8 Processing Options

This section contains the following topics:

8.1 Clear Entire A/P Workfile and Clear Entire G/L Workfile (J04CLRFP)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter '1' to clear the A/P Workfile (F045143). If left blank, the workfile will not be cleared.  
2. Enter '1' to clear the G/L Workfile (F045141). If left blank, the workfile will not be cleared.  

8.2 Purge 1099 Adjustment File (P00PURGE)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' to save the purged records to a special purge library.

(Default of blanks will NOT save any purged records.)

2. Enter a '1' to reorganize the purged file.

(Default of blanks will NOT reorganize the file.)


8.3 W-9 Exception Report (P01301)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Select the format you wish to print.

1 - Mailing Labels

1A - Mailing Labels/Bulk (Address Format 04 Only)

2 - One Line per Address

3 - Full Address w/o Codes and Notes

4 - Full Address w/ Codes and Notes

9 - Mailing Labels w/Address number and Phone number

9A - Mailing Labels w/Address number

9B - Mailing Labels w/Phone number

Note: When running Form 3 the based on file must be the F0101JB. All other forms must be based on the F0101JC.

2. Enter 1 to skip to a new page when the first alpha character changes.

Default of blank will not page break.

3. Enter a '1' to print the Address Book Generic Text in a 40 character width, a '2' to print text in an 80 character width. If left blank, Generic Text will not be printed.  
4. Enter the Address Format ID to be used for labels. If left blank, the format ID associated with the address book country will be used.

Note: If you are printing Bulk Mail Labels, the override entered will not be used.

5. Enter a '1' if you are using a laser printer to print your labels.

Default of blank indicates you are using a dot matrix printer.

6. Enter a '1' if you want your dot matrix printer to print with 15 characters per inch and 40 character labels. Default of blank will set your dot matrix printer to 10 characters per inch and 32 character labels.  

8.4 W-9 Report with Tax ID (P014032)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' to print the full address for each address number.  
2. Enter a '1' to print duplicate 1099 Tax ID information.

Note: You must have the Tax ID as the first item in the Data Sequence if this option is enabled.


8.5 1099 Company Setup Report (P04510RP)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter one of the following values to indicate your sort preference:

'1' = Company (Default)

'2' = Tax ID/Company

'3' = Combining Address/Tax ID/Co

2. Enter a '1' to suppress printing the Mailing Address on the report. If left blank, the Mailing Address will be printed.  

8.6 Payment Details (P04424)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' to print the report with foreign and domestic amounts of the payments. If left blank, only the payment amount will display.

2. Enter a '1' to begin a new page with each payment number. If left blank, a new page will begin with each payee.

3. Enter a '1' to print generic text for payments in a 40 character width, a '2' to print text in an 80 character width. If blank, no text will print.


8.7 1099 Processing Option Setup (P04510STUP)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter calendar year for 1099's.

(e.g. Enter 19 for 2019.) All DREAM Writer selections throughout the 1099 process must be set up to select payment year equal to this same year, where applicable.

2. Enter the Phone Type to be used to retrieve the Payer's phone number which appears on Preview and Write Media reports and forms. If left blank, the main phone number will be used.  
3. Enter the value that indicates which address to be used for combining under one Payer mailing name and address. If left blank or the indicated address is not found, the original address number name and location will be used.  
4. Enter '1' to assign Company Combining Address (CCMB) Tax ID as the workfile Federal Tax ID (EIN). If left blank, Company Address Tax ID will be used. If you cannot assign the same EIN to the company address book records that you want to combine, you can still perform the combining function by setting this processing option to 1.

By using this setting, the system assigns the company's combining address tax ID (CCMB) as the tax ID (EIN) to the corresponding combining records in the 1099 workfiles.

5. Enter '1' to assign Supplier Combining Address (SCMB) Tax ID as the workfile Tax ID (TAX). If left blank, the Supplier Tax ID will be used. If you cannot assign the same TIN to the supplier address book records that you want to combine, you can still perform the combining function by setting this processing option to 1.

