Managing Trips

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Trips

A trip is an instance of a specific freight carrier departing from a particular location containing deliveries.

A trip is carrier-specific and contains at least two stops, such as a stop to pick up goods and another stop to drop off goods, and may include intermediate stops. There are three ways to view trip stops:

Stops are displayed in sequence, and the stop sequence does not change if a stop is removed. For example, if you have two stops, each with an arrival and departure date and time, and you remove one, the remaining stops stay in the same sequence as they were originally.

You can perform the following tasks with trips:

Creating a Trip

You can create trips automatically or manually.


Trips are required for all deliveries and can be created automatically as part of Ship Confirmation that is transparent to the user for those not interested. If your shipping process does not require advanced planning, you may prefer to automatically create trips:

To Autocreate a Trip for a Delivery Using the Shipping Transactions Window

  1. Navigate to the Query Manager window, and find the delivery or group of deliveries.

    Shipping Transactions window - Delivery Results

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. If more than one delivery displays, select the deliveries.

  3. From the Actions menu, select Auto-create Trip.

  4. Click Go.

    At least one trip and its related stops are created based on the deliveries Shipped From and Shipped To locations.

    You can view information about the trip by choosing the Detail button, the Path by Stop tab, or the Path by Trip tab.

  5. Save your work.

To Autocreate a Trip for a Delivery Using the Delivery Pages in the Shipping Execution Simplified User Interface (Alternate Method)

  1. Navigate to the Deliveries page.

  2. Click Search.

    The Search Deliveries page appears.

  3. Enter search criteria for the deliveries for which you want to automatically create a trip, and click Go.

  4. Perform one of these procedures:

    To Auto-Create Trips From the Search Deliveries Page

    1. Select one or more deliveries by clicking the corresponding check boxes in the Select column.

      Note: You can also click the Select All link at the top of the Select column to select all of the deliveries in the table.

    2. From the Actions menu, select Auto-create Trip.

    3. Click Go.

      A message at the top of the page indicates that the auto-create trip action was completed successfully.

    To Auto-Create Trips From the Delivery Page

    1. Click the delivery Name link in the search results table.

      The Delivery page appears, displaying all of the information associated with the delivery.

    2. From the Action menu at the top of the page, select Auto-create Trip.

    3. Click Go.

      A message at the top of the page indicates that the auto-create trip action was completed successfully.

To Autocreate a Trip for Delivery Lines and Containers Using the Shipping Transactions Window

  1. Navigate to the Query Manager window and find the delivery lines and containers.

  2. Select the delivery lines.

  3. From the Actions menu, select Auto-create Trip.

  4. Click Go.

    At least one trip, stop, and deliveries are created for the lines and containers.

    To view additional information about the trip, click Detail or select the Path by Stop tab, or the Path by Trip tab.

  5. Save your work.

To Autocreate a Trip for Delivery Lines and Containers Using the Shipping Execution Simplified User Interface (Alternate Method)

  1. Navigate to the Details page.

  2. Click Search.

    The Search Details page appears.

  3. Enter search criteria for the delivery details for which you want to automatically create a trip, and click Go.

  4. Perform one of these procedures:

    To Auto-Create Trips From the Search Details Page

    1. Select one or more details by clicking the corresponding check boxes in the Select column.

      Note: You can also click the Select All link at the top of the Select column to select all of the details in the table.

    2. From the Actions menu, select Auto-create Trip.

    3. Click Go.

      A message at the top of the page indicates that the auto-create trip action was completed successfully.

    To Auto-Create Trips From the Line Details Page

    1. Click the Detail link for a detail record in the search results table in the Search Details page.

      The Line Details page appears.

    2. From the Actions menu, select Auto-create Trip.

    3. Click Go.

      A message at the top of the page indicates that the auto-create trip action was completed successfully.


You can manually create a trip and later assign delivery lines or find the delivery lines and create a trip. For example, for a regular trip scheduled to depart every Friday, you can manually set up a trip ahead of time and then assign delivery lines.

When you manually create a trip, you can manually assign stops, deliveries, and delivery lines to that trip.

To Manually Create a Trip Using the Shipping Transactions Window

  1. Navigate to the Trip window.

    Trip window

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Enter a name for the trip.

    Note: If you do not define a name, then a default name is assigned by Shipping Execution.

  3. Select the Ship Method. For example, Overnight or LTL.

    If you update Ship Method and one or more delivery legs of the trip have bill of lading numbers generated, Oracle Shipping Execution checks the Document Code for the Document Type BOL from the Document Categories window and:

    • If Document Code is All, it updates ship method for the trip and all of its delivery legs.

    • If Document Code is One, it cancels all the bill of lading numbers associated with the trip and logs a trip exception. You must then regenerate and reprint those bills of ladings.

    Note: If the trip is firmed, you cannot change the stops on the trip, but you can add deliveries to the trip as long as they are for existing stops. You can also unassign deliveries from trips and if the delivery is the last delivery on the stop, the stop will remain associated with the trip, however it will be empty.

  4. Select a Vehicle Org Code.

  5. Select the Vehicle Item Name such as 50' Truck.

  6. Select the Vehicle Number Prefix and Vehicle Number.

  7. Optionally, enter Routing Instructions.

  8. Optionally, select a trip in the Arrive After Trip field if you want the new trip to follow after another trip.

    In the Arrive after Trip field, you can define the order in which trips arrive at their final destination. For example, if you created Trip B and want it to arrive after Trip A, enter Trip A in the Arrive after Trip field.

  9. Save your work.

  10. Click Done.

To Manually Create a Trip Using the Shipping Execution Simplified User Interface (Alternate Method)

  1. Navigate to the Trips page.

  2. Perform one of these options:

    • Click the Create Trip icon (+ plus sign) at the top of the search results table in the Trips page.

    • Click Search and then click the Create Trip icon (+ plus sign) at the top of the search results table in the Search Trips page.

    Create Trip page

    the picture is described in the document text

    The Create Trip page appears.

  3. Enter information for the trip.

    For more information on how to create a trip, see the procedure: To Manually Create a Trip Using the Shipping Transactions window.

  4. Click Apply.

    The trip is created.

Related Topics

Process Deliveries SRS.

Firming a Trip

Once deliveries and delivery lines have been assigned to a trip, you can set the status of the trip to one of the following:

If the trip status is Firm Routing, you can still update trip details, delivery, and delivery line information. For example, you can add delivery lines and make changes to the delivery. However, to add or remove trip stops, you first must set the status of the trip to Unfirmed before making the changes.

When you firm a trip, Shipping Execution performs the following:


At least two stops must be assigned to the trip.

At least one delivery must be assigned to the trip.

At least one delivery line must be assigned to each delivery in the trip.

All delivery lines for the trip must be assigned to a delivery.

To Firm a Trip Using the Shipping Transactions Window

  1. Navigate to the Query Manager window, and find the trip.

  2. From the Actions menu, select Firm Routing or Firm Routing and Contents.

  3. Click Go.

  4. Save your work.

To Firm a Trip Using the Shipping Execution Simplified User Interface (Alternate Method)

  1. Navigate to the Trips page.

  2. Click Search.

    The Search Trips page appears.

  3. Enter search criteria for the trips you want to firm and click Go.

  4. Perform one of these procedures:

    To Firm Trips Using the Search Trips Page

    1. Select one or more trips by clicking the corresponding check boxes in the Select column.

      Note: You can also click the Select All link at the top of the Select column to select all of the details in the table.

    2. From the Actions menu, select Firm Routing or Firm Routing and Contents.

    3. Click Go.

    Note: You can also firm a trip by performing the steps above from the Trips page when any infotile is selected.

    To Firm a Trip Using the Trip Page

    1. Click the trip Name link in the search results table of the Search Trips page.

      The Trip page appears.

