Receivables Standard Reports and Listings

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Use Oracle Receivables standard reports and listings to analyze and track your accounts receivables information.

The following types of reports are available in Receivables:

To run a standard report, listing, or request set:

  1. Navigate to the Submit a New Request window.

  2. Choose whether to submit a Single Request or a Request Set, then choose OK.

  3. Enter the Request Name (for example, report or listing) or the Request Set to run.

  4. Enter parameters for running this request or request set.

  5. To save the output of this request to a file, check the Save Output check box.

  6. Specify a Schedule and your Completion Options for this request.

  7. Choose Submit Request.

  8. To review the status of your request, navigate to the Requests window, and query the report or listing.

Related Topics

Common Report Parameters

Common Report Parameters for Reconciliation Reports

Common Report Headings

Defining Request Sets, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Canceling Requests, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Common Report Parameters

The following report parameters are common to many Receivables reports:

Account Status: Receivables selects and prints information between the low and high values you specify for your Account Status range.

Adjust Amount in Foreign Currency: Receivables prints the adjustment amount for each invoice, debit memo, and chargeback in the currency that the debit item was entered. The adjustment amount is determined by the remaining amount range or remaining percent range you specify in the AutoAdjustment window.

Approval Limits: (AutoAdjustment parameter) Receivables prints the adjustment approval limits for the person who submits your AutoAdjustment process.

As Of Date: Receivables selects and prints your report information from the As Of Date that you specify. Receivables prints all open items with a GL date that is less than or equal to the As Of Date you specify. The As Of Date defaults to the system date. You can choose this date or enter another.

Balance Due: Receivables selects and prints transactions from the balance due range you specify.

Base Due Date on Trx Date: Use this parameter to indicate whether you want AutoInvoice to calculate invoice due dates based on transaction dates or based on either the ship date, sales order date, or default date.

The default for this parameter is Yes, which prompts AutoInvoice to use the transaction dates as the due dates for your invoices.

If you change the value to No, then AutoInvoice looks at the setting of the Derive Date option on a transaction's batch source to determine the due date. Depending on the Derive Date setting, AutoInvoice derives the due date in a different way. See: Importing Transactions Using AutoInvoice and Determining Dates.

Additionally, if the value of this parameter is No, then AutoInvoice uses this parameter in conjunction with the Due Date Adjustment Days parameter to determine the final due date.

Currency/Entered Currency: A currency code. If you do not enter a code, Receivables displays all of your items converted to your functional currency. If you choose a specific currency, then Receivables only displays items entered in that currency in this report. Receivables displays the currency you select at the top of each page of this report.

Collector: Receivables selects and prints information between the low and high values you specify for your Collector range.

Customer Name: Receivables selects and prints information between the low and high values you specify for your customer name range.

If two customers with the same name exist, then Receivables includes both customers on the report. To include a specific customer on a report, use the Customer Number parameter.

Customer Number: Receivables selects and prints information between the low and high values you specify for your customer number range.

Days Late: Receivables selects and prints information between the low value and high value you specify for your days late range. If you enter a negative number for one or both of these values, Oracle Receivables prints information about invoices that are not late.

Due Date Adjustment Days: Use this parameter to adjust your invoice due date calculations. You can enter any integer between the range of -9999 and 9999. AutoInvoice uses this parameter only when the Base Due Date on Trx Date parameter is set to No.

When Base Due Date on Trx Date is No, AutoInvoice compares the due date that it derived against the transaction date plus the number of days that you enter here. AutoInvoice uses whichever date is later as the final due date.

The examples in the following table assume a Net 30 payment term:

Transaction Date Ship Date Submission Date Base Due Date on Transaction Date Derive Date on Transaction Batch Source Due Date Adjusted Days Final Derived Due Date
15-Sep-94 20-Sep-94 15-Oct-94 Yes Yes Null 15-Oct-94
15-Sep-94 20-Sep-94 15-Oct-94 No Yes 0 20-Oct-94
15-Sep-94 20-Sep-94 15-Oct-94 No No 0 15-Nov-94
15-Sep-94 20-Sep-94 15-Oct-94 No Yes 10 25-Oct-94
15-Sep-94 15-Sep-94 15-Oct-94 No Yes -10 15-Oct-94

GL Date: The invoice general ledger date range you want to include in this report. Receivables prints all transactions based on the general ledger date range you enter here.

Invoice Number: The transaction number range to include in the report.

Invoice Type: Receivables selects and prints your report information for the transaction type range you specify.

Low and High parameters: Throughout Receivables reports, certain Low and High parameters, such as Batch Name Low and Batch Name High, accept alphanumeric values. In such cases, Receivables does not compare each number as a whole when determining the range of data to display in the report. Instead, Receivables determines the range by comparing the first digit in each entered parameter value, and then the next digit, and so on. In other words, if the low and high values are 99 and 100, then Receivables perceives 99 as higher than 100, and cannot successfully determine a range to report on.

To resolve this issue, submit reports in separate batches, if necessary. For example, if you entered low and high batch name values, then submit the report for batches 1-999, 1000-1999, and so on.

Order By: The option you want Receivables to use to sort your information. For example, you can sort by:

Related Topics

Common Report Parameters for Reconciliation Reports

Common Report Headings

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters for Reconciliation Reports

Note: When you run reports for use during reconciliation, be sure to run all reconciliation reports using the same parameter values. Consistent data selection across reports will ensure more accurate and meaningful comparisons.

See: Common Report Parameters.

Ledger Currency: Currency you want to use for the report output. If Multiple Reporting Currencies (MRC) functionality is enabled, and if you are using your primary responsibility, then you can submit the report for any defined reporting currency as well as your primary currency.

The list of values for this parameter varies depending on the Reporting Level and Reporting Context parameter values. Available values for this parameter are the reporting currencies of the ledgers associated with the ledger, legal entity, or operating unit selected in the previous two parameters.

For more information, see: Oracle E-Business Suite Multiple Organizations Implementation Guide.

GL Date: The general ledger date range to include in this report. Receivables prints all transactions based on the general ledger date range you enter here.

Company Segment: The company segment range to include in the report.

Posting Status: Select which journals to include in accounting reports. Choose:

GL Account: The GL account range to include in the report. This is the complete GL account code combination created for your accounting flexfield.

Summary Account: Optionally limit the range of GL accounts to display by using the general ledger summary account.

Related Topics

Common Report Parameters

Common Report Headings

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Headings

Report headings provide you with general information about the contents of your report or listing such as your ledger name, report title, date and time you run your report, and page number.

Tip: Set up RXi reports to have all parameter values print on every report page, or only on the first page. See: Using the RXi Reports Concurrent Program, Oracle Financials RXi Reports Administration Tool User Guide.

The following are report headings common to many Receivables reports:

As of Date: Receivables prints the as of date you specify for this report. You specify the as of date as a report option in the parameters window.

Company: Receivables prints the company above items belonging to this company

Currency: Receivables displays the currency code for each transaction or amount.

Date From/To: The effective date range.

Order By: Receivables automatically prints the sorting option you chose when you submitted the report.

Status: Receivables prints the status of the collection, account, or transaction.

Related Topics

Common Report Parameters

Common Report Parameters for Reconciliation Reports

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Accounting Reports

You can submit the following reports from the Print Accounting Reports window:

Reconciliation Reports

See: Reconciling Receivables.

Use the following reports to help reconcile transactional and accounting activity, before posting to the general ledger:

Use the following aging reports to view outstanding customer balances for the beginning and end of a period:

The following registers provide a detailed view into your transactional data:

Use the following other reports during reconciliation:

The following journals provide a detailed view into the accounting data:

Use the following report after you post to the general ledger:

AR to GL Reconciliation Report

Use the following report at any time to view the activity balance of a GL account as of a specific date:

Cumulative Activity Balance Report

Report Options

Note: See: Common Report Parameters for Reconciliation Reports.

Submit all of the above reports (except the Aging 4-Buckets report) from either the Print Accounting Reports or the Submit Requests window. Submit the Aging reports from the Submit Requests window. See: Aging Reports.

Select the same GL Dates for all the reports.

Execution Reports

Receivables automatically creates the following reports when you submit the corresponding processes:

Collection Reports

You can submit the following reports from the Print Collection Reports window:

Invoice Print Reports

Use the following reports to print invoice related reports:

Listing Reports

You can submit the following reports from the Print Listing Reports window:

Country-Specific Reports

Oracle Receivables provides country-specific reports to meet your global reporting needs. These reports are documented in regional Oracle Financials user guides.

Country-Specific Reports for the Americas

These reports are documented in the Oracle Financials for the Americas User Guide:

Common Country

Country-Specific Reports for Asia/Pacific

These reports are documented in the Oracle Financials for Asia/Pacific User Guide:

Country-Specific Reports for Europe

These reports are documented in the Oracle Financials for Europe User Guide:

Account Status Report

Use this report to review your customer accounts. For each customer in your Account Status report, the report displays all open debit items, credit items, and total balance due in your functional currency, or if Multiple Reporting Currencies (MRC) is enabled, in a selected reporting currency.

For more information, see: Oracle E-Business Suite Multiple Organizations Implementation Guide.

Report Parameters

Ledger Currency: Currency you want to use for the report output.

Column Headings

Invoice Date: Receivables prints the transaction date for your invoice, debit memo, credit memo, or on-account credit. If this transaction is a payment, Receivables prints the receipt date.

Invoice Due Date: The date payment is due for the transaction. If your transaction is an installment invoice, there will be more than one due date for the invoice. Receivables displays one row for each due date.

Invoice Type: Receivables displays the transaction type for each transaction in your report. If this transaction is a payment, Receivables displays Payment.

Functional Balance Due: Receivables displays the remaining amount due for each transaction converted to your functional currency. Receivables displays credit balances as negative numbers.

Functional Original Amount:Receivables displays the original amount of the transaction in your functional currency. Receivables displays credit items as negative numbers.

Row Headings

Account Status Subtotal: The total balance due, in your functional currency, for each account status.

Customer Location Subtotal: The total balance due in your functional currency for each customer in your report.

Report Total: The total balance due, in your functional currency, for the entire report.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Accounting Rules Listing Report

Use the Accounting Rules Listing Report to review all accounting rules you entered in the Invoice and Accounting Rules window. Receivables prints all information you entered for each accounting rule and about the two invoicing rules that it provides, ADVANCE INVOICE and ARREARS INVOICE.

Row Headings

Description: Receivables prints the description you entered for your accounting or invoicing rule, if you entered one.

Name: The name of your accounting or invoicing rule.

Type: The type of accounting or invoicing rule. Valid types include Accounting, Fixed Duration; Accounting, Variable Duration; and Invoicing, Fixed Duration.

Period: The type of period assigned to your accounting or invoicing rule. Receivables always leaves this blank for the invoicing rules, ADVANCED INVOICE and ARREARS INVOICE.

Number of Periods: The number of periods assigned to your accounting or invoicing rule schedule. Receivables always prints 1 for the invoicing rules, ADVANCED INVOICE and ARREARS INVOICE.

Status: Receivables prints Active or Inactive to indicate the status of your accounting or invoicing rule.

Column Headings

Period: The period numbers for your accounting or invoicing rule schedule. Receivables always prints 1 for the invoicing rules, ADVANCED INVOICE and ARREARS INVOICE.

Percent: Receivables prints the percent of revenue you want to recognize for each period. Receivables always prints 100 for the invoicing rules, ADVANCED INVOICE and ARREARS INVOICE.

Rule Date: If you defined an accounting rule with a fixed duration and you choose Specific Date as your period, Receivables prints the dates you entered for each period.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Actual Receipt Report

Use the Actual Receipt report to help you reconcile receipts as well as determine how to apply and reapply receipts to multiple invoices.

The Actual Receipt report is an RXi report. The default attribute set shows receipt activity by bank account, receipt date, and receipt status, and displays the invoices to which each receipt was applied. You can copy this attribute set and customize the layout to suit your reporting needs.

See: Working with Attribute Sets, Oracle Financials RXi Reports Administration Tool User Guideand Using the RXi Reports Concurrent Program, Oracle Financials RXi Reports Administration Tool User Guide.

You can submit this report from the Submit Request window.

Important: To print this report from the Submit Request window, choose the Publish Actual Receipt report. The RX Only: Actual Receipt report is intended for use with Applications Desktop Integrator (ADI).

Selected Report Parameters

Enter parameters to define the content of the report.

Receipt Date Low/High: Enter a date range to indicate which receipts to include in the report.

Currency Code: To include only receipts in a specific currency, enter a currency. Leave this field blank to include all receipts, regardless of currency.

Bank Account Name: To include only receipts assigned to a specific bank account, enter a bank account.

Receipt Method: To include only receipts assigned to a specific receipt method, enter a receipt method.

Column Headings

Sequence Name: The document sequence name used to generate a document number for this transaction.

Voucher Number: The document sequence number.

Status: The status of the receipt (for example, applied or unapplied).

Receipt Type: Valid receipt types include Cash and Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous receipts are receipts that are not related to an invoice (for example, investment income or a rent payment).

Total Receipt Date: The total amount of receipts entered on this date.

Total Bank Account: The total amount of receipts deposited into this bank account.

Net Receipt Amount: The total amount of the receipt.

Exc Rate: The exchange rate used to convert a foreign currency receipt to your functional currency.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Adjustment Approval Report

Use the Adjustment Approval Report to see your transaction adjustments with information about their status, creator, reasons, GL date and amount. Adjustments include manual adjustments, AutoAdjustments, invoices applied to commitments, and credit memos applied to invoices that are against commitments.

Row Headings

(Currency Code) Sum for (Adjustment Name, Adjustment Status, or Creator): For each group of adjustments, Receivables prints the total balance due and dispute amount in either the entered or functional currency, depending on the value of the Currency parameter.

Customer Name: The name of the customer for this transaction. If this adjustment is against a deposit, Receivables displays the customer name of the invoice.

Grand Total in Functional Currency: Receivables print the total balance due and dispute amount in your functional currency for all debit items in your report.

Total (Currency Code): If you specify a currency during report submission, then for each group of adjustments, Receivables prints the total balance due and dispute amount in the entered currency. Otherwise, Receivables prints amounts organized by entered currency, but displayed in the functional currency.

Column Headings

Adjustment Amount: The amount of the adjustment.

Due Date: The due date for this transaction. If this adjustment is against a deposit, Receivables displays the due date of the invoice.

GL Date: The General Ledger date for the adjustment.

Invoice Number: The invoice number for this transaction. If this adjustment is against a deposit, Receivables displays the invoice number of the invoice.

Name: The name of the customer for this transaction. If this adjustment is against a deposit, Receivables displays the customer name of the invoice.

Status: The current status for this adjustment.

Type: The transaction type for this transaction. If this adjustment is against a deposit, Receivables displays the transaction type of the invoice.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Common Report Headings

Adjustment Register

Use the Adjustment Register report to review approved adjustments that affect transaction balances for the selected period.

Adjustments include manual adjustments, automatic adjustments, bills receivable endorsements, invoices applied to commitments, and credit memos applied to commitment-related invoices. This report groups and displays transactions by currency, postable status, document sequence name, and balancing segment.

The Adjustment Register also includes reductions to guarantees and deposits, although these reductions do not affect the commitment balance.

When reconciling, the Adjustment Register's total should match the Adjustments Journal.

The Adjustment Register report is an RXi report with a default attribute set and three other available attribute sets: Customer, Document Number, and Invoice Number. The attribute set determines how information is ordered and what information is included in the report. You can copy any of the attribute sets and customize the layout to suit your reporting needs.

See: Working with Attribute Sets, Oracle Financials RXi Reports Administration Tool User Guide and Using the RXi Reports Concurrent Program, Oracle Financials RXi Reports Administration Tool User Guide.

Report Parameters

Enter parameters to define the content of the report.

For more information, see: Common Report Parameters.

Note: See also: Common Report Parameters for Reconciliation Reports.

Column Headings

Company: Receivables displays the company segment for this group of transactions. Receivables groups and displays transactions by company, currency, and postable status.

Currency: The currency code for this group of transactions. Receivables groups and displays transactions by company, currency, and postable status.

D/I: The letter D next to a transaction indicates that it is adjusted by a deposit; I indicates the transaction is a guarantee adjusted by an invoice. Receivables does not display anything if this transaction is adjusted by a receivables adjustment.

GL Date: (Date) to (Date): The general ledger date range you selected as your reporting option.

Invoice Date: (Date) to (Date): The invoice date range you selected as your reporting option.

Postable: The post to general ledger status for this group of transactions. Receivables groups and displays transactions by company, currency, and postable status.

Adjustment Number: The transaction number of this adjustment.

Class: Receivables displays Finance or Adjustment if this transaction is not against a commitment. If an invoice has been applied to a guarantee, Receivables displays Guarantee because the adjustment is made against the guarantee. If an invoice has been applied to a deposit, Receivables displays Invoice because the adjustment is made against the invoice.

Customer Name: Receivables displays the name of the customer for this transaction. If this adjustment is against a deposit, Receivables displays the customer name of the invoice.

Customer Number: The customer's number.

Document Number: The document sequence number for the adjustment. This column appears only if you submitted the report using the Document Number attribute set.

Due Date: The due date for this transaction. If this adjustment is against a deposit, Receivables displays the due date of the invoice.

Functional Currency: The total adjustment amount for this transaction in the functional currency.

Entered Currency: The total adjustment amount for this transaction in the entered currency.

Invoice Date: The invoice date for this transaction. If this adjustment is against a deposit, Receivables displays the invoice date of the invoice.

Invoice Number: The invoice number of the adjusted transaction. If this adjustment is against a deposit, Receivables displays the invoice number of the invoice.

Invoice Type: The transaction type of the adjusted transaction. If this is an adjustment against a deposit, Receivables displays the transaction type of the invoice.

Adjustment Type: For example, Freight, Tax, or Invoice adjustment.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Aging Reports

Use the Receivables Aging reports to review information about outstanding receivables as of a specific date. These reports can print both detail and summary information about your customer's current and past due invoices, debit memos, and chargebacks.

Receivables also gives you the option to age or summarize on-account credits, unidentified payments, and on-account and unapplied cash amounts.

If you are using Oracle Trade Management, then you can also see cash claims.

The aging reports are sorted by company with each item allocated to a company.

Receivables aging reports do not include customers with a zero balance.

Review information about open items using these aging reports:

Note: Receivables ages transactions according to due date. The aging reports, however, select transactions according to GL date.

Note that if you have created overlapping aging buckets, transactions might be included in more than one bucket and bucket total. However, Receivables will correctly include such transactions only once when calculating the total Outstanding Amount.

Selected Report Parameters for Receivables Aging Reports

Note: See also: Common Report Parameters for Reconciliation Reports.

Choose to order all the reports by customer. This will let you research transactions based on customer name or number.

Tip: When sorted by customer, the Aging reports do not give the details of the transactions that are included in the calculation of the outstanding balances. If you need to find out details of such transactions, you might choose to print the Aging reports ordered by type. Use either the Aging - 4 Buckets or the Aging - 7 Buckets - By Account report for reconciliation.

Order By: The option that you want Receivables to use to sort your information. For example, you can sort by:

Report Summary: The type of report summary. The Invoice Summary option prints information on all customers' open receivables. The Customer Summary option prints customers' names with their total open balances.

Report Format: Format parameters include 'Brief' and 'Detailed', and affects customer information, not transaction information. The Brief format prints customer name and customer number with item information. The Detailed format also prints customer's city and state with contact name and telephone number.

As of GL Date: Receivables includes all open items whose GL date is before or the same as the date you enter, and whose GL date closed is after the date you enter. The default is the current date.

Aging Bucket Name: Receivables prints your report information from the bucket set you specify. The default bucket set is 'Standard'. You define different aging bucket sets in the Aging Buckets window.

Show Open Credits/Show On Account: Choose whether to print credit items for your customers. Choose one of the following options:

Variable Description
Do Not Show Receivables does not include these credit items in your customer's balances. In this case, Receivables does not display any of your identified or unidentified payments, or on-account credit memos.
Age Receivables ages your credit items and includes the credit amounts in the appropriate aging bucket columns. This is the default option.
Summarize Receivables displays the sum of your credit items in the Customer Credit Memos, Customer Payments, and the Customer Balance rows.

Show Receipts at Risk: Receipts at Risk are receipts that have either not been cleared or factored receipts that have not been risk eliminated. Select one of the following values for your report:

Variable Description
Age Include receipts at risk in this report. Receivables displays the receipts at risk with other open receipts in the appropriate bucket and includes them when determining the customer's balance.
Summarize Receivables displays the sum of your receipts at risk in the Customer Credit Memos, Customer Payments, and the Customer Balance rows.
Do Not Show Receipts at risk will not be included in this report. This value is used as the default.

Show Claims: Claims are non-invoice related claims that are not yet resolved. Receivables considers non-invoice related claims to be unresolved cash, similar to on-account or unapplied cash. For users of Trade Management only.

Select one of the following values for your report:

Variable Description
Age Include non-invoice related claims in this report. Receivables displays the claims with other open receipts in the appropriate bucket and includes them when determining the customer's balance.
Summarize Receivables displays the sum of your claims in the Customer Credit Memos, Customer Payments, and the Customer Balance rows.
Do Not Show Claims will not be included in this report. This value is used as the default.

Invoice related claims that are not yet resolved place the related invoices in dispute. Depending on how you set up your aging buckets, these disputes can be included in the appropriate aging period or as a separate total. These disputes are also shown in the Disputed Invoice report.

Report Headings

As of (Date): The as of date you specify for this report. You specify the as of date as a report option in the Parameters zone.

Company Segment: The balancing segment of the Receivables account associated with the transaction included in this group.

Order By: Your sort option.

Total for: All Customers/Total For: All Types: The grand totals for all customers for each numeric column in your report if you sort by Customer. Receivables prints the grand totals for all transaction types if you sort by Type.

Type: The transaction type for each open item, displayed if Order By parameter is Transaction Type. Receivables lets you review reports for a specific transaction type or for all existing types. For each customer, Receivables prints transaction types first, then payments, on-account credit memos, and bills receivable.

