
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  I  M  N  P  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y 


beneficiary/dependent information to T4A of employee, 6.9
cheque route codes, 6.4.10
new EI reduced rate, 6.4.9
Adding T4 records manually,
Address Book Revisions
screen, 6.3
Address Book Revisions screen, 6.9
Address Information
company address, 6.3
Adjust Report (Canada) program (P07770C), 9.1.3
Adjust Report program (P07770A), 9.1.3
Adjusting laser forms, 9.1.3
Adjusting T4s and T4As, 8.4.1
Aligning laser forms, 9.1.3
Amending archived information, 10.2.1
Archival NR4 Review program (P077241), 9.1.4, 10.2
Archival Relevé 1 Review
program (P077261), 10.2
screen, 10.2.2
Archival Relevé 1 Review program (P077261), 9.1.4
Archival T4 Review
program (P077251), 10.2
screen, 10.2.1
Archival T4 Review program (P077251), 9.1.4
Archived information
amending, 10.2.1
printing, 10.2.2
Archiving year-end information, 10.1
Assign Special handling
Assign Special Handling Code Tables screen, 6.6
Assign special handling code tables
program (P077206), 6.6
Assigning special handling code tables, 6.6


Build Relevé 1 files
data selection, 9.2
data sequence, 9.2
processing options, 15.28
technical considerations, 9.2,
Build Relevé 2 files
data selection, 9.2
data sequence, 9.2
processing options, 15.31
technical considerations, 9.2
Build T4 files
data selection, 9.2
data sequence, 9.2
processing options, 15.22
technical considerations, 9.2
Build T44/Relevé Workfiles
program (P07730), 7.1.1
Build T4A files
data selection, 9.2
data sequence, 9.2
processing options, 15.24
Build T4/Relevé 2/NR4 workfile, 7.2
Build T4/Relevé Workfiles
program (P07730), 7.2
screen, 7.1.2, 7.1.2, 7.2
Build T4/Relevé Workfiles screen,


Calculating EI premiums, 4.2
Calculation Tables screen, 3.1.4
Calendar Month DBA Summary History table (F06145), 5.5, 5.8.1, 5.8.5
Calendar Month DBAs F06145, 5.8.5
Calendar Month DBAs Integrity (F06145)
processing options, 15.16
Canada Forms Alignment-Employer copy processing options, 15.27
Canada Laser Forms-Employee Copies
processing options, 15.26
Canada Revenue Agency tape and reporting specifications, 9.2
Canadian Pension Information File table (F07727), 6.5.1, 6.5.2, 7.2, 11.2.1
Cheque route codes, 6.4.10
Coded character set ID, 6.10
Control Parameter table (F07720), 8.5, 11.1.1
Corporate tax ID reposted, 5.8.2
Corporate tax ID Revisions program (P069081), 5.8.1
Corporate Tax ID table (F069086), 4.1
Corporate Tax IDs screen, 6.8
Correcting multiple T4s, 5.8
Country code review, 6.4.8
Country Codes screen, 6.4.8
beneficiary/dependent address book record, 6.9
cheque route codes, 6.4.10
individual pension records, 6.5.2
new EI reduced rate, 6.4.9
new statutory codes for non-resident account information, 6.8
new tax areas for non-resident account information, 6.8
pension records, 6.5.1
Relevé 1 XML files,
Relevé 2 XML files,
T4 year-end form manually, 8.4.2
T4A forms automatically for non-pensioners,
T4A year-end form manually, 8.4.3
XML files overview, 9.2
year-end workfile IDs, 7.1.1
year-end workfiles, 7.2
Creating T4A XML files,


Data integrity, 14.1
Data selection
Build T4/Relevé Workfile, 7.2.1
Build XML files, 9.2
EI Hour Integrity, 4.3.3
EI Integrity Validation, 4.1.3
Pension Batch Update,
Verify Relevé 1 files,,
Verify Relevé 2 files,
Verify T4 files,
Verify T4A files,
Data sequence
Build T4/Relevé Workfiles, 7.2.2
Build XML files, 9.2
DBAs to Tax Area Sum. F06148, 5.1.3
NR4 Summary report,
Relevé 2 Summary report,
Relevé Summary report,
T4 Summary report,
T4A Summary report,
Verify Relevé 2 files,
Verify T4 files,
Verify T4A files,
DBA Setup screen, 3.1.4
negative beginning balances, 3.2
repost to calendar month, 5.5
repost to payroll month, 5.4
reposting, 5.6
rollovers, 3.1
Setup screen for rollovers, 3.1.4
variable rollover rules, 3.2
DBAs to Calendar Month F06145
processing options, 15.6
program (P07145), 5.5
DBAs to Fiscal & Anniv. F06147
processing options, 15.1
program (P06147A), 5.6
DBAs to Payroll Month F06146
processing options, 15.7
program (P07146), 5.4
DBAs to Tax Area Sum. F06148
data sequence, 5.1.3
processing options, 15.9
Ded/Ben/Accr Detail History File table (F0619), 5.1, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6
Deduction, Benefit, and Accrual History table (F0619), 5
Defining workfile data criteria, 7.1.1
manually created T4 forms,
workfile records, 8.4.4
Directory set up for IFS, 6.10


