This section explains how to add a coupon to the Gift Certificates and Coupons repository and create a claim code for it.

If you are using Oracle ATG Web Commerce’s multisite feature, you can specify at the time of coupon creation whether users can claim the coupon on any site, or only sites to which the associated promotion is limited.

Note: In addition to the coupon item type, the ACC allows you to create Batch Coupons. Batch Coupons are used when you want to restrict coupon use to the recipients only, rather than using a generally available code; each individual coupon in the batch has a unique code. While you can create Batch Coupon item types using the ACC, you cannot generate coupon codes for the batch in the ACC. See the ATG Merchandising Guide for Business Users for information on using Batch Coupons.

  1. In the ATG Control Center, select Purchases and Payments > Gift Certificates and Coupons.

  2. In the search query box at the top of the window, specify Items of type Coupon and then click List. Any coupons already in your system appear in the left pane of the window.

  3. Select File > New Item. The New Item dialog box appears, with Coupon selected as the item type.

  4. In the New ID field, type the string you want to use as the coupon’s claim code. This code is what customers enter when they want to apply the coupon to an order.

    Claim codes for coupons are not case-sensitive.

    Note: Avoid creating coupon codes that are easy to guess. For example, it is not recommended that you create short or sequential codes (100, 101, and 102, for example). If you leave this field blank, Oracle ATG Web Commerce uses its internal ID generation system to create a random coupon code for you. It is often preferable to have Commerce create the code than to do it yourself.

  5. Specify the entries in the New “Coupon” Values area of the dialog box.

    • Coupon Name: enter a descriptive name for the coupon.

    • Expiration date: enter the date and time on which you want the coupon to become unusable. To do this, click the corresponding text box to display the “…” button, click the “…” button, and then select the date and time from the calendar that appears. This value is optional.

      Note that a coupon’s expiration date is independent of the corresponding promotion’s usage end date. Consequently, it is possible that a coupon may be invalid but the promotion to which it refers is still valid (and can still be delivered via a scenario). If you specify a value for this property, make sure it is consistent with the usage end date for the promotion to which it applies.

    • Start date: If the coupon is only good for a certain time period, enter the start date.

    • Usage limit: Number of times the coupon can be used. The default setting is -1, which allows unlimited uses.

    • Parent folder: Select a coupon folder in which to store the coupon, if desired.

    • Promotions: Click the corresponding text box to display the “…” button, click the “…” button, and then select the promotions to use with this coupon.

    • Redeemable on Promotion Sites: If you are using the multisite feature, specify whether the coupon can be redeemed on all sites (set this property to false), or only on those sites to which the coupon’s associated promotion is connected (set this property to true).

  6. Click OK. The system adds the new coupon to the repository and displays it by its promotion name in the panel on the left of the window. You can hold your mouse over the promotion name to display the coupon claim code (or ID) in a pop-up window.

For more information on coupons, please refer to the ATG Commerce Programming Guide.

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