Row Headings

Company Total: The total outstanding amount for this company. If you choose Do Not Show or Summarize as your Show On-Account report parameter, Receivables does not include credit item amounts in your customers' totals. If you choose Age as your Show On-Account report option, Receivables includes credit item amounts in your company total.

Customer Balance: The total balance for each customer when you choose Summarize as your Show On-Account report parameter. This balance includes all debit and credit items for each customer.

Customer Credit Memos: The total amount of credit memos for each customer if you choose Summarize as your Show On-Account report option. This total is included in the Customer Balance row for each customer.

Customer Payments: The total amount of payments for each customer within this site if you choose Summarize as your Show On-Account report option. Payments include both unapplied and on-account cash. This total is included in the Customer Balance row for each customer.

Salesperson Customer Balance: The total balance for each customer. If you choose Do Not Show or Age as your Open Credits report option, Receivables does not include on-account payments, unapplied payments and on-account credits in your customers' balances. If you choose Summarize, these credit items are included in your customers' balances.

Site Balance: The total balance for each site when you choose Summarize as your Show On-Account report parameter. This balance includes all debit and credit items for each company.

Site Credit Memos: The total amount of credit memos for each customer site if you choose Summarize as your Show On-Account report option. This total is included in the Site Balance row for each company.

Total Customer Balance: The grand total customer balance for all customers or types in your report.

Total for: All Customers/Total For: All Types: The grand totals for all customers for each numeric column in your report if you sort by Customer. Receivables prints the grand totals for all transaction types if you sort by Type.

Total Payments and Credit Memos: The grand total for credit items for all customers or types in your report.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Common Report Headings

Aging Buckets and Interest Tiers, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide

Alternate Customer Name Receipt Matching Report

This report lets you see which alternate customer names and receipts were successfully imported into the AR Payment Interface table when you use AutoLockbox to import Japanese Zengin format bank files into Receivables.

For more information, see: Alternate Customer Name Receipt Matching Report, Oracle Financials for Asia/Pacific User Guide.

Related Topics

Importing Zengin Format Data Using AutoLockbox, Oracle Financials for Asia/Pacific User Guide

Applied Receipts Register

Use this report to review all receipt applications that affect your customer balances.

You can review how your customers' receipts were applied to invoices and debit memos or reversed from invoices and debit memos. Receivables lets you specify the application date range so you can see the exact information you require. The Applied Receipts Register prints all applications within the date range that you specify, regardless of check date.

This report includes cash receipts, any discount information, and shows the possible exchange rate gain or loss for foreign currency receipts. Miscellaneous receipts are not included.

This report displays receipt-to-receipt applications as one receipt with a positive application and the other receipt with a negative application. Receipt amounts not applied to other types of transactions are displayed on the Unapplied Receipts Register.

Note: Items on the Other Receipt Applications report do not affect the customer balance, and are not recorded on the Applied Receipts Register.

When reconciling, the Applied Receipts Register's total should match the Applied Receipts Journal.

The Applied Receipts Register is an RXi report with a default attribute set and seven other available attribute sets: Apply Date, Batch, Customer, GL Date, Invoice Number, Receipt Number, and With Gain/Loss and Discount Information. The attribute set determines how information is ordered and what information is included in the report. You can copy any of the attribute sets and customize the layout to suit your reporting needs.

See: Using the RXi Reports Concurrent Program, Oracle Financials RXi Reports Administration Tool User Guide.

If comparing the Applied Receipts Register against the AR Reconciliation report, then use the attribute set that includes gain and loss and discount information.

Selected Report Parameters

Enter additional parameters to define the content of the report.

Note: See also: Common Report Parameters for Reconciliation Reports.

For more information, see: Oracle E-Business Suite Multiple Organizations Implementation Guide.

Report Headings

Apply Date: (Date) To (Date): The receipt apply date range, if you entered one.

Company: The company above all receipts belonging to this company.

Currency: The currency above all receipts belonging to this currency.

GL Date: (Date) To (Date): The application general ledger date range, if you entered one.

Order By: The sort by option.

Column Headings

Applied Amount: The receipt amount applied in your functional currency. Receivables prints a negative amount for receipt reversals.

Apply Date: The date of the receipt application or application reversal.

Batch: The receipt batch number.

Document Number: The document sequence number of the receipt. This column appears only if you submitted the report using the Document Number attribute set.

Exchange Rate Gain/Loss: The foreign currency exchange rate gain or loss amount. An exchange rate gain is shown as a positive (+) amount; a loss is shown as a negative (-) amount.

Earned Discount: The earned discount amount in your functional currency.

Related Customer: The customer name and number of the transaction to which the receipt is applied (usually the customer who remitted the receipt). This does not refer to a customer relationship that might be defined for this customer.

Unearned Discount: The unearned discount amount in your functional currency.

Total amount in functional currency: The total amount applied in functional currency.

Allocated Receipt Amount: Amount applied in receipt currency.

Row Headings

Company: Total for Currency: The total, by company and currency.

Company: Total Functional Amount for Currency: The total functional amount by company and currency.

Company: Total Functional Amount: The total functional amount by company.

Grand Total For Functional Currency: The total functional amount for all companies on this report.

Total for (Sort By Option): The total, by column, for the sort by option you select for your report.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

AR Reconciliation Report

The AR Reconciliation report lets you obtain a quick update on the status of your receivables by comparing transactional data against accounting data. Use this report during the internal reconciliation process to see if the balances on the various registers match those on the journal reports. You can also see which items affect aging, and which items affect GL account balances. This helps you to more easily reconcile your accounts receivable activities, before you post to Oracle General Ledger.

Run the AR Reconciliation report as the first step in the reconciliation process. See: Reconciling Receivables. This report displays transactional data in an Activity column, and accounting data in a Journal column. If discrepancies exist between the two columns, then contact Oracle Support Services for assistance.

The AR Reconciliation report displays summarized information consistent with detailed registers and journal reports. To view the underlying detail, run these reports:

Important: This report tells you only that your transactional and accounting data match. Use the Potential Reconciling Items report to view suggested items that might have potential accounting setup errors. You can automatically submit the Potential Reconciling Items report when you run the AR Reconciliation report.

Selected Report Parameters

Note: See: Common Report Parameters for Reconciliation Reports.

Potential Reconciling Items: Indicate if you want to submit the Potential Reconciling Items report when you run the AR Reconciliation report. The default is No.

Related Topics

Reconciling Receivables

Potential Reconciling Items Report

Running Standard Reports and Listings

AR to GL Reconciliation Report

The AR to GL Reconciliation report compares the account balances in Oracle Receivables to those in Oracle General Ledger, and highlights journal sources where discrepancies might exist. This report simplifies the reconciliation process by comparing Receivables and General Ledger account balances in a single place.

Run the AR to GL Reconciliation report:

  1. After the Submit Accounting program in Receivables has completed, and

  2. You have reviewed the Unposted Items report to confirm that all journal entries have posted, and

  3. You have used the posting execution reports to confirm that the journal entries exported from Receivables match those posted in General Ledger.

The AR to GL Reconciliation report prints by ledger and organizes data first by company segment, then account type (assets, liabilities, income, and expense).

This report will show a difference between Receivables and GL account balances only if items did not successfully post to GL accounts. The Difference column indicates that the activity in Receivables compares to the journal source of Receivables in the general ledger. If the actual balance of a specific account is different in Receivables than in the general ledger, then the following columns highlight the type of journals that affect the account balances:

If manual journal entries exist in the general ledger, then you might need to reverse these journal entries if corrections were already made in Receivables.

If other subledgers post to these accounts, then you might need to make corrections in those subledgers, make manual corrections in the general ledger, or reconcile your other feeder systems separately.

After taking the required corrective actions, run the AR to GL Reconciliation report again to confirm that AR and GL accounts are now in balance.

Selected Report Parameters

Note: See: Common Report Parameters for Reconciliation Reports.

Out of Balance Only: Indicate if only out of balance AR and GL accounts should be displayed. The default is No, so you can see the journal sources that might cause discrepancies between AR and GL account balances.

GL Period: Indicate the GL period to run the report for.

Selected Report Headings

Subledgers Not AR: Includes journal entries from another Oracle application or legacy feeder system. Does not include manual journals, unposted items in GL, and journal entries with a Receivables source.

Calculated Balance Exclude AR: Equals the beginning GL account balance plus all activity for the current period except journal entries with a Receivables source.

Use these formulas to understand the relationships between the AR to GL Reconciliation report columns:

Calculated Balance Exclude AR - Actual GL Balance = GL Actual Less Calculated


GL Actual Less Calculated = GL Source AR = Receivables Posted

These columns indicate that the actual balance in the general ledger, less all activities except those with source of Receivables, equals that which is recorded in the Receivables subledger.

Related Topics

Reconciling Receivables

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Audit Report by Document Number

Use this report to identify missing document sequence numbers. Document sequence numbers are unique numbers that can be assigned to transactions you create in Receivables. Assigning unique numbers to transactions lets you account for every transaction you enter.

This report identifies missing numbers in a given sequence. If you are using manual or partial automatic numbering, Receivables only validates that the numbers are unique, not that they are sequential.

If you set the Enable Sequential Numbering profile option to Always Used, you can still have missing sequence numbers. For example, a rollback of your database can cause missing sequence numbers. When you rollback a transaction after a document number has been assigned to it, the document number is removed. Then, when you resume entering your transaction, a new sequence number will be assigned.

Report Parameters

Report Type: Enter Invoice, Adjustment, or Receipt as the report type to print in this report.

Sequence Name: Enter the name of the sequence you want to audit.

Sequence Number From/To: The sequence number range to include in this report.

Column Headings

Document Number: The missing document number.

Status: The status of the document numbers. Valid statuses include:

Variable Description
Entered Document numbers will have a status of Entered if both the Audit table and the Transaction table have an entry for this number.
Not Entered Document numbers will have a status of Not Entered if no entry for this number has been made in the Audit and Transaction tables.
Deleted Document numbers will have a status of Deleted if the Audit table contains an entry for this number but not the Transaction table.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

AutoCash Rules Report

Use this listing to review the sequence of AutoCash rules assigned to each AutoCash rule set that you entered in the AutoCash Rule Sets window. You can also see how each AutoCash rule set determines open balance calculations and handles partial payments and unremitted amounts.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Common Report Headings

Automatic Receipt Batch Management Report

Use this report to review the status of your Automatic Receipt Batches. Receivables sorts the batches by currency and by status within each currency. This report also provides you with a total for each status within each currency and a total of all statuses for each currency.

Receivables does not display Automatic Receipt Batches that have been formatted or approved for automatic receipt with a receipt class of Require Confirmation set to No in this report.

On occasion, you will start an automatic receipt creation, approval, or formatting process and it will not complete. This could be, for example, because your system went down while the process was running. To help you manage such batches, Receivables will also display Automatic Receipt Batches which have started the creation, approval, or formatting process in this report.

Selected Parameters

Status: Choose the status of the Automatic Receipt Batches to include in your report from the following:

Variable Description
Completed Creation All automatic receipt batches that have been created but not approved.
Completed Approval All automatic receipt batches that have been approved for automatic receipt but not formatted, and have a receipt method assigned to them with a receipts class of Require Confirmation set to Yes.
Completed Deletion All automatic receipt batches that have been deleted.
Started Creation All automatic receipt batches that have started, but not completed, the creation process.
Started Approval All automatic receipt batches that have started, but not completed, the approval process.
Started Format All automatic receipt batches that have started, but not completed, the formatting process.
Started Deletion All automatic receipt batches that have started deletion.

If you do not choose a specific status Receivables will include all Automatic Receipt Batches grouped by status in your report.

Related Topics

About Automatic Receipts

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Common Report Headings

Automatic Receipts Awaiting Confirmation Report

Use this report to review all automatic receipts awaiting confirmation. Before a receipt can be included in this report it must be formatted and have been assigned a receipt method with a receipt class of Require Confirmation set to Yes. Receipts that have been confirmed, do not require confirmation, or have been approved but not formatted will not be displayed in this report.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Common Report Headings

Automatic Transactions Batch Report

Use the Automatic Transactions Batch report to review the contents of a bills receivable batch. You can run the report in Detailed mode or Summary mode.

The Automatic Transactions Batch report lists the bills receivable created in a batch, or the bills receivable that will be created in a batch submitted in Draft mode. If you run the report in Detailed mode, the report also includes information about the transactions assigned to each bill.

Receivables prints the Automatic Transactions Batch report in Detailed mode when you run the Bills Receivable Batch Creation concurrent program. You can also run the Automatic Transactions Batch report in Summary or Detailed mode from the Submit Request window to review a previously created bills receivable batch.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Automatic Transactions Batch report.

Report Parameters

Enter the following parameters to specify the desired reporting options:

Batch Name: Enter the name of the bills receivable batch that you want to report on.

Version: Enter Detailed or Summary.

Report Headings

<Report Title>: Automatic Transactions Batch Report.

<Ledger>: The reporting ledger.

Report Date: The report date and time.

Page: The page number.

Batch Name: The name of the bills receivable batch.

Batch Status: The batch status.

Currency: The bills receivable functional currency.

Dates Due: The range of due dates for bills receivable that were created with this batch.

Transaction Dates: The range of transaction dates for transactions assigned to bills receivable in this batch.

Transaction Type: The bills receivable transaction type.

Transaction Numbers: The range of transaction numbers for transactions assigned to bills receivable in this batch.

Receipt Methods: The creation receipt methods that were used to create bills receivable in this batch.

Version: Detailed or Summary.

Issue Date: The issue date for bills receivable that were created with this batch.

Source: The transaction batch source.

Customer Class: The customer class.

Customer Category: The customer category.

Customer Name: The customer drawee name.

Customer Number: The customer drawee customer number.

Customer Location: The customer drawee site.

Customer Bank Name: The customer drawee bank name for the batch.

Column Headings

Bill Number: The bill receivable number.

Currency: The bill receivable currency.

Amount: The amount assigned to the bill.

Maturity Date: The bill receivable maturity date.

Drawee Bank Name: The customer drawee bank name for each bill.

Contact Name: The contact person for the customer drawee bank.

Special Instructions: Special instructions for the bill.

Transaction Type: The bills receivable transaction type.

Transaction Number: The transaction number assigned to the bill.

Amount Assigned: The transaction amount assigned to the bill.

Transaction Date: The date of the transaction assigned to the bill.

Row Headings

<Drawee Name>: The customer drawee.

<Drawee Number>: The customer drawee customer number.

<Batch Information>: The receipt method, grouping rule, maximum amount, minimum amount, and lead days settings for this batch.

Drawee Total: For each customer drawee, the subtotal of bills receivable in the bill receivable currency.

Drawee Batch Total: For each customer drawee, the total of bills receivable in the functional currency.

Batch Total: The total of bills receivable in this batch in the functional currency.

Bad Debt Provision Report

Use this report to review your bad debt exposure. Receivables uses the percent collectible value you specify for your customer to calculate your bad debt provision. For each customer in your report, Receivables prints all open debit items, unapplied receipts, and on-account credits, and the provision for bad debt based on the percent collectible. You specify the percent collectible in the Account Profile tabbed region of the Customers page.

Receivables automatically sorts your report information by account status, but you can sort the information within each account status by customer name or customer number. Receivables does not include customers that do not have an assigned percent collectible in this report.

Column Headings

Functional Provision: The bad debt provision based on the functional balance due and the percent that is uncollectible.

Order By: The sorting option you chose when you submitted the report.

Row Headings

Customer Subtotal: The total balance due and provision for each customer in your functional currency.

Related Topics

About Automatic Receipts

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Common Report Headings

Bank Risk Report

Use this report to see the receipts that are currently at risk with your remittance bank. A receipt is deemed to be at risk if you have factored it with a bank or a clearing house, but are still liable for the amount on the receipt until its maturity date (for example, receipts that have been factored but not risk eliminated).

When you request this report, you must enter the Remittance Bank/Branch for which you want to print remittances.

If you do not specify a Bank Account, data will be selected for all accounts for the specified Remittance Bank.

Row Headings

Total for Remittance: The total functional amounts of all receipts in each Remittance batch.

Total Report: The total amount of all remittances for the parameters you specify.

Related Topics

Automatic Clearing for Receipts

About Automatic Receipts

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Billing and Receipt History

Use this report to review a detailed list of transactions for the date range that you specify. You can also see all the activities against each transaction. This report prints one line for each activity against the transaction.

Report Headings

Order By: The sort option you chose when you submitted this report.

Transaction Date Between (Date) and (Date): Your transaction date range. You specify your transaction date range in the report parameters.

Column Headings

Adjustments: The adjustment amount if this transaction is an adjustment.

Credit Memo: The credit memo or on-account credit amount if this transaction is a credit memo. This is the amount of the credit memo or on-account credit you applied to this debit item.

Receipt Amount: The receipt amount if this transaction is a receipt.

Receipt Number: The receipt, credit memo, or on-account credit number if this transaction is applied to a debit item.

Row Headings

Currency: The type of currency and the totals, by column, for each column in your report. Receivables sorts your report by customer and automatically groups together those invoices, debit memos, chargebacks, receipts, on-account credits, credit memos, and adjustments that are in the same currency to give you a total, by currency, for each customer.

Customer Name: The name of each customer in your Billing and Receipt History.

Customer Number: The identification number for each customer.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Common Report Headings

Billing History Report

Use this report to review a summarized history of transactions that affect your customer's invoices, commitments, debit memos, chargebacks, and on-account credits. This report includes the original transaction amount, the current balance due, the sum of all payments applied to this debit item, total credit memo amounts that affect this item, and total adjustment amounts for this item. Receivables prints one line for each item and summarizes all of the activity associated with each item for you.

Use the Billing and Receipt History report to review a list of transactions that affect each item. See: the Billing and Receipt History report.

Selected Parameters

Collector Name: Receivables prints information between the low and high range of collectors that you specify. If you leave this field blank, Receivables prints information for all collectors.

Customer Number: Receivables prints information between the low and high customer numbers that you specify. If you leave this field blank, Receivables prints information for all customers.

Customer: Receivables prints information between the low and high customer names that you specify. If you leave this field blank, Receivables prints information for all customers.

Invoice Number: Receivables prints information between the low and high range of invoice numbers that you specify. If you leave this field blank, Receivables prints information for all transactions.

Term Name: The payment term you specify. If you leave this field blank, Receivables selects all terms.

Transaction Date: Receivables prints information between the low and high range of transaction dates that you specify. If you leave this field blank, Receivables prints information for all transaction dates.

Report Headings

Invoice Dates Between (Date) and (Date): Your transaction date range. You specify your transaction date range in the report parameters.

Row Headings

Currency: The currency and the totals for each customer.

Customer Name: The name of each customer in your report.

Customer Number: The identification number for each customer.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Common Report Headings

Bills Receivable By Status Report

Use the Bills Receivable By Status report to review historical information for your existing bills receivable. The report lets you view amounts, history, drawees, and other detailed information for bills receivable transactions.

The Bills Receivable By Status report is an RXi report that has one default attribute set. The attribute set sorts bills receivable by functional currency, status and transaction type, and prints transaction type and status subtotals in the functional currency. You can copy this attribute set and customize the layout to suit your reporting needs.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Bills Receivable By Status report.

Report Parameters

Enter the following parameters to specify the desired reporting options:

See also: Common Report Parameters.

Status As Of Date: Enter the first bills receivable date for the report. Receivables includes all bills receivable with the designated statuses from the date that you enter up to the current date.

First Status: Enter the first bills receivable status to include in the report.

Second Status: Enter the second bills receivable status to include in the report.

Third Status: Enter the third bills receivable status to include in the report.

Excluded Status: Enter the bills receivable status to exclude from the report.

Transaction Type: Enter the bills receivable transaction type to include in the report. If you leave this field blank, Receivables includes all bills receivable transaction types.

Maturity Date From: Enter the first bills receivable maturity date to include in the report.

Maturity Date To: Enter the last bills receivable maturity date to include in the report.

Drawee Name: Enter the customer drawee for the report.

Drawee Number From: Enter the first customer drawee customer number to include in the report.

Drawee Number To: Enter the last customer drawee customer number to include in the report.

Remittance Batch Name: Enter the name of the remittance batch to use in the report.

Remittance Bank Account Name: Enter the name of the remittance bank account to use in the report.

Drawee Bank Name: Enter the name of the customer drawee bank to use in the report.

Original Amount From: Enter the first bills receivable original amount to include in the report.

Original Amount To: Enter the last bills receivable original amount to include in the report.

Transaction Issue Date From: Enter the first bills receivable issue date to include in the report.

Transaction Issue Date To: Enter the last bills receivable issue date to include in the report.

On Hold: Enter Yes to include bills receivable on hold. Enter No to exclude bills receivable on hold.

Report Headings

<Ledger>: The reporting ledger.

<Report Title>: Bills Receivable By Status Report.

Report Date: The report date and time.

Page: The page number.

Currency: The bills receivable functional currency.

Column Headings

Status: The bills receivable status.

Transaction Type: The bills receivable transaction type.

Transaction Number: The bill number.

Transaction Date: The date the bill was created.

Maturity Date: The date the bill was accepted.

Drawee Name: The customer drawee name.

Drawee Taxpayer ID: The customer drawee taxpayer ID.

Balance Due: The open balance on the bill.

Row Headings

Total for <transaction type>: The bills receivable subtotal by transaction type.

Total for <status>: The bills receivable subtotal by status.

Total for <currency>: The bills receivable subtotal by functional currency.

Report Total: The report total.

Related Topics

Working with Attribute Sets, Oracle Financials RXi Reports Administration Tool User Guide

Using the RXi Reports Concurrent Program, Oracle Financials RXi Reports Administration Tool User Guide

Bills Receivable Format Report Program

Use the Bills Receivable Format Report program to print a batch of bills receivable. You can print bills belonging to a bills receivable batch or a bills receivable remittance batch. The bills receivable belonging to the batch can have different format programs assigned to them.

