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Oracle Java CAPS Email Binding Component User's Guide     Java CAPS Documentation
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Document Information

Using the eMail Binding Component

About the eMail Binding Component

eMail Binding Component Features

eMail Binding Component Protocols

eMail Binding Component Property Configuration

eMail BC Sample Projects

Working With the eMail Binding Component WSDL Document

Creating the eMail BC WSDL Document

To Create a WSDL Document to Read email (IMAP or POP3)

To Create a WSDL Document to Send email (SMTP)

New WSDL Wizard Properties for the eMail BC

Configuring eMail BC WSDL Attributes

To Configure eMail BC WSDL Attributes

To Send email Messages with Attachments

eMail Binding and Service Level WSDL Attributes

Receiving eMail BC Attributes

Sending eMail BC Attributes

Configuring the eMail Binding Component Runtime Properties

To Configure eMail Binding Component Runtime Properties

eMail Binding Component Runtime Property Descriptions

Creating Application Configurations for Connectivity Parameters

To Create Application Configurations

To Add the Application Configuration to the Endpoint

To Change Application Configuration Values

Using Application Variables

To Create an Application Variable

To Change an Application Variable Value When the Application is Running

To Use an Application Variable for Password Protection

Using eMail BC Normalized Message Properties in a Business Process

Using Predefined Normalized Message Properties

To Define Normalized Message Properties in Mapper View

To Define Normalized Message Properties in Source View

Normalized Message Properties for the eMail Binding Component

General Normalized Message Properties

eMail Binding Component Normalized Message Properties

Using the eMail Binding Component

This guide provides an overview of the eMail Binding Component, and includes information and instructions for implementing, configuring, and deploying the binding component in a JBI project. The eMail Binding Component provides connectivity for SMTP, POP3, and IMAP email servers in a JBI environment.

What You Need to Know

These topics provide information you should know before you use the eMail Binding Component:

What You Need to Do

These topics provide instructions for using the eMail Binding Component:

Reference Information

These topics provide additional reference information about configuring and using the eMail Binding Component: