Making Stock Quantity Adjustments and Transfers Within the Business Unit

This chapter provides an overview of stock quantity adjustments and transfers within a business unit and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Stock Quantity Adjustments and Transfers in a Business Unit

PeopleSoft Inventory tracks and summarizes item quantities at the storage-location level for the business unit, providing an instantaneous view of material position when you need it. PeopleSoft Inventory also keeps inventory balances accurate by completing ad hoc adjustments and transferring material within business units. For both adjustments and transfers, you can complete the transaction by:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Adjustments for Return to Vendor Stock

The return to vendor (RTV) feature in PeopleSoft Purchasing can generate an adjustment in PeopleSoft Inventory in order to scrap stock received from a vendor. There are a variety of business reasons for scrapping RTV stock; including, receiving defective materials or perishable items shipped in error. When you return or scrap goods purchased from a vendor, you enter a Return to Vendor (RTV) transaction in PeopleSoft Purchasing. Typically, this RTV transaction specifies the purchase order from which the materials were acquired; however, returns can be processed in PeopleSoft Purchasing without referencing the original purchase order if this detail is no longer available. Once you've created an RTV ID in PeopleSoft Purchasing, steps are taken in PeopleSoft Inventory to remove any stock that has already been put away and update the inventory quantity balances. Note that if the stock is rejected upon receipt and does not get put away in PeopleSoft Inventory, then it does not impact inventory balances and is handled exclusively in PeopleSoft Purchasing. If the stock was put away into a PeopleSoft Inventory business unit, then the RTV transaction (Purchasing, Return To Vendor, Add/Update RTV) determines what actions are taken in PeopleSoft Inventory:

In this section, we discuss scrapping inventory stock when the RTV line disposition is Destroy. For information on shipping inventory stock back to the vendor, when the RTV line disposition is Ship,, see the "Creating Order for Fulfillment" chapter of this PeopleBook.

See Creating Return to Vendor (RTV) Stock Requests.

Note. The entire return-to-vendor feature includes elements of PeopleSoft Purchasing, Payables, Cost Management, and Inventory. For a complete understanding of RTV, see the PeopleSoft Purchasing PeopleBook.

See Managing Vendor Returns.

Using the RTV Inventory Destroy Option

Based on your organization's needs, select an RTV Inventory Destroy Option. This option determines how users record an inventory adjustment transaction to scrap vendor-received stock. The options for the RTV Inventory Destroy Option field are:

  1. Express The express option enables a user to use one step to record the RTV in PeopleSoft Purchasing and create the adjustment transaction in PeopleSoft Inventory. When the RTV transaction is saved in PeopleSoft Purchasing, the system generates an XML message using the INVENTORY_ADJUSTMENT EIP.

    Note. For RTV lines using an inventory business unit that utilizes a warehouse management system (WMS) for their warehousing processes, the express option cannot be used because it could cause the stock quantities between the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit and the WMS to become out of balance. The Use External Warehouse Control check box on the Inventory Definition - Business Unit Options page controls the integration to a WMS.

  2. Manual The manual option splits the RTV creation and the adjustment transaction creation into separate steps. In this method, a user must create the RTV transaction in PeopleSoft Purchasing and then a user must create the adjustment transaction to retrieve and destroy the rejected stock using the Adjustments component (Inventory, Manage Inventory, Adjustments).

The RTV Inventory Destroy Option field has the following default hierarchy to the individual RTV line:

To scrap RTV stock using the RTV Inventory Destroy Option of Manual:

  1. Create a Destroy RTV transaction in PeopleSoft Purchasing ((Purchasing, Return To Vendor, Add/Update RTV).

  2. Add a scrap adjustment using the Adjustments page (Inventory, Manage Inventory, Adjustments). Select the value of Scrap RTV in the Adjustment Type field and enter the needed information.

  3. Save the Adjustments page to update the RTV Line (RTV_LN) and RTV Line Distribution (RTV_LN_DISTRIB) tables in PeopleSoft Purchasing with the destroyed quantities. It also updates the line status in the RTV Line table if the adjusted quantity is greater than or equal to the return quantity.

To scrap RTV stock using the RTV Inventory Destroy Option of Express:

  1. Create a Destroy RTV transaction in PeopleSoft Purchasing ((Purchasing, Return To Vendor, Add/Update RTV).

  2. When you save the RTV transaction, the system launches the INVENTORY_ADJUSTMENT EIP and creates an Scrap RTV adjustment in PeopleSoft Inventory. The Quantity Adjustments process (SCM Integrations, Process Transactions, Inventory, Quantity Adjustments) updates the RTV Line (RTV_LN) and RTV Line Distribution (RTV_LN_DISTRIB) tables in PeopleSoft Purchasing with the destroyed quantities. It also updates the line status in the RTV Line table if the adjusted quantity is greater than or equal to the return quantity.

For information on the setup of the return to vendor feature, see the Managing Vendor Returns chapter of the PeopleSoft Purchasing PeopleBook.

See Also

Managing Vendor Returns

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Transfer of Allocated Stock

PeopleSoft Inventory enables you to transfer stock within the business unit, that has been hard-allocated to a material stock request, sales order, production transfer order, or work order. This includes:

Allocated stock can be viewed using the Allocated Items by Location inquiry page.