Specify the format program to use for bills receivable when you define bills receivable transaction types. For bills receivable remittance batches, enter the format program in the Remittance Print field in the Formatting Programs region of the Remittance Banks window or in the Print Program field in the Remittances window. Refer to your country-specific user guide for information about country-specific format programs.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Bills Receivable Format Report program.

Report Parameters

Enter the following parameters to specify the desired reporting options:

Bills Receivable Batch: Enter the bills receivable batch or bills receivable remittance batch to print bills receivable for.

Amount From: Enter the beginning range of bills receivable amounts to print.

Amount To: Enter the ending range of bills receivable amounts to print.

Report Headings

<Ledger>: The reporting ledger.

Report Date: The report date and time.

Request ID: The concurrent request ID.

Page: The page number.

Column Headings

Curr: The bill receivable currency.

Bills Receivable Number: The bill receivable number.

Customer Name: The customer drawee name.

Bills Receivable Date: The bill receivable maturity date.

Adjustment Number: The bill receivable adjustment number.

Amount: The bill receivable amount.

Functional Amount: The bill receivable amount in the functional currency.

Bills Receivable Reminder Letters

Use the Bills Receivable Reminder Letters to print reminders for drawees that have not signed and returned bills receivable requiring their acceptance. The reminder letter lists all of the outstanding bills receivable for the designated customer.

You can print reminder letters for a range of drawees or a range of dates. You can use Oracle Reports to modify the text of the letter.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit Bills Receivable Reminder Letters.

Report Parameters

Enter the following parameters to specify the desired reporting options:

Creation Date From: Enter the first bills receivable creation date to include in reminder letters.

Creation Date To: Enter the last bills receivable creation date to include in reminder letters.

Days Late Since Creation: Enter the number of days late for bills receivable. Receivables includes in reminder letters all bills that are this number of days late since creation.

Drawee Name From: Enter the first customer drawee to print reminder letters for.

Drawee Name To: Enter the last customer drawee to print reminder letters for.

Drawee Number From: Enter the first customer drawee customer number to print reminder letters for.

Drawee Number To: Enter the last customer drawee customer number to print reminder letters for.

Report Headings

<Customer Name and Address>: The drawee name and site address.

<Remit To Name and Address>: The company name and address.

<Date>: The date that the letter is printed.

Column Headings

Reference Number: The bill receivable number.

Amount: The bill receivable amount.

Creation Date: The bill receivable creation date.

Bills Receivable Remittance Batch Management Report

Use the Bills Receivable Remittance Batch Management report to review the details of a bills receivable remittance batch. You can run the report in Summary mode to review the batch details only or in Detailed mode to review both the batch details and the bills receivable that are included in the batch.

You can run the Bills Receivable Remittance Batch Management report in Summary mode when you create the remittance batch by checking the Print Report box in the Auto Create window or Maintain Remittance Batch window.

You can also use the Standard Request Submission windows to run the report in Detailed or Summary mode for a range of remittance batches using report parameter selection criteria.

Report Parameters

Enter the following parameters to specify the desired reporting options:

Order By: Enter Batch Name to order remittance batches by batch name, or Remittance Account to order remittance batches by remittance account.

Status: Enter a status to include remittance batches of this status only in the report. Choose from:

Summary or Detailed: Enter Summary or Detailed to specify the type of report.

Remittance Date From: Enter the first remittance date to include in the report.

Remittance Date To: Enter the last remittance date to include in the report.

Deposit Number Low: Enter the first remittance deposit number to include in the report.

Deposit Number High: Enter the last remittance deposit number to include in the report.

Batch Name Low: Enter the first remittance batch to include in the report.

Batch Name High: Enter the last remittance batch to include in the report.

Include Formatted Batches: Enter Yes to include formatted batches or No to exclude formatted batches.

Remittance Method: Enter a remittance method to include only remittances with this remittance method in the report.

Remittance Bank: Enter a remittance bank to include only remittances to this remittance bank in the report.

Remittance Bank Branch: Enter a remittance bank branch to include only remittances to this remittance bank branch in the report.

Remittance Bank Account: Enter a remittance bank account to include only remittances to this remittance bank account in the report.

Report Headings

<Report Title>: Bills Receivable Remittance Batch Management Report.

<Ledger>: The reporting ledger.

Report Date: The report date and time.

Page: The page number.

Column Headings

Status: The remittance batch status.

Batch Name: The remittance batch name.

Batch Date: The remittance batch date.

Deposit Number: The remittance batch deposit number.

Remittance Bank Account Name: The remittance bank account name.

Remittance Method: The remittance method.

With Recourse:

Receipt Method: The remittance receipt method assigned to the bill.

GL Date: The remittance GL date.

Currency: The remittance functional currency.

Amount: The remittance amount.

Customer Name: The customer drawee name.

Customer Number: The customer drawee customer number.

Bank: The customer drawee bank.

Account: The customer drawee bank account.

Bills Receivable Number: The bill receivable number.

Remittance Method: The remittance method.

Receipt Method: The remittance receipt method assigned to the bill.

Maturity Date: The bill receivable maturity date.

Amount: The bill receivable amount.

Row Headings

Remittance Account Total: The remittance batch total for the remittance bank account.

Batch Total: The remittance batch total in the functional currency.

Bills Receivable Summary Report

Use the Bills Receivable Summary report to review summary information for your existing bills receivable. The report provides summary totals of the number and amount of bills receivable by status and transaction type.

The Bills Receivable Summary report is an RXi report that has two default attribute sets: Summary by Status and Summary by Transaction Type. You can copy these attribute sets and customize their layouts to suit your reporting needs.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Bills Receivable Summary report.

Report Parameters

Enter the following parameters to specify the desired reporting options:

See also: Common Report Parameters.

As Of Date: Enter the first bills receivable date for the report. Receivables includes all bills receivable from the date that you enter up to the current date.

Report Headings

<Report Title>: Bills Receivable Summary Report.

<Ledger>: The reporting ledger.

Report Date: The report date and time.

Page: The page number.

Currency: The bills receivable functional currency.

Column Headings

Status: The bills receivable status.

Transaction Type: The bills receivable transaction type.

Count: The number of bills receivable for the designated status and transaction type.

Amount: The open amount of the bill.

Row Headings

Total for <status or transaction type>: The bills receivable subtotal by status or transaction type.

Total for <report>: The bills receivable total in the functional currency.

Related Topics

Working with Attribute Sets, Oracle Financials RXi Reports Administration Tool User Guide

Using the RXi Reports Concurrent Program, Oracle Financials RXi Reports Administration Tool User Guide

Collection Effectiveness Indicators

Use this report to monitor your customers' overall payment patterns and see debit item information by the split amount that you defined in the System Options window.

If you calculate collections effectiveness for a closed period, and the value you specify for the Report Date option for this report is either on or after the end date of this period, Receivables stores the results. You can display these results the next time you run the report.

Receivables converts all foreign currency receipt and debit items into your functional currency for this report.

Receivables stores the information it generates for this report, and then displays it in the subsequent period's report as prior period information.

Report Parameters

Periods to Recalculate: Receivables calculates your collections effectiveness indicators for the number of accounting periods that you specify. You can recalculate a maximum of ten periods. If you enter 0, Receivables does not calculate any new values, but reports on stored values from previous runs.

Report Headings

Report Date: Your report date.

Rolling Ten Periods: The Collection Effectiveness Indicators report prints ten periods of activity so you can monitor payment patterns and review your collections effectiveness over time.

Row Headings

Adjustments Created: The total amount of adjustments created during each period.

Average Invoice Over Split Amount: The average amount for invoices, debit memos, and chargebacks greater than the split amount you specify in the QuickCash window for this report. The Average Invoice Over Split Amount only includes debit items for the period you are reviewing.

Average Invoice Under Split Amount: The average amount for invoices, debit memos, and chargebacks less than the split amount you specify in the Transactions window for this report. The Average Invoice Under Split Amount only includes debit items for the period you are reviewing.

Amount Collected: The total amount of the cash receipts collected in each period.

Conventional DSO: The following equation shows how Receivables calculates your Conventional Day Sales Outstanding:

Conventional DSO = (total outstanding receivables / total sales for prior DSO days) * (DSO days)

Creation Date: The date on which Receivables calculates the values for the current period.

Credit Memos Created: The total amount of credit memos and on-account credits created during each period.

Current Sales: The percent you collect of your current sales.

DSO Calculation Days: The number of days to use in calculating your Conventional Day Sales Outstanding. You specify the number of days in the Days in Days Sales Outstanding Calculation field in the System Options window.

Gross Receivables: The total amount of open invoices, debit memos, and chargebacks as of the date you run the report, regardless of the period in which they were created.

Inv. Split Amount: The split amount to determine the number of invoices, debit items, and chargebacks over and under this amount and the total amounts remaining. You specify your split amount in the Split Amount field in the System Options window.

Invoice Amount Over Split Amount: The total invoice amount for invoices, debit memos, and chargebacks greater than the split amount. The Invoice Amount Over Split Amount only includes debit items for the period you are reviewing.

Invoice Amount Under Split Amount: The Invoice Amount Under Split Amount only includes debit items for the period you are reviewing.

Net Receivables: The total amount collectable in each period. Receivables calculates this field by subtracting your Open Receipts and Open Credit Memos from your Gross Receivables.

Number of Invoices Over Split Amount: The number of open invoices, debit memos, and chargebacks created for each period that are over the split amount.

Number of Invoices Under Split Amount: The number of open invoices, debit memos, and chargebacks created for each period that are under the split amount.

Open Credit Memos: The total amount of open credit memos as of the Report Date or the end of the period, whichever is earlier.

Open Receipts: The total amount of open receipts as of the Report Date or the end of the period which ever is earlier.

Payment Pattern (% Collected): The cumulative percentage of debit item amounts you collect per period sales for each of the 9 periods before your current period. You can use this section to see how much of the prior periods sales are collected. Receivables prints cumulative amounts so you can review the payment patterns over time to further assess the effectiveness of your collectors. For example, when you review the 2 Periods Prior row, this is the amount of the sales from 2 periods prior that have been collected as of the time you run this report.

(#) Period Prior: The cumulative percent collected for each period's sales as of x periods before your current period.

Total: The total number of invoices, debit memos, and chargebacks.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Commitment Balance Report

Use this report to review summary information for your customer commitments. Receivables prints each commitment displaying information about the commitment, customer, primary salesperson, and other commitment information. Receivables also automatically prints all invoices and credit memos against the initial commitment, and displays the remaining balance of the commitment.

Note: The commitment balance also reflects reservations created in Order Management, if the OM: Commitment Sequencing profile option is set to Yes. See: Profile Options in Oracle Order Management, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide.

Report Parameters

Format Level: Enter the amount of detail that you want to see in the report.

Both options also display information about orders that have been entered in Oracle Order Management against commitments in Receivables.

Report Heading

Commitment Currency: Receivables prints the commitment currency code for commitments on this page of the report.

Row Heading

Commitment Balance: Receivables prints the remaining balance of the commitment.

Related Topics

Using Commitments

Entering Commitments

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Contingency-Based Deferred Revenue Report

Use the Contingency-Based Deferred Revenue report to review the revenue deferral decisions that the Revenue Management Engine makes for your imported invoices. See: Event-Based Revenue Management.

This report displays the current deferred revenue and contingency statuses for each invoice that has deferred revenue. These statuses can change whenever events such as receipt application or the expiration of contingency periods occur. This report therefore provides you with a real-time snapshot of the conditions behind the automatic deferral and recognition of revenue for your imported invoices.

Note: This report excludes invoices whose revenue was originally deferred, but which you have since removed from further collectibility analysis. See: Modifying Invoices Under Collectibility Analysis. In addition, this report excludes invoices that are assigned deferred accounting rules.

The Contingency-Based Deferred Revenue report is an RXi report.

Selected Report Parameters

Organization Name: The organization that you want to run the report for.

Selected Column Headings

Customer Name: The customer that has invoices with deferred revenue. Receivables groups this report by customer.

GL Date: GL date of the invoice that has deferred revenue.

Line Number: Invoice line that has deferred revenue.

Line Amount: Total invoice line amount (includes both already recognized and deferred revenue amounts).

Credit Memo Amount: Total amount of credit memos, if any, that were applied to this invoice line.

Net Unscheduled Revenue: Deferred revenue less any applicable credit memos.

Accounting Rule Name: The invoice line's assigned accounting rule.

Revenue Contingency: Revenue contingency on this invoice line.

Contingency Removal Event: Contingency removal event that is associated with the revenue contingency on this invoice line.

Estimated Contingency Expiration Date: Expiration date of any contingency on this invoice line.

Contingency Removal Date: Actual date when the contingency was removed from the invoice line, either by the removal event or by the expiration date.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Working with Attribute Sets, Oracle Financials RXi Reports Administration Tool User Guide

Using the RXi Reports Concurrent Program, Oracle Financials RXi Reports Administration Tool User Guide

Credit Hold Report

Use this report to review your customers and customer addresses that are on credit hold. You can place a customer or customer site on credit hold in the Customers set of pages.

The Credit Hold report displays information as described in the following table:

Credit Hold Level Information Display
Customer account Receivables places all bill-to sites across all organizations on hold.
The Credit Hold report displays the Balance Due and Past Due Balance for each bill-to site. You can use the Reporting Level and Reporting Context parameters to control whether the report displays information across the organizations that you have access to.
Note: If you want your customer hold to apply to only one organization, then you should apply the customer hold at the bill-to site level.
Customer bill-to site Receivables places only the selected bill-to site on hold.
The Credit Hold report displays the Balance Due and Past Due Balance for that one bill-to site.

Selected Report Parameters

See: Common Report Parameters.

Report Headings

Currency: Receivables prints the currency above all customer accounts belonging to this currency. Receivables creates separate pages for different currencies.

Order By: The sorting option you chose when you submitted the report.

Column Headings

(Account Status) Subtotal: The total balance due and balance past due for each account status.

Address (Bill-To): The primary Bill-To address for each customer in your report. If there is no primary Bill-To address, Receivables prints the first Bill-To address available.

Balance Due: The total account balance for each customer in your report.

Balance Past Due: The total amount for all past due invoices, debit memos, and chargebacks minus any open credit items for this customer.

Collector: The collector who is linked to the site that is on credit hold.

Contact: The contact associated with the customer address.

Days on Credit Hold: The number of days this customer has been on credit hold. If this customer has been on and off credit hold in the past, those days are not included in the Days on Credit Hold value.

Primary: Receivables prints Yes or No to indicate whether this address is the primary Bill-To address for this customer.

Telephone: The contact's telephone number. If there is no contact or no telephone number for the contact, Receivables prints the telephone number associated with the address.

Row Headings

(Account Status) Subtotal: The total balance due and balance past due for each account status.

Currency Subtotal: The total balance due and balance past due for each currency.

Customer Subtotal: The total balance due and balance past due for each customer.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Credit Limit Usages Report

The Credit Limit Usages Report enables you to review credit information by credit profile types. The report is available from Oracle Receivables Listing SRS window, providing you with a listing of credit limits, credit usage rules, and currency credit limit usages associated with either:

The Credit Limit Usages Report can also be used to view customers credit limits that do not have any associated credit usages rule sets and currencies included or excluded within a specific rule set.


From an Accounts Receivables responsibility, Report Listing standard report submission window, select the Credit Limit Usages Report in the Name field. If you leave any parameters blank, this report includes all records that meet your other parameter criteria. In order to obtain specific input selection, enter the same value in the From/To fields.


When you request a Customer Credit Limits and Usages Report, the application provides you with the following input parameters to limit the report output.

Operating Unit

Item Category

Profile Classes


Global Rule Set Information

Report Output

The application displays all report input parameters and respective input values selected on the first page of the report output.

The report output may contain up to 5 headings. Output report heading are available for printing if the appropriate input parameter is set accordingly:

If no records exist based upon your input selection criteria, the application will display a message informing you no records met your respective criteria.

Cumulative Activity Balance Report

The Cumulative Activity Balance report displays all transactions that comprise the balance for any Asset and Liability account in Oracle Receivables, as of a specified date. This report lets you easily create audit reports of any balance sheet account which Receivables posts to, at either the GL natural account or GL account level.

Use this report to view the net activity in accounts such as Unearned Revenue and Unbilled Receivables.

For improved report performance, baseline accounting data is created when you first run this report. Subsequent report submissions will collect accounting data after the original baseline date. This data collection method helps to improve report performance for subsequent runs.

When you first run the report to create the baseline data, enter your last audit date in the GL As Of Date parameter. It is less likely that reports will be needed prior to this date.

Selected Report Parameters

Note: See: Common Report Parameters for Reconciliation Reports.

Reporting Format: Indicate if the report should be run at the GL natural account or GL account level.

GL As Of Date: Receivables prints all open activity for an account as of this GL date.

Related Topics

Reconciling Receivables

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Customer Balance Revaluation Report

Use this report to identify customers with credit (negative) balances. In many countries you are required to enter a manual journal entry to adjust the general ledger balance for such customers.

This report provides you with two results:

Use the result of this report to determine the amount you need to manually adjust your general ledger balance to reflect the difference between the original balance and revaluated balance. You would then reverse this entry at the beginning of the following period to resynchronize your receivables with general ledger accounts.

You can run this report for a revaluation period, up to a particular due date, and to include customers with a negative balance, customers with a positive balance, or both.

Important: Make sure you have entered an End-Of-Period (EOP) rate for each currency used. If any EOP is missing, the report will notify you that the results calculated may be wrong.

Use either the Submit Request or the Print Accounting Reports window to submit this report.

Report Parameters

Revaluation Period: Select the period for which you want to revaluate.

Include Up To Due Date: If you want to differentiate short-term, midterm, and long-term Receivables activities, you can enter a date; otherwise, you should leave this field empty.

Customer Balance: Select from the following values:

Report Headings

Customer Balance: The total balance due for this customer.

Customer Name/Number: The customer name, customer number, and customer site that have open items.

Column Headings (Report Name, if needed for different report parameters)

Transaction Number: The number of the transaction.

Transaction Type: The name of the transaction type.

Transaction Date: The date of the transaction.

Due Date: The due date of the transaction.

Currency: The currency used to enter the transaction.

Open Original Amount: The balance of the transaction in its original currency.

Exchange Rate: The exchange rate for foreign currency transactions. This value is 1 for functional currency transactions.

Open Functional Amount: The balance of the transaction valuated at the exchange rate used when the transaction was approved.

EOP Rate: The End-Of-Period rate, which the report uses to revaluate the balance of the transaction.

EOP Open Amount: The balance of the transaction, revaluated using the EOP rate.

Open Revaluated Amount: Receivables uses the lower of the Open Functional Amount and the EOP Open Amount to determine the market value of the open item.

Credit/Debit: The sum of the positive open items (Debit) and the sum of the negative open items (Credit). These figures help you determine the amount of the adjustments to your general ledger balances.

Customer Credit Snapshot Report

Use this report to see an overview of your customer's credit history. This report provides aging, customer credit history, and a brief look at the last transactions Receivables recorded for this customer.

Receivables retrieves information from Oracle Credit Management to present the most accurate view of your customer's credit history.

Report Parameters

See: Common Report Parameters.

Collector Name: Receivables prints information for collectors between the low and high values you specify. Receivables prints all collectors by default.

Note: This report captures collectors that are assigned at the customer account or site level in the Customers set of pages.

Customer Name: Receivables prints information for customer names between the low value and high value you specify. Receivables prints all customers by default.

Customer Number: Receivables prints information for customer numbers between the low value and high value you specify. Receivables prints all customers by default.

Bucket Name: Enter the bucket set to use for aging. You can enter any bucket set with a bucket set type of Credit Snapshot.

Report Headings

Billing Address: Receivables prints each billing address for this customer.

Phone: Receivables prints your customer's primary telephone number.

Current Aging Column Headings

Receivables prints your current aging information based on the aging buckets you define in the Aging Buckets and Interest Tiers window whose type is Credit SnapShot. Debit items that have any adjustments whose status is pending are treated as disputed items.

Bucket: Receivables prints the aging periods that you define in the Aging Buckets and Interest Tiers window for these aging buckets.

Amount: Receivables prints the total amount of open invoices, debit memos, and chargebacks for each aging category.

Percent: Receivables prints the percent of total open receivables in each aging bucket.

Current Aging Row Headings

Adjusted Balance: Receivables calculates and displays the adjusted balance for this customer. This figure represents your customer's outstanding balance minus any unapplied or on-account payments.

Buckets 1-7: Receivables prints the name of your seven aging buckets in this column. You define your aging buckets in the Aging Buckets and Interest Tiers window.

In Collection: The amount of your customer's account that is in collection.

On-Account Cash: The total of this customer's on-account payments.

Outstanding Balance: The total of your customer's open invoices, debit memos, and chargebacks.

Unapplied Cash: The total of this customer's unapplied payments.

Customer History Section

This section displays historic information for this customer account. This information includes the amount and date of this customer's Largest Invoice and the Highest Credit Limit assigned to this customer.

Rolling 12-Month Summary Section

This section displays a twelve month rolling history for this customer's account. Each row of this section provides the total amount and/or count for the last twelve months for each of the following indicators.

Credit Summary Section

The Credit Summary section provides summary information about the customers current credit assignments. These assignments include:

If your customer uses more than one currency, Receivables prints credit information for each currency. This information includes the currency type and the amount in that currency for each of the following indicators.

Last Transaction Summary Section

This section displays a summary of each this customer's last transactions types. These transaction types include:

Related Topics

Common Report Parameters

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Customer Listing Detail and Summary Reports

Use the Customer Listing Detail report to review detail customer information entered for each customer.

Use the Customer Listing Summary report to review summary information about your customers. You can view customer name, customer number, status, and any addresses and site uses you entered for your customers.

Report Headings

Carrier: Receivables prints the freight carrier for your customer, if you entered one.

Category: Receivables prints the category of this customer. Category may be either Customer, Prospect or any other category you have set up.

Class: Receivables prints the customer class that is assigned to this customer, if you entered one.

