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Oracle Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide     Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.1
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1.  Introduction to Administering the Geographic Edition Software

2.  Before You Begin

Overview of Oracle Solaris Cluster Administration Concepts

Configuring Resources and Resource Groups

Configuring Logical Hostnames

Managing Device Groups

Overview of Geographic Edition Administration Tasks

Prerequisite Administration Tasks

Geographic Edition Administration Tasks

Example Geographic Edition Cluster Configuration

3.  Administering the Geographic Edition Infrastructure

4.  Administering Access and Security

5.  Administering Cluster Partnerships

6.  Administering Heartbeats

7.  Administering Protection Groups

8.  Monitoring and Validating the Geographic Edition Software

9.  Customizing Switchover and Takeover Actions

10.  Script-Based Plug-Ins

A.  Standard Geographic Edition Properties

B.  Legal Names and Values of Geographic Edition Entities

C.  Disaster Recovery Administration Example

D.  Takeover Postconditions

E.  Troubleshooting Geographic Edition Software

F.  Deployment Example: Replicating Data With MySQL

G.  Error Return Codes for Script-Based Plug-Ins


Overview of Geographic Edition Administration Tasks

This section provides a starting point for administering the Geographic Edition software. This section contains the following tasks:

Prerequisite Administration Tasks

Before you begin administering the Geographic Edition software, you must identify the Oracle Solaris Cluster installations you need to host protection groups. Then, you need to adjust the Oracle Solaris Cluster configuration and environment to support the formation of partnerships and protection groups with the Geographic Edition software. The following table describes these prerequisite tasks.

Table 2-2 Geographic Edition Prerequisite Tasks

Set the cluster name to the name you want to use with the Geographic Edition software.
Use the cluster(1CL) command. For more information, see How to Enable Geographic Edition Software.
Set up the IP address and host maps for the cluster that is enabled to run Geographic Edition software.
Install and configure your data replication product.
See the Availability Suite, EMC Symmetrix Remote Data Facility or Sun ZFS Storage Appliance documentation.

This step is required before you can create protection groups with the geopg create command.

Port and configure application configuration and corresponding resource groups on clusters that are candidates for partnership.
Enable the common agent container on all nodes of both clusters.

Geographic Edition Administration Tasks

After you have completed the prerequisite administration tasks, you can install, configure, and administer the Geographic Edition software as described in the following table.

Table 2-3 Geographic Edition Administration Tasks

Description and Documentation
Install Geographic Edition software.
Set up security between the candidate partner clusters.
Enable the Geographic Edition software.
Use the geoadm start command.

For more information, see Enabling the Geographic Edition Software.

Create partnerships.
See How to Create a Partnership. This procedure includes the following:
Configure data replication.
Create protection groups.
Bring the protection groups online.
Test the configured partnership and protection groups to validate the setup.
Migrate services to the partner cluster.
Take over services from primary to secondary during a disaster.
Recover from a takeover.
Take a protection group offline.
Delete a protection group.
Delete a partnership.
Disable the Geographic Edition software.
Uninstall the Geographic Edition software.