Setting Up Transfer Credit Processing

This chapter provides an overview of the transfer credit business process and discusses how to:

Important! Much of this organizational setup is shared with PeopleSoft Campus Community and PeopleSoft Recruiting and Admissions. Therefore, you should coordinate your efforts.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Transfer Credit Business Process

This section lists prerequisites and discusses the transfer credit business process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you set up transfer credit rules and process transfer credit, complete all other setup for Student Records. You must define academic careers, academic programs, academic plans, the course catalog, grading bases, terms, and sessions. It is helpful to write out the rules for accepting transfer credit before you enter the rules in the system.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTransfer Credit Business Process

While the setup for the Transfer Credit feature is complicated, after you set it up, you can save a lot of time in the future.

Setting up for processing transfer credit involves defining the external organizations from which you accept transfer credit and defining all of the subject areas and courses that the external organization can transfer. A key aid to completing the setup for the Transfer Credit feature is to point any external organization or internal institution to any other external organization's or internal institution's catalog of courses. It is thus possible to create one group of external courses that a number of external organizations share. Sharing course information saves time because you do not have to duplicate your data entry effort if one or more organizations have the same or similar courses. It is especially helpful when dealing with a large transfer population from schools where courses are virtually the same or catalogs are shared. For instance, if your academic institution receives many transfer students from a state college system, you can create one catalog of external courses for the state college system where all state colleges in that system can point to for these courses.

Transfer equivalency rules that you create are the foundation of the Transfer Credit process. After you define external organizations, you create equivalency rules for courses and tests, then attach these equivalency rules to specific academic programs and academic plans. You also attach an equivalency rule to an external organization or internal institution.

After you complete the setup, you are ready to process transfer credit. Transfer credit processing is based on a concept of modeling various scenarios of transfer credit articulation. You set up model scenarios for an individual, dependent on the individual's chosen academic program and plan to demonstrate different options of transferring credit. Based on your setup, you have the ability to model as many transfer credit scenarios as you want for prospects, applicants, and current students. You also have the flexibility to articulate models based on predefined rules or rules that you create manually.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining External Organizations

Before you can use transfer credit processing, use the Organization Table (ORGANIZATIONS) component to define external organizations. As you define external organizations, specify their locations, contacts, departments, and characteristics. Also, specify whether the organization is a vendor.

As part of the external organization setup within this component, transfer credit processing requires that you:

Defining external organizations functionality is shared with Campus Community and Recruiting and Admissions.

See Also

Adding Organizations to Your Database

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up External Subjects

You define subject categories for external organizations on the External Subject Table page. Then, you link these subjects to external organizations and the courses they offer. The subject area that you enter on the External Subject Table page can be tied to specific external organizations on the School Subject Maintenance page. For every external organization from which you anticipate receiving academic work for transfer articulation, define all subject areas on this page.

See Also

Entering Codes for External Organizations

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up External School Subjects

To set up external school subjects, use the School Subject Maintenance (SCHOOL_SUBJECTS) component.

This section discusses how to link external subjects to external organizations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up External School Subjects

Page Name

Definition Name



School Subject Maintenance


Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, External Education, School Subject Maintenance, School Subject Maintenance

Link external subjects to specific external organizations, specifying the subject areas that your institution accepts as transfer credit from the external organization. You use these subject areas to build external courses.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLinking External Subjects to External Organizations

Access the School Subject Maintenance page (Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, External Education, School Subject Maintenance, School Subject Maintenance).

Important! The catalog of courses for one external organization can be used by multiple institutions. Plan carefully before you use this page to enter every subject area for every institution from which you might receive transfer credit.

School Subject

Enter a school subject for the external organization. This field contains no edits and, thus, enables you to enter any value. Only the values in the prompt box display a description.

External Subject Area

Enter the external subject area that corresponds to the school subject. This field is useful when an external organization has a number of school subjects that are the same but have different names, such as ENGL and English. You can associate both school subjects with each other, for example, by tying each school subject to the external subject area of ENGL.

Click to jump to parent topicEntering External Courses

To set up external courses, use the School Course Classification (SCHOOL_COURSES) component.

This section discusses how to record external courses.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Enter External Courses

Page Name

Definition Name



School Course Classification


Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, External Education, School Course Classification, School Course Classification

Record the specific course offerings for each subject area of an external organization. You use these course classifications when you create course transfer rules.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRecording External Courses

Access the School Course Classification page (Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, External Education, School Course Classification, School Course Classification).

Note. If you want to inactivate an external course, you must enter a status of inactive and remove the external course from your course equivalency rules.

School Course Number

Enter the course number at the specified external organization for the course that you are classifying. This value is usually the catalog number of the external course.

External Subject Area

Enter the external subject area for this course at the specified external organization. This field is where school subjects that are the same but have different names can both be represented by the single external subject area that you enter.


Enter the career for this course at the specified external organization. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these values.

External Course Type

Enter the external course type for this course at the specified external organization. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these values.

Course Level

Enter the level for this course at the specified external organization. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these values.

External Units

Enter the number of external units that this course is worth at the specified external organization.

Note. External courses are converted to the unit type of your academic institution based on the rules on the External Term Table page.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up External Terms

Define external terms on the External Term page. When tracking information about external institutions for a prospect, applicant, or student, you may want to know the specific term to which that information is related. For example, if you are entering external transfer credit information, you want to record the term to which the transfer credit information pertains. Because external institutions use various term structures, use this page to define all external terms. You can also set up how you want external terms converted to your term structure on this page.

Note. The system uses the conversion multipliers on the Unit Conversion Table page when calculating internal transfer credit (for instance, transferring between academic careers).

See Also

Entering Codes for External Organizations

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Test and Component Information

To create test credit transfer rules, define your test components and test codes:

Note. Minimum scores are also defined for test transfer equivalency rules.

