Managing Auditing in Oracle® Solaris 11.2

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Updated: July 2014

How to Update the Preselection Mask of Logged In Users

This procedure describes how to audit users who are already logged in for changes to the system-wide audit preselection mask. You can accomplish this task typically instructing the users to log out and to log back in. Alternatively, in a role that is assigned the Process Management rights profile, you can manually terminate active sessions with the kill command. The new sessions will inherit the new preselection mask.

However, terminating