35 Setting Document Task Flow and Document Component Properties

This chapter describes the properties that you can set on the document task flows and individual document components (links, inline frames, and images).

This chapter includes the following topics:


To perform the tasks in this chapter, you must be a portal moderator or a portal member with the portal-level permissions Basic Services: Edit Page Access and Structure (standard permissions) or Pages: Edit Pages (advanced permissions).

For more information about permissions, see Section 29.1, "About Roles and Permissions for a Portal."

35.1 About Document Task Flow and Document Component Properties

All document task flows and individual document components in WebCenter Portal have associated properties, which users with sufficient privileges can access through the Component Properties dialog in Composer (Figure 35-1).


For information about accessing the Component Properties dialog, see Section 14.3, "Modifying Components."

Figure 35-1 Document Explorer Task Flow Properties

Description of Figure 35-1 follows
Description of "Figure 35-1 Document Explorer Task Flow Properties"

The properties on the Parameters tab of the Component Properties dialog control the default task flow content. These properties are unique to the task flow type. For some task flows, parameters on this tab facilitate the wiring of the task flow to page parameters and page definition variables. For more information, see Chapter 19, "Wiring Pages, Task Flows, Portlets, and ADF Components."

Changes to the properties on the Display Options, Style, and Content Style tabs affect the appearance and behavior of the task flow for all users. These properties are common to all task flows. For more information, see Section 14.3.4, "Working with Component Display Options" and Section 14.3.6, "Working with Style and Content Style Properties."

The contents of the Events tab depend on the events supported by the task flow. For more information, see Section 14.3.7, "Working with Component Contextual Events."

The Child Components tab displays all of the components contained within the current component. It provides controls for rearranging, showing, and hiding child components. Not all components contain children. So this tab may be omitted. For more information, see Section 14.3.5, "Working with Child Components."

All properties on the Parameters and Display Options tabs provide access to an Expression Language (EL) editor, which you can use to select or specify a variable value instead of a constant value. Click the Expression Editor icon icon next to a property field to open the editor.


Wherever you enter EL on the generic Display Options tab in the Component Properties dialog, the entry is automatically validated. If the EL syntax is invalid, an error appears and the value is neither applied nor saved. Generic Display Options are those cataloged in Table 14-1, "Display Options Properties".

If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see the "Expression Language Expressions" appendix in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Portals with Oracle WebCenter Portal and Oracle JDeveloper.

35.2 Setting Document Explorer Task Flow Properties

The Document Explorer task flow displays a list of folders and files in two panes: the left pane shows folders, and the right pane show the contents of the currently selected folder. It is a feature-rich document task flow for viewing, managing, and collaborating on folders and files.

Properties that are unique to the Document Explorer task flow are shown on the Parameters tab of the Component Properties dialog (Figure 35-2).


For information about accessing the Component Properties dialog, see Section 14.3, "Modifying Components."

Figure 35-2 Document Explorer Task Flow Properties

Description of Figure 35-2 follows
Description of "Figure 35-2 Document Explorer Task Flow Properties"

For information about the properties on the other tabs, which are common to all WebCenter Portal components, see Section 14.3, "Modifying Components."

35.2.1 Document Explorer Task Flow Parameters

Table 35-1 describes the parameters that are unique to the Document Explorer task flow.

Table 35-1 Document Explorer Task Flow Parameters

Parameter Description

Collapse Tree Navigation

Specifies whether to collapse the panel containing the tree navigation:

  • Select (default) to collapse then panel.

  • Deselect to expand panel.

Connection Name

The name of the content repository connection. If no value is selected from the list, the default connection specified by the application developer or administrator is used. For information about configuring content repository connections, see the "Registering Content Repositories" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Default: The connection selected as default in the Create Content Repository Connection dialog box by the application developer, which can be changed by the administrator.

Features Off

A list of disabled features for the task flow. Use commas or spaces to separate items. Valid values are exposed in the JavaDoc: checkin, checkout, clipboard, close, delete, download, dnd, editwiki, editoffice, newfolder, newwiki, rename, upload, multifile-upload, profile-upload, search, advancedSearch, workflow, properties, history, comments, likes, links, tags, recommendations, autovue, title, related-items, social, sidebars, ils.


${'search, advancedSearch, clipboard, dnd, rename, newfolder, upload, newwiki, checkin, checkout, editoffice, edithtml, delete, sidebars, history'}

Page Size

The maximum number of rows to show in the task flow. If the listing of folders and files in the task flow is larger than the specified number of rows, the task flow displays a scroll bar. Default: 27

Typical scenarios where you may wish to alter this value are:

  • The majority of end users have bigger screens, allowing for the display of more rows.