Customer Name: The customer name range you specify as your report parameter.

Customer Number: The customer number range you specify as your report parameter.

FOB: Receivables prints the Free On Board point for this business purpose, if you entered one.

GSA Indicator: Receivables prints Yes or No to indicate if this business purpose is a Government Services Agency.

Order By: The order by which you chose to sort information in this report.

Reference: If this customer was imported through Customer Interface, Receivables prints the reference number from the original system.

Sales Channel: Receivables prints the sales channel for this customer, if you entered one.

SIC Code: Receivables prints the Standard Industry Classification code for your customer.

Type: Receivables prints the customer type that is assigned to this customer, if you enter one. Customer types are Internal and External.

Customer Contacts Section - Detail

Receivables prints all contacts for this customer. Information in this section includes the contact name, job title, primary role, mail stop, and status. If you did not enter contacts for this customer, Receivables does not print this section.

Customer Contact Roles section - Detail

Receivables lists the contact roles and whether the role is primary. Information in this section includes a description of the contact's role (for example, Sill-To, Ship-To, Statement, etc.) and whether this contact is primary. If you did not enter roles for this contact, Receivables does not print this section.

Customer Contact Telephones Section - Detail

Receivables lists the details of telephone numbers for the contact person. Information in this section includes area code, telephone number, extension, status, and whether this telephone number is primary. If you did not enter telephone numbers for this contact, Receivables does not print this section.

Customer Addresses Section - Detail

Receivables prints all addresses for this customer, if you entered any. Information in this section includes the customer address, city, state, postal code, province, county, country, and, if this address was imported through Customer Interface, a reference number from the original system. If you did not enter addresses for this customer, Receivables does not print this section.

Address Contacts Section - Detail

Receivables prints all contact people for this address, if you entered any. Information in this section includes the contact people for this address, job title, primary role, mail stop and status of this contact person. If you did not enter contact people for this address, Receivables does not print this section.

Address Contacts Roles Section - Detail

Receivables prints contact roles for each contact, if you entered any. Information in this section includes a description of this contact role (for example, Bill-To, Credit Memos, Dunning, and such.) and whether this is the primary role assigned to this contact. If you did not enter any contact roles, Receivables does not print this section.

Address Contacts Telephone Section - Detail

Receivables prints all the telephone numbers for the contact person for this address. Information in this section includes area code, telephone number, extension, status, and whether this telephone number is primary. If you did not enter telephone numbers for this contact person, Receivables does not print this section.

Address Telephone Section - Detail

Receivables prints all the telephone numbers for this address, if you entered any. Information in this section includes area code, telephone number, extension, status, and whether this telephone number is primary. If you did not enter telephone numbers for this address, Receivables does not print this section.

Business Purposes Section

Receivables prints the business purposes for this customer, if you entered any. If you did not enter business purposes, Receivables does not print this section.

Bill-To Location: Receivables prints the Bill to Location, if this business purpose is Ship-To.

Carrier: The carrier for this business purpose.

Contact: The primary contact person for this business purpose.

Customer Profile Class: The Customer Profile Class for this business purpose.

Demand Class: The demand class for this business purpose.

FOB: The FOB for this business purpose.

GSA Indicator: The Yes or No to indicate whether this business purpose is a General Services Administration.

Location: The location name for this address.

Order Type: The order type to be defaulted in the Enter Sales Orders window for this business purpose.

Payment Terms: The payment terms for this business purpose.

Price List: The price list to be defaulted in the Enter Sales Orders window for this business purpose.

Sales Territory: The territory flexfield for this business purpose.

SIC Code: The SIC Code for this business purpose.

Status: The status of this business purpose

Usage: Receivables prints the business purpose for this address. Typical business purposes include Ship-To, Bill-To, Statements and Marketing.

Warehouse: The standard shipping warehouse to be defaulted in the Enter Sales Orders window for this business purpose.

Business Purpose Receipt Methods Section

Receivables prints receipt methods for this business purpose, if you entered any. If you did not enter receipt methods, Receivables does not print this section.

End Date: The end date on which this receipt method becomes inactive.

Receipt Method: The receipt methods that you assigned to this business purpose.

Primary: Yes or No indicates whether this receipt method is the primary one for this business purpose.

Start Date: The date on which this receipt method becomes active.

Business Purpose Bank Accounts Section

Receivables prints bank account details for this business purpose, if you entered any. If you did not enter bank accounts, Receivables does not print this section.

Account Name: The customer bank account name assigned to this business purpose.

Account Number: The customer bank account number assigned to this business purpose.

Bank Name: The name of the customer bank assigned to this business purpose.

Branch Number: The branch number of the customer bank assigned to this business purpose.

Currency: The currency of the customer bank account assigned to this business purpose.

End Date: The date on which this bank account becomes inactive.

Primary: Receivables prints Yes or No to indicate whether this bank account is the primary one for this business purpose.

Start Date: The date on which this bank account becomes active.

Customer Section

Carrier: The freight carrier for your customer, if you entered one.

Category: The category of this customer. Category may be either Customer, Prospect, or any other category you have set up.

Class: The customer class assigned to this customer, if you entered one.

FOB: The FOB (Free On Board) point for this business purpose, if you entered one.

Freight Terms: The freight term for this business purpose, if you entered one.

GSA Indicator: Receivables prints Yes or No to indicate if this business purpose is a Government Services Agency.

Name: The name of this customer. If you are printing this report for more than one customer, Receivables prints a separate page for each customer.

Number: The customer number.

Order Type: The order type for this customer, if you entered one.

Price List: The price list for this customer, if you entered one.

Profile Class: The profile class to which this customer belongs.

Reference: If this customer was imported through Customer Interface, Receivables prints the reference number from the original system.

Sales Channel: The sales channel for this customer, if you entered one.

Salesperson: The salesperson for this customer, if you entered one.

SIC Code: The Standard Industry Classification code for your customer.

Status: The status of this customer. Customers with Active statuses display as list of values choices.

Tax Code: The tax code that you assigned to your customer.

Tax Rate: The tax rate associated with the tax code that you assigned to your customer.

Tax Registration Number: The tax registration number of this customer.

Type: The customer type assigned to this customer, if you entered one. Customer types include Internal and External.

Warehouse: The warehouse for this business purpose, if you entered one.

Customer Telephones Section

Receivables lists the details of telephone numbers for this customer. Information in this section includes area code, telephone number, extension, status, and whether this telephone number is primary. If you did not enter telephone numbers for this customer, Receivables does not print this section.

Customer Receipt Methods Section

Receivables prints receipt methods for your customer, if you entered any. If you did not enter receipt methods, Receivables does not print this section.

End Date: The date on which this receipt method becomes inactive.

Receipt Method: The receipt methods that you assigned to this customer.

Primary: Yes or No indicates whether this receipt method is the primary one for this customer.

Start Date: The date on which this receipt method becomes active.

Customer Bank Accounts Section

Receivables prints bank account details for this customer, if you entered any. If you did not enter bank accounts, Receivables does not print this section.

Account Name: The customer bank account name assigned to this customer.

Account Number: The customer bank account number assigned to this customer.

Bank Name: The name of the customer bank assigned to this customer.

Branch Number: The branch number of the customer bank assigned to this customer.

Branch: The branch name of the customer bank assigned to this customer.

Currency: The currency of the customer bank account assigned to this customer.

End Date: Receivables prints the date on which this bank account is to be inactivated.

Primary: Yes or No indicates whether this bank account is the primary one for this customer.

Start Date: Receivables prints the date on which this bank account is to be activated.

Customer Relationships Section

Receivables prints relationships for this customer, if you entered any. If you did not enter any relationships for this customer, Receivables does not print this section.

Submit the Customer Relationships Listing to see a list of the customer account and party relationships that exist for a customer. See: Customer Relationships Listing.

Related Customer: The name of the related customer.

Related Number: The number of the related customer.

Type: The type of this relationship.

Status: The status of this relationship.

Comments: Receivables prints any comments that you have entered regarding this relationship.

Customer Reciprocal Relationship: Yes or No indicates whether this relationship is Reciprocal.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Customers Overview

Customer Open Balance Letter

Use the Customer Open Balance Letter to periodically inform your customers of open balances or for your own internal auditing purposes. This letter contains an introductory paragraph, individual transaction information, and the outstanding balance due for a customer site as of a specific date.

You can include transactions for all currencies in which a customer does business or for only one currency. If you include multiple currencies, the report lists the total balance in each currency separately.

When calculating a customer's open balance, Receivables includes invoices, debit memos, credit memos, bank charges, payments, discounts, on-account credits, and unapplied receipts. Receivables uses the following formula to calculate the balance due:

Sum of Open Invoices - On-Account Credits - On-Account Receipts - Unapplied Receipts = Open Balance

Report Parameters

Enter parameters to define the content of the report.

As of Date: The date for which you want to review the customer's open balance. For example, if you enter 30-SEP-99, the report displays the customer's open balance as of September 30, 1999.

Currency: The currency of transactions to include in the report. Leave this field blank to report on transactions in the currencies in which they were entered.

Minimum Invoice Balance: The minimum open amount for a transaction to appear in the report.

Minimum Open Balance: The minimum open balance for a customer to appear in the report.

Include On Account Credits: Choose whether to display on-account credits in the report.

Include On Account Receipts: Choose whether to display on-account receipts in the report.

Include Unapplied Receipts: Choose whether to display receipts that have not been fully applied in the report.

Include Uncleared Receipts: Choose whether to display receipts for which the cash has not yet been recognized in Receivables.

Reference Number: A reference number to uniquely identify this report.

Customer Name From/To: To limit the report to one customer, enter the same customer name in both fields. Leave these parameters blank to include open balances for all customers.

Report Headings

Reference Number: The number you entered to uniquely identify the report.

Customer Tax Reference Number: The tax reference number for this customer. You enter a customer tax registration number in the Customers window.

On Account Credits and Receipts: The sum of any on-account credits and receipts for this customer.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Customer Profiles Report

Use this report to review customer profile information assigned to each customer account or site. You can also review any changes made to your existing customer profiles in the Customer Profile Classes window.

If the profile option AR: Sort Customer Reports by Alternate Fields is Yes, Receivables sorts information using the value of the Alternate Name field in the Customers window.

Report Headings

Customer Number: (Number) to (Number): The customer number range that you specified in the report parameters.

Selected Column Headings

Currency: The currency for each currency amount limit.

Late Charge Interest Rate: The interest rate for each currency.

Max Charge per Invoice: The maximum late charge amount that you charge for each invoice in this currency.

Min Customer Balance for Late Charge: The minimum customer balance that must be met before you assess late charges for past due items in this currency.

Min Invoice Balance for Late Charge: The minimum debit item balance that must be met before you assess late charges for past due items in this currency.

Minimum Statement Amount: The minimum outstanding balance that a customer must meet before you send your customers statements in this currency.

Min Receipt Amount: The minimum receipt amount that must be met before you can create automatic receipt in this currency.

Min Dunning Amount: The minimum past due amount that must be met before you send your customers dunning letters in this currency.

Min Dunning Invoice Amount: The minimum invoice amount that must be met for each debit item before you send your customers dunning letters in this currency.

Total Credit Limit: The total amount of credit that you want to give to this customer in this currency.

Credit Limit Per Order: The amount of credit that you give to this customer for each order in this currency.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Customer Relationships Listing

This report lets you review all customer relationships that have been defined. This report includes the name and number of the primary and related customers, whether the relationship is reciprocal, and any comments. The report lists all active relationships first followed by the inactive ones.

This report also shows the party relationships that exist for the selected customers. See: Registry Relationships Section.

Selected Report Parameters

Enter parameters to define the content of the report. For more information, see: Common Report Parameters.

Registry ID/ Low High: Range of party IDs of customers to include on the report. Leave blank to include all.

Relationship Type/ Low High: Range of relationship types of customers to include on the report. Leave blank to include all.

Registry Relationships Section

Receivables displays the parties who are directly related, via Oracle Trading Community Architecture Relationship Manager, to a customer. Receivables displays only parties of type Organization that have accounts.

If no party relationships exist for a customer, then Receivables does not include this section.

For information about party relationships, see: Creating Relationships, Oracle Trading Community Architecture User Guide.

Primary Customer Name: Name of the customer.

Primary Registry ID: Party ID of the customer.

Relationship Type: Type of this relationship.

Relationship Phrase: Relationship phrase of this party type.

Related Customer Name: Name of the related customer.

Related Registry ID: Party ID of the related customer.

From Date: Starting effective date of the party relationship.

To Date: Ending effective date of the party relationship.

Relationship Groups Section

Use this section to see the relationship groups, such as Pay Within or Pay Below, that the relationship types listed in the Registry Relationships section are assigned to.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Using Party Paying Relationships

Creating Relationships, Oracle Trading Community Architecture User Guide

Deposited Cash Reports - Applied Detail and Open Detail

These reports let you view your daily cash activity and to reconcile Receivables with your bank statement. The Applied Detail report lists all applied amounts, unapplied amounts, and miscellaneous cash. The Open Detail report lists the total applied, unapplied, NSF, and on-account amount for each deposit date. Receivables prints information based on the deposit date that you enter in the QuickCash and Receipts windows.

Report Headings - Applied Detail Report

Order By: Your order by option.

Bank: The remittance bank range, if you entered one. If you did not enter one, Receivables prints 'All' and prints your report for all remittance banks.

Deposit Date From (Date) to (Date): The deposit date range, if you entered one.

Column Headings - Applied Detail Report

Account Number: The remittance bank account numbers that are listed in the previous section.

Actual Amount: The total amount of deposits for this deposit date.

Applied Amount: The total amount of receipts that were fully applied to invoices on this deposit date.

Bank Account Name: The remittance bank account names that are listed in the previous section.

Bank Name: The remittance bank names that are listed in the previous section.

Branch Name: The remittance bank branch names that are listed in the previous section.

Control Amount: The total amount of receipts for this deposit date.

Currency: The functional currency of your receipts.

Difference Amount: The difference between the Control and Actual Amounts for this deposit date.

Inv Cnt: The total number of invoices created on this deposit date.

NSF Amount: The total amount of non-sufficient funds for this deposit date.

Pay Cnt: The number of payments received on this deposit date.

Payment Amount: The total amount of payments made on this deposit date. This is the same as the Actual Amount less the Unapplied and On-Account Amount.

Unapplied and On Account Amount: The total amount of unapplied, on-account, and partially applied receipts for this deposit date.

Row Heading

Sum (Currency): The total for each numeric column by currency in your report.

Report Headings - Open Detail Report

Order By: Your order by option.

Bank: Receivables prints your report for the bank range, if you entered one. If you did not enter one, Receivables prints 'All' and prints your report for all banks.

Deposit Date From (Date) to (Date): Receivables prints your report for the deposit date range, if you entered one.

Column Headings - Open Detail Report

Applied Amount: The amount of receipts that are applied to invoices, debit memos, and chargebacks.

Applied Cnt: The number of receipts that are applied to invoices, debit memos, or chargebacks.

Difference Amount: Receivables prints any difference between the actual amount and the control and for the batch. This is the amount that still needs to be entered into Receivables.

Unapplied: Amount: The amount of receipts that are unapplied.

Unapplied: Cnt: The number of receipts that are unapplied.

Row Heading

Sum (Currency): The total for each numeric column by currency in your report.

Summary For Banks

Receivables prints the Summary For Banks section when you generate either the Deposited Cash Report - Applied Detail or Open Detail report. This section displays all of your remittance banks and bank accounts that refer to receipts listed in the previous section.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Discount Projection Report

Use this report to review your exposure to discounts. Receivables lets you specify a date on which all of your customers pay for their outstanding debit items for this report. Receivables then calculates your projected discount based on this date. Receivables also lets you specify whether to calculate your discount exposure for earned discounts, unearned discounts, or both earned and unearned discounts.

If you set the Allow Unearned Discounts field to No in the QuickCash window, this report does not display any unearned discounts. In this case, you cannot submit this report if you want to review only your unearned discount exposure.

Selected Parameters

As of Date: Receivables calculates and prints your projected discount exposure by using this date as the date on which receipts for all of your outstanding debit items are received. The default is the system date.

Company Segment: Receivables selects and prints your report information from the company range you specify. If you leave this field blank Receivables includes all segments.

Currency: Receivables selects and prints your report information from the currency range you specify.

Customer Name: Receivables selects and prints your report information from the customer name range you specify.

Customer Number: Receivables selects and prints your report information from the customer number range you specify.

Report Headings

Company: Receivables prints the company above all debit items belonging to this company. Receivables prints a separate page for each company.

Currency Code: The currency code above all debit items belonging to this currency. Receivables prints a separate page for each currency.

Column Headings

Class: The class that is associated with each debit item.

Customer Name: The customer name for each debit item.

Customer Number: The customer number for each debit item.

Discount Amount: The projected discount amount for each invoice, debit memo, or chargeback assigned to customers whom you select for this report.

Discount Date: The discount date for each debit item.

Due Date: The due date for each debit item.

Earned Discount: Amount: The projected earned discount amount for each debit item.

Earned Discount: Percent: The projected earned discount percent for each debit item.

Invoice Number: The transaction number for each debit item.

Terms: The payment terms for each debit item.

Unearned Discount: Amount: The projected unearned discount amount for each debit item.

Unearned Discount: Percent: The projected unearned discount percent for each debit item.

Row Headings

Company Total: The total of all projected discounts for each company.

Currency Total: The total of all projected discounts for each currency.

Customer Total: The total of all projected discounts for each customer.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters


Disputed Invoice Report

Use this report to review all disputed invoices, debit memos, and chargebacks. Receivables prints information for each disputed debit item and displays totals in the entered currency. You can also review the collector name and any comments included with each debit item.

You can place items in dispute or take them off of dispute in these windows:

This report captures collectors that are assigned at the customer account or site level in the Customers set of pages.

Report Headings

Currency: The currency code associated with the invoices, debit memos, or chargebacks. Receivables prints totals for each currency code in your report.

Order By: Your sort by option. Receivables lets you sort this report by customer, invoice number, or due date.

Row Headings

Comments: Receivables prints all notes related to this invoice, debit memo, or chargeback that is in dispute. These notes are created by the Credit Memo Workflow, which you can view in the Notes tab of the Transactions window.

Grand Total: The total transaction amount balance due and dispute amount for all currencies.

Sum for (Currency Code) Currency: For each currency, Receivables prints the total transaction amount balance due and dispute amount in the entered currency.

Sum for (Customer Name) Customer: For each customer, Receivables prints the total transaction amount balance due and dispute amount in the entered currency.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Placing an Item in Dispute

Dunning History - Receivables Generated Letters Only

Use the Dunning History - Receivables Generated Letters Only report to review the complete dunning history of your overdue items. This report prints the details of each dunning correspondence that included these items.

Important: If you generated dunning letters using the Staged Dunning method in a previous version of Oracle Receivables, then this report is the only way to print historical information about those letters.

Use the Submit Requests window to run the Dunning History - Receivables Generated Letters Only report.

Report Parameters

Customer Low/High: Receivables selects and prints your report information for customer names between the low and high values that you specify for your customer range.

Customer Number Low/High: Receivables selects and prints your report information for customers between the low and high values for the customer number range that you specify.

Collector Low/High: Receivables selects and prints your report information for collectors between the low and high values for the collector range that you specify.

Note: This report captures collectors that are assigned at the customer account or site level in the Customers set of pages.

Dunning Method: Choose Days Overdue if you want the report to sum the outstanding balance by currency code. Choose Staged Dunning if you want the report to sum the outstanding balance by dunning level and currency code.

Dunning Level Low/High: Receivables selects and prints only the past due debit items whose dunning levels are within the range you specify. Leave this field blank if you want to run this report for all dunning levels.

Transaction Type Low/High: Receivables selects and prints only past due debit items whose transaction types are within the range you specify. Leave this field blank to run this report for all transaction types.

Report Headings

Balance Amount: The balance of the overdue item.

Currency Code: Receivables groups your overdue items by the their currency code.

Customer Location: Receivables groups your overdue items by the customer address.

Customer Name: Receivables groups your overdue items by the customer name.

Customer Number: Receivables groups your overdue items by the customer number.

Date: The transaction date of the overdue item.

Days Late: The days overdue of this item as it appears on the dunning letter.

Dunning as of Date: Receivables selects and prints your report information for the as of date you specify. The default is the system date.

Dunning Level: Receivables groups your overdue items by their current dunning level.

Dunning Method: If you choose Staged Dunning, Receivables prints the dunning level of each past due item in the Invoices section of your dunning letter.

Dunning Site Address: The address of the dunning site. This address includes the country of the dunning site address if that country is different from your home country.

Interest Rate: The interest rate of the overdue item.

Invoice Amount: The transaction amount of the overdue item.

Letter Name: The name of the dunning letter on which this item was printed.

Letter Set: The name of the dunning letter set to which the dunning letter belongs.

Print Date: The correspondence date of the dunning letter on which this item was printed.

Total for Customer: The sum of the invoice amount and balance amount of all overdue items for this customer.

Total For Dunning Level: If you entered 'Days Overdue' for the Dunning Method parameter, Receivables prints the sum of the invoice amount and balance amount by currency code. If you entered 'Staged Dunning' for the Dunning Method parameter, Receivables prints the sum of the invoice amount and balance amount by dunning level and the currency code.

Transaction Number: The transaction number of the overdue item.

Transaction Type: The transaction type of the overdue item.

Related Topics

Reprinting Historical Dunning Letters

Duplicate Customer Report

Use the Duplicate Customer Report to highlight possible duplicate customers. The Duplicate Customer Report lists the company or agency name, address, location, city, state, postal code, and country. Receivables groups possible duplicate customer information together for you to review. Use this information to consolidate duplicated customer information.

Report Parameters

Customer Name: To restrict the search to a specific name, enter a customer name (optional).

Number of Characters: Enter the number of characters that you think should be the same, for the customer names to be deemed as potential duplicates.

Report Headings

Address: The street address for this customer.

City: The city for this customer address.

Country: The country for this customer address.

Customer Name: The customer name.

