Auxiliary data in Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search provides a way to add or change property values on content items that have already been indexed. Reasons you may want to use this feature include:

To use auxiliary data, you first need to create an XML file, either manually or using your preferred automation method, that uses the following format:

  <property name="prop_name" value="value" type="type">http://docurl</property>

Each property tag corresponds to a property value to be added or updated. Attributes on the tag indicate the name, value, and type of the property. The contained text is the URL of the content item that should have the specified property value assigned, and should be the URL of the content item as it is known to Search.

For example:

   <property name="hotScore" value="3885"

   <property name="hotScore" value="2884"

   <property name="hotScore" value="1883"


The text of the tag can also be of the form property==value, in which case every content item meeting that property constraint will have the indicated property value added or updated to it.

For example:


Place the XML file in your <ATG10dir>/home/localconfig/atg/searchadmin/customizations

If you are making these changes as a routine part of your content updates and site maintenance, consider a scripting solution to both generate the XML file and place it in the correct directory.

You can then use Search Administration to select the auxiliary data customization item on the project to which you want to apply the data. You can set up an indexing job using the Load Post-Index Customizations Only option (see the Building Indexes section of this guide) to apply your auxiliary data to your content without doing a full reindex.

Note: The naming convention for properties used in this XML file format does not include the atg:type prefix information used by the structured XHTML format (see the ATG Search Query Guide). If you are loading a repository item XHTML that refers to property atg:integer:$repositoryId, then in this file the name to use is $repositoryId.

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