What's New In this Release?
12c Release 1 (
June 2013
This document describes the major new features and feature enhancements introduced in this release.
New and Enhanced Features in 12c Release 1 Update 4 (
New and Enhanced Features in 12c Release 1 Update 3 (
New and Enhanced Features in 12c Release 1 Update 2 (
New and Enhanced Features in 12c Release 1 Update 1 (
If you are using Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center 11g Update 3, or any version of 12c (,,, or, you can use the upgrade feature to upgrade to Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center 12c Update 4. See the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Administration Guide for details on upgrade options and instructions.
The following are the major new and enhanced features in this release:
Support for multiple releases of Automated Installer (AI) install services: Ability to run multiple installadm
services on the same AI server. By supporting multiple install services with different source images, a Proxy Controller can support provisioning different versions of Oracle Solaris 11 that require different install services.
Multi-file virtual machine templates: Oracle VM Server for x86 template enables you to specify and upload multiple files.
Enhanced network configuration support for vServers: The DNS and NIS settings are configured for a vServer.
You can upgrade to the latest version of Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center from Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center 12c. If you are using Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center 11g Update 3, you must upgrade to version before upgrading to See the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Administration Guide for details.
The following are the major new features and enhanced features in this release:
New hardware support: Support for Oracle SPARC T5-1B, Oracle SPARC T5-2, Oracle SPARC T5-4, and Oracle SPARC T5-8. See the Certified Systems Matrix for a list of supported operating systems, hardware, and browsers.
New virtualization support: Support for Oracle VM Server for SPARC version 3.0 when running on Oracle Solaris 10 Update 10 or higher.
Enhanced image management for Oracle Solaris 11 IPS repository ISO images: Improved performance for adding images to the Oracle Solaris 11 Software Update Library.
Oracle Solaris releases ISO images for major releases and for Support Repository Updates (SRUs). When you import content, Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center now performs the mount
and pkgrepo
functions without manual intervention.
Enhanced support for logical domain guests: Ability to attach a network multiple times to a logical domain using the same vswitch. This feature enables you to use exclusive IPs for the zones running in a logical domain and use multiple vnics attached to the same network. See the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Feature Reference Guide for details.
Display the current alert status of an Incident in the dashboard without needing to drill down to the Incident details: When all incidents and alerts are back to normal, a green status appears in the upper summary screen. When a system has multiple incidents, the issue appears on the dashboard.
If you are using Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center 11g Update 3, or 12c ( or, you can use the upgrade to Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center 12c Update 2. See the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Administration Guide for details.
The following are the major new features and enhanced features in this release:
New OS support: Support for Oracle Solaris 11.1 and Oracle Linux 6.3 operating systems. See the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Certified Systems Matrix for a list of supported operating systems, hardware, and browsers.
Oracle Solaris 11 Update 1 enhanced automated installer: Oracle Solaris 11 Update 1 (11.1) enhanced automated installer to support GRUB-based booting (GRUB2) and Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI). The installadm
command automatically creates GRUB V2 configuration files. See the Feature Reference Guide for details.
CDom WAN boot configuration option: New option in the OS profile enables you to configure the CDom WAN Boot and Automated Installer (AI) reset to save the system-specific nvramrc and use-nvramrc? settings. See the Feature Reference Guide for more information on WAN boot.
View the Master Node for an Oracle VM Server for x86 in the UI: The Oracle VM Manager master node for the server pool is visible in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center user interface. See the Feature Reference Guide for details.
Improved Directory Server Options: You can now specify a group search DN and search scope when adding a directory server. This lets you add users from existing groups or multiple groups, rather than the single option required in past versions.
LUNs for LDom guests to support cluster configurations: Ability to add the same LUN from a Fibre Channel library to more than one LDom guest in order to support cluster configurations.You can flag a LUN as sharable, and highlight it as such in the LUN selection.
See the Feature Reference Guide for details.
Enhanced support for LDom Guests: Ability to attach a network multiple times to an LDom Guest using the same vswitch. This feature enables you to use exclusive IPs for the zones running in an LDom Guest and use multiple vnics attached to the same network. See the Feature Reference Guide for details.
Support of more LDAP group options: When several organizations within a company share the same infrastructure, an Ops Center admin can configure LDAP groups for each organization. See the Feature Reference Guide.
Infrastructure as a Service has a new flag: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) has new --ha
flag to add support for specifying Infrastructure HA (high availability) for vServer creation and for in-flight vServers. See the Cloud Infrastructure API and CLI Reference Guide.
Oracle Entitlements Server (OES) Baseline check based on OES version: Changes in the OES hardware setup differ by a OES version. Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center provides the schema valid for the system it is configuring. See the Feature Reference Guide for details.
Validate parameters when creating an EoIB vNet: Validates over-lapping IP addresses on the public and private EoIB network. Manages the subnets by restricting subnet assignments to one subnet per VLAN ID and restricts one EoIB subnet for each subnet and VLAN ID assignment pair. See the Feature Reference Guide for details.
For an Exalogic environment, the operating system for the Enterprise Controller and Proxy Controller are visible in the asset tree under the vServer category.
By default, OS assets for vServers appear in the asset tree. You can change user preferences to not display the OS assets. An Exalogic Admin can change the role preferences in the Setup menu to not display the OS for vServers.
Support for HMP 2.2.3: Enhanced firmware support. Oracle Hardware Management Pack (HMP) 2.2.3 is now supported.
The following are the major new features and enhanced features in this release:
Upgrade capability: Upgrade from previous versions of Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center. If you are using Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center 11g Update 3 or 12c, you can use the upgrade capability to switch to Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center 12c Update 1. See the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Administration Guide for details.
Virtual Datacenter: Enables you to use Oracle VM Server for SPARC server pools to create a virtual datacenter. See the Feature Reference Guide for details.
Fair Share Scheduler: Allocates the physical CPUs for a vServer created in a zone-based vDC. See the Feature Reference Guide for details.
High Availability server pools: Provides high availability for server pools of all types of virtualization technology. See the Feature Reference Guide for details.
New options for Logical Domains: New options to Enable and Disable Automatic Recovery of the Logical Domains. See the Feature Reference Guide for details.
SSH keys for discovery: You can use custom SSH keys as an option when performing the OS discovery. You create SSH keys on each system that might access the target asset and also add the SSH public key to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys location on the remote OS or use the hardware's web interface to upload the public keys. See the Feature Reference Guide for details.
WAN boot: WAN boot connection support for provisioning Oracle Solaris operating systems on SPARC-based ILOM, ALOM, or M-series systems over a wide area network (WAN). The WAN boot security features protect data confidentiality and installation image integrity over a large public network. See the Feature Reference Guide for more information on WAN boot.
New OS support: Support for Oracle Linux 6 operating system. See the Certified Systems Matrix for a list of supported operating systems, hardware, and browsers.
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Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center What's New in This Release?, 12c Release 1 (
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