  • You want to fit this task flow into a smaller area of a page.

Note: If you set Page Size to a value that is too big for the size of the screen, the end user will experience difficulty coordinating the task flow scroll bar with the application scroll bar.

Read Only

Specifies whether to disable and hide all content management operations:

  • Select to disable content management.

  • Deselect (default) to expose content management to users.

Resource ID

The currently focused resource. This value can be a folder ID or a document ID. Click the magnifier icon to open the Pick a Value dialog and navigate to the desired folder or file; select the folder or file to set the Resource ID value.

The Resource ID value is checked for coherence with the Connection Name and Start Folder Path values, and influences their default values when they are not explicitly specified. For example, if Resource ID alone is specified, the Connection Name value will be inherited from it and the Start Folder Path will be either the resource itself for a folder or the parent folder for a file.

Show Documents

Specifies whether the navigation tree shows documents and folders in the tree (left-side) navigation page, or folders only:

  • Select to show documents and folders.

  • Deselect (default) to show folders and hide documents.

Show Folders

Specifies whether the navigation tree shows documents and folders in the table (right-side) navigation pane, or documents only:

  • Select (default) to show folders and documents.

  • Deselect to show documents and hide folders.

Start Folder Path

The name of the folder to use as the root folder in the current task flow instance. Click the magnifier icon to open a dialog where you can navigate the connected content repository and select a folder.

This is a content-scoping parameter that assists with determining the source and range of content to display in the task flow instance.

There is no need to set this value for task flows that display the content of the current portal's default root folder. But it is useful, for example, when you want the start folder to be other than a portal's default root folder and when you want to display content from another portal.


  • /PersonalPortals/monty/Public

  • /WebCenterB5/Proj_X/Specs

You can specify an EL expression to set this value. If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see the "Expression Language Expressions" appendix in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Portals with Oracle WebCenter Portal and Oracle JDeveloper.

Default: The root folder of the content repository configured with the specified connection for the current portal.

35.3 Setting Document List Viewer Task Flow Properties

The Document List Viewer task flow displays folders and files in a single pane as a flat listing. In this task flow, users can navigate a folder hierarchy, and customize search queries. While this task flow may be useful for a specific need, its search functionality is replicated and enhanced by using the Content Presenter task flow instead.

Properties that are unique to the Document List Viewer task flow are shown on the Parameters tab of the Component Properties dialog (Figure 35-3).


For information about accessing the Component Properties dialog, see Section 14.3, "Modifying Components."

Figure 35-3 Document List Viewer Task Flow Properties

Description of Figure 35-3 follows
Description of "Figure 35-3 Document List Viewer Task Flow Properties"

For information about the properties on the other tabs, which are common to all WebCenter Portal components, see Section 14.3, "Modifying Components."

35.3.1 Document List Viewer Task Flow Parameters

Table 35-2 describes the parameters that are unique to the Document List Viewer task flow.

Table 35-2 Document List Viewer Task Flow Parameters

Parameter Description

Connection Name

The name of the content repository connection. If no value is selected from the list, the default connection specified by the application developer or administrator is used. For information about configuring content repository connections, see the "Registering Content Repositories" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Default: The connection selected as default in the Create Content Repository Connection dialog box by the application developer, which can be changed by the administrator.

Created After

A filtering value to limit the display of task flow content to folders and files created after a specified date and time. Click the magnifier icon to open a dialog where you can select the date from a calendar.

The value uses the ISO 8601 format:

yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssTZFoot 1 



This parameter is available for contextual wiring. For more information, see Chapter 19, "Wiring Pages, Task Flows, Portlets, and ADF Components."

Created Before

A filtering value to limit the display of task flow content to folders and files created before a specified date and time. Click the magnifier icon to open a dialog where you can select the date from a calendar.

The value uses the ISO 8601 format:




This parameter is available for contextual wiring. For more information, see Chapter 19, "Wiring Pages, Task Flows, Portlets, and ADF Components."


A filtering value to limit the display of task flow content to folders and files created by a particular user. Enter the user name as specified by the user login credentials. Only one user name may be entered. If no value is entered, then content created by any user is shown.

Example: ${'monty'}

This parameter is available for contextual wiring. For more information, see Chapter 19, "Wiring Pages, Task Flows, Portlets, and ADF Components."

Last Modified After

A filtering value to limit the display of task flow content to folders and files last modified after a specified date and time. If no value is entered, then content modified in the last three months is shown. Click the magnifier icon to open a dialog where you can select the date from a calendar.

