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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


label - Variable in class oracle.ide.controls.JLabeledCheckBox
label - Variable in class oracle.ide.controls.JLabeledRadioButton
label() - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.URLChooserShortcut
Returns the label for this shortcut.
label() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.ContentSetProviderReference
Returns the label of this content set provider.
label - Variable in class oracle.ide.util.MenuSpec
LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
label - Variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.symbol.Statement
label(JLabel) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.layout.FieldLayoutBuilder.LabelSetup
label() - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.layout.FieldLayoutBuilder.LabelSetup
label(Object, String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.bean.BeanCustomizer
Gets the localized label for a property or property group of a bean, or null to defer to a superclass customizer.
label() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.CategoryDefinition
label() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.ExtensionBean
Gets the localized label of this bean, or null if none.
label() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.TopLevelDefinition
Gets the localized label of a defined bean, or null if none.
label(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.ModelAdapter
Gets the label for a construct of this model.
label(Location) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.ModelAdapter
Gets the label for a location of this model.
label(Class) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.ModelType
Gets the label for a presentation type of this model type.
label(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.TypeSafeEnumerationFactory
label(Object, String) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.CategoryCustomizer
label(Object, String) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.ExtensionBeanCustomizer
label(Object, String) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.MetricCustomizer
label(Object, String) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.RuleCustomizer
label(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model.DirectoryModelAdapter
label(Class) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model.DirectoryModelType
label(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model.ProjectModelAdapter
label(Class) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model.ProjectModelType
label(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model.RootModelAdapter
label(Class) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model.RootModelType
label(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model.UnauditableFileModelAdapter
label(Class) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model.UnauditableFileModelType
label(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model.WorkspaceModelAdapter
label(Class) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model.WorkspaceModelType
LABEL_ABOVE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.controls.CommentEditor
LABEL_CONTROL_HGAP - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.LayoutConstants
The horizontal gap in pixels between a label and the control it applies to.
LABEL_INSETS - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.columnlayout.LayoutBuilder
Labels with the control to the right rather than below have a 12 pixel gap.
LABEL_KEY - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.ExtensionBean
The key for the label of a bean or bean property.
LABEL_KEY - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.TopLevelDefinition
The key for the label of a bean or bean property.
LABEL_LEFT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.controls.CommentEditor
LABEL_LOWERCASE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.UIArb
LABEL_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.UIArb
LABEL_SCHEMA - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.UIArb
LABEL_TABLE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.UIArb
LABEL_UPDATER_MACROS - Static variable in interface oracle.ide.controller.LabelUpdater
LabelColorScheme - Interface in oracle.ide.controls
This interface defines methods that are used by the JSelectableLabel class.
LabelField - Class in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.bean
LabelField() - Constructor for class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.bean.LabelField
LabelField(boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.bean.LabelField
LabelListCellRenderer<T> - Class in oracle.javatools.ui.list
A renderer to deal with the tedium of casting object values and component types with DefaultListCellRenderers.
Override 'formatLabel' and set the label's text and icon to an appropriate value for the given object (T)
LabelListCellRenderer() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.list.LabelListCellRenderer
labelOrId() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.ExtensionBean
Gets the localized label of this bean, or the id if none.
labelOrId() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.TopLevelDefinition
Gets the localized label of a defined bean, or the id if none.
labelOverride - Variable in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
The label to use instead of the normal label.
labelPrefixOverride - Variable in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
The label prefix to use instead of the normal label.
LabelTableCellRenderer<T> - Class in oracle.javatools.ui.table
A renderer to deal with the tedium of casting object values and component types with DefaultTableCellRenderers.
Override 'formatLabel' and set the label's text and icon to an appropriate value for the given object (T)
LabelTableCellRenderer() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.table.LabelTableCellRenderer
labelText - Variable in class
LabelTreeCellRenderer<T> - Class in oracle.javatools.ui.tree
A renderer to deal with the tedium of casting object values and component types with DefaultTreeCellRenderers.
Override 'formatLabel' and set the label's text and icon to an appropriate value for the given object (T)
LabelTreeCellRenderer() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.tree.LabelTreeCellRenderer
LabelUpdater - Interface in oracle.ide.controller
LabelUpdater is responsible for updating an action's label.
labelWhenDisabled(Context, IdeAction, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.controller.ContextAwareLabelUpdater
labelWhenDisabled(Context, IdeAction, String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.controller.LabelUpdater
Returns the action's label when it is disabled.
If null then the action will be left unchanged.
labelWhenDisabled(Context, IdeAction, String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.controller.MenuAwareLabelUpdater
labelWhenEnabled(Context, IdeAction, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.controller.ContextAwareLabelUpdater
labelWhenEnabled(Context, IdeAction, String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.controller.LabelUpdater
Returns the action's label when it is enabled.
If null then the action will be left unchanged.
labelWhenEnabled(Context, IdeAction, String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.controller.MenuAwareLabelUpdater
language - Variable in class oracle.ide.runner.DebuggerEventSource.StackFrame
The language for this stack frame.
language - Variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.generic.GenericLexer
The language that this lexer was created for.
Language - Class in oracle.javatools.parser.generic
The Language interface provides methods for providing basic details of a language, such as the keywords, the comment delimiters, and the quote delimiters of a language.
Language() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.parser.generic.Language
Initializes the base Language abstract implementation.
LANGUAGE_ANT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.runner.DebuggerEventSource
The language may be ANT
LANGUAGE_HELP - Static variable in class
LANGUAGE_JAVA - Static variable in class oracle.ide.runner.DebuggerEventSource
The language may be Java
LANGUAGE_JAVASCRIPT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.runner.DebuggerEventSource
The language may be JAVASCRIPT
LANGUAGE_PLSQL - Static variable in class oracle.ide.runner.DebuggerEventSource
The language may be PLSQL
LANGUAGE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class oracle.ide.runner.DebuggerEventSource
The language may be unknown
LANGUAGE_XSLT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.runner.DebuggerEventSource
The language may be XSLT
LanguageModule - Class in oracle.javatools.editor.language
The LanguageModule interface acts as a registration vehicle and factory for the services used for editing a particular language.
LanguageModule() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.editor.language.LanguageModule
Construct a new LanguageModule.
LanguageSupport - Interface in oracle.javatools.editor.language
The LanguageSupport interface is essentially a directory listing for language-specific support services such as syntax highlighting or formatting for a given language.
LARGE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.inspector.layout.AutoExpandPreferredSize
LARGE_FONT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.TextLayer
Font to use when the component containing the layer is usually on the larger size
largeIcon - Variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.wizard.common.BaliWizard
Deprecated. since 11.0 override BaliWizard.getIcon() instead.
LAST - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
last() - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.ArraySortedSet
Returns the last (highest) element currently in this sorted set.
last() - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.SynchronizedQueue
Gets the last object in this queue.
last() - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util.KeyedSortedSet
LAST_CONFLICT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
LAST_EDIT_CMD - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
Navigate Forward command.
LAST_EDIT_CMD_ID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
Navigate to last edit
LAST_ERROR_TYPE_GENERIC - Static variable in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.CheckForUpdatesPreferences
LAST_ERROR_TYPE_NONE - Static variable in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.CheckForUpdatesPreferences
LAST_ERROR_TYPE_PROXY - Static variable in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.CheckForUpdatesPreferences
LAST_ORACLE_TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleDatabase
The latest oracle type supported by the api.
LAST_PREDEFINED_CMD - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
This constant *MUST* be updated as new pre-defined commands are added.
LAST_RESULT - Static variable in interface oracle.ide.index.Index
Marker used to indicate the last result of an index query.
LAST_TOOLTIP_SUFFIX - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.IdeAction
Internal use only.
LAST_WORKSPACE_DIR_KEY - Static variable in class oracle.ide.cmd.OpenCommandData
lastCacheFlushed() - Method in class
lastChar() - Method in class oracle.ide.util.FastStringBuffer
Returns the last character in the string and positions the offset there.
lastClickCount - Variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicCaret
Stores the click count from the last mousePressed event.
lastClickOffset - Variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicCaret
Stores the offset from the first mousePressed event.
lastDropRect - Variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.DropTargetPlugin
The last drop rectangle that was painted.
lastIndexOf(FastStringBuffer, int) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.FastStringBuffer
Just like String.lastIndexOf but uses FastStringBuffer
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.SafeArrayList
Search for the last occurrence of the given argument in the list.
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class
Returns the index of the last occurrence of the specified object in this ListStructure.
lastIndexOfFirstType(A) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.ArrayPairList
lastIndexOfFirstType(A) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.util.PairList
Returns the index of the last occurrence of the specified element, where the first element matches the first element of the entry in this list, or -1 if this list does not contain the element.
lastIndexOfSecondType(B) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.ArrayPairList
lastIndexOfSecondType(B) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.util.PairList
Returns the index of the last occurrence of the specified element, where the second element matches the second element of the entry in this list, or -1 if this list does not contain the element.
lastModified(URI) - Method in class
Returns the last modified time of the resource pointed to by the URI.
lastModified(URI) - Method in class
Returns the last modified time of the resource pointed to by the URI.
lastModified(File) - Method in class
lastModified(URL) - Method in class
Returns the last modification time (timestamp) of the resource indicated by the specified URL in milliseconds since 00:00:00 GMT, Jan 1, 1970.
lastModified(URL) - Method in class
lastModified(URL) - Method in class
lastModified(URL) - Method in class
lastModified(URL) - Method in class
lastModified - Variable in class
The time that the file was last modified.
lastModified() - Method in class
Returns the time that the file was last modified, at the time this object was constructed.
lastModified(URL) - Static method in class
Returns the last modified time of the resource pointed to by the URL.
lastModified(URL) - Method in class
Returns the last modification time (timestamp) of the resource indicated by the specified URL in milliseconds since 00:00:00 GMT, Jan 1, 1970.
lastModified(URL) - Method in class
lastModified() - Method in class oracle.javatools.patch.PatchIndexFile
Gets the modification time of the index file.
lastModified(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.merge.MergeURLFileSystemHelper
Overriden to simulate that the given URL has a zero (Epoch) timestamp.
lastModified(URL) - Method in class
lastNonAlphaNumIndex(String, int) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.util.insight.InsightHandler
Returns the last letter of digit in the given string before or at the given index.
lastNumber - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "lastNumber" property.
lastRefreshDate - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "lastRefreshDate" property.
lastRefreshType - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "lastRefreshType" property.
lastToken - Variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.generic.GenericLexer
The last token found from lex() operation.
lastToken(String, char) - Static method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util.Strings
Gets the last token in a string.
lastToken(String, String) - Static method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util.Strings
Gets the last token in a string.
lastVisibleIndex - Variable in class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
LATEST_REVISION - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.history.HistoryEntrySelector
launchConnectionDialog(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.panels.ConnectionPanelUI
launchConnectionDialog(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.panels.GlobalConnectionPanelUI
launchDialog(DBEditorConfig) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.dialogs.BaseDBEditorFactory
launchDialog(DBEditorConfig) - Method in interface oracle.ide.db.dialogs.DBEditorFactory
Launches a create or edit dialog appropriate to the given DBEditorConfig.
launchEditor(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.db.DatabaseConnectionEditor.ConnectionEditor
Launch the connection editor.
launchEditor(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.db.DatabaseConnectionEditor.ConnectionEditor
Launch the connection editor on a particular connection store.
launchEditor(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.DatabaseConnectionEditorLauncher
launchEditor(String, String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.DatabaseConnectionEditorLauncher
launchEditor(ConnectionInfo) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.DatabaseConnectionEditorLauncher
launchEditor(DatabaseConnections, String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.DatabaseConnectionEditorLauncher
Launches the connection editor.