EI History Revisions
processing options, 15.2
screen, 4.2
EI Hour Integrity
data selection, 4.3.3
processing options, 15.11
EI Hour Integrity program (P077020), 4.3.1
EI Insurance Flag Update
program (P077060), 4.3.4
screen, 4.3.4
EI Integrity Validation
data selection, 4.1.3
processing options, 15.10
report, 4.1
EI Integrity Validation program (P077015), 4.1
EI reduced rate, 6.4.9
Employee Information screen, 6.7
Employee Master table (F060116), 6.5.1, 7.2, 8.1, 8.1
Employee Master table (F06116), 8.1, 8.1, 8.1
Employee NR3 Summary Review program (P077241), 8.1
Employee NR4 Adjustments program (P077242), 8.4.1
Employee Relevé 1 Adjustments program (P077262), 8.4.1
Employee Relevé 1 Summary Review program (P077261), 8.1
Employee Relevé 1 Summary Review screen, 9.1.4
Employee Relevé 2 Workfile Review Adjustments program (P077292), 8.4.1
Employee T4 Adjustments
program (P077252), 8.4.1
screen, 8.4.1, 8.4.1,
Employee T4 Summary Review
program (P077251), 8.1
screen,, 8.4.3, 8.4.4
Employee T4A Adjustments screen, 6.9, 8.4.3
Employee T4A Summary Review screen, 6.9
Employees working in multiple tax areas, 6.5.1, 6.5.2
Employment insurance (EI)
calculating premiums, 4.2
history integrity, 4
hour integrity, 4.3
revising history, 4.2, 4.2
updating flags, 4.3.4
Employment Insurance History Revisions program (P06176), 4.2
Employment Insurance History table (F06176), 4.1
adjustments to forms, 8.4.1
pension adjustments, 6.5.2
Entering rollover information for DBAs, 3.1
limit on vacation and sick leave rollover, 3.1.1
vacation rollover for time immediately available, 3.1.3
vacation rollover for time not immediately available, 3.1.2


File numbers for government forms, 9.3.2
Fiscal/Anniversary Year History table
(F06147), 5.6
Frequently asked questions
data integrity, 14.1
special handling
Special handling, 14.2
user defined codes, 14.3
workfile build, 14.4
year-end rollover, 14.5


General User Defined Codes screen, 6.4.9, 6.4.10, 6.8


ID Reset Control screen, 8.5
coded character set ID, 6.10
directories, 6.10
file transfer, 9.3.1
setup, 6.10
Integrity of employment insurance history, 4
Integrity reports
Calendar Month DBAs F06145, 5.8.5
Payroll Month PDBAs F06146, 5.8.4
Taxation History F0713, 5.8.3


Maintaining manually created T4 forms,
Multiple T4s, 5.8
Multiple tax areas, 6.5.1, 6.5.2


Negative Dollar Amount report, 7.2
Non-pensioners T4A forms,
Non-resident account information
add tax areas to the corporate tax ID table, 6.8
create new statutory codes, 6.8
create new tax areas, 6.8
set up, 6.8
Non-resident secondary/joint information set up, 6.7
Adjustment Archive table (F07744), 11.2.11
Adjustment Workfile table (T07744), 8.1, 11.3.10
Adjustment Workfile tables (T07744), 9.1.1
Archive table (F07734), 10.1, 10.2.2, 11.2.6
Print Special Forms program (P07772), 9.1.1
sample form, 12.5
Summary Report
data sequence,
program (P07750),
Workfile table (T07734), 7.2, 8.1, 9.1.1, 11.3.5
NR4 Adjustment Workfile table (T07744), 8.4.1
NR4 Summary Report
processing options, 15.21