The value uses the ISO 8601 format:




This parameter is available for contextual wiring. For more information, see Chapter 19, "Wiring Pages, Task Flows, Portlets, and ADF Components."

Last Modified Before

A filtering value to limit the display of task flow content to folders and files modified before a specified date and time. If no value is entered, then no such filtering is applied is applied. Click the magnifier icon to open a dialog where you can select the date from a calendar.

The value uses the ISO 8601 format:




This parameter is available for contextual wiring. For more information, see Chapter 19, "Wiring Pages, Task Flows, Portlets, and ADF Components."

Last Modifier

A filtering value to limit the display of task flow content to folders and files last modified by a particular user. Enter the user name as specified by the user login credentials. Only one user name may be entered. If no value is entered, then all modified documents are shown.

Example: ${'monty'}

This parameter is available for contextual wiring. For more information, see Chapter 19, "Wiring Pages, Task Flows, Portlets, and ADF Components."

Page Size

The maximum number of rows to show in the task flow. If the listing of folders and files in the task flow is larger than the specified number of rows, the task flow displays a scroll bar. Default: 15

Typical scenarios where you may wish to alter this value are:

  • The majority of end users have bigger screens, allowing for the display of more rows.

  • You want to fit this task flow into a smaller area of a page.

Note: If you set Page Size to a value that is too big for the size of the screen, the end user will experience difficulty coordinating the task flow scroll bar with the application scroll bar.

Root Folder Path

The name of the folder to use as the root folder in the current task flow instance. Click the magnifier icon to open a dialog where you can navigate the connected content repository and select a folder.

This is a content-scoping parameter that assists with determining the source and range of content to display in the task flow instance.

There is no need to set this value for task flows that display the content of the current portal's default root folder. But it is useful, for example, when you want the start folder to be other than a portal's default root folder and when you want to display content from another portal.


  • /PersonalPortals/monty/Public

  • /WebCenterB5/Proj_X/Specs

You can specify an EL expression to set this value. If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see the "Expression Language Expressions" appendix in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Portals with Oracle WebCenter Portal and Oracle JDeveloper.

Default: The root folder of the content repository configured with the specified connection for the current portal.

Show Folders

Specifies whether the navigation tree shows documents and folders, or documents only:

  • Select (default) to show folders and documents.

  • Deselect to show documents and hide folders.

Task Flow Instance ID

The unique identifier for this task flow instance, used internally to maintain the association of the task flow instance with its customization and personalization settings and to manage saved queries. Do not edit this value.

Footnote 1 "TZ" is the time zone indicator. If the time being described is in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), then the time zone indicator is "Z". If the time is from any other time zone, then TZ describes the offset from UTC of the time zone. For example, if the time is in California in December (Pacific Standard Time, PST), then the TZ indicator would be "-08:00".

35.4 Setting Document Manager Task Flow Properties

The Document Manager task flow displays folders and files as specified by its layout parameter: it may display folders and files in two panes (Explorer layout), or a single pane showing only the content of the current folder (Table layout), or a single pane showing the folder hierarchy starting from the root folder (Tree-Table layout). The Document Manager task flow provides comprehensive document management functionality, such as copying, moving, pasting, and deleting folders and files.

Properties that are unique to the Document Manager task flow are shown on the Parameters tab of the Component Properties dialog (Figure 35-4).


For information about accessing the Component Properties dialog, see Section 14.3, "Modifying Components."

Figure 35-4 Document Manager Task Flow Properties

Description of Figure 35-4 follows
Description of "Figure 35-4 Document Manager Task Flow Properties"

For information about the properties on the other tabs, which are common to all WebCenter Portal components, see Section 14.3, "Modifying Components."

35.4.1 Document Manager Task Flow Parameters

Table 35-3 describes the parameters that are unique to the Document Manager task flow.

Table 35-3 Document Manager Task Flow Parameters

Parameter Description

Connection Name

The name of the content repository connection. If no value is selected from the list, the default connection specified by the application developer or administrator is used. For information about configuring content repository connections, see the "Registering Content Repositories" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Default: The connection selected as default in the Create Content Repository Connection dialog box by the application developer, which can be changed by the administrator.

Features Off

A list of disabled features for the task flow. Use commas or spaces to separate items. Valid values are exposed in the JavaDoc: checkin, checkout, clipboard, close, delete, download, dnd, editwiki, editoffice, newfolder, newwiki, rename, upload, multifile-upload, profile-upload, search, advancedSearch, workflow, properties, history, comments, likes, links, tags, recommendations, autovue, title, related-items, social, sidebars, ils.


