5 Reposting Historical Information

After you make necessary corrections to employment history, you must repost the historical information. Because the system uses tax area summary information for year-end processing, you must repost tax area information from the detail information before you begin the year-end processing cycle.

In rare instances, you might encounter other history integrity problems that you cannot correct by running an integrity report in update mode or by revising payroll history manually. For example:

  • During final update, a machine failure or power outage might prevent the system from updating the summary history tables.

  • While revising pay and tax amounts by month, you might have entered an incorrect gross pay amount.

In these instances, you can usually correct the problem by running a repost. The repost programs in this section, other than the DBAs to Tax Area Sum. F06148 program (P07148), are optional. You do not need to run them to complete year-end processing.

This chapter includes the following topics:

5.1 Reposting Tax Area Information

You repost tax area information to create a table of PDBAs by province and tax ID. It is important to repost to this table before you begin the year-end processing cycle. You use this table to cross-reference payroll amounts to specific boxes on year-end forms. When you repost, you also ensure that the system posts all PDBAs properly and that no PDBAs were missing during the year.

The repost program reads data from the Deduction, Benefit, and Accrual Detail History File table (F0619) and reposts the amounts to the Tax Area Transaction Summary History table (F06148). The F0618 table contains all of the time entry records for the year. The F0619 table contains all of the deduction, benefit, and accrual information.

To repost, you must set up the following two DREAM Writer programs:

  • Repost Tax Area Transaction History (P07148)

  • Repost Tax Area Transaction History (P07148A)

These two programs have identical names. Their unique program numbers differentiates them. You must set up the programs with identical DREAM Writer version names. The version names must begin with an alpha character.

Using two programs enables you to use data selection for both the F0618 and F0619 tables. You must submit Repost Tax Area Transaction History (P07148), and the system automatically runs Repost Tax Area Transaction History (P07148A).


Depending on the size of the history tables, processing time for the repost programs can range from a few minutes to several hours. JD Edwards World software recommends you to run these programs during off-peak hours. In addition, you must not run any other payroll functions while the system is processing these programs.

The repost programs do not produce reports. You should check system messages to verify that jobs finished normally.


From Data Integrity & Global Updates (G7731), choose PDBAs to Tax Area Sum. F06148

5.1.1 Before You Begin

Back up the existing Tax Area Transaction Summary History table (F06148).

5.1.3 Data Sequence

Do not change the data sequence.

5.2 Reposting Tax Ledger Information

After you make any necessary revisions to employment history, the information in your Tax Ledger File table (F0716) might not match the corresponding information in the Taxation Summary History by Province table (F0713). You can run the Tax Ledger to Tax Summary repost program to update the summary table with the information from the detail table. This is an optional step for year-end processing.

The repost programs do not produce reports. You should review system messages to verify that jobs finish normally.


Processing time for the repost programs depends on the size of the history tables. JD Edwards World recommends that you run these programs during off-peak hours. In addition, you should not run any other payroll functions while the system is processing these programs.

Exercise great caution when running the Tax Ledger to Tax Sum. F0713 program. This program changes year-to-date information and impacts critical reports. Use data selection to report only those records that you require. You must use the range of check dates from January 1 to December 31 of the year that you are reposting in the data selection.


From Data Integrity and Global Udates (G7731), choose Tax Ledger to Tax Sum. F0713

5.2.1 Before You Begin

Back up the existing Tax Ledger File table (F0716) and the Taxation Summary History by Province table (F0713).

5.2.2 Data Selection

This program submits all records for processing unless you use data selection to limit the records. Enter the data selection values that you need in order to select the records that you want to repost. For example, you might use the following data selection values:

  • Address Number

  • Tax Area (Work)

  • Tax Type

  • Check Date

  • Home Company

  • Work County (Province)

  • Month - Update of History

5.3 Reposting Pay Types to the Payroll Month

You repost pay types to the payroll month if your Payroll Month PDBA Summary History table (F06146) contains corrupt data. This repost totals the pay type transactions stored in the Payroll Transaction History File table (F0618) and posts monthly totals for gross pay and hours to the F06146 table.

This repost summarizes by cheque date. It overwrites existing totals in the F06146 table.


Use caution when you running this program as you can inadvertently overwrite adjustments that you manually entered. Prior to reposting, back up all summary tables that you need to repost and contact JD Edwards World Global Customer Support for assistance.