LAYER_ENABLING_SECTION - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.designer.ShowInDesignerSupport
Section of the Show menu that contains controls of desinger layers visibibility.
Layout - Class in oracle.ide.layout
Layout interface.
Layout(URL) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.layout.Layout
LAYOUT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
LAYOUT_EXT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.layout.Layouts
LAYOUT_MERGE_RESERVED_WIDTHS - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.GutterColumn
Layout constraint indicating that the total reserved width for this column and the referenced column will be the maximum of their reserved widths.
LAYOUT_OVERLAY - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.GutterColumn
Layout constraint indicating that if icon(s) from this column and from the referenced column are both present on a line, only those from this column will be visible.
LAYOUT_RAISE_PALETTE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.palette.PaletteWindow
Raises the palette if a property named Layout.RaisePalette is true
LAYOUT_RAISE_PALETTE2 - Static variable in class oracle.ide.palette2.PaletteWindow
Raises the palette if a property named Layout.RaisePalette is true
LAYOUT_SHOW_INSPECTOR - Static variable in class oracle.ide.inspector.InspectorWindow
Shows the inspector if a property named LAYOUT_SHOW_INSPECTOR is true.
LAYOUT_SHOW_PALETTE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.palette.PaletteWindow
Shows the palette if a property named Layout.ShowPalette is true
LAYOUT_SHOW_PALETTE2 - Static variable in class oracle.ide.palette2.PaletteWindow
Shows the palette if a property named Layout.ShowPalette2 is true
LAYOUT_SHOW_STRUCTURE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.explorer.ExplorerWindow
Shows the ExplorerWindow if a property named LAYOUT_SHOW_STRUCTURE is true.
LAYOUT_UNCONSTRAINED - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.GutterColumn
Layout constraint indicating that the layout of this columns is not constrained.
LayoutAnimator - Class in oracle.ide.controls
The LayoutAnimator makes it very easy to animate the transition of components from one position to another.
LayoutAnimator(Container) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.controls.LayoutAnimator
LayoutBuilder - Class in oracle.javatools.columnlayout
The LayoutBuilder is a variant of the builder pattern.
LayoutBuilder() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.columnlayout.LayoutBuilder
layoutButtons() - Method in class oracle.ide.component.CheckBoxListPanel
LayoutComponent - Interface in oracle.javatools.columnlayout
The LayoutComponent interface takes the component role in the composition pattern.
layoutComponents() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.SelectDBObjectsPanel
layoutComponents() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.BaseSQLQueryBuilderPanel
Create (AND REPLACE) the panel layout with default components.
layoutComponents() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.GroupByPanel
layoutComponents() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.HavingPanel
layoutComponents() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.HierarchicalQueryPanel
layoutComponents() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.OrderByPanel
layoutComponents() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.QueryDisplayPanel
layoutComponents() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.QueryPanel
layoutComponents() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.SelectObjectsPanel
layoutComponents() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.WhereObjectPanel
layoutComponents(Component[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSCompositeOptionsCustomizer
layoutCompoundLabel(int, FontMetrics, int, String, Icon, Rectangle, Rectangle, Rectangle, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
LayoutConstants - Class in oracle.javatools.ui
Provides access to pixel sizing constants that can be used in user interface designs to achieve consistent spacing and layout.
layoutContainer(Container) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CEScrollPaneLayout
Lay out the scrollpane according to our custom layout.
layoutContainer(Container) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.ButtonsLayoutManager
layoutContainer(Container, Dimension) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.ButtonsLayoutManager
layoutContainer(Container) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.PentaLayout
Lays out the container argument using this border layout.
layoutContainer(Container) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.VerticalFlowLayout
layoutContainer(Container) - Method in class
layoutContainer(Container) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ColumnLayout
layoutContainer(Container) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.layout.CenterLayout
layoutContainer(Container) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.layout.VerticalFlowLayout
Lays out the container.
layoutContainer(Container) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ResizeScrollPaneLayout
layoutContainer(Container, Component, Component) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSCommentsCustomizer
Performs layout of the comments customizer container.
layoutContainer(Container) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.CenterLayout
layoutContainer(Container) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.CommandButtonLayout
layoutContainer(Container) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.DelegatingLayout
layoutControls() - Method in class oracle.ide.expressionbuilder.ExpressionBuilderPanel
layoutExtras(DBUILayoutHelper) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.ConstraintEditor
LayoutGap - Class in oracle.javatools.columnlayout
Gaps are represented as JPanels with their preferred size set to the required gap size.
LayoutGap(Dimension) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.columnlayout.LayoutGap
Create a LayoutGap with the supplied minimum dimensions.
LayoutGap(int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.columnlayout.LayoutGap
Create a LayoutGap using by supplying the width and height, this creates a new dimension.
layoutHistoryPanel(JPanel) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.versionhistory.VersionHistoryViewer
LayoutInspectable - Class in oracle.ide.inspector
The LayoutInspectable class must be extended by Inspectable implementations that define property form layout information in an extension manifest.
LayoutInspectable() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.inspector.LayoutInspectable
layoutLabel(int, FontMetrics, int, String, Icon, Rectangle, Rectangle, Rectangle, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.tabbedpane.CustomTabbedPaneUI
LayoutLeaf - Class in oracle.javatools.columnlayout
A LayoutLeaf wraps a single UI component that can span multiple rows and columns and be resizable.
LayoutLeaf(Component, Insets, int, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.columnlayout.LayoutLeaf
Create a LayoutLeaf for a UI component.
LayoutListener - Interface in oracle.ide.layout
layoutMessageOnly(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.BaseSQLQueryBuilderPanel
Use to layout the panel with just a message (e.g.
layoutMessageOnly(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.BaseSQLQueryPickerPanel
layoutNoBuilder() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.BaseSQLQueryBuilderPanel
layoutNorthComponent(Toolbar) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.merge.BaseMergeEditor
Lays out and returns the north-orientation component in the merge editor UI.
LayoutOnlyInspectable - Interface in oracle.ide.inspector
Inspectable that indicates whether properties in a PropertyModel that are not present in a layout should be rendered or not in the "Other" category.
layOutPage(Component) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSCommentTemplatesTraversable
layOutPage(Component) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSPreferencesTraversable
LayoutPanel - Class in oracle.javatools.columnlayout
A LayoutPanel contains a grid of LayoutComponents, each of which can occupy a rectangle of cells.
LayoutPanel() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.columnlayout.LayoutPanel
layoutPanel(BaseVersionOperationPanel) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeList
layoutPanel(JPanel) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeListWindow
Performs layout of panel components, including the change list.
layoutPanel(BaseVersionOperationPanel) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changeset.ChangeSetChangeList
LayoutResetEvent - Class in oracle.ide.layout
Event raised before and after a layout has been reset to the original factory settings.
LayoutResetEvent(Layout) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.layout.LayoutResetEvent
Creates a new LayoutResetEvent.
LayoutResetListener - Class in oracle.ide.layout
Listener that gets notified when layouts are reset to the original factory settings.
LayoutResetListener() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.layout.LayoutResetListener
layoutResetListeners() - Method in class oracle.ide.layout.Layouts
LayoutRow - Class in oracle.javatools.columnlayout
A LayoutRow is a list of LayoutComponents.
LayoutRow() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.columnlayout.LayoutRow
Layouts - Class in oracle.ide.layout
This class manages layouts created by the user.
Layouts() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.layout.Layouts
LayoutSelector - Interface in oracle.ide.layout
LayoutSelector interface.
layoutToolbar() - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.ToolButton
LazyClassAdapter - Class in oracle.ide.extension
LazyClassAdapter is a hash structure adapter that can retrieve instances of a class declared in an extension manifest.
LazyExternalTool - Class in oracle.ide.externaltools
LazyExternalTool(HashStructure) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.externaltools.LazyExternalTool
LazyLoadable - Interface in oracle.ide.model
Elements that should be lazily loaded need to be implement this interface to avoid forcing their loading.
LazyLoadedTraversable - Class in oracle.ide.model
LazyLoadedTraversable(MetaClass, String) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.model.LazyLoadedTraversable
LazyLoadMenuButton - Class in oracle.ide.inspector
LazyParent<T> - Interface in oracle.javatools.ui.tree.lazy
A LazyParent provides the mechanism for lazy retrieval of children of a node in a tree i.e Children are retrieved at time of first expansion of the parent node.
LazyParentNode - Class in oracle.javatools.ui.tree.lazy
A LazyParentNode is a type of DefaultMutableTreeNode that doesn't compute its children until the user attempts to expand the node.
LazyParentNode(DefaultTreeModel, LazyParent) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.tree.lazy.LazyParentNode
Create a LazyParentNode.
LazyParentNode(DefaultTreeModel, LazyParent, LazyProgressController) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.tree.lazy.LazyParentNode
Create a LazyParentNode.
LazyProgressController - Class in oracle.javatools.ui.tree.lazy
A mechanism to track and control the lazy loading of tree nodes.
LazyProgressController(JTree) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.tree.lazy.LazyProgressController
LazyProgressNode<T> - Class in oracle.javatools.ui.tree.lazy
A LazyProgressNode is a temporary node that appears in a tree as a child of a LazyParentNode.
LazyResourceAdapter - Class in oracle.ide.extension
Lazy resource adapter class that helps in lazily processing resources from a hash structure.
LazyResourceAdapter(HashStructure) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.extension.LazyResourceAdapter
LazyTraversable - Interface in oracle.ide.model
Traversables that act as proxies for traversables that should be lazily loaded need to be implement this interface so the proxy can appropriately handle when the real object is available or not.
LEAF - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.diff.ResultSet
leafIcon - Variable in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.HtmlTreeCellRenderer
Icon used to show leaf nodes.
leave(Sym) - Method in class
leaveJarsOpen() - Static method in class
If caching is enabled, a call to this method allows JarIndexes to keep JAR files open for a period of time before closing them.