See Viewing Allocated Items by Location.

Setup of the Allocated Stock Transfer Feature

In order to use this feature, you must determine your selections of the following setup options:

  1. In order to transfer stock that has been allocated to a demand line with a pick batch ID (that is, an order in the process of picking), you must select the Allow Transfer of Released Allocations check box on the Inventory Definition- Business Unit Options page. Clear this check box if you do not want stock that is already on a picking plan to be transferred to another material storage location.

  2. Define the default values for transferring allocated stock located on the Setup Fulfillment page. The default settings are:

See Also

Making Stock Location Transfers Online

Transferring Materials Using the Inventory Transfer EIP

Activating Optional Business Unit Features

Defining Basic Fulfillment Defaults

Click to jump to parent topicMaking Adjustments Online

PeopleSoft Inventory enables you to make various stock adjustments. For example, you can account for quantities found, misplaced, and damaged that must be scrapped. With the Adjustments component, you can perform ad hoc quantity adjustments for any given material storage location.

The following rules apply to adjusting inventory stock. You can:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Make Adjustments Online

Page Name

Definition Name





Inventory, Manage Inventory, Adjustments

Make ad hoc quantity adjustments not made during cycle counts or wall-to-wall counts. Increase or decrease the on-hand quantity of items previously put away. Add item quantities to a location not previously used for the item.

Selection Criteria


Click the Search/Add link on the Adjustments page.

Define the item, container, lot, serial ID, or storage area to adjust, and indicate whether zero quantity locations are included.

Adjustments - RTV Selection


Click the RTV Detail link on the Adjustments page.

Identify which RTV ID item combination to remove from the business unit's stock balances.

Adjustment History


Inventory, Manage Inventory, Adjustment History

View the full history of adjustments for items at material storage locations. Show resulting adjusted quantities for material storage locations and the adjustments for the entire business unit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaking On-Hand Quantity Adjustments

Access the Adjustments page (Inventory, Manage Inventory, Adjustments).

Using the Adjustments page, you can adjust quantities that currently exist in inventory locations or add quantities to locations not previously used for the item.

Note. The fields in the Item Information group box are available only if you are adding new items quantities in a location not previously used for the item.

Adjustment Type

Select an adjustment type:

  • Decrease (decrease inventory stock quantity)

  • Increase (increase inventory stock quantity) When you increase inventory stock using this adjustment type, the new quantity is costed using the Default Actual Cost field on the Define Business Unit Item - General: Common page.

  • Misc Issue (miscellaneous issue)

  • Misc Return (miscellanous return)

  • Scrap (destroy inventory stock quantity)

  • Scrap RTV (destroy return-to-vendor stock). If you select this adjustment type, the quantity entered for the adjustment must be less than or equal to the return quantity entered on the RTV transaction in PeopleSoft Purchasing (Purchasing, Return To Vendor, Add/Update RTV).

RTV Detail

Click to access the Adjustments - RTV Selection page, where you can select an RTV line for the item being adjusted.

Dist Type (distribution type)

The default value is based on the adjustment type that you entered for the business unit.


Defines the need for the adjustment. The codes are established on the Reason Codes page.


Defines documents associated with this adjustment.

ChartField Overrides

Click to access the ChartField Overrides page, where you can override accounting information for the adjustment type. This option is not available for the Scrap RTV adjustment type.

Adjust Quantity

Enter the amount by which you want to adjust the quantity of this inventory item. You can enter adjustments in any valid stocking unit of measure (UOM); PeopleSoft Inventory converts them to the material storage location's stocking UOM.

You can adjust a material storage location to 0. If negative inventory balances are permitted in the business unit, you can also enter an adjustment that drives the quantity negative.


Enter a comment using up to 254 characters for the adjustments transaction. These comments are written to the TRANSACTION_INV table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching for Quantities to Adjust

Access the Selection Criteria page (Click the Search/Add link on the Adjustments page).

If no existing rows are found, the system gives you the option to add new stock quantity to locations not previously used for the item.

Include Zero Qty Locations

Select to view zero-balance locations for any PeopleSoft Inventory business unit. If the business unit permits negative balances, the search identifies locations with both positive and negative balances. Only locations with previous quantities of the item being adjusted are returned. This option is available even if negative balances are not enabled.

Click to jump to parent topicMaking Adjustments Using the Inventory Adjustment EIP

Third-party systems can stage stock quantity adjustments to PeopleSoft Inventory using the Inventory Adjustment EIP, an asynchronous service operation. Once the quantity adjustment data has been staged, the Inventory Adjustment process loads it into the system tables.

PeopleSoft delivers the service operations in PeopleSoft Integration Broker with a default status of Inactive. You must activate each service operation before attempting to send or receive data from a third-party source or another PeopleSoft system, such as CRM.

To set up this EIP within PeopleSoft Integration Broker and Enterprise Components, use the information in the table below and refer to the setup instruction in the PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management Integrations 9.1 PeopleBook, "Implementing Integrations" chapter, Setting Up Service Operations section.

Service Operation

Direction and Type


Chunking Available?