Customer Number: The customer id number.

Postal Code: The postal code for this customer address.

Site Code: The business purpose assigned to this address.

State: The state for this customer address.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Merging Customers, Oracle Trading Community Architecture User Guide

European Sales Listing

Use this listing to produce a detail or summary listing of all sales to customers in European Union (EU) member states other than your own. You can run this report from the Submit Requests window in either Detail or Summary mode. The report will be sorted by member state, with a second sort by VAT Number. Sales will be totaled by member state.

Prior to submitting this report you must set the VAT Member State codes for all the EU countries in the Countries and Territories window.

All EU countries must have a none null value in the VAT Member State Code column, apart from the 'Home Country'. For example, running these reports from the UK would mean that the only states with none null VAT Member State Code would be the EU countries minus the UK.

Report Parameters

Detail/Summary: Choose to produce a Detail or a Summary listing.

From/To Date: The start and end dates for the report.

Site Reported: Choose the site use for the VAT registration numbers that you want printed in this report.

If you choose Ship To, but a ship-to site use for a VAT registration number was never defined, then Receivables prints the bill-to site use for the VAT registration number.

Report Headings

Branch ID: The Branch Id of the Trader whose sales information is being reported.

From Date/To Date: The starting and ending dates of the period being reported.

Trader VAT No: The VAT Number of the Trader whose sales information is being reported.

Column Headings

Line Number: Receivables prints a sequential line number for each line of the Detail part of this Header/Detail report.

Country: The Country Name of the member state being reported on. This is the member state of the Trader's Customer.

VAT Number: The VAT Number of the Trader's customer being reported.

Currency: The currency of the amount in the Net Total column.

Net Total: The Net Total of sales for the respective VAT Number. If the report is run in 'Detail' mode then this figure will relate to each detail line within each VAT Number, within each Country. If the report is run in 'Summary' mode then this figure will relate to each VAT Number within each Country and so will be a summary for each VAT Number.

Functional Total: The total of sales for the respective VAT number in your functional currency.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Incomplete Invoices Report

Use this report to review all of your incomplete invoices, debit memos, credit memos, and on-account credits. Incomplete invoices do not update your open receivables balance nor do they display on your agings. Use the Transactions window to complete your invoice or debit memo once you have updated them. For credit memos and on-account credits, use the Credit Transactions window.

Report Parameters

Order By: Select the option you want Receivables to use to sort your information from the following:

Invoice Number: Receivables selects and prints report information from the invoice number range you specify.

Customer Name: Receivables selects and prints report information from the customer name range you specify.

Customer Number: Receivables selects and prints report information from the customer number range you specify.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Intercompany Invoice Report

Before you transfer transactions to your general ledger, use the Inter Company Invoice report to see a list of all transactions whose receivables and revenue accounts have different company segments.

Report Heading

GL Date (Date) to (Date): Receivables prints the general ledger date range you select as your reporting option.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Intercompany Receipts Report

Use this report to review payments that were sent from one company and applied to another company, but have not yet posted. Before you post these receipts, review this report, then correct any errors in the transactions.

The totals for companies with inter company transactions will be inflated/deflated by the total amount of the inter company transactions.

Each payment appears in two company reports: As a credit item in the company that received the cash payment, and as a debit item in the company that owns the invoice.

Report Parameters

Apply Date: The apply date range of the transactions to print on this report.

Company: The company segment range of the transactions to print on this report.

Creation Date: The creation date range of the transactions to print on this report.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Invoice Exception Report

Use this report to see detail for any transactions where Open Receivables is set to No. These transactions appear on your Transaction Register, but do not display on your aging reports.

Even if these items do not affect aging, they may still affect GL balances, if postable.

The report will be sorted by company with each invoice allocated to a company via its receivables account. An invoice is associated to a receivables account by its transaction type.

Selected Report Parameters

Note: See also: Common Report Parameters for Reconciliation Reports.

Report Headings

Currency: The currency code for this group of invoices. Receivables groups and prints transactions by currency and postable status.

GL Date (Date) to (Date): Receivables prints the GL date range you selected to print on this report.

Page: The page number for each page of this report.

Postable: The post to general ledger status for this group of invoices. Receivables groups and prints transactions by currency and postable status.

Row Headings

Currency Subtotal: The entered and functional currency subtotal amount for invoices with the same currency and postable status.

Grand Total: The invoice and functional grand total amount for all invoices included in this report. If your report is for a single currency, then the postable subtotal and grand total will be the same as the currency total.

Postable Subtotal: The functional currency subtotal amount for invoices with the same currency and postable status.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Invoice Print Preview Report

Use this report to review the invoices, debit memos, chargebacks, deposits, guarantees, credit memos, and on-account credits that will print if you specify these report parameters. You can submit this report from either the Print Invoices or the Submit Requests window.

Report Parameters

Batch: Receivables selects and displays report information for the batch you specify. This is field is required if you choose the Batch print option.

Installment Number: To limit the installments printed for transactions with split payment terms, enter a range of installment numbers. If you do not enter an installment number, Receivables prints all installments.

Open Invoices Only: Choose to print only open debit items. Open invoices are open to receivables and have an amount remaining not equal to zero.

Print Date: Receivables selects and displays report information for the print date range you specify. The print date is the transaction date unless you have specified print lead days on your payment term, in which case the print date is the number of lead days before your transaction due date.

Print Option: Select which invoice to include in your preview. Choose from one of the following options:

Report Headings

Currency: The currency above all transactions belonging to this currency.

Invoice Dates: The print date range, if you entered one in the report parameters.

Invoice Numbers: The transaction number range, if you entered one in the report parameters.

Open Invoices: Yes or No indicates whether you want to only include open items.

Print Option: The print option you specified.

Column Headings

Receivables displays an asterisk (*) next to the transactions that have a printing status of Print, but have not yet printed. You assign printing statuses when you enter your transactions. If you assign a status of 'Do Not Print' to your transaction, Receivables does not select this transaction for printing.

Note: If you have a transaction with multiple installments and do not print installments in order, Receivables will treat any skipped installments as printed. For example, if your invoice has 3 installments and only installment 2 has been printed. An asterisk will be displayed against installment 3 only. Installment 1 is treated as if it were printed.

Row Headings

Total for Class: The total amount by class for each currency.

Total for Currency: The total amount for each currency.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Printing Transactions

Invoices Posted to Suspense

Use this report to view a list of all transactions that have revenue amounts posted to suspense accounts. Receivables posts revenue amounts to a Suspense account if you are importing invoices through AutoInvoice and both of the following are true:

Receivables groups and prints revenue amounts by company, postable status, and currency.

Report Headings

Company: The company segment for this group of transactions. Receivables groups and prints transactions by company, postable status, and currency.

Currency Code: The currency code for this group of invoices. Receivables groups and prints transactions by company, postable status, and currency.

GL Date: (Date) to (Date): The GL date range you selected to print on this report.

Invoice Date: (Date) to (Date): The Invoice date range you selected to print on this report.

Order By: The option you used to sort information for this report (either Customer or Invoice Number).

Postable: Receivables prints the post to general ledger status for this group of invoices. Receivables groups and prints transactions by company, postable status, and currency.

Sum: Receivables prints the total amount assigned to suspense accounts in your foreign and functional currency by company, postable status, currency, and class.

Column Headings

Class: The transaction type class for this transaction. Classes include Credit Memo and Invoice.

Customer Name: The customer name for this transaction.

Customer Number: The customer id number for this transaction.

Foreign Currency: The foreign currency amount, if this transactions was invoiced in a foreign currency. For example, if a customer was invoiced for 100,000 euros, Receivables prints 100,000 here. Receivables prints a new page for each currency.

Functional Currency: The functional currency amount. If your transaction is in a foreign currency, Receivables automatically converts the invoice currency amount to your functional currency.

GL Date: The date this transaction posts to your general ledger.

Invoice Date: The invoice date for this transaction. This is typically the date you create the transaction.

Invoice Number: The invoice number for this transaction.

Type: The transaction type for this transaction.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

AutoAccounting, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide

Transaction Batch Sources, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide

Journal Entries Report

This report, in conjunction with the Account Analysis report in Oracle General Ledger, provides information needed to reconcile your accounts receivable subledger with the General Ledger. Using this report you can review the details that make up your general ledger journal entries.

This report selects all transactions that will be posted to the General Ledger (that is, associated transaction type has Post to GL set to Yes).

The Journal Entries report displays:

Receivables provides you with four different parameters that enable you to generate multiple formats for this report:

Select one or more formats. If you select each parameter, then Receivables prints four different reports in one report submission.

If Multiple Reporting Currencies (MRC) is enabled you can run this report for a reporting currency.

Using Specific Journal Entries Reports

Use the following journal entries reports to confirm that account balances match the appropriate registers:

These specific journals ensure that you access only the data that you need during reconciliation activities.

If reports are submitted in Receivables Mode, then only the journals for the selected category (AR) are displayed and the total will match the related value on the AR Reconciliation report. If not, then all categories will print.

Selected Report Parameters for the Journal Entries Report

Note: See also: Common Report Parameters for Reconciliation Reports.

Print Detail By Category: Print each transaction for each category and its "Receivables" equivalent GL account and currency.

Print Detail By Account: Print each transaction for each GL account, category, and currency.

Transaction Category: Choose to select and print information for the transaction categories that you specify.

Transaction categories include: Sales Invoices, Debit Memos, Chargebacks, Credit Memos, Credit Memo Applications, Adjustments, Trade Receipts, Miscellaneous Receipts, and Bills Receivable.

Or, run specific journal reports. See: Using Specific Journal Entries Reports.

Exclude Rounding Equals Zero: If this option is Yes, then the report does not print journal entries that impact rounding accounts and have a balance of zero.

Report Headings

Currency: The currency that you chose to generate the report.

GL Date: The GL Date range that you specify for this report.

Posted Date: The GL Posted Date range that you specify for this report.

Column Headings

Accounting Flexfield: Receivables prints each Accounting Flexfield that is referenced by a category that you include in this report.

Category: Categories include Cash, Misc Receipts, Debit Memos, Credit Memos, Adjustments, Sales Invoices and Trade receipts.

Currency: The currency for the sum in that currency of each Accounting Flexfield that is referenced by a category that you include in this report.

Foreign Currency: Credits: The foreign currency credit amount for each Accounting Flexfield that is referenced by a category that you include in this report.

Foreign Currency: Debits: The foreign currency debit amount for each Accounting Flexfield that is referenced by a category that you include in this report.

Functional Currency: Debits: The functional currency debit amount for each Accounting Flexfield that is referenced by a category that you include in this report.

Functional Currency: Credits: The functional currency credit amount for each Accounting Flexfield that is referenced by a category that you include in this report.

Row Headings

Total Receivables: The total functional currency debit and credit amounts for the Receivables account.

Total for Category: The total functional currency debit and credit amounts for each category of transactions selected for this report. Oracle Receivables does use the sums of an Accounting Flexfield that are referenced by categories that you select to calculate the total functional currency debit and credit amounts for this report if this Accounting Flexfield contains a sum in only one currency.

Total for Currency: The total functional currency debit and credit amounts for each currency of transactions that you select for this report.

Category: Categories include Cash, Misc Receipts, Debit Memos, Credit Memos, Adjustments, Invoices and Trade receipts.

Related Topics

Common Report Parameters

Journal with GL Details Report

Use this report to identify the General Ledger journal entries imported from particular transactions in Receivables. Transactions that have not been transferred to General Ledger are marked with an indicator. You can list your transactions either sorted and grouped by Document Sequence Number or the GL Date of the transactions.

Important: To ensure the accuracy of receipt information in this report, you should always transfer data to your general ledger in Detail format.

Use either the Submit Request or the Print Accounting Reports window to submit this report.

Report Parameters

Trx GL Date From/To: Enter the beginning and end dates for the invoice and receipt GL dates to include in this report.

Customer Name From/To: Enter a customer or a range of customers to include in this report, or select from QuickPick. Leave this field blank to submit this report for all customers.

Sequence Name: If you use sequential document numbers and you want to limit the report to one sequence name, enter the sequence name.

Document Number From/To: If you use sequential document numbers and you want to print a range of documents, enter the range of document sequence numbers.

Sort Order: Enter the method you want to use to sort the information in your report. Select from the following:

Report Headings

Receivables prints all Report Parameters/Parameter ranges and the values selected from the above list as report header information.

Column Headings (Receivables Information)

Trx GL Date: The GL date of the invoice or receipt distribution.

Trx Doc Seq Name: If you are using document sequencing, Oracle Receivables prints the name of the document sequence used for the transaction.

Trx Doc Seq No: If you are using document sequencing, Oracle Receivables prints the document number.

Associated Trx: The invoice or receipt number of any associated transactions. For example, if this transaction was a receipt application, Receivables prints the invoice number (the receipt is printed as the Transaction Number).

Customer Name/Customer Address: The customer's name and address.

Trx Date: The invoice date of the invoice distribution, or receipt date of the receipt distribution.

Transaction: The transaction type. For example, invoice, debit memo, credit memo, chargeback, or adjustment.

Trx Number: The invoice number for an invoice distribution, or receipt document number for a receipt distribution.

LN: If this is an invoice distribution, Receivables prints the distribution line number.

Accounting Flexfield: The account to which this distribution was charged.

Rate: The exchange rate used for the transaction.

Cur: The currency for this transaction.

Entered Dr/Cr: The invoice or receipt distribution amount in the currency in which it was entered.

Accounted Dr/Cr: The invoice or receipt distribution amount in your functional currency.

Column Headings (General Ledger Information)

GL Batch Name: The name of the general ledger journal batch to which this transaction was transferred.

Header Name: The name of the general ledger journal entry to which this transaction was transferred.

LN: The line number of the general ledger journal entry line to which this transaction was transferred.

GL Date: The general ledger date of the journal entry line.

Description: The description of the Journal Entry line.

GL Doc Seq: The sequence name of the journal entry, if you use sequential document numbers.

Doc Seq No: If you use sequential document numbers, Receivables prints the document sequence number of the journal entry.

Entered Dr/Cr: The credit/debit amount of the journal entry line in the currency in which it was entered.

Accounted Dr/Cr: The debit/credit amount of the journal entry line in your functional currency.

Late Charges Report

Receivables automatically creates the Late Charges report when you run the Generate Late Charges program. The Late Charges report outlines the specific late charges that were calculated, whether you ran the process in Draft or Final mode.

You can also reprint the report for a particular final late charge batch, independently of the Generate Late Charges program.

The report includes sections for each type of charge, such as overdue transactions, late payments, and penalties.

For interest invoice late charges, the report can display multiple rows for multiple overdue transactions or late payments, as well as a total that includes all charges. Receivables creates one interest invoice per customer site and currency.

For adjustment or debit memo late charges, Receivables creates only one adjustment or debit memo per overdue transaction or late payment. Accordingly, the report displays one page per adjustment or debit memo. Within the report, the sections for overdue transactions, late payments, or penalties includes no more than one row.

Related Topics

Calculating Late Charges

Reviewing Late Charge Batches

Setting Up Late Charges, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide

Miscellaneous Receipts Register

Use this report to review miscellaneous receipts and document number information. Enter miscellaneous receipts in the Receipts window to record non-invoice related payments such as investment income, interest income, refunds, and revenue from stock sales.

Credit card refunds will display on this report as negative miscellaneous receipts. See: Credit Card Refunds.

For each receipt, Receivables prints deposit date, batch information, receipt information, GL account, and the percent allocated to each account.

The Miscellaneous Receipts Register is an RXi report with a default attribute set and three other available attribute sets: Batch, Deposit Date, and Document Number. The attribute set determines how information is ordered and what information is included in report. You can copy any of the attribute sets and customize the layout to suit your reporting needs.

See: Working with Attribute Sets, Oracle Financials RXi Reports Administration Tool User Guide and Using the RXi Reports Concurrent Program, Oracle Financials RXi Reports Administration Tool User Guide.

Selected Report Parameters

Enter parameters to define the content of the report.

Note: See also: Common Report Parameters for Reconciliation Reports.

Start/End Receipt Date: Enter a date range to indicate which receipts to include in the report.

Receipt Currency: To include only receipts in a specific currency, enter a currency. Leave this field blank to include all receipts, regardless of currency.

Bank Account: To include only receipts assigned to a specific bank account, enter a bank account.

Receipt Method: To include only receipts assigned to a specific receipt method, enter a receipt method.

Report Headings

Currency Code: The currency code for receipts on this page. Receivables creates separate pages for different currencies.

GL Date: (Date) to (Date): The GL date range you specify for this report.

Order By: The option you chose to sort information for this report. You can order by Batch and Deposit Date.

Column Headings

Accounting Flexfield: Receivables prints the Accounting Flexfield that represents this miscellaneous receipts distribution account.

Amount: The amount of your miscellaneous receipt payment that was allocated to the Accounting Flexfield.

Document Number: The document sequence number of the transaction. This column appears only if you submitted the report using the Document Number attribute set.

Percent: The percent of this miscellaneous receipt payment that is allocated to the Accounting Flexfield displayed in the Code Combination column.

Row Headings

Total: The total for all miscellaneous receipts by currency.

Total for Deposit Date (Date): The total for all miscellaneous receipts by date.

Related Topics

Entering Miscellaneous Receipts

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Open Items Revaluation Report

Use the Open Items Revaluation report to revalue your open items, such as invoices, commitments, credit memos, and debit memos.

This report takes into account changes in the value of your receivables due to changes in foreign currency rates. You revalue open items based on the revaluation rate that you specify, which is either an end of period rate or a daily rate.

This report provides you with three amounts:

The report is divided into sections for each unique combination of balancing segment and receivable account. Within each section, the report lists open items for each customer.

The Open Item Revaluation report determines the amount needed to manually adjust your General Ledger balance to reflect the difference between the original and revalued balance. This revaluation difference is calculated for each asset accounting flexfield and summed for each balancing segment. You should reverse this adjustment at the beginning of the next period to synchronize Receivables and General Ledger balances.

You can run the Open Items Revaluation report for a revaluation period, up to a particular due date, and for a range of balance segment values. Check that you have entered rate information for each currency that you use. Use the Include Up To Due Date parameter to split your assets into short-term, mid-term, or long-term receivables.

Use either the Submit Request or the Print Accounting Reports window to submit this report.


Report Parameters

Revaluation Period: Enter the period that you want to revalue. All open invoices with invoice dates up to the last date of this period are selected.

Include Up To Due Date: Enter a date if you want to differentiate short-term, mid-term, and long-term receivables. Otherwise, leave this field blank. The date is the maximum due date included in this report.

Rate Type: Select the type of rate you want to use to revalue the open transactions:

Daily Rate Type: If you select Daily as your rate type, then select a daily rate type.

Rate Date: If you select Daily as your rate type, then select the daily rate date.

Balancing Segment Low: Enter the lowest balancing segment value for the range of values that you want to report.

Balancing Segment High: Enter the highest balancing segment value for the range of values that you want to report.

Apply Posted Transactions Only: Enter Yes if you want the report only to include transactions transferred to General Ledger. Only receipts transferred to General Ledger can decrease the transaction balance. Enter No if you want both posted and not yet posted transactions and receipts to take effect for open balances of your receivables.

Apply Cleared Receipts Only: Enter Yes if you want receipts to have an effect on the transaction open balances only if the receipts were cleared. Enter No if you want both cleared and not yet cleared receipts to take effect for open balances.

Report Headings

Balancing Segment From/To: Range of balancing segment values that you selected when you submitted the report.

Balancing Segment: Each value of the balancing segment for the selected balancing segment range.

Accounting Flexfield: The accounting flexfield for each of the accounts with the balancing segments within the selected range.

Column Headings

Customer/Customer Number: The customer name and number, as well as customer sites that have open items charged to the accounting flexfield of your Receivables account.

Transaction Number: The transaction number.

Transaction Type: The transaction type, such as invoice, debit memo, credit memo, chargeback, and deposit.

Transaction Date: The transaction date.

Due Date: The transaction due date.

Curr.: The transaction currency.

Open Original Amount: The transaction in the entered currency. Oracle Receivables prints an asterisk if the open amount differs from the original amount. The open amount may differ if receipts were applied or adjustments made to the transaction.

Exchange Rate: The exchange rate for foreign currency transactions. This value is 1 for functional currency transactions.

Open Functional Amount: The functional currency balance of the transaction, valued at the exchange rate used when the transaction was approved.

Revaluation Rate: Rate that the report uses to revalue the balance of the transaction.

Revaluation Open Amount: Transaction balance, revalued using the revaluation rate.

Open Revalued Amount: The difference between the Revaluation Open Amount and the Open Functional Amount. During reconciliation, debit the Receivables account if the difference is positive; credit the Receivables account if the difference is negative. In other words, Open Revalued Amount = Revaluation Open Amount - Open Functional Amount (with sign).

Row Headings

Total for [customer]: The supplier that the totals are calculated for.

Total for [balancing segment]: The balancing segment that the totals are calculated for.

Summary Headings

Accounting Flexfield: The accounting flexfield that totals are calculated for.

Open Functional Amount: The total for each accounting flexfield, balancing segment, and the entire report.

Revalued Amount: The total for each accounting flexfield, balancing segment, and the entire report.

Difference: The total for the difference between the Open Functional Amount and Revalution Open Amount for each accounting flexfield, balancing segment, and the entire report.

Open Revalued Amount: The total for each accounting flexfield, balancing segment, and the entire report.

Difference: The total for the difference between the Open Functional Amount and Open Revalued Amount for each accounting flexfield, balancing segment, and the entire report.

Total: The total for the report.

Ordering and Grouping Rules Listing

Use this report to review the Ordering and Grouping rules you created in the Grouping Rules and the Invoice Line Ordering Rules windows. AutoInvoice uses these rules for ordering lines and grouping transactions when creating transactions.

Report Parameters

Create Grouping Rules Report: Choose whether to include grouping rules in this report.

Create Ordering Rules Report: Choose whether to include ordering rules in this report.

Grouping Rule Name Range: Select and print report information from the grouping rule name range you specify.