See Also

Processing External Test Scores

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Transcript and Statistics Defaults

Use the Organization Affiliation page to enter details about the affiliation of your institution with specific external organizations. The only relevant fields for transfer credit processing that contain the default values for printed transcripts are in the Transfer Credit Transcript Print group box on this page. You can override the default values for specific transcript types on the Transfer/Test/Other Credits page of the Transcript Type (TSCRPT_TYPE) component.

Level of Detail

Enter a value to indicate the transfer credit level of detail to print on transcripts for a student transferring credit from this external organization:

Summary: Enter this value to print a student's total transferred units and grade point average (GPA) from this external organization on the student's transcript. Enter this value if you use the Historical Course Enrollment page for your conversion process.

Detail: Enter this value to print what you selected in the Details to Print field.

Details to Print

If you enter Detail in the Level of Detail field, use this field to enter the details to print on the transcript: None, External Courses, External and Internal, or Internal Equivalent Courses.

Include Transfer Credit in GPA

Select this check box if you want the transfer credit from this organization to be included in the student's GPA. If you clear this check box, the system does not include transfer credit grade points in the student's GPA.

See Also

Entering Affiliations with Organizations

Click to jump to parent topicMaking Overall Statistics Adjustments

Use the Terms in Residence page to modify a student's terms in residence or to adjust transfer credit values.

See Also

Maintaining a Student's Terms in Residence

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Study Agreements

To set up study agreements, use the Student Agreement Table (STUDY_AGREEMNT_TBL) component.

You can attach study agreements to individual student records on the External Study page of the Term Activation (STDNT_ACTIVATION) component. Study agreement codes are normally used to represent study abroad, exchange, and visiting programs.

This section lists the page used to define study agreements.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Study Agreements

Page Name

Definition Name



Study Agreement Table


Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Study Agreement Table, Study Agreement Table

Create study agreements for use with external organizations.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Course Transfer Equivalency Rules

To set up course transfer equivalency rules, use the Transfer Subject Area (TRNSFR_SUBJ_AREA) component and the Course Transfer Rules (TRNSFR_RULE) component.

This section provides an overview of course transfer equivalency rules and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Course Transfer Equivalency Rules

After you set up all of the tables discussed previously in this chapter, you can begin to create your course transfer equivalency rules. The Transfer Credit process enables you to articulate course credit manually or with predefined course transfer equivalency rules. Most likely, you will create predefined rules for external organizations or internal academic institutions from which you receive the majority of your transfer students. You can create manual rules for those organizations from which you infrequently receive transfer students.

In this section, we review how to create the predefined course equivalency transfer rules for modeling transfer articulations for a prospect, applicant, or student. An equivalency rule is attached to an external organization or internal academic institution and can contain numerous transfer components. You might even decide to define more than one course transfer equivalency rule for an external organization or internal academic institution to account for academic program and academic plan differences in articulation rules.

The term component is used throughout this chapter and should be distinguished from the same term used in PeopleSoft PeopleTools, where it refers to a page or a group of pages under a menu item. In the Transfer Credit feature, a component ties each incoming course and its internal equivalents together. Thus, for each incoming course and its matched equivalent, a corresponding component exists. Together, these data elements represent a line or sequence within the overall course transfer rule. Thus, a course transfer rule is generally made up of hundreds, possibly thousands, of components, each of which contains a number of data elements, including the transfer priority number, the incoming courses, and the internal equivalents. For simplicity, we refer to components related to transfer credit as transfer components.

To manage this large volume of transfer components, group them into distinct component subject areas for each external organization or internal academic institution by using the Transfer Subject Area component. Because component subject areas are user-defined and not enforced by the Subject table of your academic institution, you can define a component subject area with a value that you can later associate with a given course transfer equivalency rule. For example, you can create a component subject area called Mathematics for an external organization and define all of the incoming math and statistics courses and their internal equivalent courses within this component subject area. Alternatively, you can define one component subject area for math courses and one component subject area for statistics courses.

After you define component subject areas, use the Course Transfer Rules component to assign component subject areas to the course transfer rules that you create for each external organization or internal academic institution.

The system stores the data for each component subject area in intermediary tables (TRNSFR_RULE and TRNSFR_RSUB) that are independent of the course-transfer equivalency rule tables (TRNSFR_SUBJ, TRNSFR_COMP, TRNSFR_FROM, TRNSFR_TO). All of these tables are associated with each other through parent-and-child relationships in the table structure.

Articulating Variable Unit Courses

To ease the articulation of variable unit courses, the PeopleSoft system can determine transfer unit values in one of three ways:

  1. By the units of the internal equivalent course as they appear in the course catalog.

  2. By a fixed value, determined by the institution.

  3. By the units of the incoming course, whether a set or variable value, with the option of setting a maximum limit.

Rather than having the transfer model determine the transfer units for an incoming course based on the units of the internal equivalent course in the course catalog as they appeared at the time that you set up the transfer rule, which can cause the system to get out of synchronization, you can determine the units by the internal equivalent course or by a fixed value. See the examples at the end of this section for more information.

Excess Credit Courses

You can award excess credit to a specified course. For example, if a student took MATH 1A for four units, but the internal equivalent was only worth three units, then you can set up an excess credit course and award the excess units to that course. See the examples at the end of this section for more information.

Note. The PeopleSoft Academic Advisement application treats the excess credit course as another transfer course, bringing in the course ID, grade, and requirement designation as it does for the internal equivalent course. Like the internal equivalent, the excess credit course is also coded as "TR" on the degree audit. If your business practice is to use one particular course ID to collect excess credit for a variety of incoming courses, be aware that each instance of the course will appear on the advising report.

Transfer Status: Rejected

The system automatically rejects courses for any of these reasons:

See Also

Processing Transfer Credit

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create Course Transfer Equivalency Rules

Page Name

Definition Name



Transfer Subject Area


Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Rules, Transfer Subject Area, Transfer Subject Area

Describe component subject areas for a transfer credit source, otherwise known as an external organization or internal academic institution. Also set up incoming course default information for the transfer components that you will define within this component subject area. The system applies these defaults to each incoming course that you specify on the Subject Area Elements page of this component.