By using this setting, the system assigns the supplier's combining address tax ID (SCMB) as the tax ID (TIN) to the corresponding combining records in the 1099 workfiles.

6. Enter '1' to use Supplier Combining Address (SCMB) A/B Info to update workfile AT1-5 and Cat Codes. If left blank, Supplier A/B Info will be used.  
7. Enter the minimum amount for the following boxes:



Other Income

Medical and health care payments

Nonemployee compensation

Substitute Payments

Direct Sales

Crop Insurance Proceeds

Gross Proceeds paid to Attorney

8. Enter the minimum amount to use to compare to the aggregate total of all Miscellaneous 1099 reportable amounts. If an aggregate minimum amount is entered then individual minimums are ignored. For example, if you specify 600 in this processing option, the system compares 600 against the total amount for all boxes on the 1099-MISC form. If the amount exceeds 600, then the system generates a return.

The system ignores the minimum amounts specified for individual boxes when you specify an amount in this processing option.

9. Enter the minimum amount for the following boxes:

Interest income not included in Box 3.

Interest on U.S. Savings Bonds and Treas. obligations. (Box 3)

Tax-exempt interest (Box 8)

Specified private activity bond interest (Box 9)

Market Discount - $10 minimum (Box 10)

10. Enter the minimum amount for the following boxes: (Updated for 1099)

Gross Dividends and Capital Gain Dist

Cash Liquid Distributions (Box 9)

NonCash Liquid Distributions (Box 10) ** For Capital Gain Dist. the minimum amount will be compared to the total of boxes 2a thru 2d.


8.8 Global Update Category Codes (P01490)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter '1' to run in Final Mode. If left blank, Proof will be run and no updates will be performed.  
2. Enter '1' to print a report of all Addresses changed/to be changed during the update. If left blank, no report will be written.  
3. Enter the data value to be replaced or ”plugged” into the selected Address Book fields (*BL = blanks):  
1. Category Code 1 (3 character)  
2. ” ” 2 (” ”)  
3. ” ” 3 (” ”)  
4. ” ” 4 (” ”)  
5.” ” 5(” ”)  
6. ” ” 6(” ”)  
7. ” ” 7 (” ”)  
8. ” ” 8 (” ”)  
9. ” ” 9 (” ”)  
10. ” ” 10 (” ”)  
11. ” ” 11 (” ”)  
12. ” ” 12 (” ”)  
13. Category Code 13 ( 3 character)  
14.” ” 14 (” ”)  
15. ” ” 15 (” ”)  
16. ” ” 16 (” ”)  
17. ” ” 17 (” ”)  
18. ” ” 18 (” ”)  
19. ” ” 19 (” ”)  
20. ” ” 20 (” ”)  
21. ” ” 21 (” ”)  
22. ” ” 22 (” ”)  
23. ” ” 23 (” ”)  
24. ” ” 24 (” ”)  
25. ” ” 25 (” ”)  
26. ” ” 26 (” ”)  
27. ” ” 27 (” ”)  
28. ” ” 28 (” ”)  
29. ” ” 29 (” ”)  
30. ” ” 30 (” ”)  
31. S.I.C. Code ” )  
32. Employee ( 1 " )  
33. Supplier ( 1 " )  
34. Customer ( 1 " )  
35. Business Unit (12 " )  
36. Credit Message ( 2 " )  
37. Search Type ( 3 " )  
38. Tax ID (20 " )  
39. Person/Corp Code ( 1 " )  

8.9 Update A/P Records w/AB Info (P04802)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' to protect the Category Code '07' from being updated with the Address Book value.

If left blank, the field will be updated.

2. Enter a '1' to update the Category codes regardless of the previous run date.

If left blank, updates will be made only if a change was made to the Address Book record since the last time this program was run.

3. Enter a '1' in the corresponding fields of the Category Codes that are to be updated. (YC01-10 fields):

Voucher Category Code 01

Voucher Category Code 02

Voucher Category Code 03

Voucher Category Code 04

Voucher Category Code 05

Voucher Category Code 06

Voucher Category Code 07

Voucher Category Code 08

Voucher Category Code 09

Voucher Category Code 10


8.10 Build A/P Workfile (P04514FP)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description

1. Enter a '1' to create the workfile using the Supplier Number as the Address Number. If left blank, the Payee will be used as the Address Number.

