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Oracle Fusion Middleware Administration Guide for Oracle Unified Directory 11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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Document Information


1.  Starting and Stopping the Server

2.  Configuring the Server Instance

Managing the Server Configuration With dsconfig

Overview of the dsconfig Command

dsconfig and Certificate Checking

dsconfig Sub-Commands

dsconfig Advanced Properties

Using dsconfig in Interactive Mode

Getting Help With dsconfig

Global Usage

Finding the Correct Subcommand

Getting Help for an Individual Subcommand

Displaying a Summary of a Component's Properties

Displaying Detailed Help on a Property

Configuring a Server Instance With dsconfig

To Display the Properties of a Component

To List Components

To Create a Component

To Modify the Properties of a Component

To Modify the Values of a Multi-Valued Property

To Delete a Component

To Use dsconfig in Batch Mode

Configuring the Connection Handlers With dsconfig

To Display All Connection Handlers

Configuring the LDAP Connection Handler

Configuring the LDIF Connection Handler

Configuring the JMX Connection Handler

Configuring Network Groups With dsconfig

Creating a Network Group

Modifying Network Group Properties

Setting an Allowed or Denied Client List

Creating a Network Group Quality of Service Policy

Creating a Request Filtering Policy

Creating a Network Group Resource Limit

Creating an Affinity Quality of Service Policy

Creating a Referral Quality of Service Policy

To Modify a Network Group Quality of Service Policy

Configuring Workflows With dsconfig

Listing Existing Workflows

Viewing Workflow Properties

Creating a Workflow

Configuring Workflow Elements With dsconfig

Listing Workflow Elements

Creating Workflow Elements

Modifying Workflow Elements

Configuring Plug-Ins With dsconfig

Overview of Plug-In Types

Modifying the Plug-In Configuration

Managing the Server Configuration With Oracle Directory Services Manager

Select a Configuration View

Display Suffix Properties

Modify a Network Group

Modify a Workflow Element

Modify the General Server Configuration

Modify a Connection Handler

Modify Logger Properties

Modify Log Rotation Policies

Modify Log Retention Policies

Configure Alerts

Managing Administration Traffic to the Server

Accessing Administrative Suffixes

To Configure the Administration Connector

Configuring Commands As Tasks

Commands That Can Schedule Tasks

Controlling Which Tasks Can Be Run

Scheduling and Configuring Tasks

To Schedule a Task

To Schedule a Recurring Task

To Configure Task Notification

To Configure Task Dependencies

Managing and Monitoring Scheduled Tasks

To Obtain Information About Scheduled Tasks

To Cancel a Scheduled Task

To Cancel a Recurring Task

Deploying and Configuring the DSML Gateway

Deploying the DSML Gateway

Deploying the DSML Gateway in Oracle WebLogic Server

Configuring WebLogic Server for the DSML Gateway

Deploying the DSML Gateway WAR File

Confirming the DSML Gateway Deployment

To Confirm the DSML Gateway Deployment with JXplorer

Confirming the DSML Gateway Deployment with the Directory Server Resource Kit

Using the dsmlsearch Command

Using the dsmlmodify Utility

3.  Configuring the Proxy Components

4.  Configuring Security Between Clients and Servers

5.  Configuring Security Between the Proxy and the Data Source

6.  Managing Oracle Unified Directory With Oracle Directory Services Manager

7.  Managing Directory Data

8.  Replicating Directory Data

9.  Controlling Access To Data

10.  Managing Users and Groups With dsconfig

11.  Managing Password Policies

12.  Managing Directory Schema

13.  Monitoring Oracle Unified Directory

14.  Tuning Performance

15.  Advanced Administration

Managing the Server Configuration With dsconfig

The topics in this section are intended for administrators or users who want to configure and manage a deployed Oracle Unified Directory instance. These topics provide an overview of the dsconfig command-line utility and its use in server configuration.

The dsconfig command can be used to configure both the Oracle Unified Directory directory server and the Oracle Unified Directory proxy. For a list of the supported sub-commands for the directory server or proxy instance, and for more specific information about this command, see dsconfig in Oracle Fusion Middleware Command-Line Usage Guide for Oracle Unified Directory.

You can also use dsconfig to configure a number of proxy—specific components. For more information, see .

Overview of the dsconfig Command

The dsconfig command provides a simple mechanism for accessing the server configuration. dsconfig presents the configuration as a set of components, each of which can be managed through one or more sub-commands.

dsconfig can also be used interactively. In interactive mode, dsconfig functions much like a wizard, walking you through the server configuration. For more information, see Using dsconfig in Interactive Mode.