LEFT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.JoinObject
Outer join type: LEFT Usage: table_reference [NATURAL] LEFT [OUTER] JOIN table_reference [ON|USING...]
left() - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.insight.InsightView
Command to move the selection of the view to the left item in the data set.
left() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.insight.ListInsightView
Command to move the selection of the view to the left item in the data set.
left() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.insight.TooltipInsightView
Command to move the selection of the view to the left item in the data set.
LEFT - Static variable in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.CommandButtonLayout
left() - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util.SortedCollections.ComparisonIterator
LEFT_ASSOC - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.util.ExpressionObject
This operator is left associativity.
LEFT_BRACE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.css.LexicalUnits
Represents the '(' lexical unit.
LEFT_BRACKET - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.css.LexicalUnits
Represents the '[' lexical unit.
LEFT_CURLY_BRACE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.css.LexicalUnits
Represents the '{' lexical unit.
LEFT_EDITOR - Static variable in class
LEFT_GUTTER - Static variable in class
LEFT_OUTER_JOIN - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab.SqlAjndef
LEFT_OVERVIEW - Static variable in class
LEFT_PAREN - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.FromObject
LEFT_SPLIT - Static variable in class
LEFT_SPLIT_TOP - Static variable in class
LEFT_TITLE - Static variable in class
leftExpression - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "leftExpression" property.
leftFromObject - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "leftFromObject" property.
leftFromObjectID - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "leftFromObjectID" property.
leftPartitionBy - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "leftPartitionBy" property.
LEGACY_LIBRARY_FILE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.JLibraryManager
Deprecated. library.ini format no longer supported.
LegacyJDK - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.library
The sole intention of LegacyJDK is to represent a JDK as used in pre 10.1.3 releases such taht the data may be read by the migration mechanics for conversion to the 10.1.3 format.
LegacyJDK() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LegacyJDK
LegacyJDK.JDKExeFilter - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.library
LegacyJDK.JDKExeFilter() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LegacyJDK.JDKExeFilter
LegacyLibrary - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.library
The sole intention of LegacyLibrary is to represent a library as used in pre 10.1.3 releases such taht the data may be read by the migration mechanics for conversion to the 10.1.3 format.
LegacyLibrary() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LegacyLibrary
LegacyLibraryDefinition - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.library
LegacyLibraryDefinition() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LegacyLibraryDefinition
LegacyLibraryList - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.library
The sole intention of LegacyLibraryList is to represent a libraries.xml file used in pre 10.1.3 releases such that the data may be read by the migration mechanics for conversion to the 10.1.3 format.
LegacyLibraryList() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LegacyLibraryList
LegacyTableModel - Interface in oracle.javatools.ui.table
Deprecated. replaced by GenericBaseTableModel.
LEGEND - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
length - Variable in class
The length of the file.
length() - Method in class
Returns the length of the file, in bytes, at the time this object was constructed.
length() - Method in class oracle.ide.util.FastStringBuffer
length() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ddl.TokenContext
length() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.folding.AbstractFoldingBlock
length() - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.folding.FoldingBlock
Returns the length in characters of this source code block.
length() - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.CharArrayCharSequence
LESS - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.Comparison
Less Than
LESS_EQUAL - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.Comparison
Less Than Or Equal To
LESS_THAN_ALL - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.Comparison
LESS_THAN_ANY - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.Comparison
LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_ALL - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.Comparison
LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_ANY - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.Comparison
LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_SOME - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.Comparison
LESS_THAN_SOME - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.Comparison
LessSimpleTextFormatter - Class in oracle.javatools.logging
LessSimpleTextFormatter() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.logging.LessSimpleTextFormatter
LEVEL - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.WhereEditor
LEVEL_EXPRESSION - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxRecognizer
In expression level, all parsing options are enabled.
LEVEL_ROOT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxRecognizer
In root level, parsing is done on a full Plsql file.
lex(LexerToken) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.AbstractLexer
Scans the text buffer at the current position and returns the token that was found.
lex(LexerToken) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.css.CSSAtRuleLexer
Scans the text buffer at the current position and returns the token that was found.
lex(LexerToken) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.css.CSSDeclarationsLexer
Scans the text buffer at the current position and returns the token that was found.
lex(LexerToken) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.css.CSSFontFaceRuleLexer
Scans the text buffer at the current position and returns the token that was found.
lex(LexerToken) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.css.CSSImportRuleLexer
Scans the text buffer at the current position and returns the token that was found.
lex(LexerToken) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.css.CSSLexer
Scans the text buffer at the current position and returns the token that was found.
lex() - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.css.CSSLexer
lex(LexerToken) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.css.CSSMediaRuleLexer
Scans the text buffer at the current position and returns the token that was found.
lex(LexerToken) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.css.CSSNamespaceRuleLexer
Scans the text buffer at the current position and returns the token that was found.
lex(LexerToken) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.css.CSSPageRuleLexer
Scans the text buffer at the current position and returns the token that was found.
lex(LexerToken) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.css.CSSPseudoRuleSetLexer
Scans the text buffer at the current position and returns the token that was found.
lex(LexerToken) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.css.CSSRuleSetLexer
Scans the text buffer at the current position and returns the token that was found.
lex(LexerToken) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.diff.DiffLexer
Scans the text buffer at the current position and returns the token that was found.
lex(LexerToken) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.generic.GenericLexer
Scans the text buffer at the current position and returns the token that was found.
lex(LexerToken) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.html.HTMLLexer
Scans the text buffer at the current position and returns the token that was found.
lex(LexerToken) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.html.TagLexer
Scans the text buffer at the current position and returns the token that was found.
lex() - Method in class
lex(LexerToken) - Method in class
lex() - Method in class
Calls lex( LexerToken ) but does not call fillLexerToken.
lex(LexerToken) - Method in class
lex() - Method in class
lex(LexerToken) - Method in class
Scans the text buffer at the current position and returns the token that was found.
lex() - Method in class
Calls lex( LexerToken ) but does not call fillLexerToken.
lex(LexerToken) - Method in class
Scans the text buffer at the current position and returns the token that was found.
lex(LexerToken) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.parser.Lexer
Scans the text buffer at the current position and returns the token that was found.
lex(LexerToken) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlLexer
Scans the text buffer at the current position and returns the token that was found.
lex(LexerToken) - Method in class
Scans the text buffer at the current position and returns the token that was found.
lex(LexerToken) - Method in class
Scans the text buffer at the current position and returns the token that was found.
lexer - Variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.GenericBraceProvider
The lexer to use for the language.
lexer - Variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.LexerBlockRenderer
The Lexer that is used for tokenizing.
lexer - Variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.LexerDocumentRenderer
The Lexer that is used for tokenizing.
lexer - Variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.AbstractSyntaxRecognizer
The Lexer object providing the token stream.
lexer - Variable in class
The lexer.
Lexer - Interface in oracle.javatools.parser
The Lexer interface describes the set of calls that need to be implemented by a Lexer for any given language.
LexerBlockRenderer - Class in oracle.javatools.editor.language
The LexerBlockRenderer is the abstract starting point for BlockRenderer implementations based on languages for which there is a Lexer implementation available.
LexerBlockRenderer(TextBuffer) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.editor.language.LexerBlockRenderer
Constructs a new block renderer for the specified document.
LexerDocumentRenderer - Class in oracle.javatools.editor.language
An LexerDocumentRenderer is the abstact starting point for DocumentRenderers implementations based on languages that have Lexer implementations available for tokenizing the language.
LexerDocumentRenderer(LanguageSupport) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.editor.language.LexerDocumentRenderer
Constructs a new style provider for the specified document.
LexerDocumentRenderer.LexerOffsetsCache - Class in oracle.javatools.editor.language
The LexerOffsetsCache provides rapid access for offsets that correspond to the start of a language token.
LexerDocumentRenderer.LexerOffsetsCache(LexerDocumentRenderer) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.editor.language.LexerDocumentRenderer.LexerOffsetsCache
Constructs a new LexerOffsetsCache for the given style provider.
LexerLiteral - Class in
Utility class for scanning literal values.
lexerToken - Variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.GenericBraceProvider
The token to use for lexing.
lexerToken - Variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.LexerBlockRenderer
The LexerToken structure for interfacing with the Lexer.
lexerToken - Variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.LexerDocumentRenderer
The LexerToken structure for interfacing with the Lexer.
LexerToken - Interface in oracle.javatools.parser
The LexerToken interface encapsulates a single token retrieved by a call to Lexer.lex().
LexerUtilities - Class in
Various utilities provided by the scanner layer.
LexerUtilities() - Constructor for class
LexicalUnits - Interface in oracle.javatools.parser.css
This interface defines the constants that represent CSS lexical units.
lfStyle - Variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.BuiltInStyles
The base look and feel style.
lib - Variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.LibraryModel
LIB_FILTER - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.JLibraryList
LIB_LIST - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.JProjectLibraries
HashStructure key for internal Library definitions
LIB_LIST_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.library.LibraryList
LIBRARIES - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.JProjectLibraries
HashStructure key for JLibrary references
Libraries - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.userprops
Settings object for storing any user property libraries for a provider
LIBRARIES_ADDED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.libraries.TagLibraryChangeEvent
LIBRARIES_REMOVED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.libraries.TagLibraryChangeEvent
LIBRARIES_TYPE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.UIArb
librariesChanged(JavaProjectEvent) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.JavaProjectListener
library(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette2.DefaultPaletteItem.Builder
LIBRARY - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
LIBRARY - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.ContentRoot
Library - Interface in oracle.jdeveloper.library
Encapsulates the notion of a library as it is used within JDeveloper.
LIBRARY_ADDED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.JLibraryManager
LIBRARY_ADDED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.libraries.TagLibraryChangeEvent
LIBRARY_CHANGED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.libraries.TagLibraryChangeEvent
LIBRARY_EXTENSION - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.JLibraryManager
LIBRARY_ID_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.library.Library
LIBRARY_LIST - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.ListWrapper
LIBRARY_LIST_FILE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.JLibraryManager
LIBRARY_NAME_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.library.Library
LIBRARY_PROPERTY_CHANGE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.libraries.TagLibraryChangeEvent
LIBRARY_REMOVED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.JLibraryManager
LIBRARY_REMOVED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.libraries.TagLibraryChangeEvent
LIBRARY_SETTINGS_FILE_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries.JspLibraryManager
LIBRARY_TYPE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.UIArb
LibraryAdapter - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.library
LibraryAdapter(HashStructure) - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LibraryAdapter
libraryAttrQName - Variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.datatransfer.faces.JsfResourceToNodeTransformer
LibraryDataNode - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.library
LibraryDataNode() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LibraryDataNode
Default constructor.