Pay types reposted to payroll month, 5.3
Payroll Month PDBA Summary History table (F06146), 5.3, 5.4, 5.8.1, 5.8.4, 6.5.1
Payroll Month PDBAs F06146, 5.8.4
overview, 5.8.4
Payroll Month PDBAs Integrity (F06146)
processing options, 15.12
Payroll Transaction History File table (F0618), 4.3.1, 5, 5.1, 5.3, 5.6, 5.7
PDBAs to Tax Area Summ. F06148, 5.8.6
Pension Batch Update
data selection,
processing options, 15.14, 15.15
program (P077271), 6.5.1
Pension Information Maintenance
programs (P07727), 6.5.2
screen, 6.5.2
Pension Numbers
screen, 6.4.1
Pension plan number review, 6.4.1
Pension records
creating, 6.5.1
entering adjustments, 6.5.2
setting up, 6.5
Print Relevé 1 form screen, 9.1.4
Print Relevé 1form screen, 10.2.2
archived forms, 10.2.2
bypassing year-end forms, 9.1.1
individual year-end forms, 9.1.4
multiple year-end forms, 9.1.1
T4 form, 10.2.2
year-end forms
adjusting, 9.1.3
overview, 9.1
reprinting, 9.1.1
resetting, 9.1.2
Processing options
Assign Special Handling Code Table, 15.5
Build T4 workfile, 15.22
Build T4A workfile, 15.24
Calendar Month DBAs Integrity (F06145), 15.16
Canada Forms Alignment-Employer copy, 15.27
Canada Laser Forms-Employee Copies, 15.26
DBAs to Calendar Month F06145, 15.6
DBAs to Fiscal & Anniv. F06147, 15.1
DBAs to Payroll Month F06146, 15.7
DBAs to Tax Area Sum. F06148, 15.9
EI History Revisions, 15.2
EI Hour Integrity, 15.11
EI Integrity Validation, 15.10
NR4 Summary Report, 15.21
Payroll Month PDBAs Integrity (F06146), 15.12
Pension Batch Update, 15.14, 15.15
Relevé 1 Summary Report, 15.19
Relevé 1 workfile, 15.28
Relevé 1 XML Audit Report, 15.30
Relevé 2 Summary Report, 15.20
Relevé 2 workfile, 15.31
Relevé 2 XML Audit Report, 15.32
Repost of Tax ID to F0716, 15.33
Repost Pay Types to PR Month F06146, 15.8
Special Handling Code Table, 15.4
T4 Print Special Forms, 15.34
T4 Summary Report, 15.17
T4 XML Audit Report, 15.23
T4A Summary Report, 15.18
T4A XML Audit Report, 15.25
T4/Relevé Workfile Version Review, 15.13
Taxation History Integrity (F0713), 15.29
Year-End Rollover, 15.3
Processing rollovers, 3.2
Profile Data Entry screen, 6.7
Programs and Ids
P077291 (Relevé 2 workfile review), 10.2
Programs and IDs
P00051 (user defined codes), 6.4
P06145 (year-end calendar month rollover), 3.2
P06146 (year-end payroll month rollover), 3.2
P06147A (DBAs to fiscal & anniv. F06147), 5.6
P06176 (employment insurance history revisions), 4.2
P0627 (workers comp. summary F0627), 5.7
P063913 (year-end rollovers), 3.2
P069021 (calculation tables), 3.1.4
P069081 (corporate tax ID revisions), 5.8.1
P069117 (DBA setup), 3.1.4
P06RSW (rollover setup), 3.1.4
P0713C (tax ledger to tax sum. F0713), 5.2
P07145 (DBAs to calendar month F06145), 5.5
P07146 (DBAs to payroll month F06146), 5.4
P071461 (repost F06146 from history F0618 Canada), 5.3
P07148 (repost PDBAs to tax area sum (F06148), 5.1
P07148 (repost PDBAs to tax area summary), 5
P07148 (Repost PDBAs to tax area summary (F06148;, 5.8.6
P07148A (repost tax area transaction history), 5
P077011 (Report-taxation history integrity (F0713)-Canadian), 5.8.3
P077015 (EI integrity validation), 4.1
P077020 (EI hour integrity), 4.3.1
P077021 (Report-transaction history integrity (F06146) Canada), 5.8.4
P077031 (Report-transaction history integrity (F06145) Canada), 5.8.5
P077060 (EI insurance flag update), 4.3.4
P07720 (T4/Relevé control parameters), 7.1.1, 7.2
P077206 (assign special handling code tables), 6.6
P077229 (T4-print special forms-interactive processing), 9.1, 9.1.1
P077241 (archival NR4 review), 8.1, 9.1.4, 10.2
P077242 (employee NR4 adjustments), 8.4.1
P07725 (T4/Relevé workfiles version review, 8.4.1
P07725 (T4/Relevé workfiles version review), 6.9, 8.1, 8.1,, 8.4.3, 8.4.4, 9.1.4
P077251 (archival T4 review), 8.1, 9.1.4, 10.2
P077252 (employee T4 adjustments), 8.4.1
P077261 (archival Relevé 1 review, 9.1.4
P077261 (archival Relevé 1 review), 8.1, 10.2
P077262 (employee Relevé 1 adjustments), 8.4.1
P07727 (pension information maintenance), 6.5.2
P077271 (pension batch update), 6.5.1
P077281 (T4A workfile review), 6.9, 8.1, 8.4.3, 9.1.4, 10.2
P077282 (T4A workfile review-adjustments), 6.9, 8.4.1, 8.4.3
P07729 (T4/Relevé version reset control), 8.5
P077291 (Relevé 2 workfile review), 8.1, 9.1.4
P077292 (Relevé 2 workfile review adjustments), 8.4.1
P07730 (build T4/Relevé workfiles), 7.1.1, 7.2
P077301 (update to archival), 10.1
P07732 (T4 print special forms), 9.1.1
P07746 (T4 summary), 8.2.1
P07747 (T4A summary), 8.2.2
P07748 (Relevé 1 summary report), 8.2.3
P07749 (Relevé 2 summary report), 8.2.4
P07750 (NR4 summary report),
P07752 (Relevé 1 print special forms), 9.1.1
P07760X (T4 XML and audit file build), 9.3.1
P07761X (T4 XML audit report),
P07762 (Relevé 2 print special forms), 9.1.1
P07765X (T4A XML and audit file build), 9.3.1
P07770A (adjust report), 9.1.3
P07770C (adjust report (Canada;, 9.1.3
P07770X (Relevé 1 XML and audit file build), 9.3.1
P07772 (NR4 print special forms), 9.1.1
P07775X (Relevé 2 XML and audit file build), 9.3.1
P07790 (repost of tax ID to F0716), 5.8.2
P07990 (Repost of tax ID to F0716), 5.8.6
Province of employment codes, 6.4.3
Province of Employment screen, 6.4.3