Note -

dsconfig and Certificate Checking

dsconfig accesses the server over a secured connection with certificate authentication. If you run dsconfig in interactive mode, you are prompted as to how you want to trust the certificate.

If you run dsconfig in non-interactive mode (that is, with the -n option), specification of the trust store parameters depends on whether you run the command locally or remotely.

dsconfig Sub-Commands

dsconfig provides an intuitive list of sub-commands to manage various elements of the configuration.

You can use these sub-commands to add, delete, list, view, and modify different components:

dsconfig create-component options
Creates a new component
dsconfig delete-component options
Deletes an existing component
dsconfig get-component-prop options
Displays the properties of a component
dsconfig list-components options
Lists the existing defined components
dsconfig set-component-prop options
Modifies the properties of a component

For example, the following five sub-commands are used to manage connection handlers:

dsconfig create-connection-handler options
Creates connection handlers
dsconfig delete-connection-handler options
Deletes connection handlers
dsconfig get-connection-handler-prop options
Displays the properties of a connection handler
dsconfig list-connection-handlers options
Lists the existing defined connection handlers
dsconfig set-connection-handler-prop options
Modifies the properties of a connection handler

Not all types of components can be created and deleted. For example, a directory server has only a single global configuration. For this reason, the global configuration is managed with only two sub-commands:

dsconfig get-global-configuration-prop options
Displays the global configuration properties
dsconfig set-global-configuration-prop options
Modifies the global configuration properties

The configurable properties of all components can be queried and modified to change the behavior of the component. For example, an LDAP connection has properties that determine its IP listener address, its port, and its SSL configuration.

dsconfig Advanced Properties

There are a number of component properties that are considered advanced properties. The advanced properties are not displayed by default, and have default values that apply in most cases. If you want to modify the values or the advanced properties, use --advanced before the subcommand. For example:

$ dsconfig --advanced get-extension-prop

Using dsconfig in Interactive Mode

Unless you specify all configuration parameters and the -n (--no-prompt) option, dsconfig runs in interactive mode. Interactive mode functions like a wizard, walking you through the server configuration. Interactive mode is a good approach to start using dsconfig.

When you run dsconfig in interactive mode, you can specify that you want the equivalent command (including all your selections) to be displayed, or to be written to a file. The following example shows how to use the --displayCommand option to display the equivalent non-interactive command when configuring the trust manager. Note that the equivalent command is displayed at the point at which the command has been applied and validated by the directory server.

$ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -w password --displayCommand
The TrustStore Manager Provider was modified successfully

The equivalent non-interactive command-line is:
dsconfig --hostname "localhost" --port "4444" --bindDN "cn=directory
manager" --bindPassword ****** --trustAll
set-trust-manager-provider-prop --provider-name "PKCS12" --set

To copy the equivalent command to a file, use the --commandFilePath option, as shown in the following example:

$ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -w password --commandFilePath /tmp/filename

Getting Help With dsconfig

The dsconfig command has extensive online help that is accessed using the --help option.

Global Usage

Use the following command to display dsconfig's global usage:

$ dsconfig --help
Finding the Correct Subcommand

The global usage information does not include the list of available sub-commands. To retrieve the list of sub-commands, use one of the --help-xxx options, where xxx determines the group of sub-commands to be displayed.

Note - Use the --help-all option used to display all of the available sub-commands.

For example, to find all the sub-commands relating to caching and back-end configuration, use the following command:

$ dsconfig --help-core-server
Getting Help for an Individual Subcommand

When you have determined which subcommand you want, you can get more detailed help on that subcommand by using the subcommand's --help option as follows:

$ dsconfig create-monitor-provider --help
Displaying a Summary of a Component's Properties

The dsconfig command has built-in documentation for all of the components and their properties. This documentation can be accessed by using the list-properties subcommand. For example, a summary of the properties associated with a work queue can be displayed by using the following command:

$ dsconfig list-properties -c work-queue

Note - If the -c option is not specified, a summary of the properties for all components is displayed.

Displaying Detailed Help on a Property

The summary table displays only brief usage information for each property. More detailed information are available using the verbose mode of the list-properties subcommand:

$ dsconfig list-properties -c work-queue --property num-worker-threads -v

Note - If the --property option is not specified, verbose help is provided for all the work-queue properties.

Configuring a Server Instance With dsconfig

The dsconfig command is the recommended utility for accessing the server configuration. Accessing the configuration directly over LDAP, using the ldap* utilities is discouraged.