LibraryDataNode(URL) - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LibraryDataNode
LibraryElement - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.library
LibraryElement is a complete, default implementation of the Element and Dirtyable interfaces.
LibraryElement() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LibraryElement
LibraryList - Interface in oracle.jdeveloper.library
The LibraryList interface represents a list of JLibrary and JDK definitions.
LibraryMigrator - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.library
LibraryMigrator() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LibraryMigrator
LibraryModel - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.model
LibraryModel(Library, MutableLibraryList, Component) - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.model.LibraryModel
LibraryPaths - Class in oracle.ide.file
The source and class paths of a library.
LibraryReference - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.library
HashStructureAdapter encapsulation of a reference to an external Library, as opposed to a reference to a library defined within a JProject.
LibraryReference() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LibraryReference
LibraryReference(HashStructure) - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LibraryReference
LIBRARYURL - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.RegisteredBundleAdapter
LIFELINE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
LIGHTBULB - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
lightParse(ReadTextBuffer, URL, JavaProvider, int) - Static method in class
Parse the textBuffer and return a "light" sourceFile where all the method bodies were skipped In general this method should NOT be called directly.
LIKE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.Comparison
LIKE_WILDCARD - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectCriteria
LIKE_WILDCARD_CHAR - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectCriteria
likePattern - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "likePattern" property.
limit - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "limit" property.
line() - Method in interface
Gets the line number of this position.
LINE_COLUMN - Static variable in class oracle.ide.ceditor.EditorStatusBar
String for the line and column info.
LINE_COLUMN - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.StatusBarPlugin
String for the line and column info.
LINE_NUMBER_CELL_STRINGS - Static variable in class oracle.ide.ceditor.EditorStatusBar
The array of strings for the line number cell for sizing.
LINE_NUMBER_CELL_STRINGS - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.StatusBarPlugin
The array of strings for the line number cell for sizing.
LINE_NUMBER_WITH_TOTAL_CELL_STRINGS - Static variable in class oracle.ide.ceditor.EditorStatusBar
The array of strings for the line number with total cell for sizing.
LINE_NUMBERS_EVERY - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.print.HTMLGeneratorOptions
Constant indicating we should print out line numbers for every buffer line (but not for subsequent lines of a wrapped buffer line.)
LINE_NUMBERS_EVERY - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.print.PrintOptions
Constant indicating we should print out line numbers for every buffer line (but not for subsequent lines of a wrapped buffer line.)
LINE_NUMBERS_NONE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.print.HTMLGeneratorOptions
Constant indicating we should not print out line numbers.
LINE_NUMBERS_NONE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.print.PrintOptions
Constant indicating we should not print out line numbers.
LINE_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util.Strings
LINE_WITH_TOTAL_COLUMN - Static variable in class oracle.ide.ceditor.EditorStatusBar
String for the line (with total) and column info.
LinearGradientPainter - Class in oracle.javatools.ui.themes
Paints a linear gradient.
LinearGradientPainter(Color, Color, int) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.themes.LinearGradientPainter
Constructs a LinearGradientPainter.
lineBreakSequence - Variable in class
lineBreakSequence - Variable in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util.XmlWriter
lineClicked(Gutter, int, MouseEvent) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.GutterClickListener
Notify listeners that the user clicked in the gutter in the given line.
lineCount - Variable in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util.XmlWriter
LineGutterPlugin - Class in oracle.javatools.editor.gutter
The LineGutterPlugin is a line gutter which also implements the Gutter interface that provides clients with the ability to add or remove icon marks in the gutter associated with an editor pane.
LineGutterPlugin() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin
Constructs a new LineGutterPlugin.
LineGutterPlugin.Column - Class in oracle.javatools.editor.gutter
This is our implementation of the GutterColumn interface that acts as a container for GutterMarks.
LineGutterPlugin.Column(String, GutterColumnListener) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin.Column
Constructs a new Column.
LineGutterPlugin.Column.Mark - Class in oracle.javatools.editor.gutter
This is our implementation of the GutterMark interface.
LineGutterPlugin.Column.Mark(int, int, Icon, HighlightStyle, int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin.Column.Mark
Constructs a new Mark.
LineGutterPlugin.MarkComparator - Class in oracle.javatools.editor.gutter
Comparator for our marks, ordering them by line, then by mark order.
LineGutterPlugin.MarkComparator() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin.MarkComparator
LineHighlightPlugin - Class in oracle.javatools.editor.plugins
The LineHighlightPlugin is an editor plugin which applies a background highlight to the current caret line.
LineHighlightPlugin() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.LineHighlightPlugin
Constructs a new LineHighlightPlugin instance that
LineIterator - Class in oracle.javatools.util
An iterator on the lines of an input stream or reader.
LineIterator(BufferedReader) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.LineIterator
Creates an iterator for the lines returned by a BufferedReader.
LineIterator(Reader) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.LineIterator
Creates an iterator for the lines returned by a Reader.
LineIterator(InputStream) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.LineIterator
Creates an iterator for the lines returned by an InputStream.
LineMap - Interface in oracle.javatools.buffer
A LineMap is an interface for accessing the line structure information of a TextBuffer.
lineMap(ReadTextBuffer) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.Util
Creates a line map for the specified text buffer.
LineNavigationPoint - Class in oracle.ide.ceditor
NavigationPoint implementation which navigates to a given line within a CodeEditor.
LineNavigationPoint(Context, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.ceditor.LineNavigationPoint
LineNavigationPoint(Context, int, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.ceditor.LineNavigationPoint
lineNumber - Variable in class oracle.ide.runner.DebuggerEventSource.StackFrame
The line number for this stack frame.
lineNumber - Variable in exception oracle.javatools.parser.css.ParseException
LINK - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
LinkPanel - Class in oracle.ide.panels
LinkPanel(String[], String) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.panels.LinkPanel
LinkTextField - Class in oracle.javatools.ui
TextField which displays the text as links.
LinkTextField() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.LinkTextField
LinkTextField(String) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.LinkTextField
LinkTextField(int) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.LinkTextField
LinkTextField(String, int) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.LinkTextField
LinkTextField(Document, String, int) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.LinkTextField
list(URI) - Method in class
Returns an array of URIs identifying resources in the directory resource indicated by the URI.
list(URI, URIFilter) - Method in class
Returns an array of URIs identifying resources in the directory resource indicated by the URI; the specified URIFilter is applied to determine which URIs will be returned.
list(URI) - Method in class
Returns an array of URIs naming files and directories in the directory indicated by the URI.
list(URI, URIFilter) - Method in class
Returns an array of URIs naming files and directories in the directory indicated by the URI; the specified URIFilter is applied to determine which URIs will be returned.
list(URL) - Method in class
list(URL, URLFilter) - Method in class
list(URL) - Method in class
list(URL, URLFilter) - Method in class
list(String) - Method in class
list(URL) - Method in class
list(URL) - Method in class
list(URL, URLFilter) - Method in class
list(URL) - Static method in class
Returns an array of URLs naming files and directories in the directory indicated by the URL.
list(URL, URLFilter) - Static method in class
Returns an array of URLs naming files and directories in the directory indicated by the URL; the specified URLFilter is applied to determine which URLs will be returned.
list(URL, URLFilenameFilter) - Static method in class
Returns an aray of URLs naming files and directories in the directory indicated by the URL.
list(URL) - Method in class
Returns an array of URLs naming files and directories in the directory indicated by the URL.
list(URL, URLFilter) - Method in class
Returns an array of URLs naming files and directories in the directory indicated by the URL; the specified URLFilter is applied to determine which URLs will be returned.
list(URL, URLFilenameFilter) - Method in class
Returns an aray of URLs naming files and directories in the directory indicated by the URL.
list(URL) - Method in class
list(URL, URLFilter) - Method in class
LIST - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.diff.ResultSet
list - Variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.LibraryModel
list(URL) - Method in class
list(URL, URLFilter) - Method in class
list() - Method in interface oracle.ojc.interfaces.Storage
Lists all names of Storages within this directory Storage.
list2String(List) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.IdeUtil
LIST_BUTTONS_ADD - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.UIArb
LIST_BUTTONS_DOWN - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.UIArb
LIST_BUTTONS_REMOVE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.UIArb
LIST_BUTTONS_UP - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.UIArb
LIST_RESOURCE_BUNDLE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleExtension
LIST_RESOURCE_BUNDLE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleExtension_ja
LIST_SELECTION_CHANGED - Static variable in class
LIST_STRUCTURE - Static variable in class
Structure type returned from ChangeInfo.getParentStructureType() indicating that the parent structure was a ListStructure.
listActionPerformed(NiceListActionEvent) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.controls.nicelist.NiceListActionListener
Called when an action occurs in the list.
listAllFromObjects() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQueryBuilder
listAllFromObjects(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQueryBuilder
listAllFromObjects() - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLQueryBuilder
Returns all FromObjects in the FROM clause including those nested in JOIN conditions.
listAllFromObjects(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLQueryBuilder
Returns all FromObjects in the FROM clause including those nested in JOIN conditions.
listAllObjects(DBObjectCriteria<T>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.OfflineDBObjectProvider
Lists the objects by type, schema and name (can include wildcard '%') from this provide only, not its dependencies.
listAllowedProperties() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.AbstractConnectionCreator
listAllowedProperties() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.AbstractOracleConnCreator
listAllowedProperties() - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.ConnectionCreator
Gets a list of the properties that are relevant to this creator.
listAllowedProperties() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.DB2ConnectionCreator
listAllowedProperties() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.MySQLConnectionCreator
listAllowedProperties() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.ODBCConnectionCreator
listAllowedProperties() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.OracleConnectionCreator
listAllowedProperties() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.OracleLiteConnectionCreator
listAllowedProperties() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.SQLServerConnectionCreator
listAvailableFKs() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQueryBuilder
listAvailableFKs() - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLQueryBuilder
Returns all the FKs that could join the relations used in the view wrapped up in an FKUsage so as to include the appropriate FromObjects.
listBinaryExtensions() - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util.VCSFileSystemUtils
List all recognized binary file extensions registered with the IDE.
listBinaryExtensions() - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util.VCSModelUtils
Deprecated. replaced by VCSFileSystemUtils.listBinaryExtensions().
LISTBINDING - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
ListBuilder<T> - Class in
A class to simply and concisely build a list component which has many more abilities than a standard list.
ListBuilder() - Constructor for class
ListBuilder.DefaultAction - Enum in
Built in actions that can be used to quickly create toolbar button actions
listBuiltInObjects(DBObjectCriteria<T>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.DatabaseDescriptor
A built-in object is a SystemObject definition that we define in the database descriptor for well-known objects.
listBuiltInObjectsImpl(DBObjectCriteria<T>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.DatabaseDescriptor
Implementation for listing built-in objects.