Subject Area Elements


Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Rules, Transfer Subject Area, Subject Area Elements

Define the transfer components of the component subject area.

Incoming Course Information


Click the Incoming Course Information link on the Subject Area Elements page.

Adjust the default information for a particular incoming course within the component subject area. Default information for incoming courses of a particular component subject area is defined on the Transfer Subject Area page.

Course Transfer Rules


Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Rules, Course Transfer Rules, Course Transfer Rules

Define course transfer equivalency rules for external organizations or internal academic institutions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Component Subject Areas

Access the Transfer Subject Area page (Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Rules, Transfer Subject Area, Transfer Subject Area).

General Fields

Catalog Org Type (catalog organization type)

Designates the table from which you select a catalog organization for the component subject area of the specified source.

External: The system prompts you with external organizations in your system. Define external organizations on the Organization Table page.

Internal: The system prompts you with academic institutions in your system. Define academic institutions on the Academic Institution Table page.

Catalog Organization

Enter the catalog organization for this component subject area of the specified source. By default, the system displays the specified source as the catalog organization, but you can override this value. The system prompts you with values based on the value that you entered in the Catalog Org Type field. When defining course equivalencies for the component subject area of the specified source on the Subject Area Elements page, the system prompts you with incoming courses based on the catalog organization value that you enter here.

You can use any external organization or internal academic institution as the catalog organization to define course equivalencies for this component subject area of the specified source. However, after you define a course equivalency on the Subject Area Elements page, the Catalog Org Type and Catalog Organization fields become unavailable.

Component Defaults

Use the fields in the Component Defaults group box to define default information for incoming courses that you select for this component subject area of specified source on the Subject Area Elements page. Later, you can override these default values for an individual incoming course by clicking the Incoming Course Information link for the incoming course to change on the Subject Area Elements page.

Min/Max Units (minimum and maximum units)

Enter the default minimum and maximum units for all incoming courses that you define for this component subject area of the specified source.

Term Type

Enter the default term type for all incoming courses that you define for this component subject area of the specified source. By default, the system displays the term type defined on the School Data page in the Organization School Data component. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these values.

Min/Max Grade Pts Per Unit (minimum and maximum grade points per unit)

Enter the default minimum and maximum grade points per unit for all incoming courses that you define for this component subject area of the specified source.

Internal Equiv Course Value (internal equivalent course value)

Enter a default value for this component subject area. Select from these options:

Use Catalog Units: The system determines the number of units that the student will obtain for the incoming course based on the unit setting for the internal equivalent course in the course catalog.

Specify Maximum Units: The system uses the units of the incoming course but does not exceed the maximum units that you enter in the Max Units to Transfer field.

Specify Fixed Units: The system awards the student the number of units that you enter in the Units field.

Excess Credit Defaults

Course ID

If you want to create excess credit courses, enter a default for this component subject area. The system places excess units into this course when a student has taken more units for the incoming course than is allowed in the internal equivalent course. See the Course ID field description in the following section: Defining Subject Area Elements.

Requirement Designation

If you want to assign a requirement designation to your excess credit courses, enter a default for this component subject area. Requirement designations further define the type of transfer credit being received. Requirement designation values are defined on the Requirement Designation Table page.

See Also

Understanding Requirement Designations

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Subject Area Elements

Access the Subject Area Elements page (Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Rules, Transfer Subject Area, Subject Area Elements).

Within each transfer component, you define the incoming courses and internal equivalent courses. For each transfer component, you define the term type of the incoming course, the transfer priority in relation to other transfer components within the component subject area, and some general information.

General Fields

Sequence Number

The sequence number is the numeric counter that distinguishes each transfer component of the component subject area from other transfer components. By default, the system populates the first sequence number of the component subject area with 0001 and increases the number by one as you add transfer components.


This field describes the transfer component of the component subject area. By default, the system displays the description from the Transfer Subject Area page. You can override this default value.

Term Type

Enter the term type for this transfer component of the component subject area. By default, the system displays the term type from the Transfer Subject Area page. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these values.

Transfer Course

Select to have the incoming courses on this transfer component of the component subject area transfer to your academic institution, provided that the student's incoming course meets all conditions of the course transfer rule.

Clear to have the Transfer Credit process reject the incoming courses that you enter on this row of the component subject area. A course evaluated in this way has a status of rejected on the Transfer Course Details page of the Course Credits component.

Transfer Priority

Enter the transfer priority number for this transfer component. The Transfer Credit process evaluates the courses within the component subject area according to the transfer priority of each transfer component. The transfer component that has the highest priority takes precedence. If an individual's incoming course meets all conditions of the course transfer rule to which this component subject area is assigned, the Transfer Credit process uses the equivalent course as defined on the transfer component that has the highest transfer priority. If the individual's incoming course does not meet the conditions of the course transfer rule to which this component subject area is assigned, the Transfer Credit process evaluates the incoming course against the transfer component with the next highest transfer priority.

For example, if you have a rule where a student can receive credit based on the grade or the number of units that the student completes, you set up two separate components using a different transfer priority for each. If a student takes math 101 for two units or gets an A, the internal equivalent is Math 102; and if a student takes math 101 for three units or gets a C, the internal equivalent is Math 99.

Contingent Credit

Select to have the incoming courses transfer to your academic institution as contingent credit, provided that the individual's incoming course meets all conditions of the course transfer rule to which this component subject area is assigned. A course evaluated in this way has a status of contingent on the Transfer Course Details page of the Course Credits (TRNS_CRSE) component. You can manually change the status of the incoming course from contingent to accepted after the individual meets the contingency.

For example, Education 310 at UC Santa Cruz is equivalent to Education 312 at PSUNV, provided that the student also has submitted verification of an internship. Select the Contingent Credit check box for this incoming course. During the Transfer Credit process, the course credit transfers but the incoming course has a status of contingent on the Transfer Course Details page.

Internal Equiv Course Value (internal equivalent course value)

Enter a value to indicate how you want the system to determine the number of units the student will receive from the incoming course. Select from the following:

  • Use Catalog Unit: The system determines the number of units the student will get for the incoming course based on the unit setting for the internal equivalent course in the course catalog.