${'search, advancedSearch, clipboard, dnd, rename, newfolder, upload, newwiki, checkin, checkout, editoffice, edithtml, delete, sidebars, history'}


A target layout for the task flow. Choose from:

Page Size

The maximum number of rows to show in the task flow. If the listing of folders and files in the task flow is larger than the specified number of rows, the task flow displays a scroll bar. Default: 27

Typical scenarios where you may wish to alter this value are:

  • The majority of end users have bigger screens, allowing for the display of more rows.

  • You want to fit this task flow into a smaller area of a page.

Note: If you set Page Size to a value that is too big for the size of the screen, the end user will experience difficulty coordinating the task flow scroll bar with the application scroll bar.

Read Only

Specifies whether to disable and hide all content management operations:

  • Select to disable content management.

  • Deselect (default) to expose content management to users.

Resource ID

The currently focused resource. This value can be a folder ID or a document ID. Click the magnifier icon to open the Pick a Value dialog and navigate to the desired folder or file; select the folder or file to set the Resource ID value.

The Resource ID value is checked for coherence with the Connection Name and Start Folder Path values, and influences their default values when they are not explicitly specified. For example, if Resource ID alone is specified, the Connection Name value will be inherited from it and the Start Folder Path will be either the resource itself for a folder or the parent folder for a file.

Start Folder Path

The name of the folder to use as the root folder in the current task flow instance. Click the magnifier icon to open a dialog where you can navigate the connected content repository and select a folder.

This is a content-scoping parameter that assists with determining the source and range of content to display in the task flow instance.

There is no need to set this value for task flows that display the content of the current portal's default root folder. But it is useful, for example, when you want the start folder to be other than a portal's default root folder and when you want to display content from another portal.


  • /PersonalPortals/monty/Public

  • /WebCenterB5/Proj_X/Specs

You can specify an EL expression to set this value. If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see the "Expression Language Expressions" appendix in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Portals with Oracle WebCenter Portal and Oracle JDeveloper.

Default: The root folder of the content repository configured with the specified connection for the current portal.

35.5 Setting Document Navigator Task Flow Properties

The Document Navigator task flow displays folders and files in a single pane, with the capability to expand and collapse folders to view folder hierarchy within the current folder. There are no menu options available to the end user for this task flow. This task flow is intended for use as a component of another document task flow (such as the Document Explorer task flow). Clicking folders and files in this task flow standalone performs no action.

Properties that are unique to the Document Navigator task flow are shown on the Parameters tab of the Component Properties dialog (Figure 35-5).


For information about accessing the Component Properties dialog, see Section 14.3, "Modifying Components."

Figure 35-5 Document Navigator Task Flow Properties

Description of Figure 35-5 follows
Description of "Figure 35-5 Document Navigator Task Flow Properties"

For information about the properties on the other tabs, which are common to all WebCenter Portal components, see Section 14.3, "Modifying Components."

35.5.1 Document Navigator Task Flow Parameters

Table 35-4 describes the parameters that are unique to the Document Navigator task flow.

Table 35-4 Document Navigator Task Flow Parameters

Parameter Description

Connection Name

The name of the content repository connection. If no value is selected from the list, the default connection specified by the application developer or administrator is used. For information about configuring content repository connections, see the "Registering Content Repositories" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Default: The connection selected as default in the Create Content Repository Connection dialog box by the application developer, which can be changed by the administrator.

Features Off

A list of disabled features for the task flow. Use commas or spaces to separate items. Valid values are exposed in the JavaDoc: checkin, checkout, clipboard, close, delete, download, dnd, editwiki, editoffice, newfolder, newwiki, rename, upload, multifile-upload, profile-upload, search, advancedSearch, workflow, properties, history, comments, likes, links, tags, recommendations, autovue, title, related-items, social, sidebars, ils.


${'search, advancedSearch, clipboard, dnd, rename, newfolder, upload, newwiki, checkin, checkout, editoffice, edithtml, delete, sidebars, history'}

Page Size

The maximum number of rows to show in the task flow. If the listing of folders and files in the task flow is larger than the specified number of rows, the task flow displays a scroll bar. Default: 27

Typical scenarios where you may wish to alter this value are:

  • The majority of end users have bigger screens, allowing for the display of more rows.

  • You want to fit this task flow into a smaller area of a page.

Note: If you set Page Size to a value that is too big for the size of the screen, the end user will experience difficulty coordinating the task flow scroll bar with the application scroll bar.

Read Only

Specifies whether to disable and hide all content management operations:

  • Select to disable content management.

  • Deselect (default) to expose content management to users.