ListButtons - Class in oracle.ide.db.controls
Associated a number of buttons to use with a JList to add/remove/move elements in the list.
ListButtons(JList, ListButtons.Controller) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.db.controls.ListButtons
ListButtons.Controller - Class in oracle.ide.db.controls
ListButtons.Controller() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.db.controls.ListButtons.Controller
ListButtons.Helper - Interface in oracle.ide.db.controls
Deprecated. - use Controller
ListButtons.HelperAdapter - Class in oracle.ide.db.controls
Deprecated. - use Controller
ListButtons.HelperAdapter() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.db.controls.ListButtons.HelperAdapter
ListChecker - Class in oracle.javatools.ui.list
A helper class (along with the ...CheckListCellRenderer's) to make the items in a list 'checkable'.
ListChecker(JList, Collection) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.list.ListChecker
listColumnNames(SQLFragment) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLFragmentUtils
Lists the columns available from the given SQLFragment.
listColumns(SQLFragment) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLFragmentUtils
Lists the columns available from the given SQLFragment.
listColumnUsages(SQLFragment) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLFragmentUtils
Lists the columns available from the given SQLFragment.
listCommonColumns(JoinObject) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLFragmentUtils
List the names of columns common to both the left and right side of the given join.
listCommonColumns(FromObject, FromObject) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLFragmentUtils
Lists the names of columns common to both FromObjects.
ListCompareView - Class in
ListCompareView() - Constructor for class
ListCompareView(CompareMode) - Constructor for class
listComplexTypes(String, Class) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.DataTypeRegistry
Returns all the ComplexTypes registered under the given schema name for the registered provider Class and its superclasses.
listComplexTypes(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model.DataTypeSettings
Deprecated. - use listBuiltInObjects on the provider's DatabaseDescriptor
listComplexTypeSchemas(Class) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.DataTypeRegistry
listComplexTypeSchemas() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model.DataTypeSettings
Deprecated. - use listBuiltInObjects on the provider's DatabaseDescriptor
listConnections() - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.db.Connections
Lists the names of the available connections.
listConnections(Properties) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.db.Connections
Lists any connections whose properties match the values in the given set.
listConnections(DatabaseConnections) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.controls.ConnectionPickerButton
By default returns all the connections in the connection store.
listConnections() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.DatabaseConnections
Lists the names of the available database connections.
listConnections(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.DatabaseConnections
Lists the available database connections, optionally limiting the returned names to connections to Oracle databases (not including Lite).
listConnections(String[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.DatabaseConnections
List the available database connections that have a connection subtype in the given list.
listConnections(Properties) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.DatabaseConnections
Lists all database connections whose properties match the given filter.
listConnections() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.panels.AppConnectionPanelUI
listConnections() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.panels.ConnectionPanelUI
By default this lists the connections on the DatabaseConnections instance returned by ConnectionPanelUI.getConnections().
listCreators() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.DatabaseFactory.ConnectionCreatorFactory
listDatabases() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.DatabaseFactory.ConnectionCreator
Lists the databases that exist in the cache, not the connections available in the underlying connection store.
ListDataItem - Class in oracle.javatools.editor.insight
The ListDataItem can be used as an abstract starting point for data item objects stored in a ListInsightData.
ListDataItem() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.editor.insight.ListDataItem
ListDataItemCellRenderer - Class in oracle.javatools.editor.insight
The ListDataItemCellRenderer is our implementation of a ListCellRenderer for drawing the individual items that are displayed in the JList view for completion insight.
ListDataItemCellRenderer() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.editor.insight.ListDataItemCellRenderer
Constructs a new ListDataItemCellRenderer for insight.
listDataTypes(Class) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.DataTypeRegistry
Returns the registered DataType instances for a given provider class (and all superclasses)
listDataTypes() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model.DataTypeSettings
Lists the DataTypes appropriate to the current settings.
listDBObjectProviders(Project) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.OfflineDBObjectProvider
Lists the providers that already exist on the given project's offline database source path.
listDBObjectProviders(Project, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.OfflineDBObjectProvider
Lists the providers that already exist on the given project's offline database source path.
listDBObjectProviderURLs(Project, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.OfflineDBObjectProvider
Lists the URLs of any OfflineDBObjectProviders in the given project.
ListDiffer - Class in oracle.javatools.db.diff
Differ of lists that uses the Comparators registered with the underlying DiffEngine to compare elements in the two lists to assess whether the contents are different.
ListDiffer() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.diff.ListDiffer
Creates a ListDiffer that doesn't diff order, just contents.
ListDiffer(boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.diff.ListDiffer
Creates a ListDiffer, optionally including ordering in the diff.
listDirectory(URL, RevisionIdentifier) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.generic.VCSHistoryEntry
listElems(String, Class) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.xml.bind.XMLBinding
listElems(String, Class, ElementFilter) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.xml.bind.XMLBinding
listElems(XMLBindingInfo[]) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.xml.bind.XMLBinding
listElemsNS(String, String, String, Class) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.xml.bind.XMLBinding
listElemsNS(String, String, String, Class, ElementFilter) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.xml.bind.XMLBinding
LISTENER - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
listener - Variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.AbstractSyntaxRecognizer
The object listening for the stream of syntax tokens.
listenerAttached(HashStructureHookEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.controller.ContextMenuListenersHook.MyListener
listenerAttached(HashStructureHookEvent) - Method in interface oracle.ide.extension.HashStructureHookListener
Called when the listener instance is attached so that the listener can observe the existing contents of the HashStructureHook's HashStructure.
listenerDescription() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.Dependency
listenerList - Variable in class oracle.ide.controls.AbstractCellEditor
listenerList - Variable in class oracle.ide.controls.AbstractTreeTableModel
listenerList - Variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.folding.DefaultCodeFoldingModel
listenerList - Variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.treetable.AbstractTreeTableModel
listenerList - Variable in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.AbstractTreeModel
listeners - Variable in class oracle.ide.file.FileTable
The listeners for this file table.
listenForItemEvent(AbstractButton) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.ToggleAction
ListExpressionT - Interface in
An expression wrapping a list of expressions.
listExtensions(HashStructure) - Method in class oracle.ide.extension.ProjectDataHandler
Examine the tagRootElement and its children and return a list of extensions that need to be initialized when this project is opened.
listFilePaths(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.patch.PatchContributor
Lists contributed file paths for comparison.
listFromObjectNames(SQLQuery) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLFragmentUtils
Lists the names of the FromObjects that are defined in the given query (does not include subqueries, just the namespace available in the current query).
ListInsightData - Interface in oracle.javatools.editor.insight
The ListInsightData interface contains public API routines for an InsightData model that is based on a list model (instead of say, a tree model.) The data model provides an additional method for accessing the data through a list interface.
ListInsightView - Class in oracle.javatools.editor.insight
The ListInsightView class is an implementation of the InsightView to support list-type data models.
ListInsightView() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.editor.insight.ListInsightView
Constructs a new ListInsightView with no custom cell renderer.
ListInsightView(ListCellRenderer) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.editor.insight.ListInsightView
Constructs a new ListInsightView with no data, but with the specified cell renderer.
listItem(String, Class, int) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.xml.bind.XMLBinding
listItemNS(String, String, Class, int) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.xml.bind.XMLBinding
listIterator() - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.SafeArrayList
Returns a list iterator of the elements in this list in proper sequnce.
listIterator(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.SafeArrayList
Returns a list iterator of the elements in this list in proper sequence, starting at the given index.
listIterator() - Method in class
Currently throws UnsupportedOperationException.
listIterator(int) - Method in class
Currently throws UnsupportedOperationException.
LISTLOCKICON - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
listMethods(JavaHasType, String, JavaType[], CallerContext.InputOptions) - Method in class
List all matching methods that are both visible and accessible in this caller context.
LISTNAME_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.library.LibraryList
listNames(JavaPackage, CallerContext.InputOptions) - Method in class
List all member package and member type elements that are both visible and accessible in this caller context.
listNames(JavaHasType, CallerContext.InputOptions) - Method in class
List all elements that are both visible and accessible in this caller context.
listObjects(String, Schema) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectProvider
listObjects(String, Schema, String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectProvider
listObjects(String[], Schema) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectProvider
listObjects(String[], Schema, String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectProvider
listObjects(DBObjectCriteria<T>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectProvider
listObjects(DBObjectCriteria) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectLister
List the objects that the given criteria has restricted the list to.
listObjects(DBObjectCriteria<T>) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectProvider
Lists the objects from this provider that match the given criteria.
listObjects(String, Schema) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectProvider
Lists the objects of a given type available from this provider.
listObjects(String, Schema, String) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectProvider
Lists the objects of a given type available from this provider.
listObjects(String[], Schema) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectProvider
Lists the objects of multiple types available from this provider.
listObjects(String[], Schema, String) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectProvider
Lists the objects of multiple types available from this provider.
listObjectsFromCache(DBObjectCriteria<T>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectProvider
Lists the objects that are in the internal memory cache for this provider.
listObjectsImpl(String, Schema, String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectProvider
Retrieves the list of objects by using a registered builder.
listObjectsImpl(String[], Schema, String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectProvider
Internal listObjects implementation.
listObjectsImpl(DBObjectCriteria<T>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectProvider
Internal listObjects implementation.
listObjectsImpl(String[], Schema, String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ddl.DDLDatabase
listObjectsImpl(DBObjectCriteria<T>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.dictionary.DictionaryDatabase
listObjectsImpl(DBObjectCriteria<T>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.OfflineDBObjectProvider
listObjectTypes() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectProvider
Returns a sorted array of the object types supported in this provider.
listObjectTypes() - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectProvider
Lists the database object types supported by this DBObjectProvider.
listObjectTypes() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.SchemaObjectManager
listOpenConnections() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.DatabaseConnections
listPreferredDataTypeNames() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.DatabaseDescriptor
Override to provide the names of the prefered types for the described database.
listPreferredDataTypes() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.DatabaseDescriptor
Lists the preferred datatypes of this provider.
listProjectURLs(Project, ChangeListProjectContent, VCSCancellable) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeListEventQueue
listProjectURLs(Project, VCSCancellable) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util.VCSModelUtils
Lists all content URLs belonging to the given project, if open.
listProjectURLs(Project, VCSCancellable, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util.VCSModelUtils
Lists all content URLs belonging to the given project, if open.
listReferencedObjects(SystemObject, boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.CascadeManager
Returns the SystemObjects that this SystemObject, or any of its children, are dependent on (reference).
listReferers(DBObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.CascadeManager
Gets the ids of the DBObjects who directly reference the given object.
listReferers(DBObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.SchemaObjectManager
Gets the ids of the DBObjects who directly reference the given object.
listRemovedEntries(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.generic.RemovedEntryLister
listRoots() - Method in class
Returns an array of URIs that represent the root resources available.
listRoots() - Method in class
Lists the root "file systems" that are supported by this helper.
listRoots() - Method in class
listRoots() - Method in class
listRoots() - Static method in class
Returns an array of URLs that represent the root file systems that are currently available.
listRoots() - Method in class
Lists the root "file systems" that are supported by this helper.
listRoots() - Method in class
listSchemas() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectProvider
listSchemas(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectProvider
listSchemas() - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectProvider
Retrieves the list of schemas available from this provider regardless of their visibility to the user.
listSchemas(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectProvider
Retrieves the list of schemas available from this provider.
listSchemas() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ddl.DDLDatabase
listSchemas() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.SchemaObjectManager
listSelectionChanged(URLChooserEvent) - Method in class
listStorage() - Method in interface oracle.ojc.interfaces.Storage
Lists all Storages within this directory Storage.
listStorage() - Method in class
listStores() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.controls.ConnectionPickerButton
Returns the list of store names to include in the picker component.
listStores() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.controls.StorePicker
listStores() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.DatabaseConnectionStores
Lists all the available stores in the product.
listStores(Context) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.DatabaseConnectionStores
Lists all the stores the user should be allowed to use in the given IDE Context.
listStores() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.StoreProvider
ListStructure - Class in
This class implements a list data structure that complements HashStructure.
