19 Set Up A/P Integration

This chapter contains these topics:

19.1 Setting Up A/P Integration

You set up your Payroll system for A/P integration so that you can use payroll information to create vouchers for payroll taxes and other payroll liability amounts. You can set up payees for any tax type or DBA. The Payroll system creates vouchers for these payees for employee withholdings and company-paid benefits and taxes.

Integrating the Payroll and Accounts Payable systems saves time and helps reduce keying errors.

Setting up A/P integration includes:

  • Setting Up Payroll Company Constants

  • Setting Up Voucher Information for Tax Transactions

  • Setting Up Voucher Information for DBAs

  • Setting Up Payee Voucher Rules

19.1.1 Before You Begin

19.1.2 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Payees A payee is a person or organization that receives payments from your organization for taxes or payroll liabilities. The Accounts Payable system refers to a payee as a supplier.
Voucher due dates When you set up payees for payroll vouchers, you must specify the payment terms. The system uses this information to calculate the due date for vouchers. See Entering Suppliers in the JD Edwards World Accounts Payable Guide.

19.2 Setting Up Payroll Company Constants


From Payroll Master (G07), enter 29

From Payroll Setup (G074), choose Payroll General Constants

From Payroll General Constants (G0741), choose Payroll Company Constants

To use your Payroll system to create vouchers for payroll taxes and other payroll liability amounts, you must activate A/P integration in the company constants for company 00000. You can activate A/P integration for taxes, DBAs, or both.

See Also:

To set up payroll company constants

On Payroll Company Constants

Figure 19-1 Payroll Company Constants screen

Description of Figure 19-1 follows
Description of ''Figure 19-1 Payroll Company Constants screen''

  1. Locate company 00000.

  2. Complete the following field:

    • A/P Integration

Field Explanation
A/P Integration This field specifies the level of integration between the Payroll and the Accounts Payable systems. The system creates pro forma vouchers during the payroll journal entries step of the payroll cycle. The system creates actual vouchers during the final update step.

N – No integration

0 – Create vouchers for both DBAs and taxes that have been setup with A/P integration

1 – Create vouchers only for DBAs that have been setup with A/P integration

2 – Create vouchers only for taxes that have been setup with A/P integration

19.3 Setting Up Voucher Information for Tax Transactions

You must set up vouchering to use your Payroll system to create vouchers for tax transactions. After you activate A/P integration for taxes, the system creates vouchers for those tax types.

To set up voucher information for tax transactions, complete the following tasks:

  • Set up vouchering for tax transactions

  • Enter tax payees by company (optional)

You can specify a payee at the tax type level or the company level, as follows:

  • When all or most of the companies in your organization remit payment for a tax to the same taxing authority, it is more efficient to enter the payee at the tax type level.

  • If one or more of the companies in your organization remits a tax to a different taxing authority, you can enter a payee at the company level to override this payee for individual companies.

  • When all or most of the companies in your organization remit payment for a tax to different taxing authorities, you must enter payees at the company level.

For example, in a multi-company organization in which all but two of the companies remit federal taxes to the same institution, you can enter that institution as the default payee. For the two companies that remit their federal taxes to other institutions, you can enter individual payees for those companies to override the default.

19.3.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Specifying payees for vouchers If you do not specify a payee at either the tax type level or the company level, the Payroll Journal Proof/Edit for Vouchers report prints an error message.
Reviewing payment remarks The system stores the corporate tax ID in the voucher. This ID prints on the voucher payment as a payment remark.

19.3.2 Setting Up Vouchering for Tax Transactions


From Payroll Master (G07), enter 29

From Payroll Setup (G074), choose Taxes and Insurance

From Taxes and Insurance (G0744), choose Tax Area Information

To use your Payroll system to create vouchers for tax transactions, you must activate vouchering for tax types. The system creates vouchers only for the tax types with active vouchering. For federal A and all state and local taxes, specify a payee. You must activate vouchering for other types of federal taxes, but do not need to specify a payee.

To use your Payroll system to create vouchers for tax transactions, you must activate vouchering for tax types. The system creates vouchers only for the tax types with active vouchering, as follows:

  • For U.S. Payroll, you must also specify a payee for Federal A and all state and local taxes. You do not need to specify a payee for other federal tax types.

Typically, you enter a payee at the tax type level when all or most of the companies in your organization remit a tax to the same taxing authority. You can override this payee at the company level, if necessary.