To Display the Properties of a Component

Each component has one or more properties that can be displayed by using the component's get-xxx-prop subcommand. Each component is associated with a single LDAP entry in the server configuration, and each property is associated with a single LDAP attribute.

To List Components

You can view a list and summary of the instances of one component by using the component's list-xxxs subcommand. This can be particularly useful if you have more than one instance of the same component.

To Create a Component

New instances of a component can be created by using the component's create-xxx subcommand. Often there are several subtypes of the component. For example, there are currently three types of connection handler: LDAP, JMX, and LDIF. Because all of these are created by using the same subcommand, you must specify the type of component that you want to create. Do this by using the subcommand's -t or --type.

When you create a new component, you must specify the component's mandatory properties. The mandatory properties depend on the type of component that is being created. For example, an LDAP connection handler might have different mandatory properties to a JMX connection handler. If a mandatory property is left undefined, dsconfig enters interactive mode and prompts you for the undefined properties. If you include the -n (non-interactive) option, dsconfig fails to create the component and displays an error message indicating which properties need to be defined.

  1. Display the types of connection handler that can be created by accessing the help for the connection handler component.
    $ dsconfig create-connection-handler --help
    Usage: dsconfig create-connection-handler {options}
    Creates Connection Handlers
    Global Options:
    See "dsconfig --help"
    SubCommand Options:
    --handler-name {NAME}
    The name of the new Connection Handler
    --set {PROP:VALUE}
    Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and
    VAL is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple
    times in order to assign more than one value to it
    -t, --type {TYPE}
    The type of Connection Handler which should be created. The value for TYPE
    can be one of: custom | jmx | ldap | ldif
  2. Create a new LDAP connection handler, specifying values for the mandatory enabled and the listen-port properties.
    $ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -w password -n \
      create-connection-handler \
      -t ldap --handler-name "My LDAP Connection Handler"

    An error message similar to the following will be displayed.

    The LDAP Connection Handler could not be created because the following
    mandatory properties were not defined:
    Property     Syntax
    enabled      false | true
    listen-port  1 <= INTEGER <= 65535

To Modify the Properties of a Component

The properties of a component can be modified by using the component's set-xxx-prop subcommand. Multiple properties can be modified at the same time by using multiple occurrences of the --set option. The following example uses the set-connection-handler-prop subcommand to modify the properties of a connection handler.

Note - Many components have a Java class property that specifies the name of a Java class to be used as the implementation of the component. Do not modify this property, as doing so could prevent your server from operating correctly. These properties are treated as advanced properties and hidden from view unless you run dsconfig with the --advanced option.

To Modify the Values of a Multi-Valued Property

You can set multiple values for a property by using the --set and --add options in successive dsconfig commands.

Note - You cannot use the --set and --add options simultaneously in the same command.

To set more than one value for a property that currently has no values, use the --set option to set the first value, and the --add option (in a separate command) for subsequent values. You cannot use the --add option if the property does not have an existing value, either a default value or a value that you have already set.

Note - Many components have a Java class property that specifies the name of a Java class to be used as the implementation of the component. Do not modify this property, as doing so could prevent your server from operating correctly. These properties are treated as advanced properties and hidden from view unless you run dsconfig with the --advanced option.

The following example sets multiple values for the allowed-client property.

To Delete a Component

Existing instances of a component can be removed using the component's delete-xxx.

To Use dsconfig in Batch Mode

The -F or --batchFile option of the dsconfig command enables you to specify a number of operations that are completed in a single command by consolidating those operations in a file. This can significantly improve performance when several dsconfig commands are required.

To use dsconfig in batch mode, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a file that contains all of the required commands.

    For example, the following file (named new-backend.txt) achieves three separate tasks:

    • creates a new back end

    • adds a set of indexes

    • sets the backend index entry limit

    create-backend --set base-dn:cn=myexample,cn=com --set enabled:true \
      --type local-db --backend-name myBackend
    create-local-db-index --backend-name myBackend --set index-type:equality \
      --type generic --index-name cn
    create-local-db-index --backend-name myBackend --set index-type:equality \
      --type generic --index-name telephoneNumber
    create-local-db-index --backend-name myBackend --set index-type:equality \
      --set index-type:substring --type generic --index-name mail
    create-local-db-index --backend-name myBackend --set index-type:equality \
      --type generic --index-name sn
    create-local-db-index --backend-name myBackend --set index-type:equality \
      --type generic --index-name uniqueMember
    set-local-db-index-prop --backend-name myBackend --index-name uniqueMember \
      --set index-entry-limit:5000
    create-local-db-index --backend-name myBackend --set index-type:equality \
      --type generic --index-name member
    create-local-db-index --backend-name myBackend --set index-type:equality \
      --type generic --index-name uid
    set-backend-prop --backend-name myBackend --set index-entry-limit:6000
  2. Run the dsconfig command with that file as a parameter.
    $ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D cn="directory manager" -w password \
      -F new-backend.txt -X -n

