Scheduled entries can be assigned a priority from 1 to 5. For example, an entry with priority 1 runs before an entry with priority 5. If there is more than one entry with the same priority, the one that arrived in the queue first runs first. The default priority is 3.

Interactive entries always run immediately and priority cannot be changed once they are running.

You set the priority for an entry when you schedule it. When an entry is in the current, upcoming, or scheduled queue, you can change the priority.

You may want to set a low priority for entries that take a long time to run so that other entries in the queue are not delayed.

When you schedule a job, you set the priority for the whole job, not for individual entries within the job. You may want to set a low priority for a job with many entries so that other entries in the queue are not delayed.

You schedule priority for the parent job. When the job runs, all the child entries inherit the priority of the parent. When the job is in the queue and is not yet running, you can update the priority. You cannot do this for the individual entries in the job. Changing the priority of the job changes the priority of all its child entries. You can view the run history of a job while it is executing and see which of its entries have completed, are executing, or are pending.

The priority of entries in the queue does not affect an entry that is already running. That entry completes and then the queue priority is checked for the next entry to run.

You must have the Scheduling capability to access manage entry run priority.

The new priority appears in the Priority column next to the entries that you selected.

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