Ordering Rule Name Range: Print report information from the ordering rule name range you specify.

Ordering Rules Column Headings

Sequence: The sequence numbers in this column indicate the priority of the transaction attribute.

Transaction Attribute: The transaction attributes that you specified. These attributes determine how AutoInvoice orders invoice lines when it groups the transactions that it creates into invoices, debit memos, and credit memos.

Type: Ascending or Descending, depending on the type you specified.

Grouping Rules Row Headings

Ordering Rule: The invoice line ordering rule for this grouping rule. The invoice line ordering rule tells AutoInvoice how to order transactions within this grouping rule.

Transaction Class: The transaction class that you defined for this grouping rule. The valid values for class are: Invoice, Debit Memo, and Credit Memo.

Grouping Rules Column Headings:

Optional Grouping Characteristics: Any additional transaction attributes you specified to group your transactions.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Grouping Rules, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide

AutoInvoice Line Ordering Rules, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide

Other Applications Report

Use this report to review all invoices against guarantees, invoices against deposits, and credit memos against invoices, guarantees, and deposits.

This report also displays refunds against on-account credit memos. See: Applying On-Account Credit Memos.

Report Headings

Postable: A Yes or No indicates whether the invoices, credit memos, deposits, and guarantees on this page of the report can post to your general ledger. Receivables prints all postable items first.

GL Date from (Date) to (Date): The general ledger date range you entered for your report option.

Row Headings

Postable Total: The total of all the transactions in your report that you can post to your general ledger.

Type Subtotal: The subtotal of all amounts by the Applied From type.

Report Grand Total: The grand total functional applied amounts for this report.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Other Receipt Applications Report

Use the Other Receipt Applications report to view the non-invoice applications that you made for cash receipts. This report can display these types of receipt applications:

These applications impact cash balances only, not customer open receivables. Note the following clarifications:

For a single application type, the report displays receipt information, customer information, the amount applied in both entered and functional currency, and the account that Receivables posted the transaction to.

Use the Other Receipt Applications report to reconcile non-invoice applications against cash receipts. You can also use this report to reconcile the GL account balances and the receipt balances.

You submit the Other Receipt Applications report from the Submit Requests window.

Report Parameters

Note: See also: Common Report Parameters for Reconciliation Reports.

Attribute Set: Enter the attribute set for the report. You can use attribute sets to specify the data to include in your report and the order in which it appears. Use DEFAULT to print the report using a predefined attribute set, or select a different attribute set from the list of values.

Output Format: Enter the output file type for the report. Choose HTML, Tab Delimited, or Text.

Receipt Date Low/High: Receivables prints non-invoice application for receipt with receipt dates between the low and high receipt dates that you specify. If you leave these fields blank, Receivables prints information for all receipt dates.

Apply Date Low/High: Receivables prints apply dates between the low and high apply dates that you specify. If you leave these fields blank, Receivables prints information for all receipt dates.

Batch Name Low/High: Receivables prints information between the low and high range of batch names that you specify. If you leave this field blank, Receivables prints information for all batches.

Receipt Number Low/High: Receivables prints information between the low and high range of receipt numbers that you specify. If you leave this field blank, Receivables prints information for all receipts.

Customer Name: Receivables selects and prints the information based on the customer name that you specify.

Customer Number: Receivables selects and prints the information based on the customer number that you specify.

Application Type: The application type of the receipt.

Receipt Currency: A specific currency code. If you do not enter a code, Receivables displays all of your receipts converted to your functional currency. If you choose a specific currency, then Receivables displays only receipts in that currency in the report.

Report Headings

Receipt Date Low/High: The range of receipt dates that you specify for this report.

Apply Date Low/High: The range of applied dates that you specify for this report.

Batch Name Low/High: The range of batch names that you specify for this report.

Receipt Number Low/High: The range of receipt numbers that you specify for this report.

Customer Name: The customer name that you specify for this report.

Customer Number: The customer number that you specify for this report.

Application Type: The application type of the receipt.

Receipt Currency: The receipt currency that you specify for this report.

Column Headings

Customer Number: The customer ID number for this receipt.

Customer Name: The customer name for this receipt.

Receipt Currency: The currency of this receipt.

Receipt Number: The receipt number.

Receipt Date: The receipt date.

Apply Date: The apply date of the receipt application.

GL Date: The application general ledger date.

Receipt Amount: The total receipt amount.

Accounting Flexfield: The account to which this application line was credited.

Amount Applied: The amount applied in receipt currency.

Accounted Amount: The amount applied in your functional currency.

Row Headings

Total for Currency: The total amount of receipts for the currency.

Total for Customer: The total amount of receipts for the customer.

Past Due Invoice Report

Use this report to view information about your customer's past due invoices, debit memos, credit memos, deposits, chargebacks, and guarantees.

Report Headings

As of: The date Receivables used to compare against the due date to determine if the invoice is past due. This date prints on each page of your report.

Balance Due From (Amount) to (Amount): The balance due range you specified in the report parameters.

Currency: The currency code for past due items on this page.

Days Past Due From (Date) to (Date): The days past due range you specified in the report parameters.

Order By: The option you chose to sort information for this report.

Row Heading

Total for Currency: The total for all invoices, debit memos, chargebacks, deposits, credit memos, guarantees, and on-account credits by currency. The Past Due Invoice report does not include on-account cash or unapplied cash. To review on-account and unapplied cash, see the: Unapplied and Unresolved Receipts Register.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Payment Terms Listing

Use this listing to review all standard and negotiated payment terms you entered in the Payment Terms window.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Payment Terms, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide

Print Invoice Reports

Use the Print Invoices window to submit your invoices, debit memos, chargebacks, deposits, guarantees, invoices against deposits, invoices against guarantees, credit memos, on-account credits, and adjustments for printing. You can print a batch of invoices, new invoices, selected invoices, and adjustments.

Report Parameters

Invoice Print Batch of Invoices: Choose this option to display Batch, Transaction Class, Transaction Type, Tax Registration Number, and Open Invoices Only in your report.

Invoice Print New Invoices: Choose this option to display Transaction Type, Transaction Class, Print Date, Installment Number, Open Invoices Only and Tax Registration Number in your report.

Invoice Print Preview Report: Choose this option to review the invoices, debit memos, chargebacks, deposits, guarantees, credit memos, on-account credits that will print if you specify these report parameters.

Invoice Print Selected Invoices: Choose this option to display Transaction Class, Transaction Type, Transaction Number, Print Date, Customer Class, Customer, Installment Number, Open Invoices Only, and Tax Registration Number.

Print Adjustments: Choose this option to display Adjustment Number, Transaction Number, and Tax Registration Number in your report. This option lets you print specific adjustments if your customer needs to see an adjustment made on one of their debit items.

Report Parameters

Adjustment Number: Receivables displays report information for the adjustment number range that you specify.

Batch: Receivables displays report information for the batch you specify.

Customer Class: Receivables displays report information for the customer class that you specify.

Customer: Receivables displays report information for the customer name that you specify.

Installment Number: For transactions with split payment terms, you can specify the installment number. To print all installments, do not enter an installment number.

Open Invoices Only: Specify whether to print only open debit items. The default value is Yes.

Order By: Receivables displays report information in the order you specify. Choose one from the following options:

Print Date: Receivables displays report information from the print date range you specify. The print date is the transaction date unless you have specified print lead days on your payment term, in which case the print date is the number of lead days before your transaction due date.

Print Option: Select which invoice you want Receivables to include in your preview. Choose one of the following options:

Tax Registration Number: Receivables displays your tax registration number on each printed transaction. The default is the tax registration number that you entered in the System Options window.

Transaction Class: Receivables displays report information for the transaction class that you specify. You can choose Chargeback, Credit Memo, Debit Memo, Deposit, Guarantee, or Invoice.

Transaction Number: Receivables displays report information from the transaction number range you specify.

Transaction Type: Receivables displays report information for the transaction type that you specify.

Tax Options

Receivables lets you specify how tax amounts will print on your invoices and debit memos. When you define and maintain your customer profiles, you can specify the tax printing option for each site or customer. If you do not specify tax printing options for your customer or their sites, Receivables uses the value you entered in the System Options window.

For a description of the tax printing options in Receivables, see: Transactions and Customers System Options, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide.

Enabling the Print Tax Yes/No Flag

There is a Tax field in the report which is controlled by a hidden SRS parameter, Print Tax Yes/No Flag. This parameter is hidden because it has been included for compatibility with Release 9 only. If you set the parameter to Yes, an X will print in the Tax field if the line has tax associated with it. If the parameter is set to No, this field will always be blank.

Since you cannot set any values for this parameter through the regular SRS screen, follow the procedure described below to set the Print Tax Yes/No Flag to Yes:

Report Headings

Back Order: (Receivables does not populate this column.)

Bill-To: The bill-to customer and address for this transaction.

Currency Code: The currency code for this transaction.

Customer Contact: The customer's contact.

Customer Number: The identification number for the customer on this transaction.

Date: The transaction date.

Description: The item description for each item on the transaction.

Due Date: The date that payment for this transaction is due.

Extended Amount: The total amount for this item. This total is the quantity shipped times the unit price.

Extended Amount: The total amount for this item. This total is the quantity shipped times the unit price.

Invoice/Credit Memo/Guarantee/Adjustment: Receivables prints the type of transaction in the upper right hand corner of the report to signify whether this is an invoice, credit memo, guarantee or adjustment. Receivables prints 'Invoice' for invoices, debit memos and deposits and 'Credit Memo' for credit memos and on-account credits.

Item No: The number for the items on this transaction. The first item has an item number of 1 and each following item is numbered sequentially.

Location Number: A number for the location of this customer.

Number: The transaction number.

Our Reference: The invoice number of the invoice that a credit memo credits. This value is only filled in for credit memos.

Our Reference: The invoice number of the invoice that a credit memo credits. This value is only filled in for credit memos.

Page: The page number of this transaction. The page number is displayed in the following format: 'X of Y' where X is the page of this transaction and Y is the total number of pages for this transaction.

Purchase Order Number: The purchase order number from your customer for this invoice.

Quantity Ordered: Receivables displays the number of units that were originally ordered for this item.

Quantity Shipped: The number of units that were shipped and are being invoiced on this transaction.

Remit To: The address where your customers send their receipts.

Sales Order Number: The sales order number with which this invoice is associated.

Salesperson: The primary salesperson for this transaction.

Ship Date: The date that the items on this transaction were shipped.

Ship-To: The ship-to customer and address for this transaction.

Shipping Reference: The shipping reference number for this transaction.

Shipping/Handling: The shipping and handling charges for this transaction.

Special Instructions: Any special instructions that you have entered for this transaction.

Subtotal: The subtotal of the line items for this transaction.

Tax Registration Number: The tax registration number for this transaction.

Tax: Receivables displays a 'Y' if tax was charged on this line and an 'N' if tax was not charged on this line.

Terms: The payment terms for this transaction.

Total: The total of all line items, tax, and shipping charges for this transaction.

Transaction Description: A description of the transaction.

Unit Price: The price for one unit of this item.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Printing Transactions

Potential Reconciling Items Report

During the internal reconciliation process, use the AR Reconciliation report to confirm that your transactional and accounting data match. Even if the data matches, however, the journals could still post to incorrect GL accounts. The Potential Reconciling Items report addresses this issue by suggesting journal items that might potentially post to GL accounts with unexpected account types, thus creating reconciliation issues in Oracle General Ledger.

An unexpected account type refers to GL account types that are not normally associated with an item's GL category. General Ledger account types used by Oracle Receivables include assets, liabilities, income, and expense.

For example, a receivable item might be expected to post to an asset account; if the item posts to a non-asset account, then it will display on the Potential Reconciling Items report. Typical items that the Potential Reconciling Items report includes are:

Possible causes of this discrepancy could be due to:

When a potential reconciling item is an error, correct the individual transaction as well as the incorrect setup to prevent future occurrences of the same error.

Run the Potential Reconciling Items report as an automatic step during the submission of the AR Reconciliation report. The Potential Reconciling Items report is an exception report that will print only if you select it as a parameter when you run the AR Reconciliation report. Typically, run the Potential Reconciling Items report:

Related Topics

AR Reconciliation Report

Reconciling Receivables

Projected Gains and Losses Report

Use this report to review open foreign currency invoices, debit memos, and chargebacks revalued according to the revaluation rate that you specify. Receivables compares the revalued amount of each debit item with the entered amount and prints the unrealized gain or loss. Receivables automatically sorts report information by customer name and then by invoice type for each customer.

Receivables prints the total debit item foreign currency amount for each invoice type, by currency. Additionally, Receivables prints the unrealized gain or loss for each transaction type and subtotals for each transaction type and customer. This report includes a Currency Totals section so you can review your unrealized gain and loss totals by currency.

Report Parameters

Customer Name: Receivables prints your report information between the low value and high values you specify for your customer name range.

Customer Number: Receivables prints your report information between the low value and high values you specify for your customer number range.

Exchange Rate Date: The date that corresponds to the exchange rate to use as your revaluation rate. The rate date and the rate type determine the revaluation rate that Receivables uses to revalue your debit items. For example, if you are using the Spot rate for June 1, 1991, enter 01-Jun-91 here. If you are using Period Average as your rate type, enter a date that is within the receivables accounting period for the Period Average rate you defined. If you enter a rate type and rate date that does not exist for a currency, Receivables does not calculate unrealized gains or losses for that currency. The default is the current date.

Exchange Rate Type: The rate type you want to use as your revaluation rate. The rate date and the rate type determine the revaluation rate that Receivables uses to revalue your debit items. If you enter a rate type and rate date that do not exist for a currency, Receivables does not calculate unrealized gains or losses for that currency.

Foreign Currency: Receivables prints your report information for the currency code that you specify.

GL Date: Receivables prints your report information from the debit item GL date range that you specify.

Transaction Type: Receivables prints your report information for the transaction type you enter.

Report Headings

Functional Currency: The functional currency code for your ledger. Your functional currency is the currency for your ledger.

GL Date between (Date) and (Date): The GL date range you specified in the report parameters.

Order By: Receivables automatically prints customer as the sort by option for this report.

Row Headings

Total for Type: (Type): The total unrealized gain and unrealized loss for each transaction type and customer.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Receipt Analysis - Days Late Report

Use this report to review your customer receipts. You can easily see which customers are constantly past due with their receipts. This report provides details of each receipt by customer, including the receipt number, amount paid, and days late. Receivables also calculates the weighted average days late for each customer so you can see how costly the late receipts are to your company.

If the profile option AR: Sort Customer Reports by Alternate Fields is Yes, Receivables will sort information in this report using the value of the Alternate Name field in the Customers window.

Report Headings

Transaction Date Between (Date) and (Date): The transaction date range you specified in the report parameters.

Order By: Your sort by option for this report. You can only order by customer or Alternate name.

Row Headings

Average Days Late: The average number of days late for receipts by customer and currency.

Average Days Late = Sum of Days Late / Total Number of Receipts

Currency: The currency used by each customer. If your customer uses more than one currency, Receivables displays each currency separately.

Weighted Average Days Late: Receivables prints the weighted average days late for receipts within the date range by customer and currency. Use the weighted average days late to see the average amount that past due debit items cost you.

Weighted Average Days Late = Sum of Weighted Days Late / Total Amount Paid

Related Topics

Common Report Parameters

Receipt Forecast Report

The report shows the date you can expect to receive payment for open debit items. The report prints information by receipt method, due date, and customer name. Use this report to help you plan the flow of cash in and out of your business.

Important: To print this report from the Submit Request window, choose the Publish Receipt Forecast report. The RX Only: Receipt Forecast report is intended for use with Applications Desktop Integrator (ADI).

Report Parameters

Enter parameters to define the content of the report.

Attribute Set: Enter the attribute set for the report. You can use attribute sets to specify the data to include in your report and the order in which it appears. Use DEFAULT to print the report using a predefined attribute set, or select a different attribute set from the list of values.

Output Format: Enter the output file type for the report. Choose Text, HTML, or Tab Delimited.

Note: Attribute Set and Output Format are Report eXchange (RXi) parameters that enable you to choose the content, format, and output file type of the report. For more information, refer to the Oracle Financials RXi Reports Administration Tool User Guide.

Currency Code: To include only receipts in a specific currency, enter a currency. Leave this field blank to include all transactions, regardless of currency.

Customer Name Low/High: To limit the report to one customer, enter a customer name, or select from the list of values. Leave this field blank to include transactions for all customers.

Receipt Method: To include only receipts assigned to a specific receipt method, enter a receipt method.

Start/End Due Date: Enter a date range to indicate which transactions to include in the report.

Column Headings

Site Name: The name assigned to the customer bill-to site.

Scheduled Amount: The receipt amount expected by the due date.

Total Due Date: The total amount of receipts entered between the due dates you specified.

Total Receipt Method <receipt method name>: The total amount of receipts for this receipt method.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Receipt Journal

Use this report to review details of receipts that appear in your Journal Entries report. The Journal Entries report shows the receipt numbers that contribute to a particular GL account. Using the receipt number you can see the detailed information on the Receipt Journal report.

This report includes the journal entries for both standard and miscellaneous receipts.

When reconciling, the Receipts Register's total should match the Receipt Journal. Both reports include standard and miscellaneous receipts.

Note: Receipt Journal by Account is in functional currency, while Receipt Journal by Customer is in entered currency.

Report Parameters

Note: See also: Common Report Parameters for Reconciliation Reports.

Order By: Choose how you want Receivables to sort your information. Choose from the following:

Receipt Method: The receipt method for which this report is generated. If you do not specify receipt method, Receivables prints information for all the receipt methods associated with the specified receipt class.

Receipt Class: The receipt class for which this report is generated. If you do not specify a receipt class, Receivables prints information for all receipt classes.

Report Mode: The mode in which to print the report. If run in Balance mode, Receivables displays receipts only in their last status. If run in Transaction mode, Receivables displays every transaction entering and leaving each status. For example, if a receipt that had been remitted is now cleared, it will appear in both the remitted status and the cleared status of the report. In the remitted status it will appear as entering the status (as a positive amount) as well as leaving the status (as a negative amount). The net effect being a zero balance in the remittance account.

Status: The account type for which this report is generated. Type options include:

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Receipt Register

Use this report to review a list of receipts for the range of dates, receipt numbers, or document numbers that you specify.

This report includes both standard trade receipts and miscellaneous receipts. The report total should tie to the total of the Receipts Journal, which displays the GL account assignments of all the receipts.

When reconciling, the Receipts Register's total should match the Receipt Journal. Both reports include standard and miscellaneous receipts.

This report uses an asterisk (*) to indicate changed amounts for receipts from prior periods. For example, a prior period receipt might experience an exchange rate adjustment.

If the profile option AR: Sort Customer Reports by Alternate Fields is Yes, Receivables sorts information using the value of the Alternate Name field in the Customers window.

The Receipt Register is an RXi report with a default attribute set and seven other available attribute sets: Batch, Customer, Deposit Date, Document Number, GL Date, Receipt Number, and Receipt Status. The attribute set determines how information is ordered and what information is included in the report. You can copy any of the attribute sets and customize the layout to suit your reporting needs.

See: Working with Attribute Sets, Oracle Financials RXi Reports Administration Tool User Guide and Using the RXi Reports Concurrent Program, Oracle Financials RXi Reports Administration Tool User Guide.

Selected Report Parameters

Enter parameters to define the content of the report.

Note: See also: Common Report Parameters for Reconciliation Reports.

Receipt Status Low/High: Enter a range of receipt statuses to include in this report.

Document Sequence Name: To include receipts associated with a specific document sequence, enter a document sequence name or select from the list of values.

Document Sequence Number From/To: If you entered a document sequence name, enter a range of document numbers to include in the report. Leave this parameter blank to include all numbers for this document sequence name.

Report Headings

Currency: Receivables prints the currency above all receipts belonging to this currency. Receivables creates separate pages for different currencies.

Document Number: The document sequence number of the receipt. This column appears only if you submitted the report using the Document Number attribute set.

GL Date (Date) to (Date): The receipt general ledger date range, if you entered one.

Order By: The report parameter you chose to sort information in this report.

Row Headings

Other: The total amount of non-invoice related receipts within this company.

Total for Company: The total amount of invoice-related and non-invoice related receipts for each company.

Total for Currency: The total amounts for all amounts as well as the total amount of all receipts by currency.

Total for Customer: The total amount of invoice related receipts for each customer.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Enter Receipts

Receipts Awaiting Bank Clearance

Use this report to review a list of receipts that are waiting to be cleared by your remittance bank. This includes automatic and manual receipts that have been remitted but not cleared and have bank clearance as a step for the receipt class. Also, automatic and manual receipts that have been confirmed and require bank clearance, but do not require remittance as a step for the receipt class will be included in this report.

Report Parameters

Bank Account Name: The name of a bank account you want used to select receipts for this report. If you do not select a bank account Receivables includes information for all bank accounts.

Currency: The currency you want used to select receipts for this report.

Maturity Date Range: A maturity date range for the receipts you want to include in this report.

Order By: Select the option you want Receivables to use to sort your information from the following:

Receipt Method: The receipt method you want used to select receipts for this report. If you do not select a method Receivables includes information for all receipt methods

Remittance Amount Range: The amount range for the receipts you want to include in this report

Remittance Method: The remittance method you want used to select receipts for this report. If you do not select a method Receivables includes information for all remittance methods.

Related Topics

Common Report Parameters

Receipts Awaiting Remittance Report

Use this report to review a list of manual and automatic receipts that are awaiting remittance to your bank. Before an automatic receipt can be included in this report, it must be confirmed or created as confirmed, and the receipt class assigned to it must have Require Remittance set to Yes. Before a manual receipt can be included in this report, the receipt class assigned to it must have Require Remittance set to Yes. You can review all receipts waiting to be sent to your remittance bank or receipts that are in different stages of the remittance process.

Once a receipt has been approved for remittance it will no longer be displayed in this report.

Receipts that have started, but not yet completed, the creation or approval process also appear in this report.