Integrates With






Third-party systems, such as electronic data collection systems, warehouse management systems, or PeopleSoft CRM

The Inventory Adjustment EIP (0410) can be used to integrate to electronic data collection systems, warehouse management systems, PeopleSoft CRM, or as EDI transaction that fulfills X.12 947. This EIP reports adjustments in stock quantity balances to PeopleSoft.

You use the Inventory Adjustment page to enter transaction details. When you save the transaction, PeopleSoft Inventory inserts the information into the transaction log. You then run the Inventory Adjustment process (INPVIADJ), which retrieves information from the transaction log, processes the transaction, and updates the appropriate system tables. If errors occur during the Inventory Adjustment process, use the Inventory Adjustment page to correct the errors and resubmit the transactional data.

The logic for the Inventory Adjustment transactional data is similar to that for the online Adjustments page, with the following exceptions:

Note. Third-party systems can stage stock quantity adjustments to PeopleSoft Inventory using the Inventory Adjustment EIP. Once these adjustments have been staged, the Inventory Adjustment process loads the adjustment data into the system tables.

See Also

Setting Up Service Operations

PeopleTools PeopleBook: Integration Broker

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Process the Inventory Adjustments EIP

Page Name

Definition Name



Message Definition


PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Messages

View the fields to be used by the service operation within PeopleSoft Integration Broker. In order to correctly populate the incoming data, we are going to review the message definition. This is a setup step that is not repeated for each transaction request.

See Implementing Integrations.

Quantity Adjustment


SCM Integrations, Process Transactions, Inventory, Quantity Adjustment

Establish run control parameters for the Quantity Adjustment process and load quantity balance adjustment data staged by third-party applications using the Inventory Adjustment EIP. These third-party applications include electronic data collection systems and warehouse management systems.

Transaction Maintenance


SCM Integrations, Transaction Error Handling, Maintain Transactions

View all electronic transactions in the transaction log (inbound staging tables) and access the detail pages that enable you to correct transaction errors.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Inventory Adjustment Message in PeopleSoft Integration Broker

Access the Message Definition page in PeopleSoft Integration Broker for the INVENTORY_ADJUSTMENT message (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Messages).

In order to correctly populate the incoming data, we are going to review the message definition. Message definitions provide the physical description of the data that is being sent, including; fields, field types, and field lengths. Messages do not contain any processing logic. All processing logic is defined in service operations, using service operation handlers. In this section, we are looking at some of the important fields in the INVENTORY_ADJUSTMENT message.

For more information about messages, see the "Managing Messages" chapter of the PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker.

See Also

PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Inventory Adjustments

Access the Quantity Adjustment process page (SCM Integrations, Process Transactions, Inventory, Quantity Adjustment).

See Also

Defining PeopleSoft Inventory Business Unit Display Options

Searching for Material Storage Locations

Defining the Negative Inventory Option

Understanding Inventory Material Storage Structures

Defining Distribution Types

Processing Enterprise Integration Points (EIPs)

Click to jump to parent topicRecording Adjustments Using the Transaction Page

The PeopleSoft transaction pages are used to collect data from electronic data collection systems, such as keyboard wedges. The Quantity Adjustment transaction page is used to record inventory stock quantity adjustment transactions. Keyboard wedges can be used when the person collecting the bar-coded information has access to a workstation running the PeopleSoft application. A wand or a laser gun connects to the keyboard wedge that inputs the bar-coded information directly into the transaction pages. The computer interprets information entered using the keyboard wedge in the same manner as information entered using the keyboard. When you save the page, the PeopleSoft system inserts the transaction into the transaction log and clears the page so that you can enter a new transaction. The data is loaded into the inbound staging tables.

See Also

Using an Electronic Data Collection System

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Record Adjustments Using the Transaction Page

Page Name

Definition Name



Quantity Adjustment


SCM Integrations, Create Transactions, Inventory, Quantity Adjustment

Conduct inventory stock adjustments using an electronic data collection system.

Quantity Adjustments


SCM Integrations, Process Transactions, Inventory, Quantity Adjustment

Establish run control parameters for the Inventory Adjustments process and load quantity balance adjustment data staged by the Quantity Adjustment transaction page or the Inventory Adjustment EIP.

Transaction Maintenance


SCM Integrations, Transaction Error Handling, Maintain Transactions

View all electronic transactions in the transaction log (inbound staging tables) and access the detail pages that enable you to correct transaction errors.

Transaction Maintenance- Inventory Adjustments


Click the EIP Control ID link on the Transaction Maintenance page

View the details of an inventory adjustment transaction and correct error messages found during the Inventory Adjustment process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Transaction Page for Inventory Adjustments

Access the Inventory Adjustment page (SCM Integrations, Create Transactions, Inventory, Quantity Adjustment, Inventory Adjustment).

Transaction Code

The default transaction code is 0410: Inventory Adjustment.


The type of adjustment being made.

RTV Detail

Click to access the Adjustments - RTV Selection page, where you can select one RTV line for the item and location being adjusted. The selected PO Unit (purchase order business unit), RTV ID, Line, and Dist Nbr (distribution number) fields from the RTV Selection page appear on the Inventory Adjustments page.