    To determine the units in the course catalog, the system compares the start date of the articulation term to the effective date in the course catalog.

  • Specify Maximum Units: With two internal equivalents, the system adds the values of the incoming courses to determine the total amount that is available to transfer, up to the maximum specified, and uses the rest for the excess course when the Save Excess Units to a Course check box is selected.

    Note. Entering this value precludes the user from having two internal equivalents without selecting the Save Excess Units to a Course check box. To use a many-to-many or one-to-many rule, select Specify Fixed Units or Use Catalog Units.

  • Specify Fixed Units: The system uses the number of units that you enter in the Units field, which appears in the Internal Equivalent group box when you select this option.

    By default, the system populates the Units field with the course catalog unit value of the internal equivalent when the transfer rule is set up. You can change this value.

    Note. If the unit value or effective date in the course catalog changes, the Units field on this page does not change.

Save Excess Units to a Course

Select if you want to save excess units from the incoming course to a specified internal course. For example, if the incoming course was taken for four units, and the internal equivalent course is worth only three units, the extra unit can be credited to a second internal course, most likely an elective course.

Note. Only one excess unit course can be assigned per transfer equivalency rule. Also, you cannot save excess units to a course when there is more than one internal equivalent.

Incoming Course

Use the Incoming Course group box to define the external course information for a specific transfer component. The incoming courses and internal equivalent courses that you define are the transfer components of the component subject area.

Seq# (sequence number)

The system automatically assigns a sequential number to each incoming course to identify unique transfer component records within the data table. These sequence numbers have no programming significance.

W (wildcard)

Select to use the # wildcard character at the end of the Course Number field value for the incoming course. If you clear this check box, the system requires you to use a complete course number.


Enter the subject area of the incoming course. For incoming courses from external organizations, define subject values on the School Subject Maintenance page. For incoming courses from internal academic institutions, subject areas are tied to courses in that academic institution's course catalog.

Course Number

Enter the course number for the incoming course. If you are using an external organization for the catalog organization (as defined on the Transfer Subject Area page), the system prompts you with courses that you associated with the external organization on the School Course Classification page. If you are using an internal academic institution for the catalog organization, the system prompts you with courses defined for that academic institution in the Course Catalog (CRSE_CATALOG) component.

If you selected the W check box, you can substitute the # wildcard character for the last character of the course number so that you can map a series of incoming courses to one internal equivalent course. For example, you can enter 1# to map course numbers 10 through 19 to a specific internal equivalent course, you can enter 10# to map course numbers 100 through 109 to specific internal equivalent course, or you can enter 1## to map all 100 level courses to a specific internal equivalent course. Otherwise, the system prompts you with values from the School Course Classification Table page.

Incoming Course Information

Click to access the Incoming Course Information page, where you can enter detail information about this incoming course.

Internal Equivalent

Use the Internal Equivalent group box to define the internal course that is equivalent to the incoming course for this transfer component.

Course ID

Enter the course that is equivalent to the incoming course for this transfer component.

Offer Number

Defaults to the offer number of the course that you entered, as defined in your academic institution's course catalog. You can override this value.

Max Units to Transfer (maximum units to transfer)

This field appears when you enter Specify Maximum Units in the Internal Equiv Course Value field. Enter the maximum number of units that a student can transfer for this incoming course. For example, if the incoming course is a variable unit course that can be taken for one to five units, and you want the system to use the incoming units to populate the internal equivalent units, but you want to accept only up to three units for this course, you could enter 3 in this field. However, if you want the system to use the units of the incoming course, but do not want to impose a maximum, accept the default of 99.


This field appears when you enter Specify Fixed Units in the Internal Equiv Course Value field. Enter the number of units that you want the internal equivalent to be worth, regardless of the number of units the incoming course is worth. For example, if you enter 3 in this field, a student can take the course for one unit, two units, or seven units, but still receives three units for the internal equivalent. Defaults to the value are defined in the course catalog. You can change this value. This value does not change when you change the units in the course catalog.

Default Grade

Enter a value in this field to indicate how you want the Transfer Credit process to determine the grades for internal equivalent courses.

The By Grade Order value is available only for many-to-one and many-to-many equivalency rules. When you enter this value, the Grade Order field becomes available. The value that you enter in this field determines which incoming grade the Transfer Credit process uses. For example, if the rule is that two incoming courses—ENG101 with a grade of A and ENG102 with a grade of B—can be transferred as the internal equivalent ENGL1301, and you enter a grade order of 2nd Highest, the Transfer Credit process transfers the B grade to the internal equivalent course.

Note. The Transfer Credit process copies the grade from the incoming course to the equivalent course if the grade is a valid value for the grading scheme and the grading basis of the student's academic program.

Enter the value of Incoming Course in the Default Grade field if you want the Transfer Credit process to copy the grade from the incoming course to the internal equivalent course. When you enter this value, the Course field becomes available. For many-to-one and many-to-many equivalency rules, enter a value in the Course field to indicate which course you want the transfer credit process to use. In a many-to-many rule, each internal equivalent can use a different incoming course to determine the grade.

Note. The Transfer Credit process copies the grade from the incoming course to the equivalent course if the grade is a valid value for the grading scheme and the grading basis of the student's academic program.

Enter the value of By Transfer Equivalency Setup in the Default Grade field if you want the Transfer Credit process to use the transfer grade value defined on the Academic Program Table (ACADEMIC_PROG_TBL) component for the academic program specified on the transfer credit model.

Excess Credit Group Box

This group box appears when you select the Save Excess Units to a Course check box.

Course ID

Enter an excess credit course for this transfer equivalency rule. If a student earns more units for an incoming course than the internal equivalency rule allows, the system awards the student units in the course that you enter here. The course should be an elective course for which repeat checking is not activated.

Note. Each time that a student is awarded excess units in a course, the articulation of units appears as a separate instance of the class. Therefore, you should select the Repeat for Credit check box on the Catalog Data page in the course catalog for the course that you enter. Also, you should set the Units Allowed for the course to 999 and the Total Completions Allowed to 99 on the Catalog Data page.