Resource ID

The currently focused resource. This value can be a folder ID or a document ID. Click the magnifier icon to open the Pick a Value dialog and navigate to the desired folder or file; select the folder or file to set the Resource ID value.

The Resource ID value is checked for coherence with the Connection Name and Start Folder Path values, and influences their default values when they are not explicitly specified. For example, if Resource ID alone is specified, the Connection Name value will be inherited from it and the Start Folder Path will be either the resource itself for a folder or the parent folder for a file.

Show Documents

Specifies whether the navigation tree shows documents and folders, or folders only:

  • Select (default) to show documents and folders.

  • Deselect to show folders and hide documents.

Start Folder Path

The name of the folder to use as the root folder in the current task flow instance. Click the magnifier icon to open a dialog where you can navigate the connected content repository and select a folder.

This is a content-scoping parameter that assists with determining the source and range of content to display in the task flow instance.

There is no need to set this value for task flows that display the content of the current portal's default root folder. But it is useful, for example, when you want the start folder to be other than a portal's default root folder and when you want to display content from another portal.


  • /PersonalPortals/monty/Public

  • /WebCenterB5/Proj_X/Specs

You can specify an EL expression to set this value. If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see the "Expression Language Expressions" appendix in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Portals with Oracle WebCenter Portal and Oracle JDeveloper.

Default: The root folder of the content repository configured with the specified connection for the current portal.

35.6 Setting Folder Viewer Task Flow Properties

The Folder Viewer task flow displays a listing of the contents of a folder in a single pane as a flat listing.

Properties that are unique to the Folder Viewer task flow are shown on the Parameters tab of the Component Properties dialog (Figure 35-6).


For information about accessing the Component Properties dialog, see Section 14.3, "Modifying Components."

Figure 35-6 Folder Viewer Task Flow Properties

Description of Figure 35-6 follows
Description of "Figure 35-6 Folder Viewer Task Flow Properties"

For information about the properties on the other tabs, which are common to all WebCenter Portal components, see Section 14.3, "Modifying Components."

35.6.1 Folder Viewer Task Flow Parameters

Table 35-5 describes the parameters that are unique to the Folder Viewer task flow.

Table 35-5 Folder Viewer Task Flow Parameters

Parameter Description

Connection Name

The name of the content repository connection. If no value is selected from the list, the default connection specified by the application developer or administrator is used. For information about configuring content repository connections, see the "Registering Content Repositories" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Default: The connection selected as default in the Create Content Repository Connection dialog box by the application developer, which can be changed by the administrator.

Features Off

A list of disabled features for the task flow. Use commas or spaces to separate items. Valid values are exposed in the JavaDoc: checkin, checkout, clipboard, close, delete, download, dnd, editwiki, editoffice, newfolder, newwiki, rename, upload, multifile-upload, profile-upload, search, advancedSearch, workflow, properties, history, comments, likes, links, tags, recommendations, autovue, title, related-items, social, sidebars, ils.


${'search, advancedSearch, clipboard, dnd, rename, newfolder, upload, newwiki, checkin, checkout, editoffice, edithtml, delete, sidebars, history'}

Page Size

The maximum number of rows to show in the task flow. If the listing of folders and files in the task flow is larger than the specified number of rows, the task flow displays a scroll bar. Default: 27

Typical scenarios where you may wish to alter this value are:

  • The majority of end users have bigger screens, allowing for the display of more rows.

  • You want to fit this task flow into a smaller area of a page.

Note: If you set Page Size to a value that is too big for the size of the screen, the end user will experience difficulty coordinating the task flow scroll bar with the application scroll bar.

Read Only

Specifies whether to disable and hide all content management operations:

  • Select to disable content management.

  • Deselect (default) to expose content management to users.

Resource ID

The currently focused resource to display in the task flow. This value can be a folder ID or a document ID. Click the magnifier icon to open the Pick a Value dialog and navigate to the desired folder or file; select the folder or file to set the Resource ID value.

The Resource ID value is checked for coherence with the Connection Name and Start Folder Path values, and influences their default values when they are not explicitly specified. For example, if Resource ID alone is specified, the Connection Name value will be inherited from it and the Start Folder Path will be either the resource itself for a folder or the parent folder for a file.

Show Folders

Specifies whether the navigation tree shows documents and folders, or documents only:

  • Select (default) to show folders and documents.

  • Deselect to show documents and hide folders.

Start Folder Path

The name of the folder to use as the root folder in the current task flow instance. Click the magnifier icon to open a dialog where you can navigate the connected content repository and select a folder.

This is a content-scoping parameter that assists with determining the source and range of content to display in the task flow instance.

