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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Class

Packages that use SourceDataStore
oracle.odi.domain.project This package contains the Oracle Data Integrator Project implementation. 
oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces This package contains Oracle Data Integrator Interface implementation. 
oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive Provides interfaces for interactive handling of Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. This package and its sub-packages provide the implementations for interactive handling of Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. This package contains the implementations for creating action listeners when working with InteractiveInterfaceHelperWithActions This package contains the Oracle Data Integrator interface action implementation classes Classes in this package allow modification to the ODI interface object, when used in conjunction with the helper class. This package contains the implementations to import join and filter clauses when adding new source datastores in Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. This package contains the implementations for auto mapping handling when working with Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. This package contains the representation of cross references to various types of objects, including source datastore and source column, in Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. This package contains the implementations to retrieve different set of cross references associated with a text holder in an Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. Contains classes which handles the computation of source sets of an Oracle Data Integrator interface. Contains classes which handles the Oracle Data Integrator interface source set creation. This package contains the implementations of text holder for various types of objects, such as joins, filters, target columns and target mappings, in Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. This package provides the implementation for expression contexts of data sets and target expressions in Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. 


Uses of SourceDataStore in oracle.odi.domain.project


Methods in oracle.odi.domain.project that return SourceDataStore
 SourceDataStore OdiInterface.getJournalizedDataStore(DataSet pDataSet)
          Return the source datastore that is set to be journalized in the specified data set.


Uses of SourceDataStore in oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces


Methods in oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces that return SourceDataStore
 SourceDataStore Filter.getAttachedDataStore()
          Returns the source data store that this filter is attached to.
 SourceDataStore Join.getAttachedDataStore1()
          Returns the source data store attached to the left side of this join.
 SourceDataStore Join.getAttachedDataStore2()
          Returns the source data store attached to the right side of this join.
 SourceDataStore TargetMapping.getAttachedSourceDataStore()
          Returns the SourceDataStore to which this mapping is attached.
 SourceDataStore JournalizedSourceColumn.getTable()
          Returns the source datastore owning this journalized source column.
 SourceDataStore SourceColumn.getTable()
          Obtains the owning source datastore of this source column.


Methods in oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces that return types with arguments of type SourceDataStore
 java.util.Collection<SourceDataStore> DataSet.getSourceDataStores()
          Returns the list of source datastores contained in this dataset.
 java.util.Collection<SourceDataStore> SourceSet.getSourceDataStores()
          Returns a collection of SourceDataStore in this source set.


Methods in oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces with parameters of type SourceDataStore
 void DataSet.addSourceDataStore(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore)
          Internal use only Adds a given source datastore to this dataset.
 void SourceSet.addSourceDataStore(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore)
          Adds a SourceDataStore to this source set.
 void DataSet.removeSourceDataStore(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore)
          Internal use only Removes a source datastore from this dataset.
 void SourceSet.removeSourceDataStore(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore)
          Removes a SourceDataStore from this source set.
 void Filter.setAttachedDataStore(SourceDataStore pAttachedDataStore)
          Internal use only Sets the source data store that this filter is attached to.
 void Join.setAttachedDataStore1(SourceDataStore pAttachedDataStore)
          Internal use only Sets the source data store attached to the left side of this join.
 void Join.setAttachedDataStore2(SourceDataStore pAttachedDataStore)
          Internal use only Sets the right side of the source data store attached to this join.
 void TargetMapping.setAttachedSourceDataStore(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore)
          Internal use only Sets the SourceDataStore to which this mapping should be attached.


Constructors in oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces with parameters of type SourceDataStore
Join(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore1, SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore2, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation pExecutionLocation)
          Internal use only Builds a non-ordered cross join clause in the same dataset as the the two specified source data sources with the desired execution location.
JournalizedSourceColumn(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, java.lang.String pName, OdiDataType pDataType, java.lang.Integer pLength, java.lang.Integer pScale)
          Internal use only Creates a new journalized source column.
SourceColumn(SourceDataStore pDataStore, IColumn pUnderlyingColumn)
          Internal use only Create a new source column object.
SourceDataStoreExpressionContext(SourceDataStore pDataStore)
          Constructor for the source data store expression context class.


Uses of SourceDataStore in oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive


Methods in oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive with parameters of type SourceDataStore
 void IClauseImporter.importClauses(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, IInterfaceActionListener pInterfaceActionListener, IInterfaceUndoListener pInterfaceUndoListener, IActionHelper pActionHelper)
          Adds filter and join conditions to the interface.
 void IInterfaceActionListener.locationChanged(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, OdiPhysicalSchema pOldSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema pNewSchema)
          Responds to the completion of the action of changing the physical schema of an ODI interface source data store.
 void IInterfaceActionListener.lookupAssembled(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, Join pJoin)
          Responds to the completion of the action of setting up an ODI interface source data store/join relationship (lookup).
 void IInterfaceActionListener.lookupDisassembled(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, Join pJoin)
          Responds to the completion of the action of removing an ODI interface source data store/join relationship (lookup).