Offer Nbr (offer number)

By default, the system displays the offering number of the course that you entered according to the definition of that course in your academic institution's course catalog. You can override this value.

Max Units to Transfer (maximum units to transfer)

Enter the maximum number of excess units that you want to award students. If you do not want to set a maximum, accept the default value of 99.

Requirement Designation

Enter a requirement designation if you want to define the type of transfer credit being received. This value appears by default from the course catalog.

See Also

Defining Course Catalog Data

Understanding Requirement Designations

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing and Adjusting Incoming Course Information

Access the Incoming Course Information page (click the Incoming Course Information link on the Subject Area Elements page).

Begin / End Date

By default, the system populates the begin and end date of the incoming course with 01/01/1900 and 12/31/9999. You can override these default values. These dates inform the Transfer Credit process when this incoming course is valid for the course transfer equivalency rule to which you attach this component subject area.

Min / Max Units (minimum and maximum units)

The system displays the default minimum and maximum units for incoming courses within this component subject area. You can override these default values.

For example, you might want to specify the same incoming course twice but differentiate each specification by how many units are earned. In this case, specify the same incoming course multiple times but with different minimum and maximum unit ranges.

Min/Max Grade Pts Per Unit (minimum and maximum grade points per unit)

The system displays the default minimum and maximum grade points per unit for incoming courses within this component subject area. You can override these default values.

Maximum Age

This field defines the maximum age in years of the incoming course. This prevents an individual from transferring credit for this course to your academic institution when the individual took the course more years ago than the number that you specify here. By default, the system sets the maximum age of an incoming course to 99 years, but you can override this default value. For instance, you might want restrict individuals from receiving transfer credit for a course when an individual has taken the course more than 4 years previous to the date your institution processes that individual's transfer credit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Course Transfer Rules

Access the Course Transfer Rules page (Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Rules, Course Transfer Rules, Course Transfer Rules).

For each transfer equivalency rule, attach component subject areas that you have defined for the source in the Transfer Subject Area (TRNSFR_SUBJ_AREA) component. You can define multiple course transfer equivalency rules for a single source. For example, you might define multiple rules to account for academic program and academic plan differences in equivalency rules. The effective date functionality enables you to add and delete component subject areas that are no longer valid for the equivalency rule.

When adding a new transfer equivalency rule, you must also specify the credit source type of either external organization or internal academic institution. The credit source type instructs the system from which table you will select your source ID. By selecting external organization, the system prompts you with the source IDs of external organizations in your system. By selecting institution, the system prompts you with source IDs of academic institutions in your system.

Transfer Subject Area

Enter the component subject areas to tie to the course transfer equivalency rule. Each component subject area defines the incoming courses, their internal equivalent courses, and detail about how the Transfer Credit process must function. The Transfer Credit process uses the transfer component data for component subject areas to determine an individual's transfer credit.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Examples of Course Equivalencies

This section provides examples of the following course equivalencies:

These examples demonstrate some of the ways that you can set up the Subject Area Elements page for course equivalencies.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicExample of a Many-to-One Course Equivalency

This example shows a many-to-one course equivalency:

When the Transfer Credit process applies this rule, it uses the transfer grade value defined on the Academic Program Table component for the academic program specified on the transfer credit model.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicExample of a Many-to-Many Course Equivalency

This example shows a many-to-many course equivalency:

When the Transfer Credit process applies this rule, it uses the transfer grade for MATH 14 for one course and the transfer grade for MATH 15 for the other course.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicExample of a Course Rejection Equivalency

To reject a course, clear the Transfer Course check box. The Internal Equivalent group box fields become unavailable. This example shows a course rejection equivalency:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicExample of Multiple Equivalencies for the Same Course

The following examples show multiple equivalencies for the same course.

For Santa Monica City College, the student's transfer course articulates to different math courses at PSUNV, depending on the number of units that a student takes for Math 20. In this example, there are two component rules—one for Math 20 taken between one and two units and another for Math 20 taken between three and four units.

This is an example of the one to two unit equivalency:

The incoming course maps to Pre-calculus.

This example shows the Incoming Course Information page for the one-to-two unit equivalency:

The minimum and maximum units are 1.00 and 2.00, respectively.

This example shows the three-to-four unit equivalency:

The incoming course maps to a Calculus 1 instead of Pre-calculus.

This example shows the Incoming Course Information page for the three-to-four unit equivalency:

The minimum and maximum units are 3.00 and 4.00, respectively.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicExample of an Excess Credit Course Equivalency

Excess credit occurs when the external course is worth more units than the internal equivalent course. Identify an existing course or create a new course to manage excess credit. This example shows an excess credit course equivalency:

Click to jump to parent topicConverting Existing Transfer Components into Component Subject Areas

If you are upgrading your Student Records system and you have existing transfer component data in your application tables, run the delivered upgrade script, UPG_SR. This upgrade script moves your existing transfer component data from the former application-data table structure into the current application-data table structure. It assigns all transfer components within an existing course transfer equivalency rule to a single component subject area that is named after the original rule in which the transfer component resides. After you run the upgrade script, use the Transfer Subject Area component to access each of the component subject areas that the upgrade script creates, just as you would any other component subject area that you manually define. The data for all component subject areas, regardless of how they were created, are stored in the same table (EXT_TRNSFR_SUBJECT).

Next, you must go to the Course Transfer Rules page and create your course transfer equivalency rules, attaching the component subject area to rules, as appropriate. The system writes course transfer equivalency rule data to the EXT_TRNSFR_RULE_SUBJ table. You can continue course transfer credit processing using predefined rules, as usual.

Click to jump to parent topicCopying Transfer Components Between Component Subject Areas

This section discusses how to copy transfer components between component subject areas.

