Collecting Receivables

This chapter provides an overview of receivables collection and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Receivables Collection

This section lists prerequisites and common elements and provides an overview of receivables collection.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you can move items into or out of the collection system, you must run the Credit History (RUNCTL_CREHIST) process to determine the aging categories in which past due items belong.

See Also

Processing and Reviewing Customer Credit History

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Element Used in This Chapter

Collection ID (collection identifier)

A system-assigned ID for a given collection item.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReceivables Collection

The Collect Receivables feature provides early intervention for past-due accounts. The feature interacts with PeopleSoft Workflow to assign collections items to the worklist of specific users. In addition, the feature interacts with the 3Cs (communications, comments, and checklists) from Campus Community to generate automated collection (dunning) letters. All the information that is needed to manage the collections cycle is compiled in one location and can be reviewed and updated by collectors and supervisors.

Click to jump to parent topicAssigning Collection Items to Collectors and Worklists

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Assign Collection Items to Collectors and Worklists

Page Name

Definition Name



Process Collections


Student Financials, Collections, Process Collections

Assign collection items to collectors.

Assign Collections Worklist


  • Student Financials, Collections, Assign Customers to Worklist, Assign Collections Worklist

  • Student Financials, Collections, Assign Corporation to Worklist, Assign Collections Worklist

Assign collection items to worklist.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Collection Items to Collectors

Access the Process Collections page (Student Financials, Collections, Process Collections).


ID Switch

Select whether to assign collection items for students or for organizations. The two valid values for this field are By Emplid and By Org ID.

Report Only

The Assign Collector process normally generates a report of the collection items that it assigns to collectors. If you want to generate the report of what assignments the system will make without actually making them, select this check box.


Reason In

Enter the reason in code that the system attaches to each item that the Assign Collector process moves into the collection system.

Reason Out

Enter the reason out code that the system attaches to each item that the Assign Collector process moves out of the collection system.

The Assign Collector (SFCOLLEC) process assigns each receivable that is eligible for collection to a collector based on the collection criteria that you established during your collections setup. It creates new collection records for items moved into collections for the first time. In addition, it updates the collection records for items that have been resolved or modified since the last time the process was run.

See Also

Setting Up Business Units

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Collection Items to Worklists

Access the Assign Collections Worklist page (Student Financials, Collections, Assign Customers to Worklist, Assign Collections Worklist).

The Collections (SSF_ASGNWORK) process (if you assign collection items by user ID) or the Collections Role SSF_ASGNWORK process (if you assign collection items by role) routes collection items to the worklist of the appropriate collector.

Note. If you access this page using the Assign Org Worklist component, you can choose to run the Process Org Collections process (if you assign collection items by user ID) or the Process Org Role Collections process (if you assign collection items by role) when you click Run. These processes route organization collection items to worklists rather than student collection items.

Click to jump to parent topicWorking Collection Items

This section provides an overview of collection items and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Collection Items

After you assign collection items to the appropriate worklists, your collectors can begin working each item.

Working Student Collection Items

Collectors and supervisors use the Demographic Information and Collection Information pages to work student collection items. You can access these pages using three different components:

Working Corporate Collection Items

Collectors and supervisors use the Demographic Information and Cust Conv Coll (customer conversation collection) pages to work corporate collection items. You can access these pages using three different components:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Work Collection Items

Page Name

Definition Name



Demographic Information


Student Financials, Collections, Collection Effort, Begin Customer Collection, Demographic Information

View demographic information and collection items for a student.

Demographic Information


Student Financials, Collections, Collection Effort, Begin Corporate Collection, Demographic Information

View demographic information and collection items for an organization.

Collections Dunning Letter


Click the Dunning Letter Info (dunning letter information) link on the Demographic Information page.

Select collection letter templates for item types.

Credit History


Click the Get Credit History link on the Demographic Information page.

Review the credit history of the student whose collection records you are working.

Credit History


Click the Get Credit History link on the Org Customer Convers Wrklst - Demographic Information page

Review the credit history of the organization for which you are working collection records.

Collection Information


Student Financials, Collections, Collection Effort, Begin Customer Collection, Collection Information

Record collection steps and follow-up actions for collection items.



Click the Get Communication link on the Collection Information page.

View information about communication records that you created for the collection item.



Click the Get Checklist link on the Collection Information page.

View information about checklist records that you created for the collection item.



Click the Get Comment link on the Collection Information page.

View information about comment records that you created for the collection item.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Demographic Information and Collection Items

Access the Demographic Information page (Student Financials, Collections, Collection Effort, Begin Customer Collection, Demographic Information).


Displays the ID of the student whose collection items you are working. The name of the student appears to the right of this field.

If you access this page from the Customer Conversations component or the Customer Conversations Update component, use this field to select the student whose collection items you want to work.

Dunning Letter Info (dunning letter information)

Click to access the Collections Dunning Letter secondary page.

Reason In

Displays the reason in code that is associated with the collection record.

If you are using this page to manually create a collection record, use this field to select a reason in code for the collection record.

Get Credit History

Click to access the Credit History secondary page.

Phone Info

This scroll area displays all of the phone numbers that are associated with the student. If you select the check box next to one of the phone numbers, the selected phone number appears in the Phone field on the Collection Information page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Collection Letter Templates

Access the Collections Dunning Letter page (click the Dunning Letter Info link on the Demographic Information page).

Template Code

Enter the code of the collection letter template that you want to attach to the collection record.

Template Assign Date

Enter the date on which you assigned the template to this collection record.

Template Status

Displays the status of the collection letter template.