ListStructureIO - Class in oracle.ide.marshal.xml
Implementation of oracle.ide.marshal.ObjectStore for marshalling a ListStructure instance to XML.
ListStructureIO(String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.marshal.xml.ListStructureIO
Creates a new instance of ListStructureIO that, when saving, will write out a root element with the specified namespace URI and qualified name.
listSupportedDataTypes() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectProvider
listSupportedDataTypes() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.DatabaseDescriptor
Lists the datatypes supported by the described database type.
listSupportedDataTypes() - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectProvider
Retrieves the list of datatypes supported by this provider.
listSupportedSchemaTypes(DBObjectProvider) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.SelectDBObjectsPanel
List the SchemaObject Types supported by this provider
listSupportedTypes() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.dialogs.BaseDBEditorFactory
listSupportedTypes() - Method in interface oracle.ide.db.dialogs.DBEditorFactory
Lists all the types that create/edit is supported for.
listTablespaces() - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleDatabase
Deprecated. listObjects now supports Tablespaces and Schemas
listTopLevelReferers(SystemObject, boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.CascadeManager
Gets the ids for the SystemObjects who reference (either directly or via their children) the given SystemObject (or one of its children).
listTopLevelReferers(SystemObject, boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.SchemaObjectManager
Gets the ids for the SystemObjects who reference (either directly or via their children) the given SystemObject (or one of its children).
listURLs(boolean, VCSCancellable) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeListProjectContent
listURLsForRoot(URL, Depth) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeListEventQueue
ListUtil - Class in oracle.javatools.util
ListUtil() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.ListUtil
LISTVIEW - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
ListWrapper - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.library
ListWrapper(LibraryList) - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.library.ListWrapper
ListWrapper(LibraryList, int) - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.library.ListWrapper
literal(int) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab.Ptnod
literalBoolean - Variable in class
Boolean value.
literalChar - Variable in class
Character value.
literalError - Variable in class
Error value.
LiteralExpressionT - Interface in
An expression representing a lexer literal.
LiteralExpressionT.LiteralKind - Class in
In this version, this class is 1.4 compatible.
literalFloat - Variable in class
Floating-point value.
literalInteger - Variable in class
Sign-extended value for ints and longs.
literals - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "literals" property.
literalString - Variable in class
String value.
literalToken - Variable in class
Token value.
LIVE_DATE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.history.HistoryComponent
Placeholder Date initialized to the maximum value such that it will always appear as the most recent during sorting and which may be treated as a special case by any cell renderers.
LiveValidationController - Class in oracle.ide.db.util
Class to control a popup validation message to appear alongside a component if its contents are invalid.
LiveValidationController(JComponent) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.db.util.LiveValidationController
load() - Method in class oracle.ide.config.DTCache
Loads the registered data from the XML file.
load() - Method in class oracle.ide.config.IdeSettings
Loads the registered data from the XML file.
load() - Method in interface oracle.ide.expressionbuilder.ExpressionBuilderPicker
Notifies the picker it should load its data.
load(ExtensionQueue) - Method in interface oracle.ide.extension.ExtensionQueueLoadStrategy
load(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.marshal.xml.HashStructureIO
load(URL, String[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.marshal.xml.HashStructureIO
Creates a new instance of an object based on its peristent state saved at the specified URL.
load(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.marshal.xml.ListStructureIO
load(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.marshal.xml.Object2Dom
load(PropertyAccess) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.HistoryList
Loads the history list from an underlying properties mechanism.
load(InputStream) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.OrderedProperties
Loads properties from an InputStream.
load(URL) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.task.TaskList
Load a list of tasks.
load(URL) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.marshal.ObjectStore
Creates a new instance of an object based on its peristent state saved at the specified URL.
load(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.bean.PropertyField
LOAD_FACTOR_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleUtils
loadAllLibraries() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.libraries.TagLibraryManager
Fire lazy loading.
loadAllObjects(OfflineDBObjectProvider) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.OfflineDBUtil
Loads all the DBObjects in a given provider and returns them in a List.
loadAltBundles(List<String>) - Method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.SelectTextPanel
loadClass(Element) - Method in class oracle.ide.migration.ExtensionMigrator
loadClass(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.ClassLoaderProxy
loadControls() - Method in class oracle.ide.expressionbuilder.ExpressionBuilderPanel
loadDeclarativeInfo(SourceObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.plsql.PlSqlDeclarator
loadDeclarativeInfo(SourceObject, DBObjectProvider) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.db.plsql.PlSqlDeclaratorFactory
loadEncodings(JComboBox, boolean, String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.Encodings
The specified JComboBox is populated with all of the available character encodings in the currently running JDK.
LoaderType - Enum in javax.ide.extension
The LoaderType enumeration specifies information about the loader an extension wishes to use.
loadExtension(SAXManifestParser, Logger, ExtensionSource, int, int) - Method in class javax.ide.extension.ExtensionRegistry
loadExtensionLibraries() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries.JspLibraryManager
loadExtensionLibraries() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.libraries.TagLibraryManager
loadExtensionLibrariesExtraInfo() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries.JspLibraryManager
loadExtensionLibrariesExtraInfo() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.libraries.TagLibraryManager
loadExtensions() - Method in class javax.ide.extension.ExtensionRegistry
Loads all extensions.
loadExtensions(Collection) - Method in class javax.ide.extension.ExtensionRegistry
Load extensions in the specified order.
loadFactor() - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.AbstractHashMap
loadFrom(FileFilter) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.filter.DirectoryExcludeFilterPanel
loadFrom(URL) - Static method in class oracle.ide.index.QueryCriteria
Convenience method to load query criteria from a property file.
loadFrom(PropertyAccess) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.UserSelectedCategories
loadFrom(Project, ContentSet) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.ContentSetPanel
Initializes the panel from the supplied Project and ContentSet.
loadFromResource(String, Class) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.GraphicsUtils
Loads an Image named imageName as a resource relative to the Class cls.
loadFromXML(File) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.DefaultStructuredPropertyAccess
loadHistoryList(String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.Ide
Loads the history list
LOADING - Static variable in class oracle.ide.util.FilePath
loadJDK(String, URLPath, URLPath, URLPath, URL, VersionNumber, URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.AddinLibraryList
Deprecated. since This method should be called only by the internal implementation of JLibraryManager, and is not intended for general use.
loadLayout(PropertyAccess) - Method in interface oracle.ide.docking.Dockable
reloads the layout information of this dockable.
loadLayout(PropertyAccess) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerDockableWindow
#loadLayout and #saveLayout are used by this class to load and save the content of the window.
loadLayout(StructuredPropertyAccess) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerPanel
loadLayout(PropertyAccess) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerWindow
loadLayout(PropertyAccess) - Method in class oracle.ide.navigator.ProjectNavigatorWindow
loadLayout(PropertyAccess) - Method in class oracle.ide.view.View
loadLayout(PropertyAccess) - Method in class oracle.ide.view.ViewDecorator
loadLayoutImpl(StructuredPropertyAccess) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerDockableWindow
loadLibrary(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.userprops.Libraries
Covenience method to load a user property library.
loadMainMenu() - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.MainWindow
Subclasses should override this method to initialize the main menu of the main window.
loadManifestToolbar(String, Toolbar, View) - Static method in class oracle.ide.view.View
Deprecated. Use ToolbarManager.registerOnDemandToolbar(String, Toolbar, View)
loadManifestToolbar(String, Toolbar) - Static method in class oracle.ide.view.View
Deprecated. Use ToolbarManager.registerOnDemandToolbar(String, Toolbar, View)
loadMetaClass(String) - Method in interface javax.ide.util.MetaClassAwareClassLoader
Load the class identified by the given name
loadMigratedLibraries() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries.JspLibraryManager
loadMigratedLibraries() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.libraries.TagLibraryManager
loadNodeInfos() - Method in interface oracle.ide.xml.NodeInfoLoader
The XMLRecognizer calls this method to ensure that NodeInfos have been loaded.
loadObject(DBObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQueryBuilder
Load the given object (i.e.
loadObjects(DBObject[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQueryBuilder
loadOptions(ExternalTool, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.ide.externaltools.ExternalToolOptionsPage
The options page should populate the UI from the specified ExternalTool object.
loadPalette(TwoDModel) - Static method in class oracle.ide.controls.CustomColorChoice
Utility routine to load the colors for the custom palette from the DTCache area.
loadPaletteItems(URL, URL) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.PaletteLoader
loadPaletteItems(URL, URL) - Static method in class oracle.ide.palette.PaletteUtil
loadPreferences(PropertyAccess) - Method in class oracle.ide.navigator.ContentSetSupport
loadPreferences(PropertyAccess) - Method in class oracle.ide.navigator.NavigatorInit
loadPreferences(VCSCommentTemplatesPrefs) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSCommentTemplatesTraversable
loadPreferences(VCSPreferences) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSPreferencesCustomizer
loadPreferences(T) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSPreferencesTraversable
Gets preferences from the state of the preferences page UI.
loadPreferences(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSVersioningTraversable
loadProject(Project) - Method in class oracle.ide.file.ProjectCache
Gets the project in order to load it.
loadProviderClass(String) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectProviderFactory
Loads the given provider class using the class name.
loadQuery() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.QueryTargetPicker
loadQuery() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQueryBuilder
LoadResourcesFromClassLoaderFeatureEnabler - Interface in
An interface to allow the DTE to determine if it should enable the load resources from the class loader feature.
loadSettings(StructuredPropertyAccess) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditor
loadSettings() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.SelectDBObjectsPanel
Load the IDE settings from a (dialog/wizard)-specific key.
loadSettings(StructuredPropertyAccess) - Method in class oracle.ide.editor.Editor
Reloads the editor settings.
loadSettings() - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.MessageDialogPersistence
Load settings from disk into a new map.
loadSettings() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.panels.ConnectionPanelUI
Sets the current selection to that which is stored in the PropertyStorage returned by ConnectionPanelUI.getPropertyStorage() under the key returned by ConnectionPanelUI.getSettingsKey().
loadSettings() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.panels.SelectDatabaseObjectsPanel
Load the default IDE settings for this panel.
loadSettings(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.panels.SelectDatabaseObjectsPanel
Load the IDE settings from a (dialog/wizard)-specific key.
loadTagLibraryURLClassesProviders() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries.JspLibraryManager
loadTagLibraryURLClassesProviders() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.libraries.TagLibraryManager
Do whatever is necessary to load the URL providers.
loadXSLT(URL) - Static method in class oracle.ide.xml.XMLUtil
This method loads an XSLT file into memory, setting the "encoding" attribute on the xsl:output element to match the default IANA encoding of the current platform.