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Subject Area Copy Function


Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Rules, Copy Subject Areas, Subject Area Copy Function

As necessary and as time permits, copy transfer components from larger, more general component subject areas into new, smaller component subject areas.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCopying Transfer Components Between Component Subject Areas

Access the Subject Area Copy Function page (Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Rules, Copy Subject Areas, Subject Area Copy Function).

The copying functionality is intended primarily for academic institutions that receive a large number of transfer credit courses from a single source. On this page, you select the component subject area from which you want to retrieve transfer components, define the basics of the new component subject area to create, then retrieve the transfer components from the existing component subject area based on your parameters. Sort through the list of results to select the transfer components to include in the new transfer subject area, then run the Transfer Rule Subject Area Copy COBOL/SQL process (SRPCCARX) to create the new, smaller component subject area and to copy the selected components into it. After you run the process, you can edit the newly created component subject area in the Transfer Subject Area component. Attach this new component subject area to course transfer equivalency rules in the Course Transfer Rules (TRNSFR_RULE) component and resume course transfer credit processing as usual.

Important! If you are copying a large component subject area, you should either use the Incoming Subject field or the Break by Incoming Subject check box to separate the large component subject area into smaller ones based on incoming subject. Alternatively, use the From Component Seq# and To Component Seq# fields to copy blocks of 500 transfer components at a time into smaller component subject areas based on transfer component sequence numbers. You are not required to copy transfer components by subject area—it is just a logical breaking point for large component subject areas.


Click to refresh the page.

From Seq # (from sequence number)

The sequence number is the numeric counter that distinguishes each row of the process request apart from other rows. By default, the system sets the first sequence number to 1 and increases the number by one as you add rows.


Enter a description for this row of the process request.

Academic Institution

Enter the academic institution to which the component subject area to copy belongs.

Source ID

Enter the identification code of the source to which the component subject area to copy belongs.

Component Subject Area

Enter the component subject area to copy. The system displays values based on the academic institution and source that you specified for this process request.

Effective Date

Enter the effective date of the specified component subject area. The effective date indicates the row to copy within the specified component subject area.

Incoming Subject

Enter an incoming subject to filter by subject through all transfer components of the specified transfer component subject area. When you click the Fetch button, the system retrieves only the transfer components with this incoming subject and automatically selects to copy them into the new, smaller component subject area during processing. This field prompts against the external subject table for the specified external organization. If you use this field, the Break by Incoming Subject check box becomes unavailable for entry. Note that you can assign the To Component Subject Area field and its related Description field the same name as the incoming subject because component subject areas are keyed by source ID. Alternatively, you can assign these fields unique values.

Break by Incoming Subject

Select to break by incoming subject all the transfer components of the specified component subject area. If you select this check box, the Incoming Subject field, To Component Subject Area field, and its related Description field become unavailable for entry.

When you click the Fetch button, the system retrieves all transfer components, separates them by incoming subject into unique rows on the run control page, assigns each row a sequence number, and automatically selects to copy all transfer components into new, smaller component subject areas during processing. For example, LBCC has eight different incoming subjects in their component subject area, so the system creates eight rows for eight new component subject areas. In addition, the system automatically populates the Incoming Subject field, the To Incoming Subject Area field, and its related Description field for each row. The Incoming Subject field remains unavailable for edit, but you can edit the other two fields.

From Component Seq# (from component sequence number)

Indicate the first transfer component to retrieve from the specified component subject area. By default, the system sets the value of this field to 0001. You can override this default value.

To Component Seq# (to component sequence number)

Indicate the last transfer component to retrieve from the specified component subject area. When you click the Fetch button to retrieve transfer components, the system displays all transfer components within the specified range. By default, the system sets the value of this field to 9999. You can override this default value.

To Component Subject Area

Enter the identification code of the new component subject area to create based on the preexisting component subject area that you specified.


Enter a description of the new component subject area.

Effective Date To

Enter the effective date of the new component subject area to create based on the preexisting component subject area that you specified to copy.


Click to retrieve the transfer components from the preexisting component subject area that you specified to copy.

Sequence # (sequence number)

The system displays the sequence number of the transfer component from the preexisting component subject area that you specified to copy.


The system displays the description of the transfer component from the preexisting component subject area that you specified to copy.

Incoming Course

The system displays the subject, course number, and description for the incoming course of the transfer component.

Equivalent Course

The system displays the course ID, offering number, and description for the internal equivalent course of the transfer component.

Select All or Deselect All

Click to select or clear all of the transfer components in the list at the bottom of the page. This functionality is useful when you are splitting a component subject area with a large amount of transfer components.

For example, you have a math component subject area with 300 transfer components and you want to group 250 within a new, higher math component subject area and the remaining 50 within a new, lower math component subject area. To create the higher math component subject area, retrieve all of the transfer components from the math component subject area, click the Select All button, and then clear the check boxes for the 50 excluded components. When you create the lower math component subject area, select all of the 50 included transfer components.


Click to filter the list of transfer components that appear at the bottom of this page. The system displays only the transfer components that you have checked. The checked transfer components are the only ones that the Subject Area Copy Function process uses when creating the new component subject area.


The system displays this button whenever you have filtered the list of transfer components that appear at the bottom of the page. Click this button to reset the list back to its original number of transfer components.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Course Equivalencies for Academic Programs and Plans

This section provides an overview of course equivalencies for academic programs and plans and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Course Equivalencies for Academic Programs and Plans

To set up course equivalencies for academic programs and plans, use the Program/Source Equivalency (EXT_EQUIV) component.

After you set up your course transfer equivalency rules, you must use the Program/Source Equivalency component to select the academic programs and plans within your academic institution to which you want to assign these rules.

If you have multiple equivalency rules for a given external organization or internal academic institution, you can attach these rules to various academic program and academic plan combinations. For instance, if you create two course transfer equivalency rules for an external organization, then you can link one rule to the Liberal Arts program and the other rule to the Liberal Arts program and English plan. The English equivalency rule includes English course-specific equivalencies that are different from the liberal arts equivalencies.

Note. The Basic page enables you to attach course transfer equivalency rules to a specific academic program or academic plan. The system requires that you attach the rule to an academic program, but attaching the rule to an academic plan is optional.