Enter the amount by which you want to adjust the item. If the UOM conversion option for the business unit is set to convert to the standard UOM or convert to the default stocking UOM, you can enter adjustments in any valid UOM and PeopleSoft Inventory converts them to the item's standard UOM or the material storage location's stocking UOM. If the UOM conversion option for the business unit indicates that no conversion occurs, you can enter adjustments in any valid stocking UOM. If negative inventory balances are permitted in the business unit, you can enter an adjustment that drives the quantity negative. You can also adjust the quantity in the material storage location to 0.

Note. The business unit's default display options determine how many material storage location levels appear upon entry to this page. If you are entering a material storage location that requires additional levels, enter the storage area, then refresh the page to display the remaining levels for that area.

Note. The business unit defaults that you established on the Inventory Display Options page govern whether lot, serial, staged date, and configuration fields appear upon entry to this page. Any fields for which the default isYes always appear. Any fields for which the default is No appear when you save or refresh the page, and only if they apply to the item in question.

Note. If you selected the Scrap RTV adjustment type, the quantity entered for the adjustment must be less than or equal to the return quantity entered on the Add/Update RTV - RTV page in PeopleSoft Purchasing.

Click to jump to parent topicMaking Stock Location Transfers Online

Use the Transfers component to record the movement of stock from one material storage location to another within the same inventory business unit or to convert the unit of measure (UOM). The Transfers component enables you to:

You physically move stock between material storage locations and then record the relocation details by using either the entire Transfers component or just the EZ Transfers page. The Transfers component provides you with search criteria for selecting material to transfer. Use the EZ Transfers page for a more streamlined approach.

In addition, you can use the Inventory Transfer enterprise integration point (EIP) or Storage Location Transfer transaction page to record transfers using electronic data collection devices. For more information, see the next section in this chapter, "Transferring Stock Using Integration Points."

See Transferring Materials Using the Inventory Transfer EIP.

Transferring Allocated Stock

PeopleSoft Inventory enables you to transfer stock that has been hard-allocated to a material stock request, sales order, or work order. You can use the Transfers component to find and move loose stock or an entire storage container that includes some or all allocated stock. For more information on transferring allocated stock, see the "Understanding Stock Quantity Adjustments and Transfers in a Business Unit" section of this chapter.

See Understanding Stock Quantity Adjustments and Transfers in a Business Unit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Make Location Transfers Online

Page Name

Definition Name





Inventory, Manage Inventory, Transfers

Select the material that you want to transfer and the storage area from which you physically move stock.

Item Transfer


Enter search criteria on the Transfers page. Click the Search button, and then click the Transfer link in the Original Location group box.

Move item quantities to another material storage location.

Container Information


Inventory, Manage Inventory, Transfers. Enter a Container ID and click the Search button.

View items in a storage container or transfer containers to a new location. To transfer part of the stock in a container, use the Container Management page.

EZ Transfers


Inventory, Manage Inventory, Transfers, EZ Transfers

Streamline internal stock transfers. The page automatically verifies the information that you enter and saves the transactions without using queries or the Save button, making it ideal for a workstation setup with a wedge bar code reader.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Material to Move

Access the Transfers page (Inventory, Manage Inventory, Transfers).

Enter the appropriate search criteria to display the material storage locations that you want to update. Only items with a status of Active, Hold, Discontinue, and Inactive are available for movement.


Enter the inventory business unit where you are transferring stock. This component only transfers stock within one inventory business unit. Use an interunit stock request to transfer between inventory business units. You must select a business unit and either the container ID, the material storage location, or the item ID of the material that you are relocating.

Container ID

Select a storage container ID if you are moving an entire container from one material storage location to another location.

Storage Location

Select a storage area and any levels to search for stock by material storage location.

Item ID

Select the item ID of the material that you are transferring. If you select an item ID, you can also select a lot ID or serial ID, when applicable, to limit the number of lines that are returned. For lot-controlled items, a warning message appears when you save the page if the current date is before the date the lot becomes available or after it expires.

Include Pre-Released Allocations

Select this check box to display and enable the transfer of stock that has been pre-allocated or lot-allocated to demand lines before the picking process. The default value for this check box comes from the Setup Fulfillment page for this Inventory business unit.

By selecting this check box, you can display and transfer pre-allocated and lot-allocated items that are:

  • Allocated to demand lines in the fulfillment states of Unfulfilled or Releasable. This includes all demand lines that do not have a pick batch ID.

  • Allocated to work order demand lines from PeopleSoft Maintenance Management that do not have a pick batch ID.

    Note. Work order demand lines stay in the fulfillment state of Pending during reservations, allocations, and picking. When the work order task is set to a status of completed, then the work order demand line in PeopleSoft Inventory is set to the Depleted state.

Include Released Allocations

Select this check box to display and enable the transfer of allocated stock when the demand lines have already entered the picking stage and a pick batch ID has been assigned. This check box is not available until you select the Allow Transfer of Released Allocations check box on the Inventory Definition - Business Unit Options page for this Inventory business unit. The default value for this check box comes from the Setup Fulfillment page.

By selecting this check box, you can transfer allocated items that are:

  • Allocated to demand lines with a pick batch ID and in the fulfillment state of Released.

  • Allocated to work order demand lines with a pick batch ID.

