The user item type demonstrates a variety of data relationships. It shows how an item type can use properties that nest other item types. The user item descriptor is defined as follows:

<item-descriptor name="user" default="true">
    <table name="rlex_user" type="primary" id-column-name="id">
      <property name="id" data-type="string"/>
      <property name="name" column-name="nam_col" data-type="string"/>
      <property name="age" column-name="age_col" data-type="string"/>

    <!-- a set of address items -->
    <table name="rlex_address" type="multi" id-column-name="user_id">
      <property name="addresses" column-name="addr_id" data-type="set"
                component-item-type="address" cascade="delete,update"/>

    <!-- a set of contact items -->
    <table name="rlex_contact" type="multi" id-column-name="user_id">
      <property name="contacts" column-name="con_id" data-type="set"
                component-item-type="contact" cascade="delete,update"/>

    <!-- a map of phone items -->
    <table name="rlex_phone" type="multi" id-column-name="user_id"
      <property name="numbers" column-name="phone_id" data-type="map"
                component-item-type="phone" cascade="delete,update"/>

    <!-- a one-to-one mapping in an aux table -->
    <table name="rlex_job" type="auxiliary" id-column-names="id">
       <property name="jobtype"/>
       <property name="title"/>

    <!-- a multivalue property (array)  -->
    <table name="rlex_subjects" type="multi" id-column-names="id"
      <property name="favoriteSubjects"
                column-names="subject" data-type="array"

    <!-- a multivalue property (list)  -->
    <table name="rlex_worst" type="multi" id-column-names="id"
      <property name="worstSubjects"
                column-names="subject" data-type="list"

    <!-- a multivalue property (map)  -->
    <table name="rlex_credit_card" type="multi" id-column-names="id"
          <property name="card_num"
                    column-names="card_num" data-type="map"


The user item type defines three string properties, id, name, and age, in its primary table. Contact information about the user is defined in three multi-valued properties, addresses, contacts, and numbers. The values of each of these multi-valued properties are collections of other repository items (address, contact, and phone, respectively).

In addition, the user item type defines the following properties:

jobType and title

String properties, using a one-to-one mapping in an auxiliary table.

favoriteSubjects, worstSubjects, and card_num

Multi-valued collections of strings properties, using a one-to-many mapping in a multi table.

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