Use this processing option to specify which address book number to use in the Address Number field for the records you select for processing:

Enter a 1 to assign the address book number of the supplier.

Leave this processing option blank to assign the address book number of the alternate payee. If the alternate payee is not set up for 1099 reporting (the Person/Corporation code does not include a P or N), the system does not process a 1099 return.

Note: The system updates the value in the Alternate Payee field on the voucher based on the setting in the Factor/Special Payee processing option for the version of the A/P Functional Server (XT0411Z1) that you set for the voucher entry program.


2. Enter the type of return for the amounts selected by this DREAM Writer version, i.e., 1 for box 1 on form.

1099-MISC, or 13 for box 3 on form


(See user defined codes 04/TR for all valid type of return values.)

Use this processing option to specify the 1099 form and box to process. The value that you enter in this processing option must exist in UDC table 04/TR. Use data selection to specify which vouchers to include for the Type of Return when you build the F045143 workfile.

8.11 Update BU.OBJ.SUB to Jrnl Entries (P09806)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a 1 to print a report of the before and after image of the updated fields.

2. Enter the mode the report and update are to be processed in:

'1' = Proof mode with report ONLY

'2' = Final mode to print report and update F0911 and/or F0902


8.12 Audit File Close (P04514CMP)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter one of the following values to indicate whether to close or reset.

' ' = Close Year (Leave option BLANK) ** The FNLP flag will be set to '1' for Type 1 and 2 records.

'1' = Reset Current Year ** The FNLP flag will be set to blank for all Type 1 and 2 records for the current year as indicated in P04510STUP year. CAUTION: Before performing a Reset, we recommend you back up the F045144 file.


8.13 Create 1099 Audit File (P045144)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a "1" to add the discount to payment amount and write the type 2 and 3 records for the GROSS amount.

If left blank, the records will be written for the NET amount.

  • If you enter a 1 in this processing option, the system calculates the gross payment amount by adding the value of the Payment Amount field (RNPAAP) to the value of the Discount Taken field (RNADSA) from the A/P Matching Document Detail file (F0414).
  • If you leave the processing option blank, the system uses the net payment amount, which is the value of the Payment Amount field (RNPAAP) from the F0414 file.

Note: Regardless of the setting of this processing option, the program considers only that part of the payment that applies to 1099-reportable expenses.

8.14 Audit File Review (P045142)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Any values loaded below will be pre-loaded to the video upon entry:

Record Code........


Document Number......



Enter the version for each program:

If left blank, ZJDE0001 will be used.

2. Supplier Ledger Inquiry.......  
3. Account Ledger Inquiry.......  

8.15 1099 G/L Audit Register (P04514R2)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' to print the Supplier Number on the report. If left blank, the Alternate Payee will be printed.  

8.16 Build G/L Workfile (P04514)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' to create the workfile using the G/L Distribution Company.

If left blank, the Company associated with the voucher will be used.

Use this processing option to specify which company to assign to the F045141 record:

Enter 1 to assign the company associated with the voucher's expense account, which the system stores in the G4CO field of the 1099 Audit File.

Leave this processing option blank to assign the company from the voucher record, which the system stores in the G4MMCO field of the 1099 Audit File.

If you are combining companies, the system uses this company number as the basis for retrieving the combining company address number that it updates to the corresponding field (CCMB) in the G/L workfile.

2. Enter a '1' to create the workfile using the Supplier Number as the Address Number.

If left blank, the Alternate Payee will be used as the Address Number.

Use this processing option to specify which address book number to assign to the F045141 record:

Enter 1 to assign the supplier number as the address book number in the G/L workfile.

Leave this processing option blank to assign the address book number of the alternate payee as the address book number in the G/L workfile.

If you are combining suppliers, the system uses this address book number as the basis for retrieving the combining supplier address number that it updates to the corresponding field (SCMB) in the G/L workfile.

