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Oracle Solaris 11 Release Notes     Oracle Solaris 11 Information Library
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1.  Before You Begin

About Oracle Solaris 11

Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 to Oracle Solaris 11

Installation Considerations

System Requirements for Installing Oracle Solaris 11

Initial Root Password Expires After LiveCD Installation

Update Considerations

Updating Your System From Oracle Solaris 11 Express to Oracle Solaris 11

How to Update From Oracle Solaris 11 Express to Oracle Solaris 11

Runtime Considerations

GCC 4.5.2 Package Does Not Provide include-fixed Header Files

System Node Name Maps to Loopback IP Addresses

CLI Message Localization

/usr/ccs/bin Is a Symbolic Link to /usr/bin

BIND 9.6 Denies Recursion to Non-Local Networks

Migration From WU-FTPD to ProFTPD

2.  Installation Issues

3.  Runtime Issues

4.  Update Issues

Installation Considerations

This section provides general information that you need to consider when installing Oracle Solaris 11.

System Requirements for Installing Oracle Solaris 11

Prior to installing Oracle Solaris 11, review the following memory and disk space requirements.

Note - The table lists the minimum and recommended requirements to perform an initial installation of Oracle Solaris 11. You might need additional memory and disk space on your installed system.

Table 1-2 Installation System Requirements

Minimum Memory
Minimum Disk Space
Recommended Disk Space
1 GB
5 GB
7 GB
Text installer
1 GB
2.5 GB
4.5 GB
Automated Installer
1 GB
The minimum disk space needed for an automated installation varies depending on the number and size of the packages that you include in the installation.
13 GB

For information about the supported systems and implementation differences between the platform types, see the Oracle Solaris OS: Hardware Compatibility Lists at

Initial Root Password Expires After LiveCD Installation

After a LiveCD installation, the root password is initially set to the same password as the user account that is created during installation, but it is created in an expired state. The first time you assume the root role, you should authenticate using your own password. At this point, you will receive a message that the password for the user root has expired, and you will be requested to provide a new one.

If you are prompted to assume the root role after starting an administrative command from a GNOME menu item, you will be prompted to supply a new root password. If you are using the su command to assume the role, the command sequence will be as follows:

$ su
su: Password for user 'root' has expired
New Password:
Re-enter new Password:
su: password successfully changed for root.