Schema

To create the purchaseOrder.xsd schema

To add a complex type to the XML schema

To add local elements to the XML schema

To add a global element

To validate the XML schema

Creating and Configuring the WSDL Documents

Creating the InventoryService WSDL Document

To create the WSDL using the New WSDL Document wizard

To configure the InventoryService WSDL document:

Creating the POService WSDL Document

To create the POService WSDL document

To configure the POService WSDL document:

Creating the InventoryService BPEL Process

To create the InventoryService BPEL process

To Create the InventoryService business process using the BPEL Designer

To specify the business logic for the InventoryService BPEL process

Create the POService BPEL Process

To create the POService BPEL process

To Create the POService business process using the BPEL Designer

To specify the business logic for the POService business process

Building the Project

To compile and package the project

Creating and Deploying the Composite Application

To create the Composite Application project and add the JBI module

To build and deploy the Composite Application

Testing the HTTP Binding Component Sample Project

To run the HTTP-SOAP-PO-JBI project

Project Summary

Processing an Order in a Purchase Order System

This tutorial demonstrates various features of the HTTP Binding Component while creating a purchase order composite application. The project illustrates how to use the HTTP Binding Component to receive and send SOAP messages over HTTP. For more information about the HTTP Binding Component, see the Open ESB wiki.

This tutorial uses the following JBI Components:

You can download and review the HTTP Purchase Order Project sample for this tutorial. This is the same project that is created as a result of completing all of the steps in this tutorial.

What you need to know

The following sections provide instructions on how to create, build, and deploy the Purchase Order Project.

What you need to do

These links take you to what you need to know before you create the Purchase Order Project.