There is no need to set this value for task flows that display the content of the current portal's default root folder. But it is useful, for example, when you want the start folder to be other than a portal's default root folder and when you want to display content from another portal.


  • /PersonalPortals/monty/Public

  • /WebCenterB5/Proj_X/Specs

You can specify an EL expression to set this value. If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see the "Expression Language Expressions" appendix in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Portals with Oracle WebCenter Portal and Oracle JDeveloper.

Default: The root folder of the content repository configured with the specified connection for the current portal.

35.7 Setting Recent Documents Task Flow Properties

The Recent Documents task flow displays a listing of the most recently created or modified files by the current user, when the connected content repository is Content Server.

Properties that are unique to the Recent Documents task flow are shown on the Parameters tab of the Component Properties dialog (Figure 35-7).


For information about accessing the Component Properties dialog, see Section 14.3, "Modifying Components."

Figure 35-7 Recent Documents Task Flow Properties

Description of Figure 35-7 follows
Description of "Figure 35-7 Recent Documents Task Flow Properties"

For information about the properties on the other tabs, which are common to all WebCenter Portal components, see Section 14.3, "Modifying Components."

35.7.1 Recent Documents Task Flow Parameters

Table 35-6 describes the parameters that are unique to the Recent Documents task flow.

Table 35-6 Recent Documents Task Flow Parameters

Parameter Description

Connection Name

The name of the content repository connection. If no value is entered, the default connection specified by the application developer or administrator is used. For information about configuring content repository connections, see the "Registering Content Repositories" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Default: The connection selected as default in the Create Content Repository Connection dialog box by the application developer, which can be changed by the administrator.


(Used in WebCenter Portal only)
The name of a portal that is the source of the recently created or modified documents listed in the task flow. Valid values are:

  • no value or ${null} (default): Displays documents for the entire connected content repository.

  • Display name or ID of a specific portal: Displays documents in that portal.

  • ${'all'}: Displays documents from any portal, excluding non-portal documents.

Last Modified After

A filtering value to limit the display of task flow content to folders and files last modified after a specified date and time. If no value is entered, then content modified in the last three months is shown. Click the magnifier icon to open a dialog where you can select the date from a calendar.

The value uses the ISO 8601 format:

yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssTZDFoot 1 



This parameter is available for contextual wiring. For more information, see Chapter 19, "Wiring Pages, Task Flows, Portlets, and ADF Components."

Last Modified Before

A filtering value to limit the display of task flow content to folders and files modified before a specified date and time. If no value is entered, then no such filtering is applied is applied. Click the magnifier icon to open a dialog where you can select the date from a calendar.

The value uses the ISO 8601 format:




This parameter is available for contextual wiring. For more information, see Chapter 19, "Wiring Pages, Task Flows, Portlets, and ADF Components."

Last Modifier

A filtering value to limit the display of task flow content to folders and files last modified by a particular user. Enter the user name as specified by the user login credentials. Only one user name may be entered. If no value is entered, then all modified documents are shown.

Example: ${'monty'}

This parameter is available for contextual wiring. For more information, see Chapter 19, "Wiring Pages, Task Flows, Portlets, and ADF Components."

Maximum Documents

The maximum number of files to show.If no value or 0 is entered, then up to 10 of the most recently accessed documents are shown.

Example: ${10}

Note that there is no single quote surrounding the value.

Default: ${null}

Most Recent First

Specifies the sort order of files in the task flow:

  • ${true} (default): Most recent documents listed first.

  • ${false}: Oldest documents listed first.

Footnote 1 "TZ" is the time zone indicator. If the time being described is in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), then the time zone indicator is "Z". If the time is from any other time zone, then TZ describes the offset from UTC of the time zone. For example, if the time is in California in December (Pacific Standard Time, PST), then the TZ indicator would be "-08:00".

35.8 Setting Document Viewer Task Flow Properties

The Document Viewer task flow displays a preview of an individual file in the default template for its file type.

Properties that are unique to the Document Viewer task flow are shown on the Parameters tab of the Component Properties dialog (Figure 35-8).


For information about accessing the Component Properties dialog, see Section 14.3, "Modifying Components."

Figure 35-8 Document Viewer Task Flow Properties

Description of Figure 35-8 follows
Description of "Figure 35-8 Document Viewer Task Flow Properties"

For information about the properties on the other tabs, which are common to all WebCenter Portal components, see Section 14.3, "Modifying Components."

35.8.1 Document Viewer Task Flow Parameters

Table 35-7 describes the parameters that are unique to the Document Viewer task flow.

