When you are configuring the ATG Content Administration (versioned) database, note in particular that if you are using any database other than the SOLID evaluation database you must run the following scripts to import data necessary for using the ATG Business Control Center. This step is part of the longer setup procedure described in the ATG Content Administration Programming Guide in the section Configuring the ATG Content Administration Database. Particular attention is called to it here because running these scripts is often overlooked. Forgetting to run them causes a number of errors to occur in the ATG Business Control Center UI:

  • <ATG9dir>/BIZUI/install/importBizui.sh (or .bat for Windows). Imports default data for the ATG Business Control Center framework.

  • <ATG9dir>/AssetUI/install/importAssetUI.sh (or .bat for Windows). Imports view mapping data used by the AssetUI module.

  • <ATG9dir>/DPS-UI/install/import/importDPSUI.sh (or .bat for Windows). Imports Personalization data for the ATG Business Control Center.

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