This activity lets you access user segments, content groups, and targeters in view-only mode. It corresponds with the Browse link beside Targeting and Segmentation in the ATG Business Control Center Operations list. The definition begins as follows:

  <activity id="personalization.browseSegmentsAndTargeters" inherit-

This activity, which is called personalization.browseSegmentsandTargeters in this file (id) and in the Activity Manager (name), inherits settings from the assetManager.defaultBrowse activity, although the settings provided directly to the activity override conflicting settings inherited from the assetManager.defaultBrowse activity and the <default-activity> tag.

When you access this activity in the ATG Business Control Center, you see the Browse tab only:


     <tab id="browse">

This activity specifies one tab and doesn’t inherit others from other activities; however, it’s still necessary to specify tab order and the initial tab.

The resource bundle key and JSP provided to this activity are the same as those identified in the prior activity defined in this task configuration file, personalization.users. Because the personalization.browseSegmentsAndTargeters activity doesn’t inherit settings from it, many of the Browse tab specifications must be repeated here.

The views for the Browse tab are included as follows:


The three views are visible in the Browse tab and accessible by the Show drop-down list in the order specified above. The mapping of view names in this file to views in the drop-down list are as follows:

View Name

Default View Name in the UI


User Segments


Content Groups



The User Segments view displays first when you view this activity. The same types of information are provided for all three views, so just one view, personalization.segmentsAndTargeters.segments, is described in detail:

          <view id="personalization.segmentsAndTargeters.segments">

This code describes the personalization.segmentesAndTargeters.segments view, which corresponds to the view you see when you select User Segments from the Browse tab Show drop-down list. The User Segments label is defined in the resource bundle, atg.web.personalization.WebAppResources, where all view labels are stored. The key for this view is segmentsAndTargeters.browseTab.view.segments. Configuration details that determine the resources used to construct the view are provided in the SegmentViewConfiguration component, although the tree structure is provided by tree.jsp.

Note that none of the views have buttons because this is a view-only activity, so tools for moving, creating, and deleting are not necessary.

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