8.17 Preview 1099 Media (P04512FP)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter '1' to utilize the 1099 Minimum Amounts from the 1099 Set Up version.

If left blank, no minimum limits will be used.

Use this processing option to specify whether to print only those records with amounts that meet the minimum amounts established in the processing options for 1099 Processing Option Setup (P04510STUP):

Enter 1 to utilize the minimum amounts.

The system compares the minimum amount requirements by tax ID within each EIN group. If there is more than one supplier with the same tax ID, the system totals the supplier amounts. Using this option, you can print a report with amounts that will exactly match the information when that prints on the 1099 return.

Leave this processing option blank to print records regardless of whether the amounts meet the minimum amount requirements.

Use this option to print all of the records with 1099-reportable amounts. JD Edwards World encourages you to review all of the records for errors and warnings prior to running the report with the minimums activated. This ensures that you do not have records in error that the system cannot consider when you write the 1099 forms.


2. Enter a '1' to suppress printing warning lines on the report. If left blank, warnings will print.

Use this processing option to specify whether to print warning messages on the report.

JD Edwards World recommends that you include warning messages on the report so that you can review them. If, after reviewing the warning messages, you determine they are not valid, you can run the report again and suppress them.

For example, the system prints the Legal Name warning when the person/corporation code assigned to the supplier's address book record is P (sole proprietor), but there is no Who's Who record set up for the legal name. Because the supplier's mailing name might be the legal name, the system prints a warning only. If you determine that you have verified all of the address book records for legal names, you can suppress the warning messages.

If you find errors with supplier or company tax IDs, you must correct them on the address book record and then update the change to your workfiles using the 1099 Supplier/Company Refresh program (P045190). You do not need to rebuild your 1099 workfiles.

See Refreshing Supplier/Company Informationfor more information

8.18 1099 Supplier/Company Refresh (P045190)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter '1' to update the A/B AT1-5 and Category Codes in the workfiles.

If left blank, these additional A/B fields will not be refreshed.

** NOTE: See 1099 Processing Option Setup (P04510STUP) to specify which A/B to use to retrieve this A/B info.

If you enter a 1 in this processing option, the system retrieves the value of the Alternate/Related Address Combining processing option from the 1099 Processing Option Setup program (P04510STUP) to determine the supplier address number to use as the basis for the update. The system then updates other supplier records that have the same value in the Supplier Combining Address field with the values from the AT1 through AT5 and category code fields from the specified supplier record.

If you leave this processing option blank, the system updates only the tax IDs.

8.19 1099 Adjustments (P045101)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' for two cycle processing If you set this processing option, the system does not update the information on the screen until you click Enter twice. Using this feature allows you to make the change, review it, and then commit it.
2. Select the default data mode:

' ' = Detail Mode

'1' = Summarization Mode

Use this processing option to specify whether to summarize the information that displays on the screen for each form/box combination:
  • Enter 1 in this processing option to summarize the information that displays on the form.

  • When you use this option, the information that displays on the form is exactly the information that the system prints on the 1099 return. In summarization mode, the system does not allow you to modify any existing records in the workfiles; you can only add new adjustment records.

  • Leave this processing option blank to display all of the records from each workfile

3. Any values entered in the following options will be loaded upon entry into the program:

Record Type.......


Federal Tax Id (EIN)...

Type of Return......

Tax ID..........

Supplier Address.....

Combining Supplier Addr.

Enter any values that you want the system to preload into the header portion of the 1099 Adjustments screen.

Note: The system retrieves the value for the Calendar Year field from the Calendar Year processing option of the 1099 Processing Option Setup program (P04510STUP).

4. Enter '1' to prohibit changes to the G/L and A/P work file records. If left blank, you may change/delete all records. Use this processing option to prohibit changes to the amounts on the records from the A/P or G/L workfiles.

Review the steps for adding adjustments instead of changing workfile records.

5. Enter a '1' to display the state code on the video. If left blank, you will not see the state code. Use this processing option to display the state (ST) field on the 1099 Adjustments screen.