Uses of SourceDataStore in


Methods in that return SourceDataStore
 SourceDataStore[] IExecutableTextHolder.getAttachedSourceDataStores()
          Gets the attached source datastores of this TextHolder.


Methods in with parameters of type SourceDataStore
static OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation InteractiveInterfaceHelperWithActions.computeExecutionLocationForDatastores(SourceDataStore pSrcDataStore1, SourceDataStore pSrcDataStore2)
          For internal use only Computes the default exection location of an expression between two specfied data stores.
 SourceSet ISourceSetCreator.createSourceSetFor(SourceDataStore[] pSourceDataStores, ISourceSetNameProvider pSourceSetNameProvider)
          Creates a SourceSet for the corresponding source datastores.
static OdiPhysicalSchema InteractiveInterfaceHelperWithActions.getSourceDataStorePhysicalSchema(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore)
          A static convenience method to retrieve the physical schema associated with the specified source data store.
 java.lang.String ISourceSetNameProvider.giveNewName(SourceDataStore[] pSourceDataStores)
          Returns a name for the SourceSet containing the following SourceDataStores.
 void IAutoMappingComputer.performAutoMapping(DataSet pDataSet, java.lang.String pTargetColumnName, SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, IInterfaceActionListener pInterfaceActionListener, IInterfaceUndoListener pInterfaceUndoListener, IActionHelper pActionHelper)
          This method is called when a change occurs on the interface so that we can generate the mapping on the corresponding column.
It is supposed to possibly generate an automapping on the column whose name is pTargetColumnName.
This should use actions to generate mappings, and if the TargetMappings need to be created, it should use the method pActionHelper.createTargetMapping() instead of creating a new TargetMapping().
 void IExecutableTextHolder.setAttachedSourceDataStore(int pDataStoreNumber, SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore)
          Sets one attached SourceDataStore.


Uses of SourceDataStore in


Methods in with parameters of type SourceDataStore
 void ActionListenerAbstract.locationChanged(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, OdiPhysicalSchema pOldSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema pNewSchema)
 void ActionListenerComposer.locationChanged(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, OdiPhysicalSchema pOldSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema pNewSchema)
 void ActionListenerAbstract.lookupAssembled(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, Join pJoin)
 void ActionListenerComposer.lookupAssembled(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, Join pJoin)
 void ActionListenerAbstract.lookupDisassembled(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, Join pJoin)
 void ActionListenerComposer.lookupDisassembled(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, Join pJoin)


Uses of SourceDataStore in


Methods in that return SourceDataStore
 SourceDataStore InterfaceActionJournalizeSourceDataStore.getSourceDataStore()
          Get the source data store to be journalized.
 SourceDataStore InterfaceActionRemoveSourceDataStore.getSourceDataStore()
          Gets the source datastore.


Methods in with parameters of type SourceDataStore
 void InterfaceActionAddLookup.MyClauseImporter.importClauses(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, IInterfaceActionListener pInterfaceActionListener, IInterfaceUndoListener pInterfaceUndoListener, IActionHelper pActionHelper)


Constructors in with parameters of type SourceDataStore
InterfaceActionAddCrossJoin(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore1, SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore2, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation pExecutionLocation)
          Constructor to create an action class instance which will create a cross join between two sources in an interface, when performAction is called.
InterfaceActionAddNaturalJoin(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore1, SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore2, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation pExecutionLocation)
          Constructor to create an action class instance which will create a natural join between two sources in an interface, when performAction is called.
InterfaceActionJournalizeSourceDataStore(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, boolean pToBeJournalized)
          Constructor for the journalizing action class.
InterfaceActionLookupTransform(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, Join pJoin, boolean pCreateLookup)
          Constructor for the join-to-lookup transform action class.
InterfaceActionLookupTransform(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, Join pJoin, boolean pCreateLookup, boolean pSelectLookup)
          Constructor for the join-to-lookup transform action class.
InterfaceActionOnLookupSetSelectLookup(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, boolean pSelectLookup)
          The constructor for the action class.
InterfaceActionOnSourceDataStoreAbstract(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore)
          The constructor for the abstract base class.
InterfaceActionOnSourceDataStoreSetAlias(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, java.lang.String pAlias)
          A constructor for the action class.
InterfaceActionOnSourceDataStoreSetAlias(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, java.lang.String pAlias, boolean pNormalize)
          A constructor for the action class.
InterfaceActionOnSourceDataStoreSetForcedContext(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, OdiContext pOdiContext)
          The constructor for the action class.
InterfaceActionOnSourceDataStoreSetOrder(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, int pOrder)
          The constructor for the action class.
InterfaceActionOnSourceDataStoreSetPartition(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, OdiPartition pPartition)
          The constructor for the action.
InterfaceActionOnSourceDataStoreSetSubInterfaceAsDerived(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, boolean pSubInterfaceAsDerived)
          The constructor for the action.
InterfaceActionOnTargetMappingSetAttachedDataStore(java.lang.String pColumnName, DataSet pDataSet, SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore)
          Creates an action class instance which will set an attached data store on a target mapping, when performAction is called.
InterfaceActionRemoveSourceDataStore(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, IDataStoreReferenceBreaker pDataStoreReferenceBreaker)
          Creates an action class instance which will remove a source data store, when performAction is called.