T4/Relevé Version Reset Control
program (P07729), 8.5
Relevé 1
Adjustment Archive table (F07741), 11.2.8
Adjustment Workfile, 11.3.7
Adjustment Workfile table (T07741), 8.1, 8.4.1
Archive table (F07731), 11.2.3
Archive table (T07731), 10.1, 10.2.2
build XML file,
case O codes, 6.4.6
sample form, 12.3
Summary Report
data sequence,
program (P07748), 8.2.3
verifying XML files,
Workfile table (T07731), 11.3.2
Workfile tables (T07731), 7.2
XML Audit File table (T07771), 11.3.17
XML Audit Report,
XML file,
XML File table (T07770X), 11.3.13
Relevé 1 Adjustment Workfile table (T07741), 9.1.1
Relevé 1 Print Special Forms program (P07752), 9.1.1
Relevé 1 Summary Report
processing options, 15.19
Relevé 1 Workfile table (T07731), 8.1, 9.1.1
Relevé 1 XML and Audit File Build program (P07770X), 9.3.1
Relevé 2
Adjustment Archive table (F07743), 11.2.10
Adjustment Workfile table (T07743), 8.1, 11.3.9
Archive table (F07733), 10.1, 10.2.2, 11.2.5
build XML file,
sample form, 12.4
source of income codes, 6.4.7
Summary Report
data sequence,
program (P07749), 8.2.4
verifying XML files,
Workfile table (T07733), 7.2, 8.1, 11.3.4
XML Audit File table (T07776), 11.3.18
XML Audit Report,
XML file,
Relevé 2 Adjustment Workfile table (T07743), 8.4.1, 9.1.1
Relevé 2 Print Special Forms program (P07762), 9.1.1
Relevé 2 Summary Report
processing options, 15.20
Relevé 2 Workfile Review program (P077291), 8.1, 9.1.4, 10.2
Relevé 2 Workfile table (T07733), 9.1.1
Relevé 2 XML and Audit File Build program (P07775X), 9.3.1
Relevé 2 XML File table (T07775X), 11.3.14
EI Integrity Validation, 4.1
Negative Dollar Amount, 7.2
NR4 Summary,
Relevé 1
Summary, 8.2.3
Relevé 1 XML Audit,
Relevé 1 XML Integrity, 8.3.3
Relevé 2 Summary, 8.2.4
Relevé 2 XML Audit,
Relevé 2 XML Integrity, 8.3.4
reviewing year-end, 8.2
T4 Summary, 8.2.1
T4 XML Audit,
T4 XML Integrity, 8.3.1
T4A Summary, 8.2.2
T4A XML Audit,
T4A XML Integrity, 8.3.2
XML Audit, 9.2
XML Integrity, 8.3, 9.2
year-end, 9
Report-Taxation History Integrity (F0713)-Canadian program (P077011)
overview, 5.8.3
Report-Transaction History Integrity (F06145) Canada program (P077031)
overview, 5.8.5
processing options, 15.12, 15.16
Report-Transaction History Integrity (F06146) Canada program (P077021), 5.8.4
corporate tax ID, 5.8.2
DBAs, 5.6
DBAs to the calendar month, 5.5
DBAs to the payroll month, 5.4
pay types to the payroll month, 5.3
tax area information, 5, 5.1
tax ID, 5.8.2
tax ledger information, 5.2
workers compensation summary, 5.7
Repost DBAs to tax Area Summary program (P07148), 5
Repost F06146 form History F0618 Canada
processing options, 15.8
Repost F06146 from History F0618 Canada
program (P071461), 5.3
Repost of Tax ID to F0716
data selection, 5.8.2
processing options, 15.33
program (P07790), 5.8.2
Repost of Tax ID to F0716 program (P07990), 5.8.6
Repost Pay Types to PR Month F06146
processing options, 15.8
Repost PDBAs to Tax Area Sum F06148
program, 5.1
Repost PDBAs to Tax Area Summary (F06148) program (P07148), 5.8.6
Repost tax Area Transaction History program (P07148A), 5
year-end forms, 9.1.1
Resetting laser forms, 9.1.2
Resetting year-end workfile versions, 8.5
T4A other information codes, 6.4.4
country codes, 6.4.8
NR4 Summary report,
province of employment codes, 6.4.3
Relevé 1 summary report, 8.2.3
Relevé 1 XML integrity report, 8.3.3
Relevé 2 summary report, 8.2.4
Relevé 2 XML integrity report, 8.3.4
RL-1 case O codes, 6.4.6
RL-2 source of income codes, 6.4.7
T4 employment codes, 6.4.5
T4 other information codes, 6.4.4
T4 summary report, 8.2.1
T4 XML integrity report, 8.3.1
T4A other information codes, 6.4.4
T4A summary report, 8.2.2
T4A XML integrity report, 8.3.2
user defined codes, 6.4
year-end information, 8.1
year-end reports, 8.2
Reviewing pension plan numbers, 6.4.1
reviewing special handling pay codes, 6.4.2
Reviewing special handling pay codes, 6.4.2
Reviewing XML integrity report overview, 8.3
employment insurance history, 4.2
year-end information, 8.4
RL-1 Case O Codes screen, 6.4.6
RL-2 Source of Income Codes screen, 6.4.7
DBAs Setup screen, 3.1.4
entering, 3.1
limit on vacation and sick leave rollover, 3.1.1
vacation rollover for time immediately available, 3.1.3
vacation rollover for time not immediately available, 3.1.2
overview, 3
processing, 3.2
variable rules, 3.2


