To start setting up CLM using the tabular setup steps below, the pre-requisites that need to be completed are:
Depending on your business requirements and installation mode, complete the required setup steps in common applications such as HRMS and Financials.
Oracle e-Business Suite Purchasing should be set up.
Use the System Administrator responsibility for the initial steps such as adding CLM predefined responsibilities for your users, setting profile option values, and so on.
Some of the steps below are mandatory to be set up (they are marked as Required), while other steps are Optional. You need to perform Optional steps only if you plan to use the related feature or complete certain business functions. The following table lists setup steps and also mentions the application in which the setup step should be done.
Step No. | Required | Step | Application |
1. | Required | Add CLM predefined responsibilities for your users | Common Applications |
2. | Required | Set Up Profile Options for CLM | Common Applications |
3. | Required | Run CLM Seed Data Processor Concurrent Program | Common Applications |
4. | Required | Set Up Sourcing | Sourcing |
5. | Required | Set Up CLM Controls | Purchasing |
6. | Required | Set Up Document Styles for Purchasing Documents | Purchasing |
7. | Optional | Set Up Warrants | Purchasing |
8. | Required | Set Up Printing | Sourcing and Purchasing |
9. | Required | Attribute Setup Workbench | Purchasing |
10. | Required | Compiling UDA Requisition Templates | iProcurement |
11. | Required | Set Up Extra Information Types for Contacts and Offices | HRMS |
12. | Required | Configure Document Numbering | Purchasing |
13. | Optional | Set Up for Enabling Encumbrance | Purchasing |
14. | Required | Approvals Management Engine (AME) | HRMS & Purchasing |
15. | Optional | Workload Assignments | Purchasing |
16. | Optional | Setup Steps to Integrate with other Systems | Purchasing |
17. | Optional | Review PDFs, Customize Print Layouts and Configure SGD | Sourcing and Purchasing |
18. | Optional | Evaluate required contract clause setup, and appropriately plan the variables, rules, questions and clause setup. | Sourcing and Purchasing |
19. | Optional | Set up attribute templates for Deliverables and Small Business Coordination Record. | Sourcing and Purchasing |
Given below is a brief description of each of the setup steps you need to perform for CLM. Note that the implementation details are in subsequent chapters.
Add CLM predefined responsibilities for your users
Using the System Administrator responsibility, navigate to Security > User > Define and add the required predefined CLM responsibilities for your users.
For more information on the predefined CLM responsibilities, refer to the section Initial Setup Steps in the chapter Initial Settings for FAR / Non-FAR Documents.
Set Up Profile Options for CLM
You need to set the appropriate values for certain given profile options in order to enable CLM for use. Using the System Administrator responsibility, navigate to Profile > System. The list of profile options and their expected values is in the section Initial Setup Steps in the chapter Initial Settings for FAR / Non-FAR Documents.
Run CLM Seed Data Processor Concurrent Program
Run the CLM Seed Data Processor concurrent program to enable federal nomenclature for entities such as menus, messages and lookups. More information on this concurrent program are available in the section Initial Setup Steps in the chapter Initial Settings for FAR / Non-FAR Documents.
Using the Sourcing Super User responsibility or a similar responsibility that gives you access to the Sourcing > Administration tab, set up the following:
Specify Standard Forms and Document Formats to view and print documents.
Select Notification Subscription options for buyers and suppliers.
Configure Negotiation Styles for Solicitation Document Type.
Setup steps to integrate with System for Award Management (SAM).
Refer to the section Setup Sourcing Steps in the chapter Setting up CLM Features for the first three Sourcing steps. Refer to the section Integrating with Integrating with System for Award Management (SAM) in the chapter Setting up CLM Features for the setting up Sourcing to work with SAM.
Use the Purchasing Options page > CLM Controls region to enable / disable various CLM features such as MIPR, WDOL, ACRN, ELINs and CDRLs, Payment Instructions, and so on. For more information on CLM Controls, refer to the chapter Purchasing Options, CLM Controls section.