Selected Report Parameters

Summarize: Enter Yes to print information in summary format.

Bank Account Name: Receivables prints report information for the bank account name that you specify.

Currency: Receivables prints report information for the currency that you specify.

Maturity Date: Receivables prints report information from the maturity date range that you specify.

Order By: The option you want Receivables to use to sort your information. Choose from the following:

Receipt Method: Receivables prints report information for the receipt method that you specify.

Remittance Amount: Receivables prints report information from the remittance amount range that you specify.

Remittance Method: Receivables prints report information for the remittance method that you specify.

Status: Choose the status of the Invoices to include in your report from the following:

Variable Description
Available for Remittance Include automatic receipts that have been confirmed but not yet selected for remittance and have a receipt class of Require Remittance set to Yes. This option will also include automatic receipts that have been approved and have a receipt class of Require Confirmation set to No, but have not yet been selected for remittance and have receipt class of Require Remittance set to Yes. Additionally, manual receipts that have a receipt class with Require Remittance set to Yes will also be included.
Creation Completed Include receipts that have been selected for remittance but have not been approved.
Deletion Completed Include receipts that have been deleted.
Started Creation Include receipts that have started, but not completed, the remittance creation process.
Started Approval Include receipts that have started, but not completed, the remittance approval process.
Started Deletion Include receipts that have started deletion, but not completed the process.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Receipts Without Sites Report

Use this report to review all receipts that do not have an address assigned to them. The address is required to determine on which bill-to site's statement the receipt should appear.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Common Report Headings

Receivables Key Indicators Report

Use the Receivables Key Indicators report to view your customers, invoices, credit memos, payments, discounts, and adjustments for a specific accounting period.

Use the report to view your receipt batches, manual receipts, miscellaneous receipts, receipt statuses, and adjustments for a specific accounting period.

You can compare your current period to any prior period. Receivables summarizes all of your transactions for the two periods so you can spot, track, and take action on developing trends. This report lets you view changes in your receivables activity or measure your employees' performance and productivity.

Report Parameters

Accounting Period: Print report information for the current period that you specify.

Currency: Print report information for the currency that you specify.

Prior Accounting Period: Print report information for the previous period that you specify.

Report Headings

Currency: Receivables prints the report by currency and prints the currency denomination at the top of each page.

Period: The current period range for this report.

Prior: Receivables prints the previous period range for this report.

Column Headings - Detail Report

Entry Date: The date you entered the receipt batch or adjustment. All payment batches displayed have entry dates within the current period you specified as your selection option. Receivables displays the oldest payment batches first. The entry date may be in a period other than the period that was current when you entered your receipt batch.

Manual Receipt Batches: Count: The total number of manual receipt batches with the same entry date.

Manual Receipt Batches: Amount: The total amount of payments of manual receipt batches with the same entry date.

Manual Receipts: Count: The total number of manual receipts with the same entry date.

Manual Receipts: Amount: The total amount of payments of manual receipts with the same entry date.

Misc. Transactions: Count: The total number of miscellaneous transactions with the same entry date.

Misc. Transactions: Amount: The total amount of payments of miscellaneous transactions with the same entry date.

Receipt Status: Applied: The number, amount, and percent change of applied receipts from the current and prior period.

Receipt Status: Unapplied: The number, amount, and percent change of unapplied receipts from the current and prior period.

Adjustments: Count: The total number of adjustments for all payment batches with the same entry date.

Adjustments: Amount: The total amount of adjustments for all payment batches with the same entry date.

Row Headings - Detail Report

Period Totals: The total counts and amounts for all payment batches, payments, other receipts, payment statuses, and adjustments for the current period that you specify.

Prior Period Totals: The total counts and amounts for all payment batches, payments, other receipts, payment statuses, and adjustments for the prior period that you specify.

Percent Change: The percent of change between your prior and current period totals. You define the current and prior periods as your selection option.

Column Headings - Summary Report

Current Period: The number of transactions for the current period that you specify.

Current Period: The total amount of each transaction for the current period that you specify.

Percent Change: The percent change for each transaction amount between your current and prior period.

Percent Change: The percent change of transaction numbers between your current and prior periods.

Prior Period: The number of transactions for the prior period that you specify.

Prior Period: The total amount of each transaction for the prior period that you specify.

Year to Date: The total number of transactions for the year to date.

Year to Date: The total transaction amount year to date.

Row Headings - Summary Report

Percent Change: The percent of change between your prior and current period totals. You define the current and prior periods as your selection option.

Period Totals: The total counts and amounts for all payment batches, payments, other receipts, payment statuses, and adjustments for the current period you specify.

Prior Period Totals: The total counts and amounts for all payment batches, payments, other receipts, payment statuses, and adjustments for the prior period you specify.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Remittance Batch Management Report

Use this report to review the status of your Remittance Batches and a total for the Remittance Batches in each currency within a status. Receivables automatically sorts the batches by status, but you can order the information within each status by batch name or remittance account.

This report also displays Remittance Batches that have started, but not completed, the creation, approval, or formatting process.

Report Parameters

Batch Name: Prints remittances whose batch names fall within the range you specify.

Deposit Number: Print remittances whose deposit numbers fall within the range you specify.

Include Formatted Batches: Enter Yes to display Remittance Batches that have been formatted. If you specify No for this parameter, the report does not display Remittance Batches that have been formatted.

Order By: The option you want Receivables to use to sort the information in this report. Choose from the following:

Remittance Bank Account: The remittance bank account name. If you leave this field blank, Receivables includes remittances for all accounts in this report.

Remittance Bank Branch: The remittance bank branch name. If you leave this field blank, Receivables includes remittances for all branches in this report.

Remittance Bank: The remittance bank name. If you leave this field blank, Receivables includes remittances for all banks in this report.

Remittance Date: Prints remittances that fall within the remittance date range that you specify.

Remittance Method: The remittance method of the batch to select. Valid values for this parameter are Standard, Factoring, and Standard and Factoring.

Status: The status of the Remittance Batches to include in your report. Choose from the following:

Variable Description
Creation Completed Remittance batches that have been created but not approved.
Approval Completed Remittance batches that have been approved but not formatted.
Deletion Completed Remittance batches that have been deleted.
Started Creation Remittance batches that have started, but not completed, the creation process.
Started Approval Remittance batches that have started, but not completed, the approval process.
Started Format Remittance batches that have started, but not completed, the format process.
Started Deletion Remittance batches that have started, but not completed, the deletion process.

Summary Or Detailed: The Summary option will report only batch level information. The Detailed option will produce extra detail lines for each receipt in the remittance batch. The default is Detailed.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Creating Remittance Batches

Revenue Exceptions Report

Use the Revenue Exceptions report to view the invoices that the Revenue Management Engine initially analyzed for event-based revenue management, but which were later removed from collectibility analysis due to certain manual adjustments.

For a complete list of the types of manual adjustments that remove invoices from collectibility analysis, see: Modifying Invoices Under Collectibility Analysis.

This report displays both the already scheduled, as well as the unscheduled, revenue amounts for each invoice that was manually adjusted during a period of time that you specify.

For a definition of scheduled revenue, see: Revenue Accounting.

This report identifies these invoices so that your revenue managers know which invoices to analyze for manual revenue recognition. In addition, your finance managers can use this report to analyze and control the frequency of the manual adjustments that impact collectibility analysis.

The Revenue Exceptions report is an RXi report.

Selected Report Parameters

Organization Name: The organization that you want to run the report for.

Manual Adjustment Date Low/High: Receivables displays the invoices that were manually adjusted during this time period.

For example, if the manual adjustment period is from March 1 through March 31, then the Revenue Exceptions report will show the scheduled and unscheduled revenue amounts for all transactions that were manually adjusted during that time period.

Selected Column Headings

Customer Name: The customer whose invoice(s) was removed from collectibility analysis. Receivables groups this report by customer.

Invoice Number: The invoice that was removed from collectibility analysis.

GL Date: GL date of the invoice that was removed from collectibility analysis.

Line Number: The invoice line that was removed from collectibility analysis.

Line Amount: Total invoice line amount (includes both already recognized and deferred revenue amounts).

Credit Memos: Total amount of credit memos, if any, that were applied to this invoice line.

Unscheduled Revenue: Deferred revenue amount for this invoice line.

Scheduled Revenue: Scheduled revenue amount for this invoice line.

Accounting Rule Name: The invoice line's assigned accounting rule.

Manual Adjustment Date: Date when the invoice line was manually adjusted.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Working with Attribute Sets, Oracle Financials RXi Reports Administration Tool User Guide

Using the RXi Reports Concurrent Program, Oracle Financials RXi Reports Administration Tool User Guide

Reversed Receipts Report

Use this report to review receipt reversals. You reverse receipts when your customer stops the payment or when a payment comes from an account with non-sufficient funds.

The first section of the report contains receipts you reversed by reopening the items. The second section contains receipts you reversed by creating a debit memo.

Report Headings

Reversed Receipts GL Date from (Date) to (Date): The reversed receipts GL date range that you specified for this report.

Order By: The option you chose to sort information for this report. You can sort information by either Customer or Remittance Bank.

Row Headings for Order by Customer

Grand Total for All Reversed Receipts: The grand total for all reversed receipts for the parameters you specify.

Total for Customer Reversed Receipts: The total amounts for all reversed receipts by customer for the parameters you specify.

Row Headings for Order by Bank

Total for Bank Account Reversed Receipts: The total amounts of all reversed receipts by bank account.

Total for Invoice Related Cash Receipts: The total amount of all invoice-related receipt reversals.

Total for Miscellaneous Cash Receipt: The total amount of all non-invoice related receipt reversals.

Total for Non-Sufficient Funds: The total amount of all receipts with reversal category of NSF.

Total for Reversed Receipts: The total amount of all receipts with reversal category of Reverse Receipts.

Total for Stop Receipts: The total amount of all receipts with reversal category of Stop Receipt.

Total for all Reversed Receipts: The total amount of all reversed receipts for the parameters you specify. The totals are calculated separately for Invoice-Related Receipts, Miscellaneous Receipts, Non-Sufficient Funds, Reversed Receipts and Stop Receipts in your functional currency.

Debit Memo Reversal Section

This section will have an additional column to show the debit memo number associated with each reversal. The row headings for order by customer and bank in case of debit memo reversals will be same as those for standard reversals.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Reversing Receipts

Sales Journal by Customer - Standard

Use this report to review all journal entries associated with a receivables activity for a specific period. This report includes all debit and credit entries by type of account, such as Receivable, Revenue, Tax, or Freight.

The summary totals for the sales journal are by Posting Status, Company, and Transaction Currency.

When reconciling, run this report by account type of Receivable, and match to the Transaction Register in entered currency.

Note: The Sales Journal by Customer report displays amounts only in entered currency. Use this report only when reconciling by entered currency, not by functional currency.

Important: A Sales Journal by Customer - XML report is created for future release. Currently, it is not in use and on stand-by.

Selected Parameters

Note: See also: Common Report Parameters for Reconciliation Reports.

Customer Name: The customer range to include in this report. If you leave this field blank the report will include all customers.

GL Account Type: The type of general ledger accounts to include in this report. You can enter Freight, Receivable, Revenue, and Tax account types. If you leave this field blank the report will show all types.

Order By: The option you want Receivables to use to sort information for this report. Choose from the following:

Report By Line: Enter Yes or No to indicate whether you want the invoice line details printed on the report.

Transaction Date: The transaction date range to include in this report.

Transaction Number: The transaction Number to include in this report.

Transaction Type: The transaction type you want to include in this report. If you leave this field blank the report will include all transaction types.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Sales Journal by GL Account

This report shows all transactions and the associated GL account information for the GL date range and accounts that you specify. Use the Sales Journal when balancing your accounts receivable aging to the general ledger.

When reconciling, the total on the Sales Journal by GL Account should equal the total of postable items in the Transaction Register.

To match both foreign and functional currency amounts to your general ledger, run your Sales Journal by currency. If you want to preview your post to see if your debits match your credits, run the Sales Journal with a posting status of Unposted.

For MFAR customer, you are able to match the Sales Journal by GL Account report at the aggregate level not at the level of each company segment value.

Report Parameters

Note: See also: Common Report Parameters for Reconciliation Reports.

Entered Currency: To match foreign currency amounts against your general ledger, select the foreign currency code. If you do not select a code, then the report will not display amounts in the Foreign Currency columns.

GL Account Type: The type of general ledger accounts to include in this report. You can enter Freight, Receivable, Revenue, and Tax account types.

Order By: Sort your information by choosing one of the following:

Variable Description
Customer Sort and print your sales journal information by customer name.
Invoice Number Sort and print your sales journal information by invoice number.

Report Headings

Company: The balancing segment for this group of transactions.

Currency: The currency code for this group of transactions.

GL Account Type: The general ledger account type for the sales journal information on this page of the report.

GL Date (Date) to (Date): The range of invoice general ledger dates you selected to print on this report.

Posting Status: The posting status for sales journal information on this page of your report.

Row Headings

Subtotal by Invoice Currency: The total amount of debits and credits for an invoice in your functional currency.

Totals: The total amount of debits and credits for this report in both your foreign and functional currency.

Related Topics

Transaction Register

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Sales Register

Use the Sales Register for reconciliation purposes or, in general, to print detailed transaction and line distribution information. For example, you can report on transactions within a certain GL date range, with a support revenue over a specified amount or with a specified tax amount.

The Sales Register provides the same basic information as the Transaction Register does, but the Sales Register can display line information. The distribution level details include the line type, amount, item name, tax code, General Ledger date, and General Ledger account information.

If you want only line information for certain lines, select 'Line' in the Line or Transaction parameter and use the line parameters Distribution Account From/To and Distribution Amount From/To.

The Sales Register is an RXi report with a default attribute set that displays the distribution level details and other transaction information. You can copy this attribute set and customize the layout to suit your reporting needs.

See: Working with Attribute Sets, Oracle Financials RXi Reports Administration Tool User Guide and Using the RXi Reports Concurrent Program, Oracle Financials RXi Reports Administration Tool User Guide.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Sales Register.

Report Parameters

GL Date From: Enter the earliest GL date that you want to report from.

GL Date To: Enter the latest GL date that you want to report to.

Posting Status: Enter the posting status for the transactions that you want to report on:

Unposted transactions include invoices that are on hold and invoices that are not yet approved. The default is Posted and Unposted.

Transaction Type: Enter the transaction type that you want to report on.

Line or Transaction: Enter Line if you only want to report on lines that correspond to what you enter in the parameters for lines. Enter Transaction if you want to report on those lines as well as all lines within the same transaction.

Transaction Number From: Enter the first transaction number that you want to report from.

Transaction Number To: Enter the last transaction number that you want to report to.

Document Sequence Name: Enter the document sequence name that you want to report on.

Document Sequence Number From: Enter the first document sequence number that you want to report from.

Document Sequence Number To: Enter the last document sequence number that you want to report to.

Receivables Natural Account From: Enter the first Receivables natural account that you want to report from.

Receivables Natural Account To: Enter the last Receivables natural account that you want to report to.

Distribution Account From: Enter the first distribution account that you want to report from.

Distribution Account To: Enter the last distribution account that you want to report to.

Currency Code: Enter the currency that you want to report on.

Distribution Amount From: Enter the lowest distribution amount that you want to report from.

Distribution Amount To: Enter the highest distribution amount that you want to report to.

Customer Name From: Enter the first customer name that you want to report from.

Customer Name To: Enter the last customer name that you want to report to.

Customer Number From: Enter the lowest customer number that you want to report from.

Customer Number To: Enter the highest customer number that you want to report to.

Column Headings

Trans Number: The transaction number.

Trans Date: The date that the transaction is created.

Currency: The transaction currency code.

Exchange Rate: The exchange rate for the transaction.

Payment Terms: The payment terms for the transaction.

Transaction Type: The transaction type.

Sequence Name: The document sequence name for the transaction.

Sequence Number: The document sequence number for the transaction.

Line: The line number of the transaction.

Type: The line type.

Item: The item name for the line.

Quantity: The quantity of the item for the line.

UOM: The unit of measure.

Unit Price: The selling price per unit.

Tax Code: The tax code.

Amount: The line distribution amount in the functional currency.

GL Date: The General Ledger date.

Account: The General Ledger account for the line.

Account Description: The description for the General Ledger account.

Row Headings

Bill To Customer Name: The bill-to customer.

Bill To Customer Number: The bill-to customer number.

Transaction Total: The total line amounts for the transaction.

Customer Total: The total line amounts per customer.

Report Total: The line amounts report total.

Setup Details Report

Use the Setup Details report to view a wide range of information about the system setup configuration in Oracle Receivables. Displaying setup information in a single report lets you easily anticipate and correct possible setup errors when running large processes such as AutoInvoice. You can use the Setup Details report to review:

You can submit this report from the Setup Details window.

Important: You cannot submit this report from the Submit Requests window.

Report Parameters

Batch Source ID: Choose from the list of values the name of the transaction batch source for which you want to see system setup details. See: Transaction Batch Sources, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide.

Max GL Date: Enter a cutoff general ledger date (DD-MON-YYYY) for the report. The Setup Details report will contain information about the periods before the date you enter.

Transaction Type (optional): If you would like to see setup details for one particular transaction type, choose the type from the list of values. If you do not choose a transaction type, the Setup Details report will provide setup information for every transaction type defined in the AutoInvoice interface tables.

Related Topics

Importing Invoice Information Using AutoInvoice

Standard Memo Lines Listing

Use this listing to review all standard memo lines you entered in the Standard Memo Lines window. You can enter standard memo lines for charges, freight, line, and tax. Receivables displays all information you entered for each standard memo line.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Common Report Headings

Standard Memo Lines, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide


Use statements to communicate invoice, debit memo, chargeback, deposit, payment, on-account credit, credit memo, and adjustment activity to your customers. Receivables also prints your customer's past due information based on the aging buckets whose type is Statement Aging. You can customize your statements with messages in the Standard Messages window.

Important: When you print statements for all of a particular customer's locations, (by entering the customer name, but leaving the location blank), you must select a single language for the entire print run. If, however, you enter a specific customer's name and select a specific location, Receivables automatically selects the correct language in which to print the statements. Note that if you are printing statements for all customers, you do not select the language in which the statements are generated: Receivables automatically prints them in the correct language as specified for each of your customer's statement locations.

Report Parameters

As of Date: The as of date on which you want Receivables to print these statements. The default is the current date.

Bucket: The name of the aging bucket you want to use for this statement.

Customer: Enter the customer name if you want to print a statement for a specific customer. If you choose to Print a draft statement, you need to enter either a customer name or number.

Cycle: The statement cycle for this statement submission.

Invoice Type: If you want to restrict the transactions that appear on statements specify the transaction type to be included here.

Location: The customer billing location for which you want to generate a statement.

Number: Enter the customer number if you want to print a statement for a specific customer. If you choose to Print a draft statement, you need to enter either a customer name or number.

Option: Choose Print Statements to print statements for a particular customer or statement cycle. Choose Print a Draft statement to print a draft statement for a customer. Choose Reprint Statements to reprint statements for a specific customer or statement cycle.

Primary Salesperson: Enter the primary salesperson if you want to restrict the transactions to those to which you have assigned the specific salesperson.

Standard Messages: Enter the name of the standard message you want to print on the statements.

Statement Date: The date on which these statements should be printed.

Report Headings

Amount Remitted: Your customer uses this space to print the payment amount they remit with this statement.

Customer ID: The identification number for each customer.

Statement Date: The statement date you specify in the Statement Date field of the Print Statements window.

To: The customer name and address for each statement. Receivables prints the address you define as the statement address for customer in the Customers window. The country of the customer address will also be printed if it is different than the home country you specified in the System Options window. If you do not have a statement address defined for this customer, Receivables prints a statement for each bill-to address that has activity during the statement period.

Column Headings

1-30 Days Past Due: Receivables prints your customer's open item information based on the aging bucket you define as your second bucket in the Aging Bucket window.

31-60 Days Past Due: Receivables prints your customer's open item information based on the aging bucket you define as your third bucket in the Aging Bucket window.

61-90 Days Past Due: Receivables prints your customer's open item information based on the aging bucket you define as your fourth bucket in the Aging Bucket window.

Over 90 Days Past Due: Receivables prints your customer's open item information based on the aging bucket you define as your fifth bucket in the Aging Bucket window.

Amount Due: Receivables prints the remaining amount due for each customer's invoices, debit memos, and chargebacks. Credit items appear here with negative amount due values.

Bill To Location: Receivables prints the name of the bill-to location for each invoice, debit memo, chargeback, or deposit.

Current: Receivables prints your customer's open item information based on the aging bucket you define as your first bucket in the Aging Buckets window. If you want to print all of your customer's current open items, select Current in the Type field of the Aging Buckets window.

Due Date: Receivables prints the due date for invoices, debit memos, chargebacks, deposits, credit memos, and on-account credits.

Late Charge Rate: Past due items are subject to a LATE CHARGE of (Percent) per month which is an ANNUAL RATE of (Percent).

Late Charges: The total amount of late charges your customer owes your company.

Invoice No: The invoice, debit memo, chargeback, credit memo, or on-account number associated with each transaction. For example, if a transaction is a payment, Receivables prints the debit item number to which this payment applies. If this is a cross-site or cross-customer receipt, Receivables displays 'Cross Rcpt' in this column.

Reference: Additional information about each transaction including payment number, credit memo number, purchase order number, and adjustment name.

Total Amount Due: The total amount due and the currency. If your customer has open items in multiple currencies, Receivables prints a separate page for each currency.

Transaction: The name of each transaction. Valid transactions include:

Receivables does not print NSF or STOP payments that were reversed after your statement date.

Transaction Amount: Receivables prints the amount of each transaction. For example, if a transaction is an invoice, Receivables prints the invoice amount.

Transaction Date: The date of each transaction. For example, if a transaction is an adjustment, Receivables prints the adjustment date.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Printing Statements

Transaction Batch Sources Listing

Use this listing to review all batch sources that you defined in the Transaction Sources window.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Transaction Batch Sources, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide

Transaction Detail Report

Use this report to review all of the information you entered for your invoices, credit memos, debit memos, chargebacks, guarantees, and deposits.

