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Oracle Solaris 11 Release Notes     Oracle Solaris 11 Information Library
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1.  Before You Begin

About Oracle Solaris 11

Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 to Oracle Solaris 11

Installation Considerations

System Requirements for Installing Oracle Solaris 11

Initial Root Password Expires After LiveCD Installation

Update Considerations

Updating Your System From Oracle Solaris 11 Express to Oracle Solaris 11

How to Update From Oracle Solaris 11 Express to Oracle Solaris 11

Runtime Considerations

GCC 4.5.2 Package Does Not Provide include-fixed Header Files

System Node Name Maps to Loopback IP Addresses

CLI Message Localization

/usr/ccs/bin Is a Symbolic Link to /usr/bin

BIND 9.6 Denies Recursion to Non-Local Networks

Migration From WU-FTPD to ProFTPD

2.  Installation Issues

3.  Runtime Issues

4.  Update Issues

About Oracle Solaris 11

Oracle Solaris 11 delivers features for secure and agile deployment of services in large-scale cloud environments and enterprise data centers.

The Oracle Solaris 11 operating system comes with several new features to simplify administration, enable rapid application provisioning with designed-in virtualization, ensure data integrity with scalable data management, and provide advanced protection with the highest level of security. Oracle Solaris 11 has been co-engineered with Oracle software and optimized for Oracle hardware.

For more information about Oracle Solaris 11 features, see Oracle Solaris 11 What's New.

Refer to the following documentation when using or transitioning to the Oracle Solaris 11 OS.

Table 1-1 Where to Find More Information

More Information
Installing and setting up Oracle Solaris 11
Getting Started With Oracle Solaris 11
Setting up an install server or other single-system environments
Performing basic and common administration tasks
Upgrading to Oracle Solaris 11
Accessing the support repository
Accessing the initial software release repository
All Oracle Solaris 11 documentation

Note - For some hardware configurations, you might need supplemental hardware-specific instructions for installing the Oracle Solaris OS. Verify your hardware documentation for supplemental Oracle Solaris installation documentation.