From Data Integrity & Global Updates (G7731), choose Pay Types to PR Month F06146

5.4 Reposting DBAs to the Payroll Month

You repost DBAs to the payroll month if the information in your Payroll Month PDBA Summary History table (F06146) does not correspond to the detail information in the Ded/Ben/Accr Detail History File table (F0619). For each employee, this repost calculates monthly totals for each DBA type. It then posts these totals to the F06146 table.

This repost summarizes by cheque date. It overwrites existing totals in the F06146 table.


Use caution when running the program as you can inadvertently overwrite adjustments that you manually entered. Prior to reposting, back up all summary tables that you need to repost and contact JD Edwards World Global Customer Support for assistance.


From Data Integrity & Global Updates (G7731), choose DBAs to Payroll Month F06146

5.5 Reposting DBAs to the Calendar Month

You repost DBAs to the payroll month if the information in your Calendar Month DBA Summary History table (F06145) does not correspond to the detail information in the Ded/Ben/Accr Detail History File table (F0619). For each employee, this repost calculates monthly totals for each DBA type. It then posts these totals to the F06145 table.

This repost summarizes by work date. It overwrites existing totals in the F06145 table.


Use caution when running this program as you can inadvertently overwrite adjustments that you manually entered. Prior to reposting, back up all summary tables that you need to repost and contact JD Edwards World Global Customer Support for assistance.


From Data Integrity & Global Updates (G7731), choose DBAs to Calendar Month F06145

5.5.1 Processing Options

See Repost DBAs to Calendar Month F06145 (P07145)

5.6 Reposting DBAs to the Fiscal and Anniversary History Summary

Run this repost if the information in your Fiscal/Anniversary Year History table (F06147) does not correspond to the information in the Ded/Ben/Accr Detail History File table (F0619) and the Payroll Transaction History File table (F0618). For each employee, this repost calculates the year-to-date (YTD) amount for only those DBAs that you have set up for fiscal or anniversary rollover. It then posts these YTD amounts to the Fiscal/Anniversary Year History table.

The system uses the DBA method that you entered when you set up your DBAs to determine whether the summary history is stored by cheque date or pay period ending date. If the system needs pay types to calculate the year-end balance, the repost automatically reposts the required pay types.

The repost overwrites existing YTD amounts for each employee and DBA. It does not overwrite prior year and beginning balances.


Use caution when running this program as you can inadvertently overwrite adjustments that you manually entered. Prior to reposting, back up all summary tables that you need to repost and contact JD Edwards World Global Customer Support for assistance.


From Data Integrity & Global Updates (G7731), choose DBAs to Fiscal & Anniv F06147

5.7 Reposting the Workers Compensation Summary

Run this repost when the information in your Workers Compensation Summary History table (F0627) does not correspond to the detail information in the Payroll Transaction History File table (F0618). This repost summarizes, by cheque month and year, the workers compensation and general liability amounts in the F0618 table. It then posts this summary to the F0627 table.

This repost adds additional information to the summary table. It does not overwrite any existing information.

If you have not set up a corporate tax ID for the workers compensation and general liabilities tax types, the system enters the Federal Tax ID.


From Data Integrity & Global Updates (G7731), choose Workers Comp. Summary F0627

5.8 Updating Tax Records to Avoid Multiple T4s

When a tax ID changes during the year, you can use the following process to update the tax records to avoid multiple T4s.

After you complete these tasks, your employees have only one tax record in the appropriate file and each program combines all amounts using the new tax ID.

Complete the following tasks to combine the tax records and avoid multiple T4s:

  • To repost the tax ID

  • To update the tax ID in the Taxation Summary History by Province table (F0713)

  • To update the tax ID in the Payroll Month PDBA Summary History table (F06146)

  • To update the tax ID in the Calendar Month DBA Summary History table (F06145)

  • To update the tax ID in the Tax Area Transaction Summary History table (F06148)

5.8.1 Before You Begin

  • JD Edwards strongly recommends that you back up all of your files, including:

    • Calendar Month DBA Summary History (F06145)

    • Payroll Month PDBA Summary History (F06146)

    • Tax Area Transaction Summary History (F06148)

    • Taxation Summary History by Province (F0713)

    • Tax Ledger File (F0716)

  • Verify the current tax ID in the Corporate Tax ID Revisions program (P069081). From the Taxes & Insurance menu (G7744), choose Corporate Tax IDs.