Date Time

Displays the date and time that the Collections Dunning Letter process creates a communication record for a letter.

Mail Status

Displays the status of the individual collection letter.

Note. If you attached a collection letter template to the collection criteria of the collector who is responsible for the collection items, the system enters this information automatically when you run Process Collections.

See Also

Setting Up Collection Letter Templates

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRecording Collection Steps and Follow-Up Actions for Collection Items

Access the Collection Information page (Student Financials, Collections, Collection Effort, Begin Customer Collection, Collection Information).

Note. The Cust Conv Coll (customer conversation collection) page is identical to this page.

Follow Up Action

Enter any follow-up actions that are required for the collection record.

User ID

Enter the user ID of the collector who worked this item.

Next Review Date

Enter the date on which this collection record must be worked again if it hasn't yet been resolved.

Next Review User ID

Enter the user ID of the collector who is assigned to review the collection record next.

Action Date/Time

Indicates the date and time that a collector last entered information for this collection record on this page.

Communication Date Time

Indicates the date and time that a collector last modified the information in the Communication group box.

Checklist Date Time

Indicates the date and time that a collector last modified the information in the Checklist group box.

Comment Date Time

Indicates the date and time that a collector last modified the information in the Comments group box.


If you select the check box next to one of the phone numbers displayed on the Demographic Information page, that phone number appears here.


Use this group box to record communication activity that you perform for this collection record that lies outside of the automated letter generation process.

Letter Code

Enter the letter code of the letter that you sent.

Get Communication

Click to access the Communication page, where you can view information about any communications that are associated with the collection item that you are working.


Use this group box to record any checklist activity that you perform for this collection record.

Promise Date

Enter the date by which the student promised to make a payment toward a collection item.

Cash Forecast

Enter the amount of money that the student promised to pay.

Get Checklist

Click to access the Checklist page, where you can view information about any checklists that are associated with the collection item that you are working.


Use this group box to record any comment activity that you perform for this collection record.


Enter a category for the comment.


Enter a comment.

Get Comment

Click to access the Comments page, where you can view information about any comments that are associated with the collection item that you are working.

See Also

Managing Communications

Managing Comments

Managing Checklists

Click to jump to parent topicUpdating Collection Letter Information

At some point during the collection process, you may need to review and update the status of a collection letter template that is assigned to a student collection record. Two pages are available for this purpose, one for student collection letters and one for corporate collection letters. Both pages have identical functionality.

Note. You cannot modify the Template Assign Date field or the Template Code field on either of these pages.

See Also

Selecting Collection Letter Templates

Setting Up Collection Letter Templates

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Update Collection Letter Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Collections Dunning Letter


Student Financials, Collections, Letter Generation, Dunning Letter Content, Collections Dunning Letter

Review and update the collection letter information for a given student collection record.

Collections Dunning Letter


Student Financials, Collections, Letter Generation, Corporate Dunning Letter, Collections Dunning Letter

Review and update the collection letter information for a given corporate collection record.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Collection Letters

The Collect Receivables feature enables you to generate automated collection letters to send to customers with past-due items. Based on the collection letter templates that you assign to your collection records, the Collections Dunning Letter process determines which letters to send and creates a communication record for them in PeopleSoft Campus Community. Your Campus Community personnel use these communication records to run a letter generation process to generate the letters. In addition, for every letter requiring generation, the process updates its mail status in Student Financials to Sent. The process updates the template status of any affected collection letter template to Complete.

See Also

Managing Communications

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Process Collection Letters

Page Name

Definition Name



Collections Dunning Letter


Student Financials, Collections, Letter Generation, Generate Dunning Letters, Collection Dunning Letter

Run the process that determines what collection letters need to be generated and sent to customers.

Click to jump to parent topicAdding to a Collector's Queue Without Using Worklists

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Add to a Collector's Queue Without Using Worklists

Page Name

Definition Name



Collection Placement


Student Financials, Collections, Put Customers in Collection, Collection Placement

Manually add students to collections without using the workflow process.

Collection Placement


Student Financials, Collections, Put Corporations in Collection, Collection Placement

Manually add corporations to collections without using the workflow process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManually Adding Students To Collections Without Using The Workflow Process

Access the Collection Placement page (Student Financials, Collections, Put Customers in Collection, Collection Placement).

The Collection Placement page enables you to assign collectors to students or corporations. However, you must run the Credit History process first, which uses aging categories against students or corporations to determine who should be placed in collection


Enter the student whom you want to add to collections.

Reason In

Enter the reason that the student is in collection.

Collector Assigned

Enter the collector.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManually Adding Corporations To Collections Without Using The Workflow Process

Access the Collection Placement page (Student Financials, Collections, Put Corporations in Collection). This page is identical to the page for customers.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Customers or Corporations That Are in Collection

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Customers or Corporations That Are in Collection

Page Name

Definition Name



Collector Queue


  • Student Financials, Collections, Collection Effort, View Customer Collector Queue, Collector Queue

  • Student Financials, Collections, Collection Effort, View Corporate Collector Queue, Collector Queue

View collection activity for a student or corporation by collector queue, enabling you to view what is currently in a collector's queue.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Customers in Collection

Access the Collector Queue page (Student Financials, Collections, Collection Effort, View Customer Collector Queue, Collector Queue).

Collection ID and Status

Click to either link to view the Demographic Information page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Corporations in Collection

Access the Collector Queue page (Student Financials, Collections, Collection Effort, View Corporate Collector Queue, Collector Queue). This page is identical to the page for customers.