All applications described in this guide run on the Oracle ATG Web Commerce platform (the ATG platform), which is a highly customizable, configurable framework for building and supporting Web sites, particularly sites used for e-commerce. The ATG platform includes several layers.
The Dynamo Application Framework (DAF) is the base platform layer. It provides a component development environment made up of JavaBeans and JavaServer Pages (JSPs). Developers assemble applications out of component beans (based on standard ATG classes or custom Java classes) by linking them together through configuration files in Nucleus, ATG’s open object framework.
The Personalization module (DPS) provides the code for supporting Web site content that changes dynamically for each user. Through this module you create and maintain user profiles and business rules that define which content to show to whom. Targeted e-mail is also supported by this layer.
The Scenarios module (DSS) extends the content targeting capabilities of the Personalization module. Scenarios are time-sensitive, event-driven campaigns designed to manage interactions between site visitors and content over a long period.
The ATG platform runs on one of three application servers: Oracle WebLogic, JBoss, or IBM WebSphere.
The ATG platform documentation set includes the following key pieces:
Additional platform documentation is included in the Oracle ATG Web Commerce Online Documentation Library.
Note that the descriptions in this section include name abbreviations used in the architecture diagram in the next chapter of this guide and elsewhere in the documentation set.