Country Codes, 6.4.8
Employee T4A Adjustments, 8.4.3
Address Book Revisions, 6.3, 6.9
Archival Relevé 1 Review, 10.2.2
Archival T4 Review, 10.2.1
Assign Special Handling Code Tables, 6.6
Build T4/Relevé Workfiles,, 7.1.2, 7.1.2, 7.2
Calculation Tables, 3.1.4
Corporate Tax IDs, 6.8
DBA Setup, 3.1.4
EI History Revisions, 4.2
EI Insurance Flag Update, 4.3.4
Employee Information, 6.7
Employee Relevé 1 Summary Review, 9.1.4
Employee T4 Adjustments, 8.4.1, 8.4.1,
Employee T4 Summary Review,, 8.4.4
Employee T4A Adjustments, 6.9
Employee T4A Summary Review, 6.9
General User Defined Codes, 6.4.9, 6.4.10, 6.8
ID Reset Control, 8.5
Pension Information Maintenance, 6.5.2
Pension Numbers, 6.4.1
Print Laser Forms
Print Laser Forms screen, 9.1.1
Print Relevé 1 form, 9.1.4, 10.2.2
Print T4 form, 10.2.2
Profile Data Entry, 6.7
Province of Employment, 6.4.3
Reset Laser Forms
Reset Laser Forms screen, 9.1.2
RL-2 Source of Income Codes, 6.4.7
Rollover Setup, 3.1.4
Special Handling Code Review,
Special Handling Code Table, 6.6
Special Handling Pay Codes, 6.4.2
T4 Employment Codes, 6.4.5
T4 Other Information, 6.4.4
T4 Summary Review, 8.4.3
Tax Area Information, 6.8
Update T4/Relevé to Archival, 10.1
Version Review, 6.9, 8.1, 8.4.1,, 8.4.3, 8.4.4, 9.1.4
Screens RL-1 Case O Codes, 6.4.6
Set up
cheque route codes, 6.4.10
coded character set for IFS, 6.10
directories for IFS, 6.10
EI reduced rate, 6.4.9
IFS, 6.10
non-resident secondary/joint information, 6.7
pension records, 6.5
T4A beneficiary/dependent information, 6.9
year-end forms, 6, 7
year-end workfiles, 7
Severance pay for retirement plans,
Special handling
assign code to boxes on forms, 6.6
assign PDBAs, 6.6
Assign Special Handling Code Table processing options, 15.5
overview, 6.6
reviewing codes, 6.4.2
set up codes, 6.6
Special Handling Code Review screen,
Special Handling Code Table processing options, 15.4
Special Handling Code Table screen, 6.6
Special handling code tables
assigning, 6.6
Special Handling Pay Codes screen, 6.4.2
Submitting the XML Workfile, 9.3