LOB_PARAM_LABEL_CACHE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.UIArb
LOB_PARAM_LABEL_CHUNK - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.UIArb
LOB_PARAM_LABEL_COLUMN - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.UIArb
LOB_PARAM_LABEL_FREE_POOLS - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.UIArb
LOB_PARAM_LABEL_PCTVERSION - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.UIArb
LOB_PARAM_LABEL_RETENTION - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.UIArb
LOB_PARAM_LABEL_SEGNAME - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.UIArb
LOB_PARAM_LABEL_STORE_AS_LOB - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.UIArb
LOB_PARAM_LABEL_STORE_IN_ROW - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.UIArb
LOB_PARAM_PANEL_TITLE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.UIArb
LOB_PARAMETER_CACHE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.LOBDescriptor
LOB_PARAMETER_CACHEREADS - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.LOBDescriptor
LOB_PARAMETER_NOCACHE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.LOBDescriptor
LOB_PCTVERSION_AND_RETENTION_ERROR - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.UIArb
LOBDescriptor - Class in oracle.javatools.db.ora
LOBDescriptor encapsulates the partitioning properties of LOB and VARRAY columns.
LOBDescriptor() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.ora.LOBDescriptor
LOBDescriptors - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "LOBDescriptors" property.
LOBP - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.Ddl
DDL type alter table LOB Parmaters
LOBProperties - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "LOBProperties" property.
LOBSegName - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "LOBSegName" property.
local - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "local" property.
LOCAL_VARIABLE - Static variable in class
A method, constructor, or annotation element.
LocalBundleParser - Class in oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.parser
Parses an update-bundle.
LocalBundleParser() - Constructor for class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.parser.LocalBundleParser
localName - Variable in class oracle.ide.xml.StartElementPacket
LocalState - Class in oracle.ide.history
LocalState() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.history.LocalState
LocalUpdateBundle - Class in oracle.ideimpl.webupdate
Represents a local update bundle.
LocalUpdateBundle(UpdateBundle) - Constructor for class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.LocalUpdateBundle
LocalVariableD - Interface in
Represents a local variable.
LocalVariableDeclT - Interface in
A local variable declaration.
LocalVariableT - Interface in
A local variable, not a parameter.
Locatable - Interface in oracle.ide.model
LocatableItem - Interface in oracle.ide.model
The LocatableItem interface specifies the methods an object needs to support so it can act as a LocatableItem Examples of LocatableItems are bookmarks and to do items.
locatablesValid(VCSProfile) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.generic.ActionCommand
locate(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.file.AbstractFileScope
locate(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.file.FileScope
Locate a file in this scope.
locate(URL, Object, Object) - Method in interface oracle.ide.index.Index
Locate the matches for the given data in the given file.
locateByUniqueIdentifier(String, JavaProvider) - Static method in class
This will work for packages, classes, methods, and fields.
locateClass(JavaFile, String) - Method in class
Utility routine to search through the given JavaFile instance to find the fully-qualified class specified.
locateClass(JavaClass, String) - Method in class
Utility routine to search through the given JavaClass instance to find the fully-qualified class specified.
locateClassByVMName(JavaClass, String) - Method in class
Utility routine to search through the given JavaClass instance to find the fully-qualified class by raw name.
Located - Interface in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model
A marker interface which identifies objects which have a Location.
locateSourceClass(SourceFile, String) - Method in class
Source version of locateClass() for locating a SourceClass instance within a SourceFile.
locateSourceClass(SourceClass, String) - Method in class
Source version of locateClass() for locating SourceClass instances.
Location - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model
A location in a model in a project.
Location(ModelAdapter) - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.Location
Creates a location within a model.
locationEntered(Auditor, Location, Class) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.AuditListener
Reports an Auditor location entered event.
locationEntered(Auditor, Location, Class) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditModel
locationExited(Auditor, Location) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.AuditListener
Reports an Auditor location exited event.
locationExited(Auditor, Location) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditModel
locationSpecifiers - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "locationSpecifiers" property.
locatorFactory - Variable in class
The locator factory.
LocatorWrapper - Class in
The LocatorWrapper is a JavaClassLocator implementation that simply wraps a BaseFileProvider instance.
LocatorWrapper(BaseFileProvider) - Constructor for class
Construct a JavaClassLocator wrapper for the given provider.
lock(Context, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.compiler.Compiler
lock/unlock the context (may be project, workspace, file, ...) and return true if the operation was successful.
lock() - Method in interface oracle.ide.index.Index
Locks the index.
lock() - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.MultiLock
Acquire the locks.
lock(BasicDocument) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicAction
lock(BasicDocument) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicWriteAction
lock(BasicDocument) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.EmacsWriteAction
lock - Variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.folding.DefaultCodeFoldingModel
lock() - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.util.SimpleLock
Request the lock.
LOCK_STATUS_NONE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.buffer.ReadTextBuffer
Status constant indicating that the current thread does not hold any locks on this ReadTextBuffer.
LOCK_STATUS_READ - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.buffer.ReadTextBuffer
Status constant indicating that the current thread holds a read lock on this ReadTextBuffer.
LOCK_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.buffer.ReadTextBuffer
Status constant indicating that locking is not supported by this ReadTextBuffer implementation.
LOCK_STATUS_WRITE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.buffer.ReadTextBuffer
Status constant indicating that the current thread holds a write lock on this ReadTextBuffer (this can be returned only by TextBuffer instances).
lockClosed() - Method in interface oracle.ide.persistence.Storage
Locks this storage closed.
lockCompiler - Variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.JRunProcess
Whether to lock the compiler while the process is running.
lockCount() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Node
LockFailedException - Exception in oracle.ide.index
Indicates that an index lock failed.
LockFailedException() - Constructor for exception oracle.ide.index.LockFailedException
LockFailedException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.ide.index.LockFailedException
LockFailedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.ide.index.LockFailedException
LockFailedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.ide.index.LockFailedException
lockFirstVisible - Variable in class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
lockInterruptibly() - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.MultiLock
Acquire the locks unless the calling thread is interrupted.
lockJarFile() - Method in class
Locks the JAR file handle open for this index.
log(ElementContext, Level, String) - Method in class javax.ide.extension.ElementVisitor
Log a message.
log(ElementContext, Level, String, Object...) - Method in class javax.ide.extension.ElementVisitor
Log a message.
log(Object) - Method in class javax.ide.log.LogPage
Display the specified msg.
log(Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.log.AbstractLogPage
Display the specified msg.
log(Object, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.log.AbstractLogPage
Display the specified msg.
log(Object) - Method in interface oracle.ide.log.LogPage
Display the specified msg.
log(Level, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.performance.PerformanceLogger
log(Level, String, long) - Method in class oracle.ide.performance.PerformanceLogger
log(String, String, long) - Method in class oracle.ide.performance.PerformanceLogger
Log a message with an elapsed time.
log(Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunLogPage
Display the specified msg in this log page.
log(Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
Display the specified msg in the log window.
log(String, Object...) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.db.DBLog
Logs the given message to the tracing log level.
log() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.event.DBObjectChange
Internal - prints a copy of the event to the oracle.javatools.db Logger.
log(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.progress.ProgressDetailsArea
Logs the given message to the details text area.
LOG - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
log(Logger, Level, String, Object, Throwable) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.logging.LogUtils
log(Logger, Level, String, Object[], Throwable) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.logging.LogUtils
Log - Class in oracle.javatools.util
A simple error and trace log.
Log(String) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Log
Creates a named log.
Log(String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Log
Creates a named log with two names.
Log(String, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Log
Creates a named log with three names.
Log(String[]) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Log
Creates a named log with multiple names.
log(String, Object...) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.DeferredExpression
log(Level, String, Object...) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.Definition
log(Level, Throwable, String, Object...) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.Definition
log - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.ModelAdapter
log(Level, String, Object...) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.AuditLogger
Log a message to the Audit Logger.
log(Level, Throwable, String, Object...) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.AuditLogger
Log a message with exception to the Audit Logger.
Log - Interface in oracle.ojc.interfaces
The log interface supplies an abstract layer for logging messages, errors and warnings.
Log.Formatter - Interface in oracle.javatools.util
An object which formats a value into a StringBuffer.
LOG_COMMAND - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfiguration
LOG_EMBEDDED_SERVER_FAILED_TO_START - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb
LOG_EMBEDDED_SERVER_FAILED_TO_START - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_de
LOG_EMBEDDED_SERVER_FAILED_TO_START - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_en
LOG_EMBEDDED_SERVER_FAILED_TO_START - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_es
LOG_EMBEDDED_SERVER_FAILED_TO_START - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_fr
LOG_EMBEDDED_SERVER_FAILED_TO_START - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_it
LOG_EMBEDDED_SERVER_FAILED_TO_START - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ja
LOG_EMBEDDED_SERVER_FAILED_TO_START - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ko
LOG_EMBEDDED_SERVER_FAILED_TO_START - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_pt_BR
LOG_EMBEDDED_SERVER_FAILED_TO_START - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_CN
LOG_EMBEDDED_SERVER_FAILED_TO_START - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_TW
LOG_ERROR - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfiguration
LOG_EXIT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfiguration
LOG_OUTPUT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfiguration
LOG_PAGE_ID - Static variable in class javax.ide.IDEConstants
Identifies the log window.
LOG_PAGE_POPUP_ID - Static variable in class javax.ide.IDEConstants
Identifies the log window's popup menu
LOG_READONLY - Static variable in class oracle.ide.model.Node
LOG_WINDOW_CMD - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
Open log window command.