Report Parameters

Transaction Number: Enter the transaction number range to include in this report. Receivables displays all transactions based on the transaction number range you enter here.

Transaction Class: Receivables prints your report information for the transaction class you specify.

Report Headings

From Invoice Number (Number) to (Number): The transaction number range you specify for this report.

Row Headings

Comments: Any comments about this transaction appear in this column.

Credit Method for Installments: The method the credit memo uses to credit invoices with installments.

Credit Method for Rules: The method the credit memo uses to adjust the revenue accounts of an invoice that uses invoicing and accounting rules.

Special Instructions: Any special instructions about this transaction appear in this column.

Transaction Flexfield: Receivables prints the transaction flexfield for this transaction, if you entered one.

Invoices Credited Column Headings

Batch Source: The batch source of the transaction you are crediting.

Commitment Number: If the transaction you are crediting refers to a commitment, Receivables prints the commitment number. Otherwise, this column is blank.

Currency: The currency code for the transaction you are crediting.

Customer Name: The customer name of the transaction you are crediting.

Customer Number: The customer number of the transaction you are crediting.

Exchange Rate: The exchange rate used by this transaction.

Exchange Rate: The exchange rate used for this transaction.

Invoice Amount: The original transaction amount.

Invoice Due Date: The due date for the transaction you are crediting.

Invoice GL Date: The general ledger date for the transaction you are crediting.

Invoice Number: The number of the transaction you are crediting.

Receipt Method: The receipt method of the transaction you are crediting.

Rate Date: The exchange rate date used by this transaction.

Rate Type: The exchange rate type used by this transaction.

Total Credited: The total credit memo amount.

Transaction Class: The Transaction Class of the transaction you are crediting.

Transaction Type: The Transaction Type of the transaction you are crediting.

Revenue Accounts Column Headings

Accounting Flexfield: The revenue account for this invoice line item distribution.

Accounting Rule: The accounting rule associated to the invoice line you are crediting if one exists for this invoice line.

Amount: The amount of this invoice line item distributed to this revenue account.

Comments: Any comments about this invoice line item distribution appear in this column.

GL Date: The accounting period to which this invoice line item distribution will be posted.

Line No: The transaction line item number that refers to this revenue account. One transaction line item can be distributed to many revenue accounts.

Percent: The percent of the transaction line amounts that is associated to this account.

Posted GL Date: If this invoice line item distribution has posted to your general ledger, Receivables prints this date here. Otherwise, this column is blank.

Account Sets Column Headings

Account Class: The account class for the accounting flexfield.

Accounting Flexfield: The accounting flexfield for the tax account.

Accounting Rule: The accounting rule for the transaction line.

Comments: Any comments for the transaction line appear in this column.

Line No: The transaction line number to which this account set is applied.

Line Type: The line type.

Other Line: The tax or freight line number.

Percent: The percent of the transaction line amounts that is associated with this account.

Related Topics

Transaction Register

Transaction Types Listing

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Transaction Reconciliation Report

Use this report to identify the General Ledger journal entry lines imported from specific transactions in Receivables. Transactions that have not been transferred to General Ledger are marked with an indicator.

This report totals the debits and credits for each transaction, customer, and customer site.

Use either the Submit Request or the Print Accounting Reports window to submit this report.

Report Parameters

When you request this report, Receivables provides the following reporting options.

Trx GL Date From/To: Enter the range of GL Dates for this report. Receivables prints transactions whose GL dates are within this range.

Customer Name From/To: Enter the customer or range of customers whose transactions you want to print, or select from the list of values.

Trx Number From/To: Enter the transaction number or range of transaction numbers for which you want to submit this report. Leave this field blank to submit the report for all transactions.

Trx Date From/To: Enter a range of transaction dates to include in this report. Receivables prints transactions whose dates are within this range. Leave this field blank to submit the report for all transaction dates.

Report Headings (Receivables Information)

Trx GL Date: The GL date of the subledger transaction.

Trx Doc Seq Name: If you are using document sequencing, Receivables prints the name of the document sequence used for the transaction.

Trx Doc Seq No: If you are using document sequencing, Receivables prints the document number.

Associated Trx: The number of the transaction associated with the original transaction. For example, for a receipt applied to an invoice, Receivables prints the invoice number.

Customer Name/Customer Address: The customer's name and address.

Trx Date: The date of the transaction. This can be the invoice date, receipt date, or credit memo date.

Transaction: The transaction type.

Trx Number: The transaction number.

LN: If there are line numbers for transactions (for example, invoice lines), Receivables prints the invoice line number. This column is empty for transactions without line numbers (for example, receipts).

Accounting Flexfield: The account to which this transaction line was charged.

Rate: The exchange rate used for the transaction.

Cur: The currency used for this transaction.

Entered Dr/Cr: The invoice or receipt line amount in the currency in which it was entered.

Accounted Dr/Cr: The invoice or receipt line amount in your functional currency.

Column Headings (General Ledger Information)

GL Batch Name: The name of the general ledger journal batch to which this transaction was transferred.

Header Name: The name of the general ledger journal entry to which this transaction was transferred.

LN: The line number of the general ledger journal entry line to which this transaction was transferred.

GL Date: The general ledger date of the journal entry line.

Description: The description of the Journal Entry line.

GL Doc Seq: The sequence name of the journal entry, if you use sequential numbering.

Doc Seq No: The document number of the journal entry, if you use sequential numbering.

Entered Dr/Cr: The credit/debit amount of the journal entry line in the currency of the original transaction.

Accounted Dr/Cr: The debit/credit amount of the journal entry line in the functional currency.

Transaction Register

The Transaction Register includes all transactions (such as invoices, credit memos, debit memos, chargebacks, deposits, and guarantees) that increase or decrease a customer's outstanding balance for a specified period, including transactions that do not post or age. Receivables groups and prints transactions by company, currency, and postable status.

To gain a more complete picture of your transactions, use the Transaction Register in conjunction with the Invoice Exception report and the Adjustment Register. The Invoice Exception report displays any transactions that do not age. The Adjustment Register includes the applied amounts of commitments (deposits and guarantees).

When reconciling, the Transaction Register's posted total should match the receivables accounts on the Sales Journal. To ensure that the two reports match, run the Sales Journal by Account for the receivables account type.

For MFAR customer, you are able to match the Transaction Register report at the aggregate level not at the level of each company segment value.

The Transaction Register is an RXi report with a default attribute set and four other available attribute sets: Alternate Name, Customer, Document Number, and Invoice Number. You can copy any attribute set and customize the layout to suit your reporting needs.

See: Working with Attribute Sets, Oracle Financials RXi Reports Administration Tool User Guide and Using the RXi Reports Concurrent Program, Oracle Financials RXi Reports Administration Tool User Guide.

Selected Report Parameters

Note: See also: Common Report Parameters for Reconciliation Reports.

Transaction Date: The transaction date range to include in this report.

Transaction Type: The transaction type range to include in this report.

Document Sequence Name: To include transactions associated with a specific document sequence, enter a document sequence name or select from the list of values.

Document Sequence Number From/To: If you entered a document sequence name, enter a range of document numbers to include in the report. Leave this parameter blank to include all document numbers for this document sequence name.

Report Headings

Company: The balancing segment for this group of transactions.

Currency: The currency code for this group of transactions.

Document Number: The document sequence number of the transaction. This column appears only if you submitted the report using the Document Number attribute set.

GL Date From (Date) to (Date): The range of general ledger dates you selected to print on this report.

Invoice Date From (Date) to (Date): The range of invoice dates you selected to print on this report.

Postable: The post to general ledger status for this group of transactions.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters for Reconciliation Reports

Common Report Parameters

Transaction Types Listing

Use this report to review the standard transaction types you entered in the Transaction Types window.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Transaction Types, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide

Transactions Awaiting Consolidation

Use this report to review a list of transactions (debit memos, credit memos, on-account credits, invoices) that have been designated for automatic receipt application (that is, that have been assigned an automatic receipt method). You can also review transactions that have been designated to be exchanged for bills receivable (that is, that have been assigned a bill receivable receipt method). You can review all transactions that are in different stages of the creation process. These stages include creating, approving, and formatting. Receivables does not display transactions that have been confirmed, or approved for automatic receipt with a receipt class of Require Confirmation set to No, in this report.

Receivables will also display transactions that started but did not complete, the creation, approval, or formatting process in this report.

The column heading of the amount column in this report will change dynamically depending upon the status being displayed. It will display as Balance Due for transactions with a status of Available for Automatic Receipt. It will display as Amount Applied for transactions with any other status.

Report Parameters

Order By: Choose the option you want Receivables to use to sort your information from the following:

Summarize: Enter Yes to print summary information. Receivables only displays receipt batch and due date information.

Status: Choose one of the following Invoice statuses to include in your report:

Variable Description
Available for Automatic Receipt Include all transactions with an automatic receipt method. Guarantees will not be included because they cannot have a receipt method assigned to them.
Creation Completed Include all transactions that have been selected for automatic receipt.
Approval Completed Include all transactions that have been approved for automatic receipt. These transactions must have a receipt method assigned to them with a receipts class of Require Confirmation set to Yes.
Format Completed Include all transactions that have been formatted but not yet confirmed and have been assigned a receipt method with a receipt class of Require Confirmation set to Yes.
Deletion Completed Include all transactions that have been deleted.
Started Creation Include all transactions that were submitted for automatic receipt creation, but did not complete the creation process.
Started Approval Include all transactions that were submitted for automatic receipt approval, but did not complete the approval process.
Started Format Include all transactions that were submitted for automatic receipt formatting, but did not complete the format process.
Started Deletion Include all transactions that were submitted for deletion.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Automatic Receipts

Transactions Check Report

Use this report to verify the accuracy of information entered for your transactions. The report also shows you which Receivables user last updated each debit item, as well as all line item information for each, including the GL date, tax code, transaction type, document sequence name, customer, and accounting information.

Important: To print this report from the Submit Request window, choose the Publish Transactions Check report. The RX Only: Transactions Check report is intended for use with Applications Desktop Integrator (ADI).

Report Parameters

Enter parameters to define the content of the report.

Attribute Set: Enter the attribute set for the report. You can use attribute sets to specify the data to include in your report and the order in which it appears.

Output Format: Enter the output file type for the report. Choose Text, HTML, or Tab Delimited.

Note: Attribute Set and Output Format are Report eXchange (RXi) parameters that enable you to choose the content, format, and output file type of the report. For more information, refer to the Oracle Financials RXi Reports Administration Tool User Guide.

Invoice Class Low/High: Enter a range of invoice classes to include in the report, or select from the list of values.

Customer Name Low/High: To limit the report to only one customer, enter a customer name, or select from the list of values. Leave this field blank to include invoices for all customers.

Start/End Update Date: Enter a date range to indicate which transactions to include in the report.

Last Updated By: To include only invoices updated by a specific user, enter a user name, or select from the list of values.

Column Headings

Invoice Date: The date the invoice was created.

Exchange Rate: The exchange rate used to convert a foreign currency transaction to your functional currency.

Sequence Name: The document sequence name used to generate a document number for this transaction.

Sequence Value: The document number for this transaction.

Type: The line type (for example, Line or Tax).

UOM: The unit of measure for this transaction line.

Tax Code: The tax code assigned to this transaction line. Tax codes determine how Receivables calculates tax on an item.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Transactions Key Indicators Report

Use the Transactions Key Indicators report to compare current invoice and credit memo activity to a prior period. You can review the current period totals, prior period totals, and the percent change from prior period to current period. When you enter the current period and prior period range, Receivables prints the count and amount of manually entered and imported invoices plus all your standard and on-account credit memos.

You can use the report to summarize the number of customers, new locations, and inactive customers for the current and prior period. This report also provides a count and summary of invoices and credit memos.

Use these report to view summary information for a specific accounting period and compare it to another period. You can choose any two periods to compare. Receivables summarizes your transactions for the two periods that you specify so you can easily spot, track, and take action on developing trends. For example, you can easily see the number and amount of invoices created during your current and prior periods to compare overall productivity.

Report Parameters - Daily Summary and Summary Reports

Current Period: Enter the current period date range to include in this report.

Prior Period: Enter the prior period date range to include in this report.

Currency: Receivables selects and prints your report information for the currency that you specify.

Report Headings - Daily Summary and Summary Reports

Current Period: (Date) to (Date): The current period date range you selected to print on this report.

Invoice Currency: Receivables prints this report by currency and prints the currency denomination at the top of each page.

Prior Period: (Date) to (Date): The prior period date range you selected to print on this report.

Column Headings - Daily Summary Report

Credit Memos Entered: Amount: The total amount of credit memos entered on the date in the date column.

Credit Memos Entered: Count: The total number of credit memos entered on the date in the Date column.

Credit Memos Posted to General Ledger: Amount: The total credit memo amount posted to your general ledger on the date in the Date column.

Credit Memos Posted to General Ledger: Count: The total number of credit memos posted to your general ledger on the date in the Date column.

Date: The date the invoice was posted to your general ledger.

Invoices Entered Through AutoInvoice: Amount: The total amount of invoices created by AutoInvoice on the date in the Date column.

Invoices Entered Through AutoInvoice: Count: The total number of invoices created by AutoInvoice on the date in the Date column.

Invoices Manually Entered: Amount: The total amount of manually entered invoices for the date in the Date column.

Invoices Manually Entered: Count: The total number of manually entered invoices on the date in the Date column.

Invoices Posted to General Ledger: Amount: The total invoice amount posted to your general ledger on the date in the Date column.

Invoices Posted to General Ledger: Count: The total number of invoices posted to your general ledger on the date in the Date column.

Invoices Printed Amount: The total amount of invoices printed on the date in the Date column.

Invoices Printed: Count: The total number of invoices printed on the date in the Date column.

Column Headings - Summary Report

Amounts: All Periods: The total transaction amount to date.

Amounts: Current Period: The total amount of each transaction for the current period you specify.

Amounts: Percent Change: The percent change for each transaction amount between your current and prior period.

Amounts: Prior Period: The total amount of each transaction for the prior period that you specify.

Counts: All Periods: The total number of transactions to date.

Counts: Current Period: The number of transactions for the current period that you specify.

Counts: Percent Change: The percent change of transaction numbers between your current and prior periods.

Counts: Prior Period: The number of transactions for the prior period that you specify.

Row Headings - Daily Summary Report

Percent Change: The percent change between the current and prior periods for each column.

Period Totals: The current period totals for each column.

Prior Period: The prior period totals for each column.

Row Headings - Summary Report

Customers: The current number, prior number, percent change, and total number of new customers to date.

Inactive Customers: The current number, prior number, percent change, and total number of inactive customers to date.

Invoices Entered: The number, amount, and percent change of new invoices by Invoice type from the current and prior period.

New Locations: The current number, prior number, percent change, and total number of new customer locations to date.

Reasons for Credit Memos: The number, amount, and percent change of new credit memos by reason from the current and prior period.

Total: The total number, amount, and percent change of all new invoices entered from the current and prior period.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Unapplied and Unresolved Receipts Register

Use the Unapplied and Unresolved Receipts Register to review detailed information about your customers' on-account and unapplied payments for the date range that you specify. Having an understanding of a customer's on-account and unapplied payments more accurately indicates how much a customer actually owes you.

This report includes all receipts that are not fully applied to customer transactions. This includes receipts with unapplied cash, in addition to receipts with applications that require resolution, such as applications to:

This report excludes receipts applied to activities that do not affect the customer balance, such as receipt write-offs, short-term debt, and credit card refunds. For example, when you create a credit card refund, it is the credit memo associated with the refund that affects the customer balance (and is reported in the Transaction Register).

This report also excludes miscellaneous receipts.

When reconciling, the Unapplied and Unresolved Receipts Register's total should match the Unapplied Receipts Journal.

If the profile option AR: Sort Customer Reports by Alternate Fields is Yes, Receivables will sort information using the value of the Alternate Name field in the Customers window.

The Unapplied and Unresolved Receipts Register is an RXi report.

See: Using the RXi Reports Concurrent Program, Oracle Financials RXi Reports Administration Tool User Guide.

Report Parameters

Note: See also: Common Report Parameters for Reconciliation Reports.

Format Option: Choose the format to use to print your report. You can choose from the following:

Variable Description
Detailed This option includes customer name, customer number and the GL date for this line as well as the payment balance information.
Summarize This option includes customer name and customer number as well as the payment balance information.

Batch Name: Print report information for the receipt batch range that you specify.

Batch Source: Print report information for the receipt batch source range that you specify.

Entered Currency: Print report information for the currency code that you specify. If you do not enter a currency, Receivables prints all amounts in your functional currency.

Customer Name: Prints report information for the customer name range that you specify.

Customer Number: Print report information for the customer number range that you specify.

GL Date: Print your report information for the general ledger date or general ledger date range that you specify. Specify a complete GL date range to display all unapplied and unresolved receipts for that period. Or, to display all unapplied and unresolved receipts as of a particular date, enter a date for the GL Date To parameter only.

Receipt Number: Print report information for the receipt number range that you specify.

Report Headings

Company Segment: The balancing segment from the Accounting Flexfield.

Format: The format you selected for this report in the report parameters.

GL Date (Date) to (Date): The GL date range you specified for this report in the report parameters.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Unposted Items Report

Receivables prints the Unposted Items Report for all items that are not posted for the specified GL date range. Generate this report through the Submit Requests window.

Report Heading

Category: Receivables prints the category of the transactions. Categories include Adjustments, CM Applications, Sales Invoices, Miscellaneous Receipts, or Trade Receipts.

Column Headings

Adjustment/Credit Memo/Invoice/Receipt Number: The transaction number for each unposted transaction.

Batch Source/Name/Activity: The receipt batch source and receipt batch name for each unposted transaction. If category is Adjustments, Receivables prints the type of adjustment in this column.

Credit Amount: Any credit amount that may exist for each unposted transaction.

Currency Code: The currency code of each unposted transaction.

Debit Amount: Any debit amount that may exist for each unposted transaction.

GL Date: The date on which you transfer a transaction, and create an entry for this transaction in your general ledger.

Invoice Number/GL Account Type/Transaction Description: For credit memo applications or adjustments, Receivables prints the invoice number associated with the particular transaction.

For Invoices, Receivables prints the GL Account Type for each unposted invoice.

For Receipts, Receivables prints the Transaction description for each unposted receipt.

Row Heading

Total for Currency: The total amounts of debits and credits for each currency.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Update Customer Profiles Report

Receivables automatically generates this report when you choose either 'Update All Profiles' or 'Update All Uncustomized Profiles' when saving changes in the Customer Profile Classes window. Receivables does not generate this report if you choose 'Do Not Update Existing Profiles.'

If you choose to Update All Uncustomized Profiles, this report will consist of the following two sections:

If you choose Update All Profiles, Receivables will only generate the Audit section of this report.

Report Headings for Exceptions

Customer Name: The name of the customer that was excluded from automatic update.

Customer Number: The number of the customer that was excluded from automatic update.

Location: The customer location with a customized profile class that was excluded from update.

Customized Profile Option: The name of the customized profile option

Current Value: The value of the customized profile option for the customer or customer location.

Important: The Current Value and the Credit Class Value may be the same if the profile option for the Customer Profile Class was updated to the same value as the customized profile option.

Column Headings

Previous Value: The value that the attribute had prior to your modification.

Profile Option Updated Value: The attribute of the customer profile class that was modified.

Update Option: The update option selected when you updated the customer profile class.

Updated Value: The updated value of the attribute that you modified.

Report Headings for Audit

Credit Class: The name of the customer profile class that was updated.

Number of Profiles Updated: The number of customers whose profile options were updated when you modified the customer profile class.

Update Option: The update option that you selected when you updated the customer profile class. This report will only be generated if you select either Update All Profiles or Update All Uncustomized Profiles.

Column Headings

Previous Value: The value that the attribute had prior to your modification.

Profile Option Updated Value: The attribute of the customer profile class that was modified.

Update Option: The update option selected when you updated the customer profile class.

Updated Value: The updated value of the attribute that you modified.

Related Topics

Updating a Customer Profile Class, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Work Load Review Report

The Work Load Review report provides work queue information of Cash Application Owner/s for a defined period. This will help in analyzing workload of Cash Application Owners. The report lists all work items in the queue of Cash Application Owner/s selected in the query parameters.

It also gives the summary at the top of the report. The report shows detailed information of work items if Yes is selected for the Detail parameter, else the report will only show summary information.

Report Headings for Work Load Review

Operating Unit: The name of the operating unit.

Cash Application Owner From: The report should include work items from the given cash application owner.

Cash Application Owner To: The report should include work items to the given cash application owner.

Receipt Date From: The report should include work items from the given receipt date.

Receipt Date To: The report should include work items to the given receipt date.

Customer Account From: The report should include work items from the given customer account.

Customer Account To: The report should include work items to the given customer account.

Work Item Status From: The report should include work items from the given work item status.

Work Item Status To: The report should include work items to the given work item status.

Assignment Date From: The report should include work items from the given assignment date.

Assignment Date To: The report should include work items to the given assignment date.

Detail: Set to Yes if an detailed report is required.

Column Headings

Receipt Number: The receipt number of the work item.

Receipt Date: The receipt date of the work item.

Customer Account Number: The customer account number of the given receipt.

Customer Name: The customer name of the given receipt.

Customer Location: The customer location of the given receipt.

Currency: The currency of the given receipt.

Receipt Amount: The receipt amount of the given receipt.

Unidentified Amount: The unidentified amount of the receipt in the work item.

Unapplied Amount: The unapplied amount of the receipt in the work item.

Cash Application Owner: The cash application owner of the work item.

Work Item Status: The status of the work item.

Assignment Date: The assignment date of the work item.

Summary Headings

Cash Application Owner: The cash application owner of the listed work items.

Total Work Items: Total number of work items listed in the report.

Related Topics

Running Standard Reports and Listings