Data file writing components examine the event objects stored in an event queue component and write log files that contain the data in those event objects.

Data File Writing Component Properties

This section explains the configuration properties of a data file writing component. See an example configuration file in Example Data File Writing Component.




The base directory for the data log files that the component writes. Provide the absolute path to a directory or specify the default data collection log file directory by linking this property value to the corresponding property of the /atg/dynamo/service/DWDataCollectionConfig component. Use the ^= operator. For example:


See information about linking property values in the ATG Platform Programming Guide.


The base file name for the data log files that the component writes. This is the first part of the file name. You can choose to append unique identifiers or timestamps after this part of the file name. See the UIDLogFileName and timestampLogFileName properties.

You can include a subdirectory in this value. For example:


If you specify a subdirectory, make sure that the subdirectory exists in the default root directory. The data file writing component will not create it.


Controls whether the log file names include a unique identifier after the base name.

Set this value to true to include a unique identifier. Set it to false to omit the unique identifier.


The nucleus path of the component that generates the unique identifiers used in log file names. For example:



Controls whether the log file names include the date and time after the base name.

Set this value to true to include the date and time. Set it to false to omit the date and time.


The pattern used to express the date and time in log file names. Specify the date and time as required by the java.text.SimpleDateFormat class. For example:



The log file name extension. For example, .data.


Controls which pieces of object data the file writing component will include in the log file. Include a comma-separated list of the message object properties in this value. Do not include spaces. For example:


If the message object contains an object (it implements the javax.jms.ObjectMessage interface), include the message property that holds the object and then the property of the inner object. For example:


You can control the format of the logged data fields. Specify the format after a colon character. For example:



A name to identify the scheduled log file rotation job. See Log File Rotation. See information about scheduler services in the ATG Platform Programming Guide.


Controls the frequency of log file rotation. For example:

every 1 hour without catch up

See Log File Rotation. See information about scheduler services in the ATG Platform Programming Guide.


The maximum number of records for a data file. If the number of records exceeds this number, the log file will be rotated. See Log File Rotation.


The Nucleus path of the scheduling component that handles log file rotation. For example:



The Nucleus path of the component that will send log rotation messages. See Log File Rotation. For example:



The type of data that the log file contains. This identifies which loader queue should handle the logged data. The log rotation message source component includes this information in log rotation messages. See Log File Rotation.

You can use any string to represent the type of data. By convention, the default Oracle ATG Web Commerce data file writing components use the object class of the Java Messaging System (JMS) events that are handled by the data file writing component. For example:



Controls whether the component will write data files. Set this value to true to write data files. Set this value to false to prevent the component from writing files. See Enabling Data File Writing Components.


The string that separates individual data elements in each line of a data file. This is set to the tab character (\t) by default.


The string that indicates the end of each line in a data field. This is set to the newline character (\n) by default.

Enabling Data File Writing Components

You can enable data file writing components individually or as a group.

Note: Link the enabled property of the Commerce product catalog data collection component to the enabled property of the /atg/dynamo/service/DeploymentDWDataCollectionConfig component. See more information about product catalog data collection in the ATG Commerce Programming Guide.

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