Configuring the Connection Handlers With dsconfig

Connection handlers are responsible for handling all interaction with client applications, including accepting connections, reading requests, and sending responses.

The following sections describe how to configure the connection handlers by using the dsconfig command. These sections provide examples on only a few aspects of the configuration. For details about all the configuration properties, use the following command: $ dsconfig list-properties -c connection-handler.

For information about configuring secure connections, see Configuring SSL and StartTLS for LDAP and JMX.

To Display All Connection Handlers

The following connection handlers are currently available for use in the directory server:

Configuring the LDAP Connection Handler

The following command displays the properties of the LDAP connection handler:

$ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -w password -n \
  get-connection-handler-prop \
  --handler-name "LDAP Connection Handler"

Depending on your installation, the output will be similar to the following.

Property : Value(s)
allow-ldap-v2 : true
allow-start-tls : false
allowed-client : -
denied-client : -
enabled : true
keep-stats : true
key-manager-provider : -
listen-address :
listen-port : 1389
ssl-cert-nickname : server-cert
ssl-cipher-suite : -
ssl-client-auth-policy : optional
ssl-protocol : -
trust-manager-provider : -
use-ssl : false

To Control Which Clients Have LDAP Access to the Directory Server

You can specify a list of clients that may or may not access the directory server over LDAP. To do this, set the allowed-client or denied-client property of the LDAP connection handler. These properties take an IP address or subnetwork with subnetwork mask as values.

By default, these properties are not set and all clients are allowed access. Changes to these properties take effect immediately but do not interfere with connections that are already established.

This example permits access only to clients in the subnet mask

Configuring the LDIF Connection Handler

The LDIF connection handler is enabled by default. This connection handler can be used to process changes in the server using internal operations. The changes to be processed are read from an LDIF file.

The following command displays the default properties of the LDIF connection handler:

$ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -w password -n \
  get-connection-handler-prop \
  --handler-name "LDIF Connection Handler"

Depending on your installation, the output will be similar to the following.

Property : Value(s)
allowed-client : -
denied-client : -
enabled : true
ldif-directory : config/auto-process-ldif
poll-interval : 5 s

The ldif-directory property specifies the directory in which the LDIF files are located. The connection handler checks if there are any files in this directory, at an interval specified by the poll-interval property. The connection handler then processes the changes contained in those files as internal operations and writes the result to an output file with comments indicating the result of the processing.

To Enable the JMX Alert Handler Through the LDIF Connection Handler

This example demonstrates how to enable the JMX alert handler through the LDIF connection handler.

  1. Check the status of the JMX alert handler (disabled by default).
    $ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -w password -n \
      get-alert-handler-prop \
      --handler-name "JMX Alert Handler"

    Depending on your installation, the output will be similar to the following.

    Property            : Value(s) 
    disabled-alert-type : - 
    enabled             : false 
    enabled-alert-type  : -
  2. Create an LDIF file in the default LDIF directory that enables the JMX alert handler.
    $ cd ../config/ 
    $ mkdir auto-process-ldif 
    $ cd auto-process-ldif/ 
    $ cat > disable-jmx.ldif << EOM 
    > dn: cn=JMX Alert Handler,cn=Alert Handlers,cn=config 
    > changetype: modify 
    > replace: ds-cfg-enabled 
    > ds-cfg-enabled: true 
    > EOM 
  3. After a period of time longer than poll-interval, recheck the status of the JMX alert handler.
    $ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -w password -n \
      get-alert-handler-prop \
      --handler-name "JMX Alert Handler" -n  
    Property            : Value(s) 
    disabled-alert-type : - 
    enabled             : true 
    enabled-alert-type  : -
Configuring the JMX Connection Handler

The following command displays the default properties of the JMX connection handler:

$ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -w password \
  get-connection-handler-prop \
  --handler-name "JMX Connection Handler" -n

Depending on your installation, the output will be similar to the following.