Adjustment Archive table (F07740), 11.2.7
Adjustment Workfile table (T07740), 8.1, 8.4.1, 9.1.1, 11.3.6
Archive table (F07730), 11.2.2
Archive table (T07730), 10.1
beneficiary/dependent information
create beneficiary/dependent address book record, 6.9
employment codes, 6.4.5
creating manually, 8.4.2
employer portions,
identifying manually created,
manually added,
other information codes, 6.4.4
Print Special Forms program (P07732), 9.1.1
Print Special Forms-Interactive Processing program (P077229), 9.1
sample form, 12.1
Summary Report
data sequence,
processing options, 15.17
program (P07746), 8.2.1
T4/Relevé Version Reset Control program (P07729), 8.5
verifying XML files,
Workfile table (T07730), 7.2, 8.1, 9.1.1, 11.3.1
XML Audit File table (T07761), 11.3.15
XML Audit Report,
XML File table (T07760X), 11.3.11
T4 Employment Codes screen, 6.4.5
T4 Other Information screen, 6.4.4
T4 Print Special Forms
processing options, 15.34
T4 XML and Audit File Build program (P07760X), 9.3.1
Adjustment History table (F07742), 11.2.9
Adjustment Workfile table (T07742), 8.1, 8.4.1, 9.1.1, 11.3.8
Archive table (F07732), 10.1, 10.2.2, 10.2.2, 11.2.4
beneficiary/dependent information
add beneficiary/dependent information to T4A of employee, 6.9
set up, 6.9
build XML file,
creating manually, 8.4.3
for non-pensioners,
other information codes, 6.4.4
sample form, 12.2
Summary Report
data sequence,
processing options, 15.18
program (P07747), 8.2.2
Workfile table (T07732), 7.2, 8.1, 9.1.1, 11.3.3
XML Audit file table (T07766), 11.3.16
XML Audit Report,
XML file,
XML File table, 11.3.12
T4A Workfile Review program (P077281), 6.9, 8.1, 8.4.3, 9.1.4, 10.2
T4A workfile review-adjustments program (P077282), 6.9
T4A Workfile Review-Adjustments program (P077282), 8.4.1, 8.4.3
T4A XML and Audit File Build program (P07765X), 9.3.1
T4-Print Special Forms-Interactive Processing program (P077229), 9.1.1
T4/Relevé Control Parameters program (P07720), 7.2
T4/Relevé Version Reset Control program (P07729), 8.5
T4/Relevé Workfile Version Review
processing options, 15.13
T4/Relevé Workfiles Version Review program (P07725), 6.9, 8.1, 8.1, 8.4.1,, 8.4.3, 8.4.4, 9.1.4
0713 (Taxation Summary History by Province table), 5.8.1
0716 (Tax Ledger File), 4.1
F060116 (Employee Master), 6.5.1, 7.2, 8.1, 8.1, 8.1, 8.1, 8.1
F0609 (DBA Transaction Detail), 3.2
F06145 (Calendar Month DBA Summary History), 3.2, 5.5, 5.8.1, 5.8.5
F06146 (Payroll Month PDBA Summary History), 3.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.8.4, 6.5.1
F06146 (Payroll Month PDBA Summary History table), 5.8.1
F06147 (Fiscal/Anniversary Year History), 5.6
F06148 (Tax Area Transaction Summary History), 5, 5.1, 5.8.6, 7.2
F06176 (Employment Insurance History), 4.1
F06176 (Employment Insurance History table (F06176), 4.3.1
F0618 (Payroll History Transaction File), 5.3
F0618 (Payroll Transaction History File, 4.3.1
F0618 (Payroll Transaction History File), 5, 5.1, 5.6, 5.7
F0619 (Ded/Ben/Accr Detail History File), 5.1, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6
F0627 (Workers Compensation Summary History), 5.7
F069086 (Corporate Tax ID), 4.1
F0713 (Taxation Summary History by Province), 5.2, 5.8.3, 6.5, 7.2
F0713/F06176 Exceptions report, 4.1
F0716 (Tax Ledger File), 5.2, 5.8.2
F0716 (Tax Ledger File table), 5.8.1
F07720 (Control Parameter), 8.5, 11.1.1
F07727 (Canadian Pension Information File), 6.5.1, 6.5.2, 7.2, 11.2.1
F07730 (T4 Archive), 10.1, 11.2.2
F07730 (T4 Workfile), 11.3.1
F07731 (Relevé 1 Archive), 10.1, 10.2.2, 11.2.3
F07732 (T4A Archive), 10.1, 10.2.2, 10.2.2, 11.2.4
F07732 (T4A Workfile), 11.3.3
F07733 (Relevé 2 Archive), 10.1, 10.2.2, 11.2.5
F07734 (NR4 Archive), 10.1, 10.2.2, 11.2.6
F07740 (T4 Adjustment Archive), 11.2.7
F07741 (Relevé 1 Adjustment Archive), 11.2.8
F07742 (T4A Adjustment History), 11.2.9
F07743 (Relevé 2 Adjustment Archive), 11.2.10
F07744 (NR4 Adjustment Archive), 11.2.11
T07730 (T4 Workfile), 7.2, 8.1, 9.1.1
T07731 (Relevé 1 Workfile), 7.2, 8.1, 9.1.1, 11.3.2
T07732 (T4A Workfile), 7.2, 8.1, 9.1.1
T07733 (Relevé 2 Workfile), 7.2, 8.1, 9.1.1, 11.3.4
T07734 (NR4 Workfile), 7.2, 8.1, 9.1.1, 11.3.5
T07740 (Relevé 1 Adjustment Workfile), 11.3.7
T07740 (T4 Adjustment Workfile), 8.1, 8.4.1, 9.1.1, 11.3.6
T07741 (Relevé 1 Adjustment Workfile), 8.1, 8.4.1, 9.1.1
T07742 (T4A Adjustment Workfile), 8.1, 8.4.1, 9.1.1, 11.3.8
T07743 (Relevé 2 Adjustment Workfile), 8.1, 8.4.1, 9.1.1, 11.3.9
T07744 (NR 4 Adjustment Workfile), 8.4.1
T07744 (NR4 Adjustment Workfile), 8.1, 9.1.1, 11.3.10
T07760 (T4 XML File), 11.3.11
T07761 (T4 XML Audit File), 11.3.15
T07765X (T4A XML File), 11.3.12
T07766 (T4 XML Audit File), 11.3.16
T07770X (Relevé 1 XML File), 11.3.13
T07771 (Relevé 1 Audit File), 11.3.17
T07775X (Relevé 2 XML File), 11.3.14
T07776 (Relevé 2 XML Audit File), 11.3.18
Tables F06148 (Tax Area Transaction Summary History table), 5.8.1
Tape specifications, 9.2
Tax area information reposted, 5.1
Tax Area Information screen, 6.8
Tax Area Transaction Summary History table (F06148), 5, 5.1, 5.8.1, 5.8.6, 7.2
Tax areas
multiple, 6.5.1, 6.5.2
reposting information, 5
Tax ID reposted, 5.8.2
Tax ID to Tax Ledger F0716, 5.8.2, 5.8.6
Tax Ledger File table (F0716), 4.1, 5.2, 5.8.1, 5.8.2
Tax ledger information reposted, 5.2
Tax Ledger to Tax Sum. F0713
data selection, 5.2.2
program (P0713C), 5.2
Taxation History F0713, 5.8.3
Taxation History Integrity (F0713) processing options
Report-Taxation History Integrity (F0713)-Canadian program (P077011)
processing options, 15.29
Taxation Summary History by Province table (F0713), 5.2, 5.8.1, 6.5, 7.2
Taxation Summary History by Province table F0713), 5.8.3
Technical Considerations
Building XML files, 9.2
Verify Relevé 1 XML files,
Verify Relevé 2 XML files,
Verify T4 XML files,
Verify T4A XML files,
Transferring the XML Workfile to your PC, 9.3