  • Allocated to production order demand lines from PeopleSoft Manufacturing (the SF_ISS_TRANSFER record) with a pick batch ID and in the fulfillment state of Released.

Include Zero Qty Locations (include zero quantity locations)

Select this check box to display any material storage locations that did contain the item ID but are now empty. This enables you to view a material storage location that usually holds the item that you are looking for and verify that the location is currently empty.


Click the Search button to retrieve item stock matching your search criteria. Before using this button, you must select a business unit and either the container ID, the storage location, or the item ID. Search results are displayed in the Original Location group box.

Original Location

This group box displays the results of your search. Each line returned includes the item ID, material storage location, and quantity plus the lot, serial, and staged date as applicable. Be sure to check the number of rows retrieved by using the right-side of the group box bar.

In order to display and move allocated stock, you must have selected the appropriate check boxes, Include Pre-Released Allocations or Include Released Allocations, before clicking the search button.

Qty Available

Displays the current available quantity at this material storage location that can be transferred. In this context, available quantity includes all on-hand stock less allocated stock.

Qty Allocated

Displays the current stock quantity that has been allocated to fulfill a demand line. This amount only displays if you have selected one or both of the appropriate check boxes, Include Pre-Released Allocations and Include Released Allocations, to transfer allocated stock.


Click this link to access the Item Transfer page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTransferring Item Quantities

Access the Item Transfer page (Enter search criteria on the Transfers page. Click the Search button, and then click the Transfer link in the Original Location group box).

Quantity(within the Available Quantity group box)

Displays the current available quantity that can be transferred within this business unit.

Transfer Qty (transfer quantity)

Enter the amount of the available quantity that you want to transfer from the location specified at the top of the page. If negative inventory balances are permitted in the business unit, you can transfer more quantity than is available, driving the system balance for the original location negative.

If the item is not stocked in its standard UOM, you can enter a transfer quantity in either the stocking or the standard UOM. You can change the stocking UOM in the destination material storage location by changing the current UOM that appears next to the quantity.

Quantity(within the Allocated Quantity group box)

Displays the current allocated quantity that can be transferred within this business unit. The quantity is shown in the UOM of the material storage location. This amount only displays if you have selected one or both of the appropriate check boxes, Include Pre-Released Allocations and Include Released Allocations, on the Transfers page.

Transfer Allocated Quantity

Select this check box to transfer the stock that has been allocated to a demand line. If you decide to transfer the allocated quantity, you must transfer the entire quantity of allocated stock from this material storage location.


Enter a comment using up to 254 characters for the transfer transaction. These comments are written to the TRANSACTION_INV table.

Destination Location

If transferring the quantity to a different material storage location, specify the item's new material storage location and retain the same UOM.

The Quantity field within the Destination Location group box displays only the available quantity to be transferred even if you are also transferring the allocated quantity.

If converting the UOM, enter the same location that you are transferring from and specify the target UOM. The system will use the setup defined on the Units of Measure page to convert the quantity. You can convert the UOM for available quantity only; this feature is not applicable to allocated stock. The UOM field is not available for entry when you have selected the Transfer Allocated Quantity check box.

When transferring allocated quantity, the nettable and WIP settings of the source and destination locations must be the same. In addition, allocated stock cannot be moved if the transfer would cause the available quantity of the business unit to change.


Click the Save button to execute the transfer.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTransferring Containers

Access the Container Information page (Inventory, Manage Inventory, Transfers. Enter a Container ID and click the Search button).

To move an entire storage container, use the Destination Location group box to identify the container's new location. The Container Contents scroll area displays material in the container. To adjust the quantity in a container, use the Adjustments page.

If this storage container includes allocated stock, then you must have selected one or both of the appropriate check boxes, Include Pre-Released Allocations and Include Released Allocations, on the Transfers page. For container moves, if any items in the container cannot be moved, then the transfer of the entire container fails.

Click the Save button to execute the transfer.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicStreamlining Internal Stock Transfers

Access the EZ Transfers page (Inventory, Manage Inventory, Transfers, EZ Transfers).

Select a business unit and either a container ID or the complete material storage location and item ID.

Note. You cannot use the EZ Transfers page to select a specific staged date, even if the item is staged-date controlled. If this is a requirement, use the Transfers page.

Note. If you transfer to this page from the Fixed Pick workflow, the business Unit, Item, and original and destination Storage Location fields are populated automatically and are unavailable for entry. The Transfer Qty (transfer quantity) field is initially populated with the optimal quantity to be transferred, but you can override this value.

The following conditions also apply to the use of this page:

Destination Location

After you enter the last value in this group box, the system automatically saves the transaction. For serial-controlled items, the quantity is 1 and the page is saved after you enter the last piece of material storage location information. For items that are not serial controlled, the page is saved after you enter the quantity to transfer. For containers, the original location appears and the page is saved when you enter the destination location.

If you define a container for transfer, enter the destination material storage location. The Transfer Qty field is unavailable for entry for container transfers; the entire contents of the container are transferred to the destination location.