5.8.2 To Repost the Tax ID

You repost the tax ID if your company has applied for a corporate tax ID but has not yet received it. When you receive the new tax ID, you need to update the records that have the temporary tax ID with the new tax ID. You use the Repost of Tax ID to F0716 program (P07990) to update the corporate tax ID in the Tax Ledger File table (F0716).

In the data selection, enter the old tax ID and use whatever combination of fields you need in order to select only the records in which you want to update the tax ID. JD Edwards World recommends that you always put the old tax ID, which you are replacing, in the Tax ID field in the data selection.

In the processing options, enter the new tax ID value exactly as you want the system to enter it in the Tax ID field.

This repost programs does not produce a report. Review the records that you select to verify that the system updates the tax ID correctly.


JD Edwards World strongly recommends that you create a backup copy of the tables you are updating before running either of these programs.

Depending on the size of the history tables, processing time for the repost program can range from a few minutes to several hours. JD Edwards recommends that you run this program during off-peak hours. In addition, you should not run any other payroll functions while the system is processing this program.

Exercise great caution when running the Repost of Tax ID to F0716 program. This program changes detail information and impacts critical reports. Use the data selection to change only those records that require updating.


From Data Integrity & Global Updates (G7731), choose Tax ID to Tax Ledger F0716 Processing Options

See Repost Tax ID to Tax Ledger F0716 (P07990)

5.8.3 To Update the Tax ID in the Taxation Summary History by Province Table

Run the Taxation History F0713 integrity report to update the tax ID in the employee tax records. After you run the Taxation History F0713 integrity report, your employees have only one tax record in the Taxation Summary History by Province table (F0713). Enter the new tax ID in the Update and Consolidate F0713 Records processing option.

Create a new version of this integrity report and run it in update mode.


From Data Integrity & Global Updates (G7731), choose Taxation History F0713 Data Selection

  • Enter the company that you are working with in the Home Company field.

  • Enter the 2-digit year (for example, 19 for 2019) in the Date - YR field.

  • Enter the old tax ID number in the Tax ID field. Processing Options

See Taxation History Integrity (F0713) (P077011)

5.8.4 To Update the Tax ID in the Payroll Month PDBA Summary History Table

Run the Payroll Month PDBAs F06146 integrity report to update the tax ID in the employee tax records. After you run the Payroll Month PDBAs F06146 integrity report, your employees have only one tax record in the Payroll Month PDBA Summary History table (F06146). Enter the new tax ID in the NEW tax ID processing option.

Create a new version of this integrity report and run it in update mode.


From Data Integrity & Global Updates (G7731), choose Payroll Month PDBAs F06146 Data Selection

  • Enter the company that you are working with in the Home Company field

  • Enter the 2-digit year (for example, 19 for 2019) in the Date - YR field. Processing Options

See Payroll Month PDBAs Integrity (F06146) (P077021)

5.8.5 To Update the Tax ID in the Calendar Month DBA Summary History Table

Run the Calendar Month DBAs F06145 integrity report to update the tax ID in the employee tax records. After you run the Calendar Month DBAs F06145 integrity report, your employees have only one tax record in the Calendar Month DBA Summary History table (F06145). Enter the new tax ID in the NEW tax ID processing option.

Create a new version of this integrity report and run it in update mode.


From Data Integrity & Global Updates (G7731), choose Calendar Month DBAs F06145 Data Selection

  • Enter the company that you are working with in the Home Company field

  • Enter the 2-digit year (for example, 19 for 2019) in the Date - YR field. Processing Options

See Calendar Month DBAs Integrity (F06145) (P077031)

5.8.6 To Update the Tax ID in the Tax Area Transaction Summary History Table

Updating the tax ID in the Tax Area Transaction Summary History table (F06148) is a three-step process. After you complete these steps, your employees have only one tax record in the F06148 and the program combines all amounts using the new tax ID.

  1. Delete all records from the F06148 file.

  2. Run Tax ID to Tax Ledger F0716. Ensure you enter the new tax ID in the NEW tax ID processing option.

  3. Run PDBAs to Tax Area Sum. F06148.


From Data Integrity & Global Updates (G7731), choose Tax ID to Tax Ledger F0716 and PDBAs to Tax Area Sum. F06148