To use preview, you assemble the versioned preview application and the ATG Business Control Center with the –layer Preview switch. For example:

runAssembler –liveconfig acme.ear
   –layer Preview –m PubPortlet DCS-UI DCS.Versioned 

You can also supply the –layer Preview switch to the StartDynamoOnJBOSS.bat script. For example:

startDynamoOnJBoss.bat –liveconfig –ear acme.ear
   –layer Preview -m PubPortlet DCS-UI DCS.Versioned

Note: In order to simulate a production-like environment, assemble with the liveconfig option.

For full information on runAssembler command options and syntax, see Developing and Assembling Nucleus-Based Applications in the ATG Programming Guide.

Assembling for Non-BCC Servers

If you run the preview application on multiple servers, two requirements apply:

For example, you might assemble an application for preview on a non-BCC server as follows:

runAssembler –liveconfig acme.ear –layer Preview –m WebUI DCS.Versioned MyVrsApp

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