See Also

Defining the Negative Inventory Option

Understanding Inventory Material Storage Structures

Searching for Material Storage Locations

Making Adjustments Online

Defining and Using ChartFields

Defining Distribution Types

Managing Vendor Returns

Click to jump to parent topicTransferring Materials Using the Inventory Transfer EIP

The Inventory Transfer EIP reports transfers of stock quantity between material storage locations. The Inventory Transfer EIP is an asynchronous service operation that receives material storage location transfers staged by third-party applications; such as, electronic data collection systems and warehouse management systems. In a Warehouse Management System integration, this data is used by the WMS to modify the inventory status in PeopleSoft Inventory to Open or Hold. The stock quantity is logically transferred to a location with the appropriate status.

See Using an Electronic Data Collection System.

See Four-Wall Warehousing Functions in a WMS Integration.

Setting Up the Inventory Transfer EIP

PeopleSoft delivers the service operations in PeopleSoft Integration Broker with a default status of Inactive. You must activate each service operation before attempting to send or receive data from a third-party source or another PeopleSoft system, such as CRM.

To set up the Inventory Transfer EIP within PeopleSoft Integration Broker and Enterprise Components, use the information in the table below and refer to the setup instructions in the PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management Integrations 9.1 PeopleBook, "Implementing Integrations" chapter, Setting Up Service Operations section.

Service Operation

Direction and Type


Chunking Available?

Integrates With






Third-party systems such as electronic data collection systems and warehouse management systems

See Setting Up Service Operations.

See PeopleTools PeopleBook: Integration Broker

Inventory Transfers Process

The Inventory Transfers process page is used to pick up the inventory transfer transactions in the inbound staging tables, validate them, and then update the appropriate PeopleSoft Inventory tables.

Transaction Handling

If an error is found during the Inventory Transfers process, the system does not process the transaction. The transaction's status on the inbound staging table is changed to Error, and the system inserts a row into the error table for each error message. Use the Transaction Maintenance component to identify and fix the errors before running the Inventory Transfers process again.

Transferring Allocated Stock

PeopleSoft Inventory enables you to transfer stock that has been hard-allocated to a material stock request, sales order, production transfer order, or work order. For more information on transferring allocated stock, see the "Understanding the Transfer of Allocated Stock" section of this chapter.

See Understanding the Transfer of Allocated Stock.

Once you have completed the setup of the transferring allocated stock, you can use the transaction codes of 0601 (item transfer) and 0602 (container transfer) to transfer allocated stock. This enables you to transfer warehouse stock and transfer an entire storage container containing some or all allocated stock to another materials storage location. You cannot use the remaining transaction codes of 0603 to 0607 to transfer allocated stock.

The following options are available for the transaction codes of 0601 and 0602 on the Inventory Transfer EIP (service operation), Storage Location Transfer page (transaction page), and the Transaction Maintenance- Inventory Transfer page:

See Also

PeopleTools PeopleBook: Integration Broker

PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management Integration PeopleBook

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Process the Inventory Transfers EIP

Page Name

Definition Name



Message Definition


PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Messages

View the fields to be used by the service operation within PeopleSoft Integration Broker. In order to correctly populate the incoming data, we are going to review the message definition. This is a setup step that is not repeated for each transaction request.

See Implementing Integrations.

Storage Location Transfer


SCM Integrations, Process Transactions, Inventory, Storage Location Transfer, Inventory Transfers

Establish run control parameters for the Inventory Transfers process and load material storage location transfer data staged by third-party applications using the Inventory Transfer EIP. These third-party applications include electronic data collection systems and warehouse management systems.

Transaction Maintenance


SCM Integrations, Transaction Error Handling, Maintain Transactions

View all electronic transactions in the transaction log (inbound staging tables) and access the detail pages that enable you to correct transaction errors.

Transaction Maintenance- Inventory Transfer


Click the EIP Control ID link on the Transaction Maintenance page

View the details of an inventory transfer transaction and correct error messages found during the Inventory Transfers process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Inventory Transfer Message in PeopleSoft Integration Broker

Access the Message Definition page in PeopleSoft Integration Broker for the INVENTORY_TRANSFER message (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Messages).

In order to correctly populate your incoming data, we are going to review the message definition. Message definitions provide the physical description of the data that is being sent, including; fields, field types, and field lengths. Messages do not contain any processing logic. All processing logic is defined in service operations, using service operation handlers. In this section, we are looking at some of the important fields in the INVENTORY_TRANSFER message.


Transaction codes determines the type of action to be performed, including:

0601 - Item Transfer: Transfers loose items from one material storage location to another. This transaction is useful for inventory consolidation in a warehouse where some items are not tracked in containers. For example, you can move the last five cases of inventory so that a received pallet can be put away into the original material storage location. Using this transaction code, you can choose to transfer available stock, allocated stock, or a combination of both.

For allocated stock, you can choose the stock to be transferred using the Original Location group box, or select a specific allocation using the Inventory Allocations group box or the Production Allocations group box. When transferring allocated stock, keep in mind, that a partial transfer could occur leaving allocated stock in two separate material storage locations. For example, 20 units of item A could be allocated to order ID 999. A transfer transaction could move 15 allocated units to another location but leave 5 allocated unit in the original location.

