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Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager 5.3 Installation Guide     Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager 5.3 Information Library
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Document Information


1.  About Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager

2.  Planning Your Environment

3.  Preparing for Installation

4.  Release Package Contents, Directories, and Files

5.  Installing Sun QFS and SAM-QFS

Before You Begin

SAM-QFS Installation Overview Task Map

Sun QFS Installation Overview Task Map

Installing the Software Packages

How to Add the Packages

How to Mount an ISO Image For Adding Packages

How to Set Up Access to the Commands and Man Pages

Downgrading to a Previous Release Using the backto Command

6.  Installing and Configuring SAM-QFS Manager

7.  Configuring the File System Environment

8.  Setting Up Mount Parameters and Initializing the File System Environment

9.  Backing Up SAM-QFS Data and Files

10.  Upgrading Sun QFS and SAM-QFS

11.  Uninstalling the SAM-QFS Manager Software

12.  Installing Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager -- Quick Start

Sun QFS Installation Overview Task Map

Complete the tasks in this section if you are performing an initial installation of the Sun QFS (file system only) software packages at your site.

To upgrade Sun QFS software on an existing server, see Chapter 10, Upgrading Sun QFS and SAM-QFS.

To install the software in an Oracle Solaris Cluster environment, you must also follow the additional instructions in Chapter 1, Using SAM-QFS With Oracle Solaris Cluster, in Using Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager with Oracle Solaris Cluster

Note - You must be logged in as superuser to complete the installation tasks. Installing QFS involves many of the same steps as installing SAM-QFS except that you do not configure the archiving storage devices.

Depending on the features that you need to support, you must complete several of the following procedures.

For More Information
Add the software packages.
Install the appropriate packages for your needs.
Configure path and manpath variables.
Configure the environment variables for access to commands and man pages.
(Optional) Install and Configure SAM-QFS Manager. See Installing SAM-QFS Manager
This task is needed only if you want to use a browser to configure file systems.
Configure the file system environment.
Define the master configuration file, mcf.
Configure file system mount parameters.
Define the /etc/vfstab and samfs.cmd files.
Initialize the environment.
Initialize SAM-QFS and mount the file systems.
(Optional) Configure shared file systems.
If applicable to your environment, complete the configuration tasks specific to a shared Sun QFS environment.
Configure high availability for your file systems.
If applicable to your environment, complete the configuration tasks specific to an Oracle Solaris Cluster environment.