Update T4/Relevé to Archival screen, 10.1
Update to Archival program (P077301), 10.1
employment insurance flags, 4.3.4
tax IDs, 5.8
Updating tax records, 5.8
User defined codes, 6.4.2, 6.4.4
cheque route codes (07/CR), 6.4.10
country codes (77/CN), 6.4.8
currency code (77/CU), 7.1.2
EI reduced rate (77T4/EI), 6.4.9
exemption code (77/EX), 7.1.2
frequently asked questions, 14.3
income code (77/IC), 7.1.2
pension numbers (77/PN), 6.4.1
program (P00051), 6.4
province of employment codes (07/SC), 6.4.3, 6.4.3
reviewing, 6.4
country codes, 6.4.8
province of employment codes, 6.4.3
RL-2 source of income codes, 6.4.7
T4 employment codes, 6.4.5
T4 other information codes, 6.4.4
reviewing pension numbers, 6.4.1
reviewing RL-1 case O codes, 6.4.6
RL-1 case O codes (77/RC), 6.4.6
RL-2 source of income codes (77/SI), 6.4.7
special handling codes (07/IP), 6.4.4
special handling pay codes (07/IP), 6.4.2
T4 employment codes (77/EC), 6.4.5
T4 other information codes (77/OI), 6.4.4
T4A other information codes (07/IP), 6.4.4
tax history code (07/TH), 6.5


