To add a dictionary:

  1. On the Search Workbench tab, select Dictionaries from the Show menu.

  2. Select Term Dictionaries.

  3. Click New Dictionary.

  4. Enter a name (required) and description (optional) for the new dictionary.

  5. Enter a Dictionary Adaptor Name (optional). If used, when the dictionary is loaded, it is loaded under this adaptor name. Note that the dictionary name is called context by the Search API.

  6. Select the dictionary’s language.

  7. For the Load Mode, select one of the following:

  8. Enter the maximum term expansion.

    When dictionary terms are organized hierarchically, you can optionally indicate that this hierarchy implies term expansion (see the explanation of term propagation under Why Add Synonyms and Child Terms). Because a term that is high up in the hierarchy can potentially have many synonyms if all head terms in the hierarchy are propagated, Search allows the user to limit the potential synonyms via the Maximum Term Expansion setting. If a term’s propagated expansions add up to a number greater than the number specified, no propagated expansions will be used. Regular synonym-level expansions are unaffected by the Maximum Term Expansions setting.

    Set the maximum term expansion to 0 to disable term expansion. If you set this value to a number larger than the number of levels in your dictionary, all terms are fully expanded. Note that very large expansion sets can slow down search as well as worsen results.

  9. Click Create.

To add a term, term association, or synonym to a dictionary, see Managing Terms in this chapter.

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