Federal/State Reporting is an option within the World 1099 process. The system updates the state code on all workfile records for states that are set up in the UDC table 04/SA - State Code. You can use Federal/State Reporting regardless of whether you display the state field on this screen.

8.20 Write Media (P04515)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description

Set these options to control printing of the 1099 Forms (S045151, S045152, etc.):

Use this processing option to direct the 1099 forms to one printer and 1099 reports to a different printer.
1. Enter the Print Output Queue  
2. Enter '1' to SAVE Spool Files  
3. Enter '1' to HOLD Spool Files  
4. Enter the Forms Type for Spool Files  
0. Set these options to control printing of the 1099 Reports (R04515, R045151):  
5. Enter the Print Output Queue  
6. Enter '1' to SAVE Spool Files  
7. Enter '1' to HOLD Spool files  
8. Enter the Forms Type for Spool Files  
9. Enter a '1' to include country on the Payee address in the Forms if the Supplier has a foreign address and the country is set to print in Country Constants (P0070). If left blank, the country will not print. Use this processing option to print the country on the 1099 form for foreign suppliers.
10. Enter '1' to mask the first five digits of the Tax ID for person/Corporation Code 'P'. The Tax ID would appear as xxx-xx-1234. Filers must show the individual payee's complete identifying number on all copies of the form.
11. Enter a '1' to skip printing the Summary Report (R04515) page if the Number of Payees = 0. If left blank, all summary pages will print.  
12. Enter a '1' to print the names and addresses as 40 characters, using 15 CPI/6 LPI. If left blank, 10 CPI/6 LPI will be used. This processing option does not apply to:
  • Copy A forms that you submit to the IRS (if you do not send them an electronic file); therefore, if you print Copy A forms, ensure that the mailing name and/or mailing address does not exceed 30 characters. Otherwise, the name and/or mailing address will appear truncated.

  • Facsimile forms, which you can also use as the recipient copy. The system prints 40 characters of the mailing name and address by default.

  • Electronic filing, which uses 40 characters by default

13. Enter '1' to print 2-part (MISC/DIV) or 3-part (INT) recipient forms. If left blank, recipient information will print only once.  

8.21 Create Custom Form (P045152)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1099 LASER FORM:  
1. Enter the 1099 laser FORM ID to be modified: FORM ID

S045152 = 1099-MISC

S045153 = 1099-DIV

S045154 = 1099-INT

Note: This field cannot be blank.

2. If Printing is Too High/Low on form:

Move up how many lines? or

Move down how many lines?

3. If Printing is Too Far Left or Right:

Move how many spaces to the left? or

Move how many spaces to the right?

4. Enter the libraries where modified 1099 laser forms will be placed.

Source Library:

Object Library:

Note: The chosen library must be entered, must exist, and can not be the same as pristine libraries. The chosen library must contain file JDESRC. The User must have authority to compile in chosen library.

The library must be added to top of users library list.

Enter the name of the custom library in both the Source Library and Object Library fields.
5. Enter the library where the original 1099 laser forms will come from.

Source Library:

Enter JDFSRC or the name of the library where your source files currently reside. This library must contain the most current version of the 1099 software update

8.22 Export F1099T to IRSTAX.TXT (P045155)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' to REPLACE the data in the destination text file. If left blank, the data exported will be appended to or ADDED to the existing data in the text file. Use this processing option to specify whether to add F1099T records to an existing file or to replace the existing file with new records.
2. Enter the file name you wish to export. If left blank, we will export the F1099T file. Use this processing option to specify the file to export. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses IRSTAX.txt.
3. Enter the library where the file to export resides. If left blank, we will locate the file object and use the first library we find the file in. Use this processing option to specify the library in which the 1099T file resides. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the first 1099T file that it locates in the library list.

Note: The library that you specify must be in your library list.

4. Enter the name of the destination text file. If left blank, the file name IRSTAX will be used.

NOTE: File name should be specified without the .TXT extension. We will add that to the name you provide.

5. Enter the Directory you would like your .TXT file to be written to. If left blank, it will go to a default location.

NOTE: Directory/Path should be specified with beg/end slashes. For example: /HOME/