Transitioning From Oracle® Solaris 10 JumpStart to Oracle Solaris 11.2 Automated Installer

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Updated: July 2014

Validating an Output AI Manifest

Use the –V option to validate the AI manifest that results from running the js2ai command.

# js2ai -V ./AI_rootdisk.profile/rootdisk.profile.sparc.xml
Successfully completed conversion
# js2ai -v -V ./AI_rootdisk.profile/rootdisk.profile.sparc.xml
Validating rootdisk.profile.sparc.xml

                                   Process  Unsupported  Conversion  Validation
Name                     Warnings  Errors   Items        Errors      Errors
----------------------   --------  -------  -----------  ----------  ----------
rootdisk.profile.sparc          -        -            -           -           0
Successfully completed conversion