Example of How the System Uses Effective Dating

The Transfer Credit Setup tables use effective dating to determine the correct row of data to use when determining the correct rule to be used at articulation.

You are articulating a student in Term 0370 - Fall 1999. The begin date for Fall 1999 is September 1, 1999. The system determines the correct row of data to use using this procedure:

  1. The system accesses the Program/Source Equivalency page and finds the row that is less than or equal to September 1, 1999.

    The date of this row is January 1, 1900.

  2. The system accesses the Course Transfer Rules and finds the row that is less than or equal to January 1, 1900.

    The date for this row is January 1, 1990.

  3. The system locates the rules for the row that is less than or equal to January 1, 1900, and uses that rule.

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Program/Source Equivalency - Basic


Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Rules, Program/Source Equivalency, Basic

Set up basic parameters, such as grading basis and transfer grade, for processing transfer credit within a specified academic program or plan.

Rules Specification


Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Rules, Program/Source Equivalency, Rules Specification

Set the course equivalency rules for academic programs or academic plans. The system uses these rules to evaluate transfer credit from the specified institution. On this page, like the external course catalog, you have the flexibility to point to any organization's ID to use as the source ID for course equivalency rules.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Basic Academic Program/Plan Data

Access the Program/Source Equivalency - Basic page (Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Rules, Program/Source Equivalency, Basic).

When accessing this page in Add mode, enter the credit source type from which you will select your source ID. By entering external organization, the system prompts you with the source IDs of external organizations in your system. You define external organizations on the Organization Table page. By entering institution, the system prompts you with source IDs of academic institutions in your system. You define institutions on the Academic Institution Table page.

Effective Date

In addition to the common definition of this element, the system uses the effective date in conjunction with the articulation term on the Transfer Course Detail page to determine the validity of equivalency rules.

Grading Scheme

By default, the system displays the grading scheme of the specified academic program. Define grading schemes for academic programs on the Academic Program page in the Academic Program Table component. Define grading schemes for academic careers on the Academic Career Table page. You can override this default value now, and you can override this value later for individual transfer courses that you process. This grading scheme defines all of the valid grading bases from which you can select a default transfer grade for this academic program/plan and source combination.

Grading Basis

By default, the system displays the grading basis default for transfer credit according to the specified academic program. Define grading-basis defaults for transfer-credit values on the Academic Program page in the Academic Program Table component for academic programs. Define grading-basis defaults for transfer-credit values on the Academic Career Table page for academic careers. You can override this default value now, and you can override this value later for individual transfer courses that you process. This grading basis defines all of the valid grades from which you can select a default transfer grade for this academic program, academic plan, and source combination.

Transfer Grade

By default, the system displays the default transfer grade of the specified academic program. Define default transfer grades for academic programs on the Academic Program page in the Academic Program Table component. Define default transfer grades for academic careers on the Academic Career Table page. You can override this default value now, and you can override this value later for individual transfer courses that you process. This transfer grade defines the grade that an individual receives for courses that articulate into the specified academic program or academic plan.

Transfer HS Courses (transfer high school courses)

To include any course taken during high school in an individual's transfer credit for this academic program, academic plan, and source combination, select this check box. Clear this check box to exclude courses taken during high school.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Equivalency Rules

Access the Rules Specification page (Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Rules, Program/Source Equivalency, Rules Specification).

You must specify the credit source type from which you will select your source ID. If you enter external organization, the system prompts you with the source IDs of external organizations in your system. If you enter institution, the system prompts you with source IDs of academic institutions that you defined in your system.

All of the following group boxes have Agreement, Override, and Default fields. Each identically named field functions as a row of data to define a course equivalency rule. Each of these fields is documented once, following the group box definitions. As the Transfer Credit process evaluates courses, it uses the rules in this order: agreement, override, default.

Rule Source Type

Use the fields in this group box to select the table from which you will select each of your course equivalency rules for this academic program/plan and source combination. Select from the following choices.

External Org (external organization)

The system prompts you with the external organization source IDs in your system. Because external organizations and internal academic institutions can share the same course catalog, you might want to point to a different source ID for the course catalog.


The system prompts you with institution source IDs in your system.

Rule Source ID

Use the fields in this group box to select the source ID for the course transfer equivalency rule for this academic program/plan and source combination. You can point to any sources rules.

Course Equivalency Rule

Use the fields in this group box to select the specific course transfer equivalency rules for this academic program, academic plan, and source combination.

Common Course Equivalency Rule Fields


The Transfer Credit process uses the course equivalency rule that you specify on this row first. If the transfer course meets the criteria of the rule specified on this row, the process applies the rule to the transfer course and evaluates the course no further. If you did not specify a rule for this row, or if the transfer course does not meet the criteria of the rule, the process then evaluates the course equivalency rule that you specify on the Override row.


The Transfer Credit process uses the course equivalency rule that you specify on this row next. If the transfer course meets the criteria of the rule specified on this row, the process applies the rule to the transfer course and evaluates the course no further. If you did not specify a rule for this row, or if the transfer course does not meet the criteria of the rule, the process then evaluates the course equivalency rule that you specify on the Default row.


The Transfer Credit process uses the course equivalency rule that you specify on this row last. If the transfer course meets the criteria of the rule specified on this row, the process applies the rule to the transfer course and evaluates the course no further. If you did not specify a rule for this row, or if the transfer course does not meet the criteria of the rule, the process will not articulate the course. In this case, the transfer course appears on the Transfer Course Details page with a status of no rule.

Note. If you have only one rule for this source, you must enter it in Course Equivalency Rule field in the Default row. The Default row is the only row on the page that requires a course equivalency rule.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Test Transfer Equivalency Rules

To set up test transfer equivalency rules, use the Test Transfer Rules component (TEST_RULES).

This section discusses how to define test transfer equivalency rules.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Test Credit Rule/Component


Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Rules, Test Transfer Rules, Test Credit Rule/Component

Define sets of test transfer equivalency rules.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Test Transfer Equivalency Rules

Access the Test Credit Rule/Component page (Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Rules, Test Transfer Rules, Test Credit Rule/Component).