0602 - Container Transfer: Transfers a full storage container from one material storage location to another. By moving a container (a full pallet, for example) to another location, you can consolidate inventory in your warehouse. Using this transaction code, you can choose to transfer a storage container that contains stock that has been allocated to a demand line. You can transfer a container with available stock, allocated stock, or a combination of both. When transferring a container with allocated stock, be sure to select the Include Allocated Qty check box for pre-allocated and lot-allocated stock and the Include Release Qty check box for released stock.

Using this transaction code, you can choose to transfer a container with available stock, allocated stock, or a combination of both.

0603 - Associate Item to a Cntr (associate an item to a container): Transfers loose items into a storage container. You can build a new container, or you can add items to an existing container. If the container is empty before the new items are added, you can enter the putaway location on the same transaction. If the container already has items in it, use the Container Transfer transaction to move the container to the destination location. You cannot transfer allocated stock into a container.

0604 - DeAssociate Item From a Cntr (deassociate an item from a container): Transfers items from a storage container to a material storage location. You can also use this transaction to move inventory from a storage container in a secondary material storage location to a fixed picking bin location that does not have a storage container. This transaction reverses the associate item to a Container transaction. You cannot transfer allocated stock out of a container.

0605 - Item/Cntr to Item/Cntr (item/container to item/container): Transfers items from one storage container to another. If the destination container is empty, you can add items to the container and move the container to another material storage location simultaneously. For a storage container that already has items in it, use the Container Transfer transaction. You cannot transfer allocated stock using this transaction code.

0606 - Cntr/Cntr Full Transfer (container to container full transfer): Transfers all contents of one storage container into another storage container. You cannot transfer allocated stock using this transaction code.

0607 - Debuild Full Container: Transfers all items from a storage container to a material storage location. You cannot transfer allocated stock using this transaction code.

Original Location Fields

Enter in information to select the stock from it's original location.


Select the item that you are transferring. The field is required for Item Transfer, Associate Item to a Container, DeAssociate Item From a Container, and Item/Container to Item/Container transactions. Because Container Transfer, Container/Container Full Transfer, and Debuild Full Container transactions transfer all items in the container, the field is unavailable.

The business unit defaults established on the Inventory Display Options page govern whether lot, serial, staged date, and configuration fields are needed for this item.


Select the material storage location from which you are removing items. Unless you specify otherwise, the current container location is the default. This field is only available for the Item Transfer and Associate Item to a Container transactions.

The business unit's default display options determine how many material storage location levels are available for entry to this message row.


Select a storage container for the original location.


The quantity and UOM for the item to be transferred. This is required fields for all the item-transfer transactions. Because the full-container transactions transfer all items in the storage container, quantity and units of measure are not applicable for these transactions. If the item is serial controlled, the quantity must equal 1. If negative quantities are not allowed, the transfer quantity must be less than or equal to the available quantity at the material storage location.

If the UOM Conversion Flag for electronic data collection transactions specifies using the entered UOM, you must use a valid stocking UOM for the item. If the flag is set to convert the UOM to the standard UOM or to convert the UOM to the stocking UOM, you can enter any valid UOM for the item.


Enter values if you are using a pick batch as the basis for the transaction. When using this field, keep in mind the following information:

  • If an invalid pick batch ID or pick line are entered in this field, the transaction is put in error status.

  • In order to transfer allocated stock, you must also enter Y in the INCLUDE_RELSD_FLG field. When you have entered this combination of selecting the INCLUDE_RELSD_FLG field and entering a pick batch ID, the system only looks for allocated stock.. If there is insufficient allocated stock, the transaction is put in error status.

  • If this field is used in combination with the inventory allocation fields (DEMAND_SOURCE, SOURCE_BUS_UNIT, ORDER_NO, ORDER_INT_LINE_NO, and SCHED_LINE_NBR) or the PRODUCTION_ID field, any conflict in the information is resolved by using the pick batch information only.


Enter Y in this field to transfer the selected stock even if the stock has been pre-allocated or lot-allocated (that is, allocated to a demand line without a pick batch ID). This field is only applicable if you have selected the transaction code of 0601 (item transfer) or 0602 (container transfer). The default setting is derived from the Include Pre-Released Allocations check box on the Fulfillment Setup page for this business unit.


Enter Y in this field to transfer the selected stock even if the stock has been allocated to a demand line with a pick batch ID. This field should only be used if you have selected the Allow Transfer of Released Allocations check box on the Inventory Definition- Business Unit Options page and, on this transaction, you have using the transaction code of 0601 (item transfer) or 0602 (container transfer). The default setting is derived from the Include Released Allocations check box on the Fulfillment Setup page for this business unit.


If you are transferring stock that has been allocated to a demand line, you can select the stock to be transferred by entering in information about the allocated order, including the demand source, source business unit, order number, line number, and schedule line number. These fields are only available if you have selected the transaction code of 0601 (item transfer) or 0602 (container transfer). In addition, either the INCLUDE_ALLOC_FLG field or the INCLUDE_RELSD_FLG field must have the value of Y. If the data entered here conflicts with the pick batch ID entered on this same transaction, then the transaction is put in error status.


If you are transferring stock that has been allocated to a production order demand line from PeopleSoft Manufacturing, you can enter the production ID to select the stock to be transferred. This field is only available if you have selected the transaction code of 0601 (item transfer) or 0602 (container transfer). In addition, the INCLUDE_RELSD_FLG field must have the value of Y. If the production ID entered here conflicts with the pick batch ID entered on this same page, then the transaction is put in error status.