Property : Value(s)
allowed-client : -
denied-client : -
enabled : false
key-manager-provider : -
listen-port : 1689
ssl-cert-nickname : server-cert
use-ssl : false

To Change the Port on Which the Server Listens for JMX Connections

This example changes the port on which the server listens for JMX connections to 1789.

Configuring Network Groups With dsconfig

Network groups are the single entry point of all client requests to the Oracle Unified Directory. The network group handles all client interactions, dispatching them and delegating the treatment of the request to workflows. A client connection is associated to the network group with the highest priority and for which all the criteria are met. During installation, a default network group with a priority of 1 is created. To set request filtering policies or resource limits, you must create a network group quality of service policy.

Each network group is associated with one or more workflows. The workflows provide access to a naming context (or suffix). By associating a workflow with a network group, you indicate to the network group which naming contexts are available. Typically to create a network group, you would already have a workflow created. For information about workflows, see Configuring Workflows With dsconfig.

The following examples describe how to configure network groups using the dsconfig command.

All the commands in the following procedures specify the proxy hostname (-h), the proxy admin port (-p), the bind DN (-D), and the bind password (-w). The following examples use the -X option to trust all certificates.

Creating a Network Group

You can create many network groups, in which case the requests will be handled by the network group with the highest priority, for which the criteria are met. Therefore, when you create a network group, you must consider all the network groups you plan to create, and the priority of each. The priority can be 0 or above, where 0 is the highest priority.

Note - It is possible to create two network groups with the same priority. However if two or more network groups have the same priority and match the client request, the network group that will handle the request is random, among those matching the client request. Therefore, it is recommended to use a different priority for each network group created.

The default properties of a new network group are as follows.

Property                 Value(s)
allowed-auth-method      All authorization methods are allowed.
allowed-bind-dn          All bind DNs are allowed.
allowed-bind-id          All bind IDs are allowed.
allowed-client           All clients with addresses that do not match
                         an address on the deny list are allowed. If
                         there is no deny list, then all clients are
allowed-protocol         All supported protocols are allowed.
certificate-mapper       The global certificate mapper will be used.
denied-client            If an allow list is specified, then only
                         clients with addresses on the allow list are
                         allowed. Otherwise, all clients are allowed.
enabled                  true
generic-identity-mapper  The global generic identity mapper will be
gssapi-identity-mapper   The global GSSAPI identity mapper will be
is-security-mandatory    false
priority                 1
workflow                 userroot0

Once you have created a network group, you can associate a network group quality of service policy to it. For information on creating a quality of service policy, see Creating a Network Group Quality of Service Policy.

To Create a Network Group

Modifying Network Group Properties

The network group properties filter the traffic and indicate how a request is directed. To modify the network group properties, use the dsconfig set-network-group-prop command. The network group properties include the properties enabled, associated workflow name, priority, and criteria.

To modify any of the network group properties, use the dsconfig set-network-group-prop command. For example, to modify the priority of the network group:

$ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password -X -n \
  set-network-group-prop \
  --group-name network-group1 \
  --set priority:3

Using the network group properties, you can set the following criteria:

For example, you can ensure that no connections are accepted from the IP address, by network-group1 as follows:

$ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password -X -n \
  set-network-group-prop \
  --group-name network-group1 \
  --set denied-client: 
Setting an Allowed or Denied Client List

For allowed-client and denied-client lists, you must be aware of the name service configuration on the server. For example, if the name service knows the host as, you must specify as the value, and not just myclienthost. Similarly, if the name service knows the host as myclienthost, you must specify the value as myclienthost. If you do not know how the name service is configured, you should specify both the fully qualified domain name (for example and the short name (myclienthost) of the machine. Specifying multiple values will ensure that the name is resolved correctly. For example:

$ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password -X -n \
  set-network-group-prop \
  --group-name network-group1 \
  --add denied-client:myhost \
  --add denied-client:myhost.example \

To avoid any issues, use the IP address for clarity.

Moreover, if you use localhost or the name of the local machine when connecting to Oracle Unified Directory proxy, the IP addresses of the client will be different. If you want to forbid connections from the localhost to Oracle Unified Directory proxy, you should specify both localhost and the name of the local machine in the list of denied-clients.

Creating a Network Group Quality of Service Policy

Creating a quality of service policy is optional and associated to a network group. There are four types of quality of service policy available:

To create a network group quality of service policy, use the dsconfig create-network-group-qos-policy command. You must specify the name of the network group to which the quality of service policy applies, as well as the type of quality of service policy.

