Purging Service Requests or Cases

This chapter covers the following topics:

Service Request Purge Overview

You can permanently delete service requests or cases and related information from your database by running the Service Request Data Purge concurrent program. You can also use this program to purge only the audit data of closed service requests.

Note: Case Management uses the same concurrent program to purge cases. Please read "case" for every use of "service request" both in this text and the user interface.

The purge program permits you to delete a single service request or a set of service requests that you specify using one or more of the following criteria:

The purge program imposes restrictions on purging. You cannot purge the following:

See the following for more information:

Impact of Purging on Enterprise Command Center (ECC) Data

Important: To maintain synchronization of service requests data between Oracle TeleService and enterprise command centers, you must use the Service Request Data Purge concurrent program with caution. Data synchronization is essential to correctly calculate and report metrics, charts, graphs, and tags on the dashboards.

The purge program impacts the following command centers:

If you run the Service Request Data Purge program before you run the ECC data load programs with the Full Load or the Incremental Load option, then there is no impact on the ECC data in the data store. However, if the purge program is run after you run full load or incremental load to load data to the ECC data store, then the ECC data will be out of synchronization with the service requests data.

For information about the data load programs, see:

What Information is Deleted

See Service Request Purge Overview.

The purge program permanently deletes and purges from the database:

Purge Records

See Service Request Purge Overview.

The purge program records the following information in the concurrent request log:

This information is available by clicking the Output button on the Concurrent Requests window.

You can view the parameters used for the purge by clicking the View Details button on the same window.

In addition, you can have the concurrent program generate a detailed log of the purged service requests or cases in an audit table (CS_INCIDENTS_PURGE_AUDIT_B). The table includes:

You cannot view the audit table content in an user interface. You must write a SQL query to view the audit information.

Running the Service Request Data Purge Concurrent Program

See Service Request Purge Overview.

To run the Service Request Data Purge concurrent program, submit a single request. Under the Service responsibility, navigate to Others, and select Submit Requests.

The following table describes the program's parameters:

Parameter Description
Number Service request or case number. Make an entry here for purging a single service request or case.
Status Service request status. The list of values includes only statuses for closed service requests or cases. These are statuses with the Final check box selected.
Type Service request type. If standard service security is turned on, the list of values displays only those service request types mapped to your responsibility.
Created From Use for deleting service requests or cases created from and including this date.
To Use to specify end date of the creation period.
Last Updated From Use for deleting service requests or cases updated on and from this date.
To Use to specify the end date of the update period above.
Not Updated Since Use the list of values to choose a period ranging from 3 months to 5 years.
Customer Number Use for deleting service requests or cases for a single customer.
Customer Account Use for deleting service requests or cases for a single account.
Item Category Use for deleting service requests for a inventory item category. Item categories are not used by Case Management.
Item Number Use for deleting service requests for a single inventory item. Items are not used by Case Management.
Retain Customer Requests Use this field to delete all service requests or cases except the most recent number you enter here. For example, entering 10,000 here, deletes all except the 10,000 most recent service requests or cases.
Purge Only Audit Information Deletes audit data of closed service requests.
Select one of the following values:
  • Yes: To remove the audit data of closed service requests from the CS_INCIDENTS_AUDIT_B and CS_INCIDENTS_AUDIT_TL tables. Use this option to purge data that is no longer required.

  • No: To remove data of specific closed service requests and their child objects from the database. This is the default option.

To verify that the audit data is purged, you can:
Number of Workers Enter the number of concurrent processes you want to launch at the same time.
Purge Batch Size Enter the number of service requests or cases to be purged in a single purge process. For example, if you are purging one million service requests and you specify a batch size of 10,000 here, then the application splits the purge into 1000 separate purge processes.
Non Field Service Tasks Used for service requests with non-field service (customer-related) tasks. You can choose to purge service requests regardless of the status of their non-field service tasks (Purge All) or purge only those service requests where these tasks are closed (Purge Closed).
Maintain Audit Permits you to decide whether or not you want the application to populate the audit table.

For instructions on running concurrent requests see the Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide.