System Administration Setup

System Administration Setup


This section describes the setup steps that are required for System Administration in Labor Distribution.

Use the Oracle Applications System Administrator’s Guide with this guide to complete or modify System Administration setup.

System Administration Setup Checklist

Table 1 shows the System Administration setup checklist.

You must completed all required setup steps in this checklist. The following section System Administration Setup Steps describes and displays in bold italics, the setup steps that require specific settings or additional information to implement Oracle Labor Distribution.

System Administration Setup Checklist
Step Number Setup Step Oracle Applications System Administration Oracle Labor Distribution
Step 1. Create an Oracle Applications User required required
Step 2. Create New Responsibilities optional required
Step 3. Implement Function Security optional required
Step 4. Create Additional Users required required
Step 5. Set Up Printers required required
Step 6. Specify Site-Level and Application-Level Profile Options required with defaults required with defaults
Step 7. Define Concurrent Managers optional optional
Step 8. Define Request Sets optional optional
Step 9. Set Up AuditTrail optional optional
Step 10. Modify Language Prompts optional optional
Step 11. Modify Territory LOV Values optional optional
Step 12. Enable the following Descriptive Flexfields:
  • Adjustment Distributions Information - Labor Distribution

  • Distribution Interface Information - Labor Distribution

  • Employee Labor Schedule Information - Labor Distribution

  • Global Elements Information - Labor Distribution

  • Non Oracle Interface Information - Labor Distribution

  • Organization Accounts Information - Labor Distribution

  • Organization Default LS Information - Labor Distribution

  • Enter Journals: Lines (Oracle General Ledger)

  • Encumbrance Items Descriptive Flex Field (Oracle Grants Management)

  • Expenditure Items (Oracle Projects)

optional optional

For more information about descriptive flexfields, see User Definable Descriptive Flexfields, Oracle HRMS Implementation Guide.

System Administration Setup Steps

You must complete all required System Administration setup steps to use Labor Distribution.

Use the Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide with this guide to complete all required setup steps that are not described in this section.

Specify Site-Level and Responsibility-Level Profile Options

This section includes the following parts:

Set Up Profile Option Levels

You must specify the common user profile options for Oracle Applications as part of the Oracle Applications System Administration setup. You can set a profile at the Site, Application, Responsibility, or User level. Most profiles are seeded with default values at the site-level that serve as the default until you override them at other levels.

If you use a single organization, the profile options are set at the site level. If you implement Multiple Organizations, you must set all Labor Distribution profile values at the responsibility level.

Table 2 describes the profile option levels.

Profile Option Levels
Feature Profile Option Name Site Application Responsibility User
Labor Scheduling PSP: Use Organization Default Labor Schedule x   x  
  PSP: Use Organization Default Account x   x  
  PSP: Display Organization Default Account x   x  
  PSP: Generic Suspense Account Organization x   x  
Labor Scheduling PSP: Organization to be shown in reports x   x  
  GL: Ledger Name

Note: This profile option applies only to users of Oracle Applications Release 12. If you are using Oracle Applications Release 11i, use the GL: Set of Books Name profile option.

x   x  
  HR: Business Group x   x  
  HR: Security Profile x   x  
  MO: Security Profile

Note: This profile option applies only to users of Oracle Applications Release 12.

  HR: Query Only Mode     x  
Summarize Distribution Lines and Transfer PSP: Enable Summarize & Transfer User Hooks x   x  
Distribution Adjustments and Maintenance of Non-Oracle and Pre-generated Distribution Lines PSP: Use Default GL Posting Override Date x   x  
Distribution Adjustments PSP: Adjustment Approval Timeout in Days x   x  
  HR: Query Only Mode     x  
Maintenance of Non-Oracle Sub-lines PSP: Use Non-Oracle Effective Date x   x  
Maintenance of Pre-generated Distribution Lines PSP: Use Suspense Account for Pre-Gen Import x   x  
Encumbrance Summarize and Transfer PSP: Enable GL Summarization x   x  
Labor Encumbrance PSP: Integrate LD Encumbrances with Position Control x   x  
Reports File Server: Enabled x   x  
  Concurrent: Save Output x   x  
  Concurrent: Report Copies x   x  
  Printer x   x  

Set Up Profile Option Values

Table 3 describes the profile option values.

Labor Distribution Profile Option Values
Profile Option Name Value Description
PSP: Use Organization Default Labor Schedule
For information on the Organization Default Labor Schedule, see Scheduling Hierarchy Process.
yes or no This profile option enables you to use the Organization Default Labor Schedule. If you enable this profile option, then the application selects the Organization Default Labor Schedule check box in the Labor Scheduling window for every employee assignment.

Note: If the application does not detect labor schedules at the employee level, it uses the labor schedule you defined at the Organization Default Labor Schedule.

PSP: Use Organization Default Account yes or no If enabled, then the organization default account is included in the schedule hierarchy

Note: If there are no labor schedules at a lower level, labor schedules at the Organization Default Account level are used.

PSP: Display Organization Default Account yes or no If you enable this profile option, then the application includes the organization default account in the schedule hierarchy.

Note: If you set this profile option to Yes, then you must also set the Organization Default Account Profile option to Yes.

PSP: Generic Suspense Account Organization generic suspense account Use this profile option to identify an Organization as the Generic Suspense Account Organization. You must set up this profile option at the responsibility level.

Note: This note applies to users of Oracle Applications Release 12. If you implement Multiple Organizations, then you must enable this profile option. You must also link a generic suspense account to each responsibility.

PSP: Organization to be shown in reports organization name This profile option allows you to select the organization that you want to want the application to display in reports as the institution name.
GL: Ledger Name

Note: This profile option applies only to users of Oracle Applications Release 12. If you are using Oracle Applications Release 11i, use the GL: Set of Books Name profile option.

Ledger This profile option enables you to use the ledger in Labor Distribution. You must set up this profile option at the Site level or the Responsibility level.

Note: This note applies only if you use Oracle Applications Release 12. If you implement Multiple Organizations, then you must use the GL: Ledger profile option to link the ledger to a specific Labor Distribution responsibility.

HR: Business Group Business group Enables business group to be used; must be set up at the Responsibility level

Note: This note applies only if you use Oracle HRMS Release 12. If you implement Multiple Organizations, the business group to which the Labor Distribution responsibility links to secures employee assignment and organization data.

HR: Security Profile Security profile You must specify a security profile that provides access to all the records in the business group that your responsibility links to. This is because all the concurrent processes in Labor Distribution need access to all the records within a business group.
MO: Security Profile

Note: This profile option applies only if you use Oracle Applications Release 12.

Set of operating units This profile option defines access to projects, awards, tasks, and expenditure organizations across operating units. You must set up this profile option at the Responsibility level.
You can set the value of the MO: Security Profile option to the default security profile of your business group. However, ensure that this security profile contains all the organizations in the business group.
HR: Query Only Mode Yes or No Use this to set read-only or update access to the Schedule Lines and the Distribution Adjustments windows.
PSP: Enable Summarize & Transfer User Hooks yes or no If you enable this profile option, then the application detects user hooks when you run the Summarize and Transfer Payroll Distributions process.
PSP: Use Default GL Posting Override Date yes or no If you set this profile option to Yes, then the application uses the system date as the effective date for all General Ledger transactions. You cannot override this date. If you enable this profile option, then you cannot modify the GL Date fields in the Distribution Adjustments window.
If you set this profile option to No, then you can specify the override date for the application to post transactions to Oracle General Ledger. For example, if the original transaction occurs on 10-Jan-2000, and you set the GL override date to 31-Jan-2000, then the application uses 31-Jan-2000 as the effective date for Oracle General Ledger transactions. If you do not specify an override date, then the application performs the transactions using the original date.
PSP: Adjustment Approval Timeout in Days number This profile option enables you to specify when a distribution adjustment workflow approval notification must time out. The default value is zero days, which indicates that the approval notification never times out.
PSP: Use Non-Oracle Effective Date yes or no If you enable this profile option, then the application uses the Non-Oracle effective date from the interface table. If you do not enable this profile option, then the application uses the end date of the payroll period as the effective date.
PSP: Use Suspense Account for Pre-Gen Import yes or no If you enable this profile option, the Import process uses the Suspense Account for Pre-Generated distribution lines that have invalid accounts.
PSP: Enable GL Summarization yes or no If you enable this profile option, then the application creates the summary journals at the General Ledger account level instead of the employee assignment level.
PSP: Integrate LD Encumbrances with Position Control yes or no This profile option enables you to integrate Oracle Labor Distribution and the Position Control functionality in Oracle HRMS.
If you enable this profile, Labor Distribution will:
  • Relieve the Position Control commitments for the date range when it computes its own encumbrances for the assignment.

  • Convey to Position Control that Labor Distribution is computing the assignment encumbrances and Position Control does not need to compute the commitments.

  • Provide Position Control with the encumbrance amount that Labor Distribution computes for the assignment, element, and date range with the charging instructions.

if you do not want to use the Position Control functionality, then set this profile option to No.

Note: To use the Position Control feature, you must install and implement Oracle HRMS.

File Server: Enabled yes or no This profile option enables you view reports in the concurrent manager.
Concurrent: Save Output yes or no If you enable this profile option, then the application uses the default value in the Printing Options window that you use to print a report.
Concurrent: Report Copies number This profile option enables you to specify the default value for the number of copies to appear in the Printing Options window, which the application uses to print the report.
Printer printer This profile option enables you to specify the default printer to appear in the Printing Options window.

Set Up Configuration Options

Table 4 describes the configuration options available in Labor Distribution. Use the Configuration Values page to set these options.

See: Configuring Values in Labor Distribution

Labor Distribution Configuration Options
Configuration Option Name Value Description
Defer Auto-population at assignment or element group level yes or no Set to yes to defer Auto-population rule invocation, at the assignment or element group level, until after you submit the batch.
Show 100% distributions for each element yes or no Set to yes to show 100% summation for each element in the Distribution Adjustments window.
Use DFF columns when creating summary lines for payroll distributions yes or no Set to yes to enable the Descriptive Flexfields (DFF) and to send information collected from these DFFs to Oracle General Ledger, Oracle Projects, and Oracle Grants Accounting
Use DFF columns when creating summary lines for encumbrances yes or no Set to yes to enable the DFF and to send information collected from these DFFs to Oracle General Ledger, Oracle Projects, and Oracle Grants Accounting
Assign Generic Organization for Excess Salary Account NA Use this to identify an organization as a generic organization so that you can create a generic excess salary account. The application transfers excess funds to this account if the organization excess salary account does not exist or is not valid.
Enable Salary Cap yes or no Set to Yes, to enable salary cap processing in Labor Distribution.
Map Sponsor Code to Sponsor NA Use this to associate the sponsor name with the predefined sponsor cap details. The application processes salary cap for this sponsor.
Enter the overriding element set NA Use this to select an element set to specify the elements that the application uses to process the salary cap. By default the application uses the salary element associated with an employee's salary basis.
Create Effort Report using PTAEO details in GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS table yes or no This indicates how the application processes GL charging instructions. If you select Yes, then the application retrieves and converts information in GL Segments to display as Project, Task, Award, Expenditure Type, Expenditure Organization (PTAEO) information in the effort report. If you select No, then the application does not convert the PTAEO information and displays it as GL segments.
Select the columns in GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS table that store PTAEO details NA Use this to select the GL Segments you use to store PTAEO information.
Enable Auto-Population NA Use this to enable auto-population rules at any level of the scheduling hierarchy.
Mapping of Charging Instruction for Labor Schedule Override yes or no Use this to enable the application to use the charging instructions in the element entries of the employee assignment and override the labor schedule.

Note: If you set the configuration value to Yes, and the element entries of the employee assignment contain the number of hours that the employee worked, but do not contain charging instructions, then the application applies the labor schedule that you defined in Oracle Labor Distribution to the amount in the element entries.

Enable Work Schedule for payroll distribution and encumbrance yes or no If you set this configuration value to Yes, the application distributes and encumbers labor costs using employee work schedules. Otherwise, the application distributes and encumbers labor costs based on the default work schedule (Monday through Friday.)
Import Costed Hours yes or no If you set the value of this configuration option to Yes, the application enables you to distribute and adjust time information.
Encumber Hours yes or no If you set the value of this configuration option to Yes, the application enables you to encumber time information.

Configuring Values for Labor Distribution

Use the Configuration Values page to choose settings for the following modules:

For details of these configuration values, see: Set Up Configuration Options

To configure values for Distribution Adjustments

  1. Search for Distribution Adjustments as the Module Name.

  2. Select Defer Auto-population at assignment or element group level as the Configuration Type.

  3. In the Defer Auto-population at assignment or element group level region, select Yes to enable auto-population at assignment or element group level for your business group. Click Apply.

    See: Configuration

  4. Select Show 100% distributions for each element as the Configuration Type.

  5. In the Show 100% distributions for each element region, select Yes to display the distribution percentages summed to 100% for each element rather than across all elements.

    See: Distribution Adjustment at the Element Group Level

To configure values for Effort Reporting

  1. Search for Effort Reporting as the Module Name.

  2. Select Create Effort Report using PTAEO details in GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS table as the Configuration Type.

  3. In the Create Effort Report using PTAEO details in GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS table region, select Yes if you store PTAEO information in GL segments in the Accounting Flexfield.

  4. Click Apply.

  5. Select Select the columns in GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS table that store PTAEO details as the Configuration Type.

  6. Click Add Configuration Value.

  7. In the Select the columns in GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS table that store PTAEO details region that displays, select the GL segment you use to store each type of information (Project ID, Task ID, Award ID, Expenditure Organization ID, and Expenditure Type).

  8. Click Apply.

    See: Create Effort Report Templates

To configure values for Salary Cap

  1. On the Configuration Values page, select Salary Cap as the Module Name.

  2. Select Enable Salary Cap Processing as the Configuration Type.

  3. In the Enable Salary Cap Processing region that displays, select Yes to enable salary cap processing for your organization.

  4. Click Apply.

  5. On the Configuration Values page, select Map Sponsor Code to Sponsor as the Configuration Type.

  6. Click Add Configuration Value.

  7. Enter a Configuration Name.

  8. Select a Sponsor Code. This is the list of predefined sponsors.

  9. Select a Sponsor Name. This is the sponsor to whom you want to apply the salary cap. The list that displays is the list of sponsors defined in Oracle Grants.

  10. Click Apply.

  11. On the Configuration Values page, select Override Element Set as the Configuration Type.

  12. Click Add Configuration Value.

  13. In the Override Element Set region that displays, select an Override Element Set from the list.

  14. Click Apply.

    See: Salary Cap

To configure values for Summarize and Transfer

  1. On the Configuration Values page, select Summarize and Transfer as the Module Name.

  2. Select Use DFF columns when creating summary lines for encumbrances as the Configuration Type.

  3. In the Use DFF columns when creating summary lines for encumbrances region that displays, select Yes to enable the application to use DFF columns to create encumbrance summary lines.

    See: Labor Encumbrance Processes and Reports Procedures

  4. Click Apply.

  5. On the Configuration Values page, select Use DFF columns when creating summary lines for payroll distributions as the Configuration Type.

  6. In the Use DFF columns when creating summary lines for payroll distributions region, select Yes to enable the application to use DFF Columns to create distribution summary lines.

    See: Summarize and Transfer Payroll Distributions Procedures

To map charging instructions for overriding the labor schedule

  1. On the Configuration Value page, select the Element Entries module.

  2. Select Mapping of Charging Instructions for Labor Schedule Override from the Configuration Type list.

  3. Click Add.

  4. Select the required GL code combination, project, task, award, expenditure organization, and expenditure type.

  5. Click Apply.

To configure values for employee hours

  1. On the Configuration Value page, select the Employee Hours module.

  2. Select Import Costed Hours and Encumber Hours from the Configuration Type list.

  3. Click Add.

  4. To enable distribution of hours, select Yes from the Import Costed Hours LOV. To enable encumbrance of hours, select Yes from the Encumber Hours LOV.

  5. Click Apply.

To configure values for work schedules

  1. On the Configuration Value page, select the Work Schedules module.

  2. Select Enable Work Schedule for Payroll Distribution and Encumbrance from the Configuration Type list.

  3. Click Add.

  4. If you want to enable work schedules, select Yes from the Enable Work Schedules LOV.

  5. Click Apply.