    2. From the Actions menu, select Firm Routing or Firm Routing and Contents.

    3. Click Go.

Unfirming a Trip

When a trip is in Firm Routing or Firm Routing and Contents status, you cannot add, remove, or re sequence trip stops unless you first Unfirm the trip. When the trip is in Not Firm status, you can remove or rescreen existing trip stops or add new stops.

After the changes are done, the trip can be Firmed to prevent the trip stop settings from being changed. However, if you leave the trip Not Firm, the existing trip stops can be removed or new trip stops can be added.

When you unfirm a trip, Shipping Execution:


Trip Firm status must be set to Firm Routing or Firm Routing and Contents.

Trip Firm status for all deliveries must be set to Firm Routing or Firm Routing and Contents.

To Unfirm a Trip Using the Shipping Transactions Window

  1. Navigate to the Query Manager window and find the trip.

  2. From the Actions menu, select Unfirm.

  3. Click Go.

  4. Save your work.

To Unfirm a Trip Using the Shipping Execution Simplified User Interface (Alternate Method)

  1. Navigate to the Trips page.

  2. Click Search.

    The Search Trips page appears.

  3. Enter search criteria for the trips you want to firm and click Go.

  4. Perform one of these procedures:

    To Unfirm Trips Using the Search Trips Page

    1. Select one or more trips by clicking the corresponding check boxes in the Select column.

      Note: You can also click the Select All link at the top of the Select column to select all of the details in the table.

    2. From the Actions menu, select Unfirm.

    3. Click Go.

    Note: You can also unfirm a trip by performing the steps above from the Trips page when any infotile is selected.

    To Unfirm a Trip Using the Trip Page

    1. Click the trip Name link in the search results table of the Search Trips page.

      The Trip page appears.

    2. From the Actions menu, select Unfirm.

    3. Click Go.

Purging Trips and Trip Stops

If purge criteria of deliveries, delivery lines, and LPNs associated to trips and trip stops are met, then Oracle Shipping Execution enables you to purge (permanently delete) trip and trip stop records from the Oracle Shipping Execution tables. The following criteria must be met before trips and trip stops are purged:

All information associated with the purged entities is also purged, for example freight costs, weight and volume, dates, and exceptions.

Related Topics

Shipping Purge Concurrent Process

Assigning Freight Costs to a Trip

You can assign freight costs to a specific trip, override the suggested freight costs, or update existing freight costs. For example, if you wanted to add additional costs to a particular vehicle that is used in the trip to deliver goods. A freight cost can also be assigned to a delivery, a stop, a delivery leg, a delivery detail, or a container.

To Assign Freight Costs to a Trip Using the Shipping Transactions Window

  1. Navigate to the Query Manager window, and find the trip.

  2. From the Actions menu, select Assign Freight Costs.

  3. Click Go.

    Freight Costs window

    the picture is described in the document text

    The Freight Cost window appears.

    Note: When assigning freight costs from the Quick Ship window, the Freight Costs window is displayed for the Delivery that your cursor is on.

  4. Enter the Freight Cost Name.

    The Type and Trip display by default based on the Name.

  5. Enter a Currency Code or accept the default.

  6. Enter an Amount or accept the default.

  7. Optionally, enter a Conversion Type, Conversion Date, and Conversion Rate.

  8. Click Done.

To View Freight Costs for a Trip Using the Shipping Transactions Window

  1. Navigate to the Query Manager window and find the trip.

  2. From the Actions menu, select Assign Freight Costs.

  3. Click Go.

  4. View the freight cost information.

    Type displays the freight cost type associated with the freight cost name. Freight cost name and freight cost type uniquely identify a freight cost charge.

    Trip is blank for manually entered freight costs.

To Assign Freight Costs to a Trip Using the Shipping Execution Simplified User Interface (Alternate Method)

  1. Navigate to the Trips page.

  2. Click Search.

    The Search Trips page appears.

  3. Enter search criteria for the trips to which you want to assign freight costs, and click Go.

  4. Perform one of these procedures:

    To Assign Freight Costs to a Trip Using the Search Trips Page

    1. Select one trip by clicking the corresponding check box in the Select column.

    2. From the Actions menu, select Assign Freight Costs.

    3. Click Go.

      The Freight Cost page appears displaying the freight costs for the trip if they exist.