Table 35-7 Document Viewer Task Flow Parameters

Parameter Description

Features Off

A list of disabled features for the task flow. Use commas or spaces to separate items. Valid values are exposed in the JavaDoc: checkin, checkout, clipboard, close, delete, download, dnd, editwiki, editoffice, newfolder, newwiki, rename, upload, multifile-upload, profile-upload, search, advancedSearch, workflow, properties, history, comments, likes, links, tags, recommendations, autovue, title, related-items, social, sidebars, ils.


${'search, advancedSearch, clipboard, dnd, rename, newfolder, upload, newwiki, checkin, checkout, editoffice, edithtml, delete, sidebars, history'}

Initial Sidebar

Specifies the tabbed pane to have initial focus in the Document Viewer. Valid values are:

  • ${'comments'} (default). Displays the Comments pane (see the "Commenting on Items" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Using Oracle WebCenter Portal).

  • ${'tags'}. Displays the Tags pane (see the "Working with Tags" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Using Oracle WebCenter Portal).

  • ${'history'} (default). Displays the History pane (see the "Viewing and Deleting File Version History" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Using Oracle WebCenter Portal).

  • ${'docInfo'}. Displays the Info pane (see the "Working with Folder and File Properties" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Using Oracle WebCenter Portal).

  • ${'links'}. Displays the Links pane (see the "Managing Document Links" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Using Oracle WebCenter Portal).

  • ${'recommendations'}. Displays the Recommendations pane (see the "Viewing Document Recommendations" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Using Oracle WebCenter Portal)

  • ${'autovue'}. When Oracle AutoVue is installed, displays the AutoVue pane showing the AutoVue markup for the current document in a table of hyperlinked markup names (see the "Collaborating on Documents Using Oracle AutoVue" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Using Oracle WebCenter Portal).

Note: Values are case-sensitive.

Item ID

The ID of the document to display in the Document Viewer.

Read Only

Specifies whether to disable and hide all content management operations:

  • Select to disable content management.

  • Deselect (default) to expose content management to users.

35.9 Setting Document Mini Properties Task Flow Properties

The Document Mini Properties task flow displays the basic properties of a selected file in a read-only view. This choice is available for all file types.

Properties that are unique to the Document Mini Properties task flow are shown on the Parameters tab of the Component Properties dialog (Figure 35-9).


For information about accessing the Component Properties dialog, see Section 14.3, "Modifying Components."

Figure 35-9 Document Mini Properties Task Flow Properties

Description of Figure 35-9 follows
Description of "Figure 35-9 Document Mini Properties Task Flow Properties"

For information about the properties on the other tabs, which are common to all WebCenter Portal components, see Section 14.3, "Modifying Components."

35.9.1 Document Mini Properties Task Flow Parameters

Table 35-8 describes the parameters that are unique to the Document Mini Properties task flow.

Table 35-8 Document Mini Properties Task Flow Parameters

Parameter Description

Resource ID

The ID of the current document for which to display basic properties.

35.10 Setting Document Properties Task Flow Properties

The Document Properties task flow displays both Basic and Advanced properties of a selected file, along with an Edit button to modify property values. This choice is available for all file types.

Properties that are unique to the Document Properties task flow are shown on the Parameters tab of the Component Properties dialog (Figure 35-10).


For information about accessing the Component Properties dialog, see Section 14.3, "Modifying Components."

Figure 35-10 Document Properties Task Flow Properties

Description of Figure 35-10 follows
Description of "Figure 35-10 Document Properties Task Flow Properties"

For information about the properties on the other tabs, which are common to all WebCenter Portal components, see Section 14.3, "Modifying Components."

35.10.1 Document Properties Task Flow Parameters

Table 35-9 describes the parameters that are unique to the Document Properties task flow.

Table 35-9 Document Properties Task Flow Parameters

Parameter Description

Item ID

The ID of the document for which to display properties.

Read Only

Specifies whether or not to allow end user to edit document properties:

  • Select to not display Edit button in Basic and Advanced properties panes, thus disabling the ability for the end user to edit document properties.

  • Deselect (default) to display Edit button in Basic and Advanced properties panes, allowing end users to edit document properties.

35.11 Setting Document Version History Task Flow Properties

The Document Version History task flow displays a list of versions of a selected file in a read-only view. This choice is available for all file types.

Properties that are unique to the Document Version History task flow are shown on the Parameters tab of the Component Properties dialog (Figure 35-11).

Figure 35-11 Version History Task Flow Properties

Description of Figure 35-11 follows
Description of "Figure 35-11 Version History Task Flow Properties"

For information about the properties on the other tabs, which are common to all WebCenter Portal components, see Section 14.3, "Modifying Components."