Creating a Request Filtering Policy

When you create a network group request filtering policy, you can set the following properties:

To create a network group quality of service request filtering policy, use the dsconfig create-network-group-qos-policy command. You must state the network group to which the quality of service policy applies.

For example, if you want to ensure that users can only search and not modify data, use the following command:

$ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password -X -n \
  create-network-group-qos-policy \
  --group-name network-group1 \
  --type request-filtering \
  --set allowed-operations:search 
Creating a Network Group Resource Limit

When you create a network group resource limit, you can set the following properties:

To create a network group quality of service resource limit policy, use the dsconfig create-network-group-qos-policy command. You must state the network group to which the quality of service policy applies.

For example, if you want to ensure that a user enters a search string of at least 5 characters, to limit the number of return values, use the following command:

$ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password -X -n \
  create-network-group-qos-policy \
  --group-name network-group1 \
  --type resource-limits \
  --set min-substring-length:5 
Creating an Affinity Quality of Service Policy

In a load balancing deployment, you can use affinity to override the regular routing process.

When you create a network group quality of service, you can set the following affinity properties:

Even when affinity has been set by a previous operation, the load balancing algorithm is only bypassed in specific situations, depending on the affinity policy and the current operation type. If the affinity policy is all-requests-after-first-request or all-requests-after-first-write-request, the affinity route will be used for every operation type, unless the affinity timeout has expired. If the affinity policy is all-write-requests-after-first-write, the affinity route will be used for any ADD, DELETE, MOD or MODDN operation, unless the timeout has expired. The affinity route will not be used for other operations. If the affinity policy is first-read-request-after-write-request, the affinity route will be used for all operations except ADD, DELETE, MOD or MODDN operations, unless the timeout has expired.

The following example sets an affinity policy that can be set by any operation and used for all operations, for a maximum of sixty seconds.

$ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password -X -n \
  create-network-group-qos-policy \
  --group-name network-group1 \
  --type affinity \
  --set affinity-timeout:60s \
  --set affinity-policy:all-requests-after-first-request

Note - The affinity feature can be used with all load balancing algorithms except for the failover algorithm. With the failover algorithm, only one route is active at a time. The active route changes when the remote server goes down, so all connections to the remote server are broken. Affinity can therefore not apply in a failover scenario.

Creating a Referral Quality of Service Policy

You can configure the behavior of the Oracle Unified Directory proxy when a referral is received from the remote LDAP server.

Note - Referrals must be defined on the Oracle Unified Directoryserver or the Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition.

When you create a network group quality of service, you can set the following referral properties:

For example, the referral-policy is set by default to forward. You can change it to discard or to follow, as follows:

$ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password -X -n \
  create-network-group-qos-policy \
  --group-name network-group1 \
  --type referral \
  --set referral-policy:follow 

To Modify a Network Group Quality of Service Policy

You must specify the network group name (network-group1) and the policy type.

Configuring Workflows With dsconfig

A workflow is the link between the network group and the naming context (suffixes). It defines the naming context that will be accessible for a given network group, when handling a request to a load balancing or distribution configuration. To create a workflow, you must already have a load balancing or distribution workflow element created. For information on workflow elements, see Configuring Workflow Elements With dsconfig.

Oracle Unified Directory proxy automatically creates a number of private workflows. These workflows should not be modified or deleted. Privacy settings of the remote LDAP servers must be considered when configuring workflows. Privacy settings are as follows:


Privacy defined by the property ds-cfg-is-private-backend. This flag is set by default to private, but can be changed.

JEB backend

Always public, and contains user data.

Config File Handler backend

Always private

Backup backend

Always private

Schema backend

Always private

Tasks backend

Always private

Monitor backend

Always private

Truststore backend

Always private

The following examples describe how to configure workflows using the dsconfig command.

All the commands in the following procedures specify the proxy hostname (-h), the proxy admin port (-p), the bind DN (-D), and the bind password (-w). These following examples use the -X option to trust all certificates.

Listing Existing Workflows

To display all the workflows that are part of your Oracle Unified Directory proxy, use the dsconfig list-workflows command. For example:

$ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password -X -n \
Workflow       : Type    : enabled
adminRoot      : generic : true
ads-truststore : generic : true
backup         : generic : true
config         : generic : true
monitor        : generic : true
schema         : generic : true
tasks          : generic : true
workflow1      : generic : true

In the example above, workflow1 is the workflow created during a basic installation using vdp-setup.

