Transitioning From Oracle® Solaris 10 JumpStart to Oracle Solaris 11.2 Automated Installer

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Updated: July 2014

Using js2ai To Convert JumpStart Rules and Profiles to AI Criteria and Manifests

Use the js2ai command with the –r option to convert both JumpStart rules and their associated profiles to AI criteria and manifests. Initially, use the –S option to skip validation. This command performs a conversion operation on the rules file and the profiles referenced by the rules file. Each profile referenced in the rules file is processed against the AI client provisioning manifest, /usr/share/auto_install/manifest/default.xml. This step creates a directory named AI_profile-name for each profile specified in the JumpStart rules file. The AI_profile-name directory contains an AI criteria file in the form criteria-rule-number.xml that corresponds to the rule that referenced this profile. The AI_profile-name directory also contains AI manifest files in the form profile-name.arch.xml that correspond to the profile-name profile file.

When you receive a message that the conversion completed successfully, run the js2ai command without the –S option to validate the output AI manifests. Validation errors must be corrected in the AI manifest files.

    If you do not see a message that the conversion was successfully completed, examine the error report and the js2ai.log file. The error report and the log file report warnings, process errors, unsupported items, conversion errors, and validation errors. The error report is a table output to stdout that shows the number of each type of error that was encountered in converting the rules and profile files. The log file describes the problems.

  1. Correct any process errors.

  2. Remove any lines from the rules and profile files that are listed as unsupported items.

  3. Examine the conversion errors and correct the errors if possible. Otherwise, remove the lines that are causing the errors.

  4. Examine any warning messages and make sure no corrections are necessary.