To activate vouchering for tax transactions

On Tax Area Information

Figure 19-2 Tax Area Information screen

Description of Figure 19-2 follows
Description of ''Figure 19-2 Tax Area Information screen''

  1. Complete the following fields to locate a tax type:

    • Tax Area

    • Tax Type

  2. Complete the following field:

    • A/P Voucher

  3. Complete the following optional field:

    • Payee

Field Explanation
Tax Area A code that identifies a geographical location and the tax authorities for the employee's work site. Authorities include both employee and employer statutory requirements. In Vertex payroll tax terminology, this code is synonymous with GeoCode. Refer to Vertex System's Master GeoCode List for valid codes for your locations.
Tax Type A user defined code (07/TX) that identifies the type of payroll tax being processed.

Refer to the associated user defined code records for the current descriptions of these codes.

The values and meanings associated with this user defined code are pre-set by JD Edwards World. You should not alter the values and meanings.

Form-specific information

For Canadian provincial tax types:

Set up tax type CF for every tax area even if there is no provincial tax because wage history is maintained by province.

For U.S. state tax types:

Set up tax type C, Federal Unemployment Insurance (FUI) for each state, because the FUI rate might vary from state to state. Use the 2 character statutory code for the state.

You must have the tax type Z, weeks worked, whenever you have tax type H, state unemployment. Some states require weeks worked to be reported with state unemployment.

For U.S. local tax areas:

Local tax areas use all 9 digits of the GeoCode tax area. You should define a 3 character statutory code.

For U.S. Earned Income Credit (EIC)

For Tax Type B, the EIC prints on the check, advice, or pay slip. The system subtracts this tax amount from the total deductions at the bottom of the pay stub.

A/P Voucher (Y/N) The Yes or No Entry field is a common single character entry field for simple yes or no responses on prompt forms.

Form-specific information

Indicates whether the system creates a voucher for this payroll tax in the Accounts Payable system.

19.3.3 Entering Tax Payees by Company


From Payroll Master (G07), enter 29

From Payroll Setup (G074), choose Taxes and Insurance

From Taxes and Insurance (G0744), choose Tax Area/Payee Cross-Reference

After you activate vouchering for tax types, you can enter tax payees at the company level. Entering payees at the company level is optional. You do so only in one of the following circumstances:

  • You did not enter a payee at the tax type level.

  • You entered a payee for the tax type that differs from the payee for the company.

The payees you enter at the company level override the payee you enter at the tax type level. You can enter multiple companies and assign one payee per company for each tax type and tax area.

To enter tax payees by company

On Tax Area/Payee Cross Reference

Figure 19-3 Tax Area/Payer Cross-Reference screen

Description of Figure 19-3 follows
Description of ''Figure 19-3 Tax Area/Payer Cross-Reference screen''

  1. Complete the following fields to locate a tax type:

    • Tax Area

    • Tax Type

  2. Complete the following fields:

    • Company Number

    • Payee Number

19.4 Setting Up Voucher Information for DBAs

To use your Payroll system to create vouchers for DBAs, you must set up voucher information and assign payees for the DBAs. The system creates vouchers only for the DBAs with active vouchering.

To set up voucher information for DBAs, complete the following tasks:

  • Set up vouchering for DBAs

  • Enter voucher information for group plans

  • Enter voucher information for individual employees

You must activate vouchering when you set up a DBA. Then, when you assign the DBA to a group plan or an individual employee, you must specify whether the system will create a voucher for the DBA for that group plan or employee.

Because you enter voucher information at the group plan or employee level, you can assign the same DBA to multiple group plans and create vouchers even when the payees for those plans vary. You can also choose to create vouchers for some plans and not for others.

You can specify payees for vouchers at the DBA, group, or employee level.

Entering the payee at the DBA level is more efficient when all or most of the companies in your organization remit payment for a DBA to the same institution. If necessary, you can override this payee for individual groups, such as unions, or employees by entering a payee at the group or employee level.

When you remit payments for a DBA for all or most of the groups or employees in your organization to different institutions, you must enter payees at the group or employee level.

19.4.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Entering payees If you do not specify a payee at some level (DBA, group plan, or employee), the Payroll Journal Proof/Edit for Vouchers report prints an error message.
Reviewing payment remarks For a wage attachment, the system stores the wage attachment case number and employee name in the voucher. This information prints on the voucher payment as a payment remark.

