The session failover feature enables you to save serialized JavaBeans on a session backup server. If the ATG server originally handling a session becomes unavailable, important elements of a user’s session can be recreated from these serialized beans. You can use the serialize feature descriptor attribute tag to customize how properties are handled when a repository item is serialized.

If you serialize a transient item, all of its properties are serialized along with it. If you set the feature descriptor attribute on a property like this:

<property ...>
   <attribute name="serialize" value="false"/>

you can cause a particular property not to be serialized.

If you serialize a persistent item, only the transient properties (those not in a table tag) are serialized unless you explicitly set the feature descriptor attribute like this:

<property ...>
   <attribute name="serialize" value="true"/>

If the item is persistent, its persistent properties will have been updated in the database already, and can be retrieved from the database if the session needs to be restored.

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