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Sun Storage Archive Manager 5.3 Configuration and Administration Guide     Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager 5.3 Information Library
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1.  About SAM-QFS

2.  Configuring Storage Devices for Archiving

3.  Performing Additional SAM-QFS Configuration

4.  Creating Parameters Files for Network-Attached Automated Libraries

5.  Checking the Drive Order in Libraries

6.  Populating the Catalog

7.  Managing Automated Libraries and Manually Loaded Drives

8.  Managing Vendor-Specific Libraries

9.  About Archiving

10.  Configuring the Archiver

11.  Archive Directives (archiver.cmd)

12.  Archive Set Directives (archiver.cmd)

About Archive Set Directives

Archive Set Assignment Directive

File Age search-criterion Arguments: -access and -nftv

File Age search-criterion Arguments: -after

File Size search-criterion Arguments: -minsize and -maxsize

Owner and Group search-criterion Arguments: -user and -group

File Name search-criterion Arguments Using Pattern Matching: -name regex

Release and Stage file-attributes Argument: -release and -stage

Membership Conflicts in Archive Sets

Archive Set Copy Parameters

Controlling the Size of Archive Files: -archmax Parameter

Setting the Archiver Buffer Size: -bufsize Parameter

Specifying the Number of Drives for an Archive Request: -drivemax, -drivemin, and -drives

Maximizing Space on a Volume: -fillvsns Parameter

Specifying Archive Buffer Locks: -lock Parameter

Making Archive Copies of Offline Files: -offline_copy Parameter

Specifying Recycling

Sorting Archive Files: -sort and -rsort Parameters

Controlling Unarchiving

Controlling How Archive Files Are Written: -tapenonstop Parameter

Reserving Volumes: -reserve Parameter

Setting Archive Priorities: -priority Parameter

Scheduling Archiving: -startage, -startcount, and -startsize Parameters

VSN Association Directives

VSN Pools Directives

13.  Data Integrity Validation in SAM-QFS

14.  About Releasing

15.  Configuring the Stager

16.  Configuring the Recycler

17.  Advanced SAM-QFS Topics

18.  Using the Sun SAM-Remote Software

VSN Pools Directives

The VSN pools section of the archiver.cmd file starts with a vsnpools directive and ends either with an endvsnpools directive or with the end of the archiver.cmd file. This section names a collection of volumes.

VSN pools can also be configured with the SAM-QFS Manager software. See the SAM-QFS Manager online help for more information.

A VSN pool is a named collection of volumes. VSN pools are useful for defining volumes that can be available to an archive set. As such, VSN pools provide a useful buffer for assigning volumes and reserving volumes to archive sets. You can use VSN pools to define separate groups of volumes by departments within an organization, by users within a group, by data type, and according to other convenient groupings.

If a volume is reserved, it is no longer available to the pool in which it originated. Therefore, the number of volumes within a named pool changes as volumes are used. You can view the VSN pools by issuing the archiver command in the following format:

# archiver -lv | more

The syntax of a VSN pool definition is as follows:

vsn-pool-name media-type vsn-expr
The VSN pool.
The two-character media type. For a list of valid media types, see mcf(4) in Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager Reference Manual.
A regular expression. You can provide one or more vsn-expr arguments. See the regcmp(3G) man page.

The following example uses four VSN pools: users_pool, data_pool, proj_pool, and scratch_pool. A scratch pool is a set of volumes used when specific volumes in a VSN association are exhausted or when another VSN pool is exhausted. If one of the three specific pools is out of volumes, the archiver selects the scratch pool VSNs.

Example 12-20 VSN Pools

The following example shows an archiver.cmd file that uses four VSN pools.

users_pool mo ^MO[0-9][0-9]
data_pool mo ^DA.*
scratch_pool mo ^SC[5-9][0-9]
proj_pool mo ^PR.*
users.1 mo -pool users_pool -pool scratch_pool
data.1 mo -pool data_pool -pool scratch_pool
proj.1 mo -pool proj_pool -pool scratch_pool

For more information about VSN associations, see VSN Association Directives.