Set Up Document Styles for Purchasing Documents
Using a Purchasing responsibility that gives you access to the Setup windows and pages, navigate to Setup: Purchasing > Document Styles. Using the Document Styles page, you can enable a purchasing document as a CLM document or not.
For more information on configuring document styles, refer to the section Document Styles in the chapter Document Types, Document Styles and Line Types.
The Federal Government grants Contracting Officers the authority to obligate money on behalf of the government via a warrant. Warrants are generally granted for specific amount limits. To set up warrants, you must complete a number of steps using the Purchasing Super User responsibility.
See: Setting Up Warrants
Purchasing Documents: Use the Forms region in the Document Styles page to set up the XML Publisher templates you need to use with the Standard Forms and Document Formats. For more information on the Forms region, refer to the section Document Styles in the chapter Document Types, Document Styles and Line Types.
Solicitation Document: Use the Forms region in the Negotiations Configuration page to set up the XML Publisher templates you need to use with the Standard Forms and Document Formats. For more information on the Forms region in the Negotiations Configuration page, refer to the section Setup Sourcing Steps in the chapter Setting up CLM Features.
For more information, refer to the Appendix - XML Publisher Templates for Standard forms for Awards/IDVs/Solicitations.
Use the Attribute Setup Workbench to define new attributes, group them, and associate that group to one or more type of documents transacted within CLM. Additionally, decide where and how attribute groups must render, and associate actions to configure the behavior of the attribute groups.
Compiling UDA Requisition Templates
Before users can create a requisition document, the requisition header and line level UDA templates need to be compiled in order for the UDA attributes to be displayed on the application pages. This is a mandatory step, if your users need to see the UDA attributes in the requisition pages.
Set Up Extra Information Types for Contacts and Offices
Use the Extra Information Types (EIT) Framework of Oracle HRMS to setup locations as CLM Offices and persons as CLM Contacts. For more information, refer to the section Configuring CLM Offices and Contacts in the chapter Setting up CLM Features.
If using predefined document numbering scheme, set up and enable document numbering.
If defining document numbering, use Attribute Setup Workbench to define the details.
See: Extending CLM Attributes using Attribute Setup Workbench
Set Up for Enabling Encumbrance
If you require encumbrance / funding information in the CLM documents, perform the setup steps in Purchasing to enable encumbrance. For more information, refer to the section Setup for Enabling Encumbrance in the chapter Setting up CLM Features.
Approvals Management Engine (AME)
Approvals Management uses Oracle Workflow and Oracle Approvals Management Engine (AME) to create and define approval hierarchies, approval rules and link them to various CLM documents.
For more information, refer to the section Approvals Management in the chapter Setting up CLM Features; also refer to the Document Types, Document Styles and Line Types chapter to set up approval options.
This is the activity of assigning a responsible Buyer (by a Workload Administrator) to a collection of lines on a Purchase Request document for purposes of administering Pre-award procurement activities. The assignment will include an estimated completion date and will allow for calculation of suspense periods as determined by the Workload Administrator as well as allowing for tracking of historical buyer changes during the assignment period.
For more information, refer to the section Workload Assignment Setup Steps.
Integrating with Other Systems
CLM integrates with external federal systems such as FPDS-NG, System for Award Management (SAM), ORCA, EDA, Clause Logic Service, Vendor Eligibility Check, WDOL, and so on.
For more information on setting up integrations for these systems, refer to the chapter Integrating with Other Systems.
As an implementer, you are also required to review PDFs, customize Print Layouts, if required, and configure SGD.
Contracts related setup steps
In order to setup Procurement Contracts to work with the CLM modules, you need to perform the following:
Evaluate required contract clause setup
Plan setup steps for variables, rules, questions and clauses
Set up Attribute Templates for Deliverables and Small Business Coordination Record
Navigate to the Contract Workbench Administrator responsibility to use Attribute Setup Workbench to create or set up templates to display additional details for Deliverables and Small Business Coordination Record.