35.11.1 Document Version History Task Flow Parameters

Table 35-10 describes the parameters that are unique to the Document Version History task flow.

Table 35-10 Document Version History Task Flow Parameters

Parameter Description

Horizontal Layout

Specifies the layout orientation for the version history information:

Item ID

The ID of the document for which to display version history.

Read Only

Specifies whether to disable and hide all content management operations:

  • Select to disable content management.

  • Deselect (default) to expose content management to users.

35.12 Setting Document Link Component Properties

The Link component displays the file name of a selected file as a link on the page.

Properties that are unique to the Link component are shown on the Display Options tab of the Component Properties dialog (Figure 35-12).


For information about accessing the Component Properties dialog, see Section 14.3, "Modifying Components."

Figure 35-12 Link Component Properties

Description of Figure 35-12 follows
Description of "Figure 35-12 Link Component Properties"

For information about the properties on the Style tab, which is common to all WebCenter Portal components, see Section 14.3, "Modifying Components."

35.12.1 Document Link Component Display Options

Table 35-11 describes the properties that are unique to the link component.

Table 35-11 Link Component Properties: Display Options

Property Description


The display name of the selected file.

Default: file name.


Path to the file relative to the application root.



Open in a new window

Specifies where the file opens:

  • Select to open file in new browser tab or window.

  • Deselect (default) to open file in current browser window.

This option is relevant only to files that open in a browser. Some files, such as Microsoft Word files, open in their native applications.

Show Component

Specifies whether to show or hide the link component on the page:

  • Select (default) to show the link component.

  • Deselect to hide the link component.

Once you hide a component in this way, any child components are also hidden. You can show the component again through Composer Structure view (see Section, "About Structure View in Composer"). Right-click the hidden component, and select Show Component from the resulting context menu.

35.13 Setting Document Inline Frame Component Properties

The Inline Frame component displays a preview of the file content of a selected file. This choice is available for HTML and TXT types.

Properties that are unique to the inline frame component are shown on the Display Options tab of the Component Properties dialog (Figure 35-13).


For information about accessing the Component Properties dialog, see Section 14.3, "Modifying Components."

Figure 35-13 Inline Frame Component Properties

Description of Figure 35-13 follows
Description of "Figure 35-13 Inline Frame Component Properties"

For information about the properties on the Style tab, which is common to all WebCenter Portal components, see Section 14.3, "Modifying Components."

35.13.1 Document Inline Frame Component Display Options

Table 35-12 describes the properties that are unique to the inline frame component.

Table 35-12 Inline Frame (IFRAME) Component Properties: Display Options

Property Description

Short Desc

The ALT text to display when the mouse pointer hovers over the component.

The default is the name of the document.


The path to the file relative to the WebCenter Portal application root. Example:


Show Component

Specifies whether to show or hide the inline frame component on the page:

  • Select (default) to show the inline frame component.

  • Deselect to hide the inline frame component.

Once you hide a component in this way, any child components are also hidden. You can show the component again through Composer Structure view (see Section, "About Structure View in Composer"). Right-click the hidden component, and select Show Component from the resulting context menu.

35.14 Setting Document Image Component Properties

The document Image component displays a selected file as an image on a page. This choice is available only for image file types (such as JPG, PNG, and GIF).

Properties that are unique to the document Image component are shown on the Display Options tab of the Component Properties dialog (Figure 35-14).


For information about accessing the Component Properties dialog, see Section 14.3, "Modifying Components."

Figure 35-14 Document Image Component Properties

Description of Figure 35-14 follows
Description of "Figure 35-14 Document Image Component Properties"

For information about the properties on the Style tab, which is common to all WebCenter Portal components, see Section 14.3, "Modifying Components."

35.14.1 Document Image Component Display Options

Table 35-13 describes the properties that are unique to the document Image component.

Table 35-13 Image Component Properties: Display Options

Property Description

Image Map Type

The map type when the selected file is an image map. Choose from:

  • none

  • server

Long Desc URL

A URL to a file containing a description of the image.



Short Desc

The ALT text to display when users hover their mouse pointers over the image component.

The default is Display WebCenter Portal Information. The default is the rendered value of the Expression Language (EL) expression #{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter.GLOBAL_LINK_ABOUT_DESC}.


The path to the image file relative to the WebCenter Portal application root.



Show Component

Specifies whether to show or hide the image component on the page:

  • Select (default) to show the image component.

  • Deselect to hide the image component.

Once you hide a component in this way, any child components are also hidden. You can show the component again through Composer Structure view (see Section, "About Structure View in Composer"). Right-click the hidden component, and select Show Component from the context menu.