14 Frequently Asked Questions

This chapter includes the following topics for frequently asked questions:

Following are answers to frequently asked questions regarding year-end processing.

14.1 Data Integrity

Question Answer
I tried to run the EI integrity reports from the DREAM Writer version list, but they do not produce reports. What am I doing wrong? Run these reports from the EI Integrity menu (G77311), not from the DREAM Writer version list.
I ran the EI Integrity Validation program, but it did not correct the integrity errors. This program prints an integrity report only. It does not update any tables.
When a tax ID needs to change during the year, what is the process to combine the tax records to avoid multiple T4s? See Section 5.8, "Updating Tax Records to Avoid Multiple T4s".

14.2 Special Handling

Question Answer
I used special handling to add a pay type to a box, but the correct amount did not print in the box. If you add a pay type through special handling, you must repost pay types, as well as deductions, benefits, and accruals, to the Tax Area Transaction Summary History table (F06148) before you run the workfile build. See Reposting Tax Area Information for more information.

14.3 User Defined Codes

Question Answer
Why am I not allowed to change the Description 2 field in UDC 07/SC? The CCRA defines the codes which are the values in this field. These do not match the GeoCodes that the Vertex Payroll Tax Calculation System uses.

14.4 Workfile Build

Question Answer
When I run the workfile build from the DREAM Writer version list, the process aborts. Nothing on the job log indicates why. Run the workfile build from the Canadian Year-End Processing menu, not the DREAM Writer version list.
The amounts that print in Box 14 of my T4 forms are double what my employees' employment income should be. What am I doing wrong? Taxable wages automatically print in wage boxes on the T4, so you should not add them in again.
I have employees who worked in more than one company in my organization during the year. Can I combine their amounts from all companies on the same year-end forms? For T4 forms only:
  • If the employee changed companies and still worked in the same province, you can complete the Summarize on Tax ID field on the second Build T4/Releve Workfiles screen to summarize the information. See Section 7.1, "Defining Year-End Workfiles" for more information.

  • If the employee changed companies and also changed provinces, you cannot summarize the information.

For T4A, Relevé 1, Relevé 2, and NR4 forms, you cannot summarize the information. The system creates a separate form for each company that the employee worked in.

14.5 Year-End Rollover

Question Answer
When should I run rollovers? You should run the Calendar Month Rollover after the last payroll with work dates in the prior year, regardless of the cheque date. You should run the Payroll Month Rollover after the last cheque date of the prior year.
I am having problems getting my available vacation beginning balances to roll over and create a record for the new year. What am I doing wrong? The rollover table might not be attached to this DBA. For more information, see Entering Rollover Information for DBAs for more information.
I ran the year-end rollover and now I need to issue an adjustment cheque for 2019. After I process the cheque, should I run the rollover again? Perhaps. If you are making adjustments to DBAs, you might need to run the rollover again (selecting just that employee), or you can manually adjust history.
If an employee has two history records for the same DBA (only the company is different), will both records roll over into 2019 with a prior year balance? Only the record for the employee's current home company is rolled over. This record contains combined beginning balance and prior year totals.
If I run the year-end rollover after a payroll for 2019, does the system delete amounts? No. The rollover replaces only the totals for prior year and beginning balance, the number of periods, and the remaining balance.
Does a PDBA have to be an accrual in order to roll over? No. It can be a pay type, deduction, benefit, or accrual. You can specify which PDBAs to roll over in the data selection of the DREAM Writer. For more information, see Entering Rollover Information for DBAs for more information.