employment insurance hour integrity, 4.3.1
Relevé 1 files
data selection,,
processing options, 15.30
Relevé 2 files
data selection,
data sequence,
processing options, 15.32
technical considerations,
T4 files
data selection,
data sequence,
technical considerations,
T4A files
data selection,
data sequence,
processing options, 15.25
technical considerations,
Verifying employment insurance hisotry integrity, 4.1
Verifying T4 files
processing options, 15.23
Verifying XML files and audit reports, 9.2
Version Reset Control screen
Version Reset Control, 8.5
Version Review
screen, 6.9, 8.1, 8.4.1,, 8.4.3, 8.4.4
Version Review screen, 9.1.4
Vertex payroll tax calculation system, 6.4.3


Workers Comp. Summary F0627 programs (P0627), 5.7
Workers Compensation Summary History table (F0627), 5.7, 5.7
build, 14.4
deleting records, 8.4.4


XML file
audit and integrity reports, 9.2
creating, 9.2
data selection for building, 9.2
data sequence for building, 9.2
IFS transfer, 9.3.1
overview, 9.2
Relevé 1, 9.2.3,
Relevé 2,
submitting files, 9.3
technical considerations for building, 9.2
transferring files to your PC, 9.3
XML file format, 9.3.2
XML reports
Relevé 1 integrity, 8.3.3
Relevé integrity, 8.3.4
reviewing, 8.3
T4 integrity, 8.3.1
T4A integrity, 8.3.2


checklist for processing, 1.4
features, 1.2
adjusting, 8.4.1
bypassing printing, 9.1.1
creating T4A manually, 8.4.3
employer portions,
entering adjustments, 8.4.1
identifying T4 manually created,
printing forms overview, 9.1
printing individual, 9.1.4
printing multiple forms, 9.1.1
reprinting, 9.1.1
resetting, 9.1.2
revising information, 8.4
setup, 6
T4 manually created,
workfile setup, 7
processing cycle, 1.4
reporting, 9
reports, 8.2
review, 8
program (P063913), 3.2
archiving information, 10.1
creating, 7.2
creating IDs, 7.1.1
data selection for Build T4/Relevé Workfile, 7.2.1
data sequence for Build T4/Relevé Workfiles, 7.2.2
defining data criteria, 7.1.1
resetting versions, 8.5
reviewing information, 8.1
setting up, 7, 7.1
XML reporting, 9.2
Year-End Calendar Month Rollover program (P06145), 3.2
Year-end forms
creating T4 manually, 8.4.2
Year-End Payroll Month Rollover program (P06146), 3.2
Year-end rollover
frequently asked questions, 14.5
processing options, 15.3