Note - The adminRoot, ads-truststore, backup, config, monitor, schema, and tasks workflows are default workflows created by the Oracle Unified Directory proxy during your installation. These workflows must not be deleted or modified, otherwise your Oracle Unified Directory proxy will no longer work.

Viewing Workflow Properties

To view the properties of a specific workflow, use the dsconfig get-workflow-prop command. For example:

$ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password -X -n \
  get-workflow-prop \
  --workflow-name workflow1
Property         : Value(s)
base-dn          : "ou=people,o=test"
enabled          : true
workflow-element : load-bal-we1
workflow-id      : workflow1

The workflow-id is the workflow name. The base-dn indicates the base DN used for the workflow, and therefore for the deployment using that workflow. The workflow-element property indicates the workflow element (either a load balancing workflow element or a distribution workflow element) which will process the requests.

Note - The base-dn and workflow-id properties cannot be modified.

Creating a Workflow

Each workflow is associated to a workflow element. When creating a workflow, you must specify the associated workflow element name (--set workflow-element). In other words, you must already have created the load balancing or distribution workflow element. See Configuring Workflow Elements With dsconfig.

To create a workflow, use the dsconfig create-workflow command. For example:

$ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password -X -n \
  create-workflow \
  --workflow-name workflow1 \
  --set base-dn:ou=people,o=test \
  --set enabled:true \
  --set workflow-element:load-bal-we1

Configuring Workflow Elements With dsconfig

Workflow elements are part of a routing structure, and are linked to workflows. There are different types of workflow elements within Oracle Unified Directory proxy:

In your Oracle Unified Directory proxy deployment, you must have LDAP proxy workflow elements and either a load balancing or distribution workflow element.

The following examples describe how to configure workflow elements using the dsconfig command.

All the commands in the following procedures specify the Oracle Unified Directory proxy hostname (-h), the Oracle Unified Directory proxy admin port (-p), the bind DN (-D), and the bind password (-w). The following examples use the -X option to trust all certificates.

Listing Workflow Elements

To display all the workflow elements that are part of your Oracle Unified Directory proxy, use the dsconfig list-workflow-elements command. For example:

$ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password -X -n \
Workflow Element : Type           : enabled
adminRoot        : local-backend  : true
ads-truststore   : local-backend  : true
backup           : local-backend  : true
config           : local-backend  : true
load-bal-we1     : load-balancing : true
monitor          : local-backend  : true
proxy-we1        : proxy-ldap     : true
proxy-we2        : proxy-ldap     : true
schema           : local-backend  : true
tasks            : local-backend  : true

In the example above, the workflow elements listed are the ones created by default when deploying a simple load balancing configuration using vdp-setup. The proxy-we1 and proxy-we2 are the LDAP proxy workflow elements. A load balancing workflow element (load-bal-we1) is also created. All other workflow elements are default workflow elements and should not be modified or deleted.

Creating Workflow Elements

To create workflow elements in interactive mode, use the dsconfig create-workflow-element command. If you have configured your Oracle Unified Directory proxy using vdp-setup, then the basic workflow elements required will already be created.

You can create the following types of workflow elements:

To Configure DN Renaming

To configure DN renaming, you must create a DN renaming workflow element.

Modifying Workflow Elements

Once you have created a workflow element, you can modify some of the properties using the dsconfig set-workflow-element-prop command.

To Modify DN Renaming Properties

Once you have configured DN renaming, you can modify the following DN renaming properties:

  1. (Optional) To view the current DN renaming properties, use the dsconfig get-workflow-element-prop command.
  2. To modify a DN renaming property, use the dsconfig set-workflow-element-prop command.
    $ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password -X -n \
     set-workflow-element-prop \
     --element-name RenameorgDN \
     --set source-base-dn:ou=admin,dc=example,dc=com

    In the example above, only the source-base-dn is modified. There is no need to specify the old source base DN. Only the new one is required.

    • To create a black list of DN attributes that should not be renamed, use the dsconfig set-workflow-element-prop command.
      $ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password -X -n \
       set-workflow-element-prop \
       --element-name RenameorgDN \
       --set black-list-attributes:manager

    The attribute must have a DN type.

Configuring Plug-Ins With dsconfig

Plug-ins are responsible for providing custom logic in the course of processing an operation or at other well-defined points within the directory server. The dsconfig command is used to manage the configuration of the directory server. For information about using dsconfig, see Managing the Server Configuration With dsconfig.