    4. Click the Create Freight Cost icon (+ plus sign).

    5. Enter freight cost information.

      For information on entering freight costs, see the procedure: To Assign Freight Costs to a Trip Using the Shipping Transactions Window.

    6. Click Apply.

      Note: You can also assign freight costs to a trip by performing the steps above from the Trips page when any infotile is selected.

    To Assign Freight Costs to a Trip Using the Trip Page

    1. Click the trip Name link in the search results table of the Search Trips page.

      The Trip page appears.

    2. From the Actions menu, select Assign Freight Costs.

    3. Click Go.

      The Freight Cost page appears displaying the freight costs for the trip if they exist.

    4. Click the Create Freight Cost icon (+ plus sign).

    5. Enter the freight cost information.

      For information on entering freight costs, see the procedure: To Assign Freight Costs to a Trip Using the Shipping Transactions Window.

    6. Click Apply.

To View Freight Costs for a Trip Using the Shipping Execution Simplified User Interface (Alternate Method)

  1. Navigate to the Trips page.

  2. Click Search.

    The Search Trips page appears.

  3. Enter search criteria for the trips for which you want to view freight costs, and click Go.

  4. Perform one of these procedures:

    To View Freight Costs for a Trip Using the Search Trips Page

    1. Select one trip by clicking the corresponding check box in the Select column.

    2. From the Actions menu, select Assign Freight Costs.

    3. Click Go.

      The Freight Cost page appears displaying the freight costs for the trip.

      Note: You can also view freight costs for a trip by performing the steps above from the Trips page when any infotile is selected.

    To View Freight Costs for a Trip Using the Trip Page

    1. Click the trip Name link in the search results table of the Search Trips page.

      The Trip page appears.

    2. From the Actions menu, select Assign Freight Costs.

    3. Click Go.

      The Freight Cost page appears displaying the freight costs for the trip.

Printing a Document Set for a Trip

You can print a group of shipping documents and other reports in a set for a trip. These document sets might include pick release documents, pack slip, bill of lading, or any other shipping document.

Any Shipping document enabled for XML Publisher can also be included in a document set. Once included, the document automatically prints with other documents in the document set. XML Publisher enabled Shipping documents enable the flexibility to define your own report layouts, include additional fields on reports, and print the document in PDF format. See: Report Customization with Layout Templates

To Print a Document Set for a Trip Using the Shipping Transactions Window

  1. Navigate to the Query Manager window, and find the trip.

  2. From the Actions menu, select Print Document Set, or if you have added a Print Document Set button, click it.

  3. Click Go.

    The Document Sets window displays a list of document sets.

  4. Select the document set and click OK.

    The document set for the trip is printed.

To Print a Document Set for a Trip Using the Shipping Execution Simplified User Interface (Alternate Method)

  1. Navigate to the Trips page.

  2. Click Search.

    The Search Trips page appears.

  3. Enter search criteria for the trip for which you want to print a document set, and click Go.

  4. Perform one of these procedures:

    To Print a Document Set for a Trip Using the Search Trips Page

    1. Select one trip by clicking the corresponding check box in the Select column.

    2. From the Actions menu, select Print Document Set.

    3. Click Go.

      The Choose Document Set page appears.

    4. Select the document set in the Name field and click OK.

      A message at the top of the page indicates that the document set was submitted and provides the request ID.

      Note: You can also print a document set for a trip by performing the steps above from the Trips page when any infotile is selected.

    To Print a Document Set for a Trip Using the Trip Page

    1. Click the trip Name link in the search results table of the Search Trips page.

      The Trip page appears.

    2. From the Actions menu, select Print Document Set.

    3. Click Go.

      The Choose Document Set page appears.

    4. Select the document set in the Name field and click OK.

      A message at the top of the page indicates that the document set was submitted and provides the request ID.