For other types of DBAs, the voucher contains no payment remark.

Reviewing voucher information for wage attachments You can use Detail Wage Attachment Ledger to review the voucher number and voucher date for a wage attachment.

See Section 14.2, "Reviewing Wage Attachment History Online."

19.4.2 Setting Up Vouchering for DBAs


From Payroll Master (G07), enter 29

From Payroll Setup (G074), choose Pay/Deductions/Benefits

From Pay/Deductions/Benefits (G0742), choose DBA Setup

To use your Payroll system to create vouchers for DBAs, you must set up vouchering for the DBAs. The system creates vouchers only for the DBAs with active vouchering. You must set up vouchering at the DBA level before you can enter voucher information for group plans or individual employees.

When you set up vouchering for a DBA, you can specify a payee in the DBA setup. Typically, you enter a payee at the DBA level when all or most of the groups, such as unions, or employees in your organization remit payment for the DBA to the same institution. You can override this payee at the group or employee level, if necessary.

If you enter all payees at the group plan or employee level, you do not need to enter a payee in the DBA setup.

To set up vouchering for DBAs

On DBA Setup

  1. Complete the following field to locate a DBA for which you need to create vouchers:

    • DBA Code

  2. Complete the following field:

    • A/P Voucher

  3. Complete the following optional field:

    • Payee Address Number

19.4.3 Entering Voucher Information for Group Plans


From Payroll Master (G07), enter 29

From Payroll Setup (G074), choose Pay/Deductions/Benefits

From Pay/Deductions/Benefits (G0742), choose Group Plan DBA Setup

After you set up vouchering for a DBA, you can enter voucher information when you include the DBA in a group plan. You can include a DBA, such as a union dues deduction, in multiple group plans.

Because you might need to create vouchers for some group plans and not others, you can choose to deactivate vouchering for the DBA at the group level.

For a DBA that is assigned to multiple group plans, the payee might vary between groups. Therefore, you can enter payees for the DBA at the group plan level. The payee you enter for a group plan overrides the payee entered at the DBA level.

You enter a payee for a group plan only in one of the following circumstances:

  • You did not enter a payee at the DBA level

  • You entered a payee in the setup for the DBA that differs from the payee for this group plan

To enter voucher information for group plans

On Group Plan DBA Setup

Figure 19-4 Group Plan DBA Setup screen

Description of Figure 19-4 follows
Description of ''Figure 19-4 Group Plan DBA Setup screen''

  1. Complete the following field to locate the group plan for which you need to create vouchers:

    • Group Plan

  2. Complete the following field:

    • Generate Voucher (GV)

  3. Complete the following optional field:

    • Payee

Field Explanation
G V A code used to determine whether the system should generate a voucher for the DBA, tax, or wage attachment during the final update phase of the payroll processing cycle. Valid codes are:

N – No, do not generate a voucher

Y – Yes, generate a voucher

19.4.4 Entering Voucher Information for Individual Employees


From Payroll Master (G07), choose Employee Information

From Employee Information (G0711), choose DBA Instructions

After you activate vouchering for a DBA, you can specify the employees for whom you want to create vouchers. You enter voucher information when you assign the DBA to an employee. Because you enter voucher information at the employee level, you can assign the same DBA to multiple employees and create vouchers even when the payees for those employees vary. You also can choose to create vouchers for some employees and not for others.

When you enter voucher information for an employee, you can also enter a payee for the voucher. The payee you enter for an employee overrides the payee entered at the group plan and DBA levels.

You enter a payee for an employee only in one of the following circumstances:

  • You did not enter a payee at the DBA level

  • You entered a payee at the DBA level that differs from the payee for this employee

  • You entered a payee for an employee at the group plan level that differs from the payee for this employee

To enter voucher information for individual employees

On Employee DBA Instructions

  1. Complete the following field to locate the employee for which you need to create vouchers:

    • Employee Number

  2. Complete the following field:

    • Generate Voucher

  3. Complete the following optional field:

    • Payee

19.5 Setting Up Payee Voucher Rules


From Payroll Master (G07), enter 29

From Payroll Setup (G074), choose Pay/Deductions/Benefits

From Pay/Deductions/Benefits (G0742), choose Payee Voucher Rules

You use payee voucher rules to specify how the Payroll system summarizes detailed transactions into vouchers during the journal entries step of the payroll cycle.

Payee voucher rules for DBAs include:

Rule Description
Voucher Rule 00 One voucher per payee. This is the default rule.

