The crypt_bsdbf module is a one-way password hashing module for use with crypt(3C) that uses the Blowfish cryptographic algorithm. The algorithm identifier for crypt.conf(4) and policy.conf (4) is 2a.
The maximum password length for crypt_bsdbf is 72 characters.
The default number of rounds is log(4). This can be increased by updating /etc/security/crypt.conf, for example, for log(12) rounds:
2a crypt_bsdbf.so.1 12
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:
passwd(1), crypt(3C), crypt_genhash_impl(3C), crypt_gensalt(3C) , crypt_gensalt_impl(3C), getpassphrase (3C), crypt.conf(4), passwd (4), policy.conf(4), attributes(5)