You may also be able to reduce the size of your index by concatenating the values of text properties. For example, suppose a product’s SKUs have a color property, whose values are red, green, blue, and yellow. The resulting entries in the XHTML document will be:

<div class="atg:role:childSKUs.color" id="1">red</div>
<div class="atg:role:childSKUs.color" id="2">green</div>
<div class="atg:role:childSKUs.color" id="3">blue</div>
<div class="atg:role:childSKUs.color" id="4">yellow</div>

By concatenating the values, you can reduce this to:

<div class="atg:role:childSKUs.color" id="1">red green blue yellow</div>

To combine these values into a single tag, specify the ConcatFilter class in the XML definition file:

<property name="color" filter="concat"/>

This setting invokes an instance of the class. Note that you do not need to create a Nucleus component to use this filter.

Some guidelines for using concat:

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