Use this rule to summarize all DBA transactions, regardless of DBA, employee number, or group plan. When the system summarizes transactions, different general ledger account numbers result in separate pay items on the same voucher. The account might be for different companies.

Voucher Rule 01 One voucher per employee.

Use this rule for a payee for a wage attachment that you entered at the employee level.

This rule is particularly useful for wage attachments, because a voucher for a wage attachment includes a payment remark with the case number from the court and the employee's last name. The Accounts Payable system prints the remark for each voucher, even when multiple vouchers are included in one payment.

Voucher Rule 02 One voucher per payee for each DBA.
Voucher Rule 03 One voucher per payee/EE/DBA
Voucher Rule 04 One voucher per payee for each group plan.

Use this rule for a payee that you entered at the group plan level.

Payee voucher rules for taxes include:

Rule Description
Voucher Rule 00 One voucher per payee. This is the default rule. Use this rule to summarize all tax transactions, regardless of tax type or employee number. When the system summarizes transactions, it creates separate pay items fro different general ledger account numbers on the same voucher.
Voucher Rule 01 One voucher per payee by employee.
Voucher Rule 02 One voucher per payee by tax type.

To summarize all of your vouchers according to rule 00, do not set up any payee voucher rules. The system creates:

  • One DBA voucher per payee

  • One tax voucher for each of the payee's corporate tax IDs

To use a rule other than rule 00 for a payee, you must specify both a DBA rule and a tax rule for the payee. When you specify only one rule for a payee (either a DBA or a tax rule), the system enters the default value of zero for the other rule.

To set up payee voucher rules

On Payee Voucher Rules

Figure 19-5 Payee Voucher Rules screen

Description of Figure 19-5 follows
Description of ''Figure 19-5 Payee Voucher Rules screen''

  1. Complete the following fields:

    • Number

    • DBAs Voucher Rules (VR)

    • Taxes Voucher Rules (VR)

  2. Review the information in the following fields:

    • Payment Terms (Pym Trm)

    • G/L Offset

Field Explanation
Payee Voucher Rule Payee Voucher Rules determine the level of summarization for a payee. This specific rule tells the system how to summarize voucher information for a DBA. For example, the rule indicates whether the system should create one voucher for a payee or create a separate voucher for each DBA owed to a payee.

The Payee Voucher Rules are predefined and should not be changed.

Pymt Trm A code that specifies the terms of payment, including the percentage of discount available if the invoice is paid within a certain amount of time. A blank code usually indicates the most frequently used payment term. You define the specifications for each type of payment term on the Payment Terms Revisions form. For example:

blank – Net 15

1 – 1/10 net 30

2 – 2/10 net 30

N – Net 30

P – Fixed day of 25th

Z – Net 90

This code prints on customer invoices.

Form-specific information

The payment terms information is stored in the Accounts Payable system. You cannot change it in the Payroll system.

G/L Offset The table of Automatic Accounting Instruction accounts that allows you to predefine classes of automatic offset accounts for Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and other systems.

G/L offsets might be assigned as follows:

  • blank or 1210- Trade Accounts Receivable

  • RETN or 1220 - Retainages Receivable

  • EMP or 1230 - Employee Accounts Receivable

  • JIB or 1240 - JIB Receivable (See A/R Class Code - ARC)

  • blank or 4110 - Trade Accounts Payable

  • RETN or 4120 - Retainage Payable

  • OTHR or 4230 - Other Accounts Payable (See A/R Class code - APC)

If you leave this field blank during data entry, the system uses the default value from the Customer Master Information table (F0301) or the Supplier Master Information table (F0401). The post program uses the G/L Offset class to create automatic offset entries.

Note: Do not use code 9999. It is reserved for the post program and indicates that offsets should not be created.

Form-specific information

This field indicates the account that the system offsets when you post vouchers to the general ledger. This information is stored in the Accounts Payable AAIs. You cannot change it in the Payroll system.

19.5.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Deleting payee voucher rules Choose the Delete option to delete the voucher rules for a payee. Deleting payee voucher rules does not delete the payee from the Accounts Payable system.
Reviewing payee voucher rules To review existing payee voucher rules for all payees, leave the Skip to Payee field blank on the Payee Voucher Rules form.

To locate a specific payee, enter the payee's address number in the Skip to Payee field.

Determining the voucher due date The system uses the payment terms to determine the voucher due date.