Each time you add a new content group, you need to set up the rules that define the content that will be included in the group. To do so, follows the procedures below.

  1. Display the Rules tab for the content group

  2. Click Include or Exclude in the Rules title bar.

    The beginning of the new rule appears in the Rules panel:

  3. Specify the content you want to include or exclude. To do so, click the default choice, All Items. The following options appear:

  4. Specify the content you want to show or hide:

  5. If you want to add other condition statements to the rule, click the element at the end of the expression and select “and” or “or.”

  6. If you want to make the group definition even more specific, click Include or Exclude again to create a rule set within the definition, and then repeat the steps above.

  7. Click Create when you have finished defining the rule.

  8. Follow the steps outlined in Project Basics to mark the Author task as complete and advance the project to the next task, usually Approval. When all tasks are complete, the project can be deployed, and the new targeter will be available on the live site.