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Oracle Java CAPS Email Binding Component User's Guide     Java CAPS Documentation
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Document Information

Using the eMail Binding Component

About the eMail Binding Component

eMail Binding Component Features

eMail Binding Component Protocols

eMail Binding Component Property Configuration

eMail BC Sample Projects

Working With the eMail Binding Component WSDL Document

Creating the eMail BC WSDL Document

To Create a WSDL Document to Read email (IMAP or POP3)

To Create a WSDL Document to Send email (SMTP)

New WSDL Wizard Properties for the eMail BC

Configuring eMail BC WSDL Attributes

To Configure eMail BC WSDL Attributes

To Send email Messages with Attachments

eMail Binding and Service Level WSDL Attributes

Receiving eMail BC Attributes

Sending eMail BC Attributes

Configuring the eMail Binding Component Runtime Properties

To Configure eMail Binding Component Runtime Properties

eMail Binding Component Runtime Property Descriptions

Creating Application Configurations for Connectivity Parameters

To Create Application Configurations

To Add the Application Configuration to the Endpoint

To Change Application Configuration Values

Using Application Variables

To Create an Application Variable

To Change an Application Variable Value When the Application is Running

To Use an Application Variable for Password Protection

Using eMail BC Normalized Message Properties in a Business Process

Using Predefined Normalized Message Properties

To Define Normalized Message Properties in Mapper View

To Define Normalized Message Properties in Source View

Normalized Message Properties for the eMail Binding Component

General Normalized Message Properties

eMail Binding Component Normalized Message Properties

Using eMail BC Normalized Message Properties in a Business Process

You can define normalized message properties in a BPEL process in order to dynamically assign values to the runtime properties for the eMail Binding Component. The normalized message properties for each JBI component are accessed from the BPEL Designer Mapper view. When you expand a variable's Properties folder it exposes the variable's predefined NM properties, as well as the standard BPEL-specific WSDL properties used in correlation sets, assigns, and expressions . If the specific NM property you need is not currently listed, additional NM properties can be added.

Normalized message properties provide the following capabilities:

Using Predefined Normalized Message Properties

Predefined normalized message properties are automatically available from the BPEL Designer's Mapper view. You can use additional properties by adding them directly to the source code. You can either define these properties using the BPEL Designer Mapper, or by entering the code directly into the source view.

You can perform additional tasks when working with normalized message properties, such as creating additional properties, deleting properties, creating property shortcuts, and so on. For more information, see Using Normalized Message Properties in Oracle Java CAPS BPEL Designer and Service Engine User’s Guide.

To Define Normalized Message Properties in Mapper View

  1. Open the BPEL process you want to edit in the BPEL Designer.
  2. In Design view, select the activity to add the normalized message property to.
  3. In the BPEL Designer toolbar, click Mapper.
  4. In the Output pane, expand the variable you want to edit, expand Properties, and then expand Email BC.
  5. Expand Outbound or Inbound, depending on the message type.

    A list of available normalized message properties appears.

    image:Figure shows the normalized message properties for an email request.
  6. Select the normalized message property you want to use, and use the mapper operands to build an expression or assign a value.

    For a complete list of normalized message properties for the eMail Binding Component, see Normalized Message Properties for the eMail Binding Component.

To Define Normalized Message Properties in Source View

  1. Open the BPEL process you want to edit in the BPEL Designer.
  2. In the BPEL Designer toolbar, click Source.

    The BPEL source code for the process is now visible.

  3. Declare the sxnmp namespace near the beginning of the process element; for example:


  4. Define the property using the property names listed and described in Normalized Message Properties for the eMail Binding Component.

    For example,

          <to variable="SendEmailIn" 

Normalized Message Properties for the eMail Binding Component

Normalized message properties are either specific to the binding component being used or generally available to all participating JBI components. The following topics describe both types of normalized message properties.

General Normalized Message Properties

The following table lists and described the general properties that are available to all JBI components. All property values are of the type java.lang.String.

Table 13 General Normalized Message Properties

Property Name in Source
Property Name in Mapper
Description and Use
Group ID
Uniquely identifies a message with the group to which a message belongs.

This property is optional.

Message ID
Uniquely identifies a message. For batch processing this might be a record number (for example, a particular record in a file) or a GUID.

This property is mandatory.

Last Record
The value is a string representation of boolean ("true" or "false"). This property can be used to signal the last record in a group or the last record in a file.

This property is mandatory.
Endpoint Name
The value a string representation of the endpoint name set on the exchange. This represents the endpoint name of the "owner" of the message, and could be made available by JBI runtime.

eMail Binding Component Normalized Message Properties

The following properties are specific to the eMail Binding Component. Available properties are different for request messages than for response messages. All property values are of the type java.lang.String, except the Number of Attachments, which is an integer.

Table 14 eMail Binding Component NM Properties (Inbound)

Property Name in Source
Property Name in Mapper
Email Server
The name of the computer that hosts the email server used for sending or receiving email messages.
The port number for the email server.
User Name
The user name to use for authentication on the email server.
The password to use for authentication on the email server.
An indicator of whether to use SSL for secure connections. Specify either true or false.
Maximum Message Count
The maximum number of message to retrieve for each polling interval.
Message Ack Mode
The message acknowledgement mode for the response. Specify either automatic or manual. For automatic acknowledgements, you need to specify an operation as well.
Message Ack Mode
The operation to perform when a message is acknowledged (if the Ack Mode is automatic). Specify either markAsRead or delete.

Note - This is the second Message Ack Node property in the list that appears on the BPEL Mapper.
Polling Interval
The time period (in milliseconds) the eMail BC will wait between polling for new incoming email messages.
Save Attachments to Dir
A local directory where you want to store any attachments from the incoming email messages being processed. The file name is derived from the attachment name.
Mail Folder
The name of the email folder from which to read messages.
Attachments File Paths
The path to the attachment files.
Number of Attachments
The number of attachments.

Table 15 eMail Binding Component NM Properties (Outbound)

Property Name in Source
Property Name in Mapper
Email Server
The name of the computer that hosts the email server to which you want to send email messages.
The port number of the email server.
User Name
The user name to use for authentication on the email server.
The password to use for authentication on the email server.
An indicator of whether to use SSL for secure connections. Specify either true or false.
The recipients of email messages sent from the eMail Binding Component. This property uses the standard mailto URL scheme (RFC 2368). Special characters must be encoded (see RFC 2368 and RFC 1378). The corresponding message parts (if any) take precedence over location headers.
Send Option
The format of the email content. Specify one of the following options:
  • Text Only

  • HTML Only

  • XML Only

  • Both Text and HTML

  • Both Text and XML

If no value is specified, the default is Text Only.
Embed Images in HTML
An indicator of whether images are resolved and embedded in an HTML document (with the tag <img src="absolute_URL_to_image">. The URL must be the absolute URL in order to be embedded.

Only use this property when the Send Option is HTML Only or Both Text and HTML.
Attachment File Paths
A local directory where you want to store any attachments from the incoming email messages being processed. The file name is derived from the attachment name.