Uses of SourceDataStore in


Methods in with parameters of type SourceDataStore
 void ClauseImporterDefault.importClauses(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, IInterfaceActionListener pInterfaceActionListener, IInterfaceUndoListener pInterfaceUndoListener, IActionHelper pActionHelper)
          For internal use only Invoked to import join and filter clauses.
 void ClauseImporterLazy.importClauses(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, IInterfaceActionListener pInterfaceActionListener, IInterfaceUndoListener pInterfaceUndoListener, IActionHelper pActionHelper)
          For internal use only Invoked to import join and filter clauses.


Uses of SourceDataStore in


Methods in with parameters of type SourceDataStore
 void AutoMappingComputerColumnName.performAutoMapping(DataSet pDataSet, java.lang.String pTargetColumnName, SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, IInterfaceActionListener pInterfaceActionListener, IInterfaceUndoListener pInterfaceUndoListener, IActionHelper pActionHelper)
 void AutoMappingComputerLazy.performAutoMapping(DataSet pDataSet, java.lang.String pTargetColumnName, SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, IInterfaceActionListener pInterfaceActionListener, IInterfaceUndoListener pInterfaceUndoListener, IActionHelper pActionHelper)


Uses of SourceDataStore in


Methods in that return SourceDataStore
 SourceDataStore ReferenceToSourceDataStore.getReferencedObject()
          Returns the referenced source datastore.


Constructors in with parameters of type SourceDataStore
ReferenceToSourceDataStore(SourceDataStore pReferencedDataStore, IExecutableTextHolder pReferencer)
          Creates a reference from a text holder to a source datastore.


Uses of SourceDataStore in


Methods in with parameters of type SourceDataStore
 void ReferenceManagerLookups.lookupAssembled(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, Join pJoin)
          This method is called when a lookup is being created from a SourceDataStore and Join in the interface.
 void ReferenceManagerLookups.lookupDisassembled(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, Join pJoin)
          This method is called when a lookup is being broken back into its original SourceDataStore and Join.


Uses of SourceDataStore in


Methods in with parameters of type SourceDataStore
 void SourceSetComputerEraser.locationChanged(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, OdiPhysicalSchema pOldSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema pNewSchema)
          Marks the data set for a source data store as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when the physical schema of that source data store is changed.
 void SourceSetComputerLazy.locationChanged(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, OdiPhysicalSchema pOldSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema pNewSchema)
 void SourceSetComputerOneTable.locationChanged(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, OdiPhysicalSchema pOldSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema pNewSchema)
 void SourceSetComputerRetainer.locationChanged(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, OdiPhysicalSchema pOldSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema pNewSchema)
          Marks the data set for a source data store as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when the physical schema of that source data store is changed.
 void SourceSetComputerAbstract.lookupAssembled(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, Join pJoin)
          Empty implementation.
 void SourceSetComputerAbstract.lookupDisassembled(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, Join pJoin)
          Empty implementation.


Uses of SourceDataStore in


Methods in with parameters of type SourceDataStore
 SourceSet SourceSetCreatorNew.createSourceSetFor(SourceDataStore[] pSourceDataStores, ISourceSetNameProvider pSourceSetNameProvider)


Uses of SourceDataStore in


Methods in that return SourceDataStore
 SourceDataStore[] ExecutableTextHolderFilter.getAttachedSourceDataStores()
          Gets the attached source datastores of this TextHolder.
 SourceDataStore[] ExecutableTextHolderJoin.getAttachedSourceDataStores()
          Gets the attached source datastores of this TextHolder.
 SourceDataStore[] ExecutableTextHolderTargetColumn.getAttachedSourceDataStores()
          Gets the attached source datastores of this TextHolder.
 SourceDataStore[] ExecutableTextHolderTargetMapping.getAttachedSourceDataStores()
          Gets the attached source datastores of this TextHolder.


Methods in with parameters of type SourceDataStore
 void ExecutableTextHolderFilter.setAttachedSourceDataStore(int pDataStoreNumber, SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore)
 void ExecutableTextHolderJoin.setAttachedSourceDataStore(int pDataStoreNumber, SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore)
 void ExecutableTextHolderTargetColumn.setAttachedSourceDataStore(int pDataStoreNumber, SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore)
 void ExecutableTextHolderTargetMapping.setAttachedSourceDataStore(int pDataStoreNumber, SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore)


Uses of SourceDataStore in


Methods in with parameters of type SourceDataStore
 void ContextManager.dataStoreAdded(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore)
          This method will be called by <@link InteractiveInterfaceHelperWithActions> after a <@link SourceDataStore> has been added to a DataSet.
 void ContextManager.dataStoreRemoved(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore)
          This method will be called by <@link InteractiveInterfaceHelperWithActions> after a <@link SourceDataStore> is removed from a DataSet.


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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


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