Printing a Master Bill of Lading for a Trip

You can print the Master Bill of Lading report for trips from the Actions menu on these windows or pages:

The Master Bill of Lading is XML Publisher enabled and can be printed in PDF if the Master Bill of Lading PDF template is enabled in the document set for Master Bill of Lading. See: Report Customization with Layout Templates.

To Print a Master Bill of Lading for a Trip Using the Shipping Transactions Window

  1. Navigate to the Query Manager window, and find the trip.

  2. From the Actions menu, select Print Master BOL.

  3. Click Go.

To Print a Master Bill of Lading for a Trip Using the Shipping Execution Simplified User Interface (Alternate Method)

  1. Navigate to the Trips page.

  2. Click Search.

    The Search Trips page appears.

  3. Enter search criteria for the trip for which you want to print a master bill of lading, and click Go.

  4. Perform one of these procedures:

    To Print a Master Bill of Lading for a Trip Using the Search Trips Page

    1. Select one or more trips by clicking the corresponding check boxes in the Select column.

    2. From the Actions menu, select Print Master BOL.

    3. Click Go.

      A message at the top of the page indicates that the master bill of lading documents were submitted and provides the request IDs.

      Note: You can also print a master bill of lading for a trip by performing the steps above from the Trips page when any infotile is selected.

    To Print a Print a Master Bill of Lading for a Trip Using the Trip Page

    1. Click the trip Name link in the search results table of the Search Trips page.

      The Trip page appears.

    2. From the Actions menu, select Print Master BOL.

    3. Click Go.

      A message at the top of the page indicates that the master bill of lading documents were submitted and provides the request IDs.

Calculating Weight and Volume for a Trip Stop

The weight and volume is always calculated based on values defined as the physical attributes in the Master Item window in Oracle Inventory. The automatic calculation of weight and volume includes the fill percentage.

You can manually enter the weight and volume in each delivery, which will be used at ship confirmation.

When the weight, volume, and fill percentage for a trip stop is calculated, Shipping Execution:

To Manually Enter Weight and Volume for a Trip Stop Using the Shipping Transactions Window

  1. Navigate to the Query Manager window, and find the trip stop.

  2. Click Details.

  3. Enter your weights and volume.

  4. Save your work.

To Manually Enter Weight and Volume for a Trip Stop Using the Trips Page in the Shipping Execution Simplified User Interface (Alternate Method)

  1. Navigate to the Trips page.

  2. Click Search.

    The Search Trips page appears.

  3. Enter search criteria for the trips containing the stops for which you want to enter weight and volume, and click Go.

  4. Click the trip Name link in the search results table.

    The Trip page appears displaying the trip information and the stops associated with the trip.

  5. Click the Sequence link in the Stops region of the page.

    The Stop Location page appears.

  6. Enter weights and volume.

  7. Click Save to save the information and to stay on this page.

    Click Apply to save the information and to return to the previous page.

To Manually Enter Weight and Volume for a Trip Stop Using the Stops Page in the Shipping Execution Simplified User Interface (Alternate Method)

  1. Navigate to the Stops page.

  2. Click Search.

    The Search Stops page appears.

  3. Enter search criteria for the stops for which you want to enter weight and volume, and click Go.

  4. Click the Sequence link in the search results table.

    The Stop Location page appears.

  5. Enter weights and volume.

  6. Click Save to save the information and to stay on this page.

    Click Apply to save the information and to return to the previous page.

Related Topics

Calculating Weight and Volume for a Delivery

Calculating Weight and Volume for Delivery Lines

Ship Confirming a Trip

You can ship confirm a trip from the Shipping Transactions window, or the Trips or Trip pages in the Shipping Execution Simplified User Interface which also progresses the status of all assigned deliveries, LPNs, and delivery lines. This method of ship confirming might be preferable if your trips consist of multiple deliveries.

Note: A new role, with the privilege Ship Confirm enabled at the trip tab, will need to be defined in order for you to perform ship confirm at the trip level.