Destination Location Fields

Enter the destination for the transferred stock or storage container.


Enter the storage container that is the destination of this transfer.


Indicate the destination material storage location. If the destination container is empty and you are conducting an Associate Item to a Container, Item/Container to Item/Container, Container/Container Full Transfer, or Debuild Full Container transaction, this field is required. If the container is not empty, the system adds the new items to the container at its current location.

If the destination material storage location is a fixed picking bin, the UOM that you entered must equal the fixed picking bin UOM, unless the UOM Conversion Flag (located on the Define Business Unit Item - Inventory: Shipping/Handling page) is set to convert to the standard UOM, in which case:

  • The standard UOM must equal the fixed picking bin UOM, or

  • The UOM Conversion Flag is set to convert to the stocking UOM.

    In this case the default stocking UOM must equal the fixed picking bin UOM.

For more information about messages, see the "Managing Messages" chapter of the PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker.

See Also

PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker

Processing Enterprise Integration Points (EIPs)

Structuring Inventory

Defining Your Operational Structure in PeopleSoft Inventory

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Inventory Transfer Transactions

Access the Storage Location Transfer process page (SCM Integrations, Process Transactions, Inventory, Storage Location Transfer, Inventory Transfers).


Enter the Inventory business unit to receive the transfer transactions.

Commit Batch

Enter a commit batch number. This field controls database commit level processing. Enter the number of rows that you want to process before a database update is performed. If you do not want to do intermittent commits, then set the commit batch field to zero (no intermittent commits) or a number that is larger than the normal number of rows that are usually processed. You may need to try different commit batch numbers to achieve the maximum level of performance while minimizing database locking.

The Storage Location Transfer process verifies that the following criteria are met:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Inventory Transfer Transactions

Access the Transaction Maintenance page (SCM Integrations, Transaction Error Handling, Maintain Transactions).

The Transaction Maintenance page displays transactions from the inbound staging tables and is used to view the status of the incoming transactions. If errors are found during the Inventory Transfers process, the transaction status in the transaction log is changed to Error, and rows are inserted into error tables for each error message.

See Also

Using Transaction Maintenance

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCorrecting Errors in an Inventory Transfer Transaction

Access the Transaction Maintenance- Inventory Transfer page (Click the EIP Control ID link on the Transaction Maintenance page).

Use the Transaction Maintenance- Inventory Transfer page to view, correct, and resubmit inventory transfer transactions. For example, if an inventory transfer transaction is loaded with a material storage location that does not exist, then the file generates an error. Once you have corrected the information and saved the page, the transaction is ready to be reprocessed using the Inventory Transfers process.

Click to jump to parent topicRecording Inventory Transfers Using the Transaction Page

The PeopleSoft transaction pages are used to collect data from electronic data collection systems, such as keyboard wedges. The Storage Location Transfer transaction page is used to record inventory transfers transactions. Keyboard wedges can be used when the person collecting the bar-coded information has access to a workstation running the PeopleSoft application. A wand or a laser gun connects to the keyboard wedge that inputs the bar-coded information directly into the transaction pages. The computer interprets information entered using the keyboard wedge in the same manner as information entered using the keyboard. When you save the page, the PeopleSoft system inserts the transaction into the transaction log and clears the page so that you can enter a new transaction. The data is loaded into the inbound staging tables.

See Also

Using an Electronic Data Collection System

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Record Inventory Transfers Using the Transaction Page

Page Name

Definition Name



Storage Location Transfer

Scan Kanban Transfer


  • SCM Integrations, Create Transactions, Inventory, Storage Location Transfer, Inventory Transfer

  • SCM Integrations, Create Transactions, Manufacturing, Scan Kanban Transfers, Kanban Transfer

  • Production Control, Process Production, Transact Kanbans, Scan Kanban Transfers, Kanban Transfer

Conduct inventory transfers using an electronic data collection system.

Storage Location Transfer (process page)


SCM Integrations, Process Transactions, Inventory, Storage Location Transfer, Inventory Transfers

Establish run control parameters for the Inventory Transfers process and load material storage location transfer data staged by third-party applications using the Inventory Transfer EIP. These third-party applications include electronic data collection systems and warehouse management systems.

Transaction Maintenance


SCM Integrations, Transaction Error Handling, Maintain Transactions

View all electronic transactions in the transaction log (inbound staging tables) and access the detail pages that enable you to correct transaction errors.

Transaction Maintenance- Inventory Transfer


Click the EIP Control ID link on the Transaction Maintenance page

View the details of an inventory transfer transaction and correct error messages found during the Inventory Transfers process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Transaction Page for Inventory Transfers

Access the Storage Location Transfer page (SCM Integrations, Create Transactions, Inventory, Storage Location Transfer, Inventory Transfer).

The Storage Location Transfer transaction page uses the same fields as the message for the INVENTORY_TRANSFER service operation in the PeopleSoft Integration Broker. For more information on the fields of this transaction page, see the above section "Using the Inventory Transfer Message in PeopleSoft Integration Broker".

See Using the Inventory Transfer Message in PeopleSoft Integration Broker.