LOG_WINDOW_CMD_ID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
Open log window command id.
LOGANALYZER - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
logandp - Variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab.SqlLogdef
next entry in and chain
logCommandString - Variable in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
Whether the command string should be logged.
logCommandString(String[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
If RunProcess.logCommandString is true, the command string is displayed in the log window.
LOGCONFIGURATION - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
logConfigurationProperty(String, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.performance.PerformanceLogger
LogContext - Class in oracle.ide.log
Provides typesafe getter and setter methods for Context properties specific to the log manager.
logDifferences(DBObject, DBObject, DBObjectProvider) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.db.DBLog
Prints out the differences between the two objects to the trace log level.
logError - Variable in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
Whether standard error from the process should be logged.
logError(Throwable, String, Object...) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.ExtensionBean
Logs an error message related to this bean.
logError(String, Object...) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.ExtensionBean
Logs an error message related to this bean.
logEvent(String, Object...) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectProvider
Use to log provider events.
logExit - Variable in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
Whether to log a message when the process exits.
LOGGER - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.ContextMenuListenersHook
LOGGER - Static variable in class oracle.ide.file.FileTable
The logger for file table messages.
LOGGER - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
LOGGERTRANSIENT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
logging - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "logging" property.
LOGHANDLER - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
logIn(PasswordAuthentication) - Method in class oracle.ide.webbrowser.WOCAuthenticator
Attempt to log in to an Oracle Web Account.
logInformation(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.migration.XMLMigrator.MigrationLogger
LOGLOCATION_HEADER - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
LogManager - Class in javax.ide.log
The LogManager provides the interface through which the IDE manipulates LogPages.
LogManager() - Constructor for class javax.ide.log.LogManager
LogManager - Class in oracle.ide.log
The LogManager interface should be implemented to provide customized management of LogPages.
LogManager() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.log.LogManager
logMessage(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.marshal.xml.Object2DomLogger
logMessage(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.migration.XMLMigrator.MigrationLogger
logMsg(Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.log.AbstractLogPage
Display the specified msg.
logMsg(Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.log.DefaultLogPage
Display a message in the GUI.
logMsg(Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.log.MessagePage
Adds the given msg to the message page.
logMsg(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditLogPage
logNewLine() - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.progress.ProgressDetailsArea
Logs a line separator to the details text area.
LOGOFF_EVENT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.plsql.Trigger
LOGOFF_EVENT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.Trigger
LOGON_EVENT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.plsql.Trigger
LOGON_EVENT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.Trigger
logorp - Variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab.SqlLogdef
next entry in or chain
logOtherException(Throwable) - Method in interface oracle.ide.marshal.xml.Object2DomLogger
logOtherException(Throwable) - Method in class oracle.ide.migration.XMLMigrator.MigrationLogger
logOutMsg(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.compiler.Compiler
logOutMsg log a message on the default compiler output log
logOutput - Variable in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
Whether standard output from the process should be logged.
logOutputPath() - Static method in class oracle.ide.LogWindowContentReader
LogOwner - Interface in oracle.ide.log
The LogOwner interface should be implemented by views that manage LogPages.
LogPage - Class in javax.ide.log
The LogPage interface defines the methods to log and clear messages from a page.
LogPage() - Constructor for class javax.ide.log.LogPage
LogPage - Interface in oracle.ide.log
The LogPage interface should be implemented by addins that report information to the user.
logPageOverride - Variable in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
The log page to be used instead of the normal log page.
LogPipe - Class in oracle.ide.log
This class provides a common reader pump mechanism used by LogPrintWriter and LogPrintStream.
logpredp - Variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab.SqlLogdef
predicate pointer
LogPrintStream - Class in oracle.ide.log
This class provides a PrintStream interface to a LogPage.
LogPrintStream(LogPage) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.log.LogPrintStream
Note: Because of internationalization issues, it is strongly recommended that LogPrintWriter be used whenever possible instead of LogPrintStream to prevent characters from being corrupted when displayed.
LogPrintWriter - Class in oracle.ide.log
This class provides a PrintWriter interface to a LogPage.
LogPrintWriter(LogPage) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.log.LogPrintWriter
Constructs a LogPrintWriter that is wired into the specified LogPage.
logQuietly(Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.log.AbstractLogPage
Adds the specified msg as silently as possible.
LogRecognizer - Interface in oracle.ide.log
The LogRecognizer is used when attempting to create a log page by opening a file in the LogWindow.
LOGRELATEDMESSAGES - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
logSAXParseException(SAXParseException) - Method in interface oracle.ide.marshal.xml.Object2DomLogger
logSAXParseException(SAXParseException) - Method in class oracle.ide.migration.XMLMigrator.MigrationLogger
logStackTrace(Throwable) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.db.DBLog
Logs the given exception if the db_api tracing is enabled.
logStartDirectory - Variable in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
Whether the start directory should be logged.
logStartDirectory() - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
If RunProcess.logStartDirectory is true, the start directory is displayed in the log window.
logStartErrors() - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
logTable - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "logTable" property.
logText(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.log.DefaultLogPage
Display a String message in the GUI.
logUnmarshalException(int, int, Throwable) - Method in interface oracle.ide.marshal.xml.Object2DomLogger
logUnmarshalException(int, int, Throwable) - Method in class oracle.ide.migration.XMLMigrator.MigrationLogger
LogUtils - Class in oracle.javatools.logging
LogUtils() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.logging.LogUtils
Protected for now to allow for deprecated subclass.
logWarning(String, Object...) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.ExtensionBean
Logs an error message related to this bean.
LogWindow - Class in oracle.ide.log
The LogWindow is the dockable view responsible for managing log pages.
LogWindow(String) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.log.LogWindow
LogWindowCommand - Class in oracle.ide.cmd
The LogWindowCommand class implements the open log window command.
LogWindowCommand() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.cmd.LogWindowCommand
LogWindowContentReader - Class in oracle.ide
logWithoutShow(Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunLogPage
logXMLDocument(XMLDocument) - Method in interface oracle.ide.marshal.xml.Object2DomLogger
Called once Object2Dom has finished parsing a document.
logXMLDocument(XMLDocument) - Method in class oracle.ide.migration.XMLMigrator.MigrationLogger
logXMLParseException(XMLParseException) - Method in interface oracle.ide.marshal.xml.Object2DomLogger
logXMLParseException(XMLParseException) - Method in class oracle.ide.migration.XMLMigrator.MigrationLogger
LONG - Static variable in class
Long literal.
LongConverter - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service
LongConverter() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.LongConverter
LongField - Class in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.bean
LongField() - Constructor for class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.bean.LongField
longGetter(JavaType, String) - Static method in class
longValue() - Method in class oracle.ide.util.Mutables.Byte
longValue() - Method in class oracle.ide.util.Mutables.Character
longValue() - Method in class oracle.ide.util.Mutables.Double
longValue() - Method in class oracle.ide.util.Mutables.Float
longValue() - Method in class oracle.ide.util.Mutables.Integer
longValue() - Method in class oracle.ide.util.Mutables.Long
longValue() - Method in class oracle.ide.util.Mutables.Short
look - Variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.ghost.GhostPalette
lookup(Class<? extends Element>, Context) - Method in interface oracle.ide.navigator.DeleteActionHandler.LookupHelper
lookup(String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.vcs.VCSRegistry
lookup(int) - Static method in class
lookup(E) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.ArraySortedSet
Looks up the specified object in the set, and returns that object found (instead of the one provided.) This can be used, for example, to implement an intern() type method for an object pool.
lookup(String) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changeset.ChangeSetRegistry
lookupCachedLightSourceFile(URL) - Method in class
Utility routine which looks up the cached LightSourceFile entry in our cache map, which uses SoftReference values.
lookupCachedSourceFile(URL) - Method in class
Utility routine which looks up the cached SourceFile entry in our cache map, which uses SoftReference values.
lookupCommand(String) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.editor.insight.AbstractInsight
Utility routine which maps an action name (such as "caret-down") to one of our private constants (like UP_COMMAND.)
lookupFactory(ViewId) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DockStation
lookupGutterColumn(String) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.Gutter
Fetches the gutter column by name.
lookupGutterColumn(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin
Fetches the gutter column by name.
lookupGutterMarks(int) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.GutterColumn
Fetch the GutterMark instances contained within this column for the specified line (if any).
lookupGutterMarks(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin.Column
Fetch the GutterMark instances contained within this column for the specified line (if any).
lookupKeyword(ReadTextBuffer, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.util.KeywordTable
Lookup the given keyword marked by the given start and end offset in the ReadTextBuffer, and return the matching token value, or Lexer.TK_NOT_FOUND if there is no such keyword in the table.
lookupMenuSection(String, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuManager
Retrieves the section value for a specific menu section in a given menu.
lookupOverlayCoordinator(String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.explorer.IconOverlayRegistry
lookupOverlayCoordinator(String, String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.explorer.IconOverlayRegistry
lookupPredefinedPainter(UnderlinePainter) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.editor.highlight.HighlightRegistry
Utility routine to determine the predefined index number for a painter.
lookupPrimitive(String) - Static method in class
lookupProvider(String) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.nav.ConnectionProvider
lookupStyle(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.highlight.HighlightRegistry
Fetches the style with the given name.
lookupStyle(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.StyleRegistry
Fetches the style with the given name.
lookupTranslatedName(String) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
Lookup the translated action name.
lookupView(ViewId) - Method in interface oracle.ide.docking.BaseDockableFactory
LOV - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
LOW - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.Priority
LOW_PRIORITY - Static variable in class oracle.ide.todo.ToDoManager
Constant for low priority that can be assigned to the ToDoItem
LOWER_CASE_NAME_POLICY - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectProvider
Unquoted Names are case insensitive and stored in lower case
LOWERED_BORDER - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controls.ThinBevel
LRU_FILES_SIZE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdePropertyConstants
Number of 'recent files' to remember.
ls(File) - Method in class
ls(URL) - Method in class
ls(URL, URLFilter) - Method in class
ls(URL) - Static method in class
ls(URL, URLFilter) - Static method in class
ls(URL) - Method in class
Returns an array of URLFileSystem.FileInfo objects describing files and directories in the directory indicated by the URL.
ls(URL, URLFilter) - Method in class
Returns an array of URLFileSystem.FileInfo objects describing files and directories in the directory indicated by the URL that satisfy the specified URLFilter.
ls(URL) - Method in class
ls(URL, URLFilter) - Method in class
lsCached(URL) - Method in class
lsCached(URL, URLFilter) - Method in class
lsCached(URL) - Static method in class
lsCached(URL, URLFilter) - Static method in class
lsCached(URL) - Method in class
lsCached(URL, URLFilter) - Method in class
lsCached(URL) - Method in class
lsCached(URL, URLFilter) - Method in class

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