Setting up test transfer equivalency rules is similar to setting up course credit transfer equivalency rules. For each test equivalency rule that you define, describe the rule, select the test and test component for the rule, and specify course equivalencies for the test component.

Test ID

Enter the identification number of the test for which you are defining this test equivalency rule.

Test Component

Enter the component of the test for which you are defining this test equivalency rule.

Equiv. Component (equivalent component)

The equivalency component number is the numeric counter that distinguishes each row of the test equivalency rule apart from other rows. By default, the system enters the first equivalency component of the test equivalency rule as 0001 and increases the number by one as you add rows.

Description (lower)

This field describes the row of the equivalency test rule. By default, the system displays the description of the test component according to the description on the Test Component Table page. You can override this default value.

Transfer Priority

Enter the transfer priority number for this row of the test equivalency rule. The Transfer Credit process evaluates the rows within the test equivalency rule according to the transfer priority of each row. The test component within the row that has the highest value takes priority. If an individual's transfer test meets all conditions of the test equivalency rule, then the Transfer Credit process uses the equivalent course as defined on the row with the highest transfer priority. However, if the individual's transfer test does not meet the conditions of the test equivalency rule, then the Transfer Credit process evaluates the row with the next highest transfer priority.

Min/Max Score (minimum and maximum score)

Enter the minimum and maximum score of applicable transfer tests for this row of the test equivalency rule, or enter the minimum percentile.

Minimum Percentile

Enter the minimum percentile of the applicable transfer tests for this row of the test equivalency rule, or enter the minimum and maximum score.

Begin/End Date

By default, the system sets the begin and end date of the transfer test to 01/01/1900 and 12/31/9999. You can override these default values. These dates inform the Transfer Credit process when the applicable transfer test must be taken for this row of the test equivalency rule.

Maximum Age

This field defines, in years, the maximum age of the transfer tests for this row of the test equivalency rule. This prevents an individual from transferring test credit into your academic institution if the individual took the test more years ago than the number of years that you specify here. By default, the system sets the maximum age of a transfer test to 99, but you can override this default value. For instance, you might want restrict an individual from receiving transfer credit for a test if the individual took the test more than 4 years prior to the date that your institution processes the individual's transfer credit.

Course ID

Enter the course to which the given test component is equivalent. The system prompts you with courses from your academic institution's course catalog. You can add rows to create a one-to-many test equivalency rule.

You are prompted from your course catalog. The system automatically populates the Course Offering Number and Units Taken fields with values from the course catalog definition. You can enter a different offering number and enter different units.

Course Offering Number

By default, the system displays the course offering number of the specified course according to the value in your academic institution's course catalog. You can override this default value.

Units Taken

By default, the system displays the units taken value of the specified course according to the value in your academic institution's course catalog. You can override this default value.

See Also

Setting Up the Course Catalog

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Test Equivalencies for Academic Programs and Plans

To set up test equivalencies for programs and plans, use the Program/Test Equivalency (TEST_EQUIV) component.

This section discusses how to set test equivalencies for academic programs and plans.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Test Credit Equivalency


Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Rules, Program/Test Equivalency, Test Credit Equivalency

Set the test transfer equivalency rules that the Transfer Credit process uses to evaluate transfer test credit for specific academic programs and academic plans.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Test Equivalencies for Academic Programs and Plans

Access the Test Credit Equivalency page (Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Rules, Program/Test Equivalency, Test Credit Equivalency).

General Fields

Grading Scheme

By default, the system displays the grading scheme of the specified academic program. Define grading schemes for academic programs on the Academic Program page in the Academic Program Table component. Define grading schemes for academic careers on the Academic Career Table page. You can override this default value now, and you can override this value later for individual transfer tests that you process. This grading scheme defines all of the valid grading bases from which you can select a default transfer grade for this academic program or academic plan.

Grading Basis

By default, the system displays the grading basis default for transfer credit according to the specified academic program. Define grading-basis default for transfer-credit values for academic programs on the Academic Program page in the Academic Program Table component. Define grading-basis default for transfer-credit values for academic careers on the Academic Career Table page. You can override this default value now, and you can later override this value for individual transfer tests that you process. This grading basis defines all of the valid grades from which you can select a default transfer grade for this academic program or academic plan.

Transfer Grade

By default, the system displays the default transfer grade of the specified academic program. Define default transfer grades for academic programs on the Academic Program page in the Academic Program Table component. Define default transfer grades for academic careers on the Academic Career Table page. You can override this default value now, and you can override this value later for individual transfer tests that you process. This transfer grade defines the grade an individual receives for tests that articulate into the specified academic program or academic plan.

Test Equivalency Rule

Use the fields in this group box to select the specific test transfer equivalency rules for this academic program or academic plan. As the Transfer Credit process evaluates test credit, it applies the rules in this order: Override, Default.


The Transfer Credit process uses the test equivalency rule that you specify on this row last. If the transfer test meets the criteria of the rule specified on this row, the process applies the rule to the transfer test and evaluates the test no further. If you did not specify a rule for this row, or if the transfer test does not meet the criteria of the rule, the process does not articulate the test. In this case, the transfer test appears on the on the Test Credit Details page with a status of no rule.

Note. If you have only one rule for this academic program or academic plan, you must enter it in the Default field. The Default field is the only required field on the page.


The Transfer Credit process uses the test equivalency rule that you specify on this row first. If the transfer test meets the criteria of the rule specified on this row, the process applies the rule to the transfer test and evaluates the test no further. If you did not specify a rule for this row, or if the transfer test does not meet the criteria of the rule, the process then evaluates the test equivalency rule that you specify on the Default row.

For example, you might have a general test equivalency rule for the Undergraduate Liberal Arts program but have a different rule for the English plan within this academic program. You would create two test transfer equivalency rules, enter the Liberal Arts program equivalency rule in the Default field, and then enter the English plan equivalency rule in the Override field.