To Ship Confirm at the Trip Level Using the Shipping Transactions Window

  1. Navigate to the Query Manager window.

  2. Find your Trip.

  3. From the Actions menu, select Ship Confirm.

    Shipping Transactions - Trip window

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. Within the Confirm Trip window, select the options suitable to your needs.

    In the Ship Options section, for the options Ship Entered Quantities and Backorder All, you can select a backorder reason to move backordered material from the staging subinventory to the source subinventory. You can select the backorder reason based on the Shipping Parameters setup for organizations in a trip.

    Confirm Trip (Ship Confirm Trip) window

    the picture is described in the document text

    Note: You can ship confirm all deliveries, set deliveries in-transit, or close trip, if the deliveries have the same pickup location. If the trip has multiple pickups, Multiple is defaulted in the Pickup Stop field and you will not be able to choose any of the trip options. Clicking OK will confirm all deliveries at the initial pickup location and you must close the drop off stops manually. If the trip includes multiple pickup stops, you must manually ship confirm any delivery that is not part of the initial pickup otherwise it's pickup will not be closed. Ship confirming a trip only closes the pickup stop for deliveries that occur at the start of the trip; not intermediate pickup stops.

To Ship Confirm at the Trip Level Using the Trips Page in the Shipping Execution Simplified User Interface (Alternate Method)

  1. Navigate to the Trips page.

  2. Click Search.

    The Search Trips page appears.

  3. Enter search criteria for the trips for which you want to ship confirm, and click Go.

  4. Perform one of these procedures:

    To Ship Confirm a Trip Using the Search Trips Page

    1. Select one trip by clicking the corresponding check box in the Select column.

    2. From the Actions menu, select Ship Confirm.

    3. Click Go.

      Ship Confirm page

      the picture is described in the document text

      The Ship Confirm page appears.

    4. Select the ship options and the trip options.

    5. Click Apply.

      Note: You can also ship confirm a trip by performing the steps above from the Trips page when any infotile is selected.

    To Ship Confirm a Trip Using the Trip Page

    1. Click the trip Name link in the search results table of the Search Trips page.

      The Trip page appears.

    2. From the Actions menu, select Ship Confirm.

    3. Click Go.

      The Ship Confirm page appears.

    4. Select the ship options and the trip options.

    5. Click Apply.

Related Topics

To ship confirm a delivery

Trip Workflow Status

With the use of Oracle Workflow, Oracle Shipping Execution enables you to view the status of trip specific workflow through the Shipping Transactions window or the Quick Ship window.

The Workflow Monitor is used to graphically display the status of the workflow associated with the trip.

Trip Workflow must be enabled in the Global parameters.

Viewing Trip Workflow Status

To View the Workflow Status of a Trip

  1. Navigate to the Shipping Transactions window.

  2. Find the trip.

  3. From the Tools menu, select Workflow status.

Related Topics

Workflow Status

Using Quick Ship for Trips

The Quick Ship window enables you to process shipments quickly, using the minimum shipping requirements with the benefit of a highly configurable window. You can access trips and perform several actions within the Quick Ship window.

Related Topics

Quick Ship Window

Finding and Confirming Quick Ship Trips

Finding and Confirming Quick Ship Trips

You will use the find window to search for applicable trips.

To Find a Trip

  1. Navigate to the Quick Ship window.

  2. Ensure that the window view is set to Trip Confirm View.

  3. With the cursor in the trip Name field, press F11 or select Find from the View menu.

    There are several ways to find trips in the Quick Ship window:

    • The Find icon

    • The LOV for the Trip Name

    • Enter the Trip Name and press [Tab]

  4. Enter your search criteria.

  5. Click Find.

To Confirm a Trip Using the Quick Ship Window

  1. Navigate to the Quick Ship window.

  2. Ensure that the window view is set to Trip Confirm View.

  3. Within the Trip region, enter or find the trip Name.

  4. Verify all data in the header fields and update as necessary.

    Any of the following actions can be executed by clicking the appropriate button at the bottom of the window, or by right-clicking and selecting the action from that menu:

  5. Click the Ship Confirm button or right click and select Ship Confirm.