To access the Order Approval gear:

  1. During application assembly, specify Motorprise (or your own commerce application that contains order data), and the CommerceGears.orderapproval module (which requires ATG Portal). For example:

    CommerceGears.orderapproval MotorpriseJSP

    For a list of modules and assembly instructions, see the ATG Platform Programming Guide.

  2. Deploy your application as instructed by your application server documentation.

  3. Register the Order Approval gear with the Portal Administration Framework (PAF) by uploading its gear manifest file to the PAF. The gear manifest file is located at <ATG10dir>\CommerceGears\orderapproval\orderapproval-manifest.xml.

    For detailed information on how to register a gear, see the Portal Administration chapter in the ATG Portal Administration Guide.

  4. Create a community whose members will use the gear and add the gear to one of the community’s pages.

    For detailed information on how to create a community and add a gear to one of its pages, see the Community Administration chapter in the ATG Portal Administration Guide.

  5. Point your browser to the URL for the community page that contains the Order Approval gear (for example,

    Before the Order Approval gear is displayed, you must log in to the page as a user who is an approver. For information on the default port, see the ATG Installation and Configuration Guide.

  6. Log in to the page as Ernesto Hernandez, a Motorprise approver, to explore the gear. Ernesto’s username and password are ernesto:ernesto.

    If you’re running the Order Approval gear with your own commerce application, you’ll need to log in as an appropriate user.

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