You may want to modify the settings provided to existing activities, tasks, and workflows or designate settings to custom resources you create for your application. You could decide that users in the Review Content task should see only the Project tab for Segments and Targeters, for example, or users in a custom workflow should be able to see a reduced list of item types in the Search tab. Adapt the UI by creating a custom task configuration file and code it to meet your needs.

Once you have familiarized yourself with the default configuration files and the tags available to you, follow these steps:

Inheritance Rules

As you configure the UI, keep in mind that the task configuration files incorporate two kinds of inheritance, each with its own rules and syntax. You can create a task configuration file that overrides settings provided in a previous task configuration file. In this case, ATG uses XML File Combination to parse the files and determine the settings that are ultimately used. See Overriding Settings in an Out-of-the-Box Configuration File for instructions.

The second type of inheritance involves assigning settings to resources for which settings have not yet been provided directly. You might provide settings to an out-of-the-box task or workflow not already defined in a task configuration file or to any custom resource you create. When you specify the resource, include the inherit-from attribute, which identifies a resource whose settings will act as the basis for your resource. You modify these settings by providing alternatives and including the combine attribute with the appropriate value: append, remove, replace. To learn about the behavior provided by each attribute, see, respectively:

If you omit the combine attribute, two behaviors are possible. For tags that identify a specific item using an attribute (<tab id="browse"> ), ordinarily, you use the combine attribute with the remove or replace value. For example:

<tab id="browse" combine="remove">

If you omit the combine attribute and value in a custom task configuration file, ATG processes the file as though replace were specified.

The rules are different for tags that specify their content in nested tags, such as the following used to specify buttons:


You can alter all inherited buttons or a given button. To replace all inherited buttons, specify the following:

<operations combine="replace"/>

If you want to remove a button that your resource inherited or add a new button, include the <operations> tag and specify the <operation> tag, using the combine attribute and the respective remove or append value.

If you specify <operation> or <operations> in a custom task configuration file without supplying the combine attribute to either tag, ATG interprets it as combine="append".

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