Overview of Plug-In Types

The dsconfig plugin-type property can be used to configure a plug-in to use one or more of the numerous plug-in types supported by the server. Usually a plug-in was written to perform a specific processing action for each of its default plug-in types. For this reason, a new default plug-in type cannot be added to a plug-in's configuration without changing the plug-in's underlying source code to add support for that plug-in type. A well-written plug-in checks the plug-in types passed to it from the configuration manager when it is enabled, and fails to start if it sees a plug-in type that it does not support.

Therefore, you can only remove one or more of the default plug-in type values from a plug-in's configuration. Care should be taken when doing this, because usually a plug-in has been engineered to support its default plug-in types for a reason. Removing one or more plug-in types might endanger the safe operation of the directory server.

Most of the plug-ins support more than one type, and multiple plug-ins are sometimes defined with the same plug-in type. The order in which these plug-ins are invoked during processing is undefined. If a specific order is required (for example, if the processing performed by one plug-in depends on the result of another), you can specify the order in which the plug-ins are invoked. For more information, see To Configure Plug-In Invocation Order.

Modifying the Plug-In Configuration

The following sections show various examples of managing plug-in configuration using dsconfig. dsconfig uses the administration connector to access the server. All of the examples in this section assume that the administration connector is listening on the default port (4444) and that the command is accessing the server running on the local host. If this is not the case, the --port and --hostname options must be specified.

dsconfig always accesses the server over a secured connection with certificate authentication. If you run dsconfig in interactive mode, you are prompted as to how you want to trust the certificate. If you run dsconfig in non-interactive mode (that is, with the -n option) you must specify the -X or --trustAll option, otherwise the command will fail.

To Display the List of Plug-Ins

This example shows a directory server configured with the current supported plug-ins. For a description of these plug-ins and their purpose, see “The Plug-In Configuration” in .

To Create a New Plug-In

The easiest way to configure plug-ins is to use dsconfig in interactive mode. Interactive mode walks you through the plug-in configuration, and is therefore not documented here.

This example creates a new Password Policy Import Plug-in by using dsconfig in non-interactive mode.

To Enable or Disable a Plug-In

You can enable or disable a plug-in by setting the enabled property to true or false. This example disables the Password Policy Import plug-in created in the previous example.

To Display and Configure Plug-In Properties

To display the properties of a plug-in, use the get-plugin-prop subcommand. To change the properties of a plug-in, use the set-plugin-prop subcommand. This example displays the properties of the plug-in created in the previous example, then enables the plug-in and sets the default authentication password storage scheme to Salted SHA-512.

  1. Display the plug-in properties.
    $ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D cn="Directory Manager" -w password -n \
      get-plugin-prop \
      --plugin-name "My Password Policy Import Plugin"

    Depending on your installation, the output will be similar to the following.

    Property                             : Value(s)
    default-auth-password-storage-scheme : -
    default-user-password-storage-scheme : -
    enabled                              : false
  2. Enable the plug-in and set the default authentication password storage scheme to Salted SHA-512.
    $ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D cn="Directory Manager" -w password -n \
      set-plugin-prop \
      --plugin-name "My Password Policy Import Plugin" --set enabled:true\
      --set default-auth-password-storage-scheme:"Salted SHA-512"
  3. (Optional) Display the plug-in properties again to verify the change.
    $ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D cn="Directory Manager" -w password -n \
      get-plugin-prop \
      --plugin-name "My Password Policy Import Plugin" 
    Property                             : Value(s)
    default-auth-password-storage-scheme : Salted SHA-512
    default-user-password-storage-scheme : -
    enabled                              : true

To Configure Plug-In Invocation Order

By default, the order in which plug-ins are invoked is undefined. You can specify that plug-ins be invoked in a specific order by using the set-plugin-root-prop --set plugin-type:value subcommand. The value in this case is the plug-in order, expressed as a comma-delimited list of plug-in names. The plug-in order string should also include a single asterisk element, which is a wildcard that will match any plug-in that is not explicitly named.

This example specifies that the Entry UUID plug-in should be invoked before any other pre-operation add plug-ins.

  1. (Optional) Display the current plug-in invocation order.
    $ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D cn="Directory Manager" -w password -n \
    Property                                    : Value(s)
    plugin-order-intermediate-response          : -
    plugin-order-ldif-export                    : -
    plugin-order-ldif-import                    : -
    plugin-order-post-connect                   : -
  2. Set the plug-in order.
    $ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D cn="Directory Manager" -w password -n \
      set-plugin-root-prop \
      --set plugin-order-pre-operation-add:"Entry UUID,*"

    Note - Plug-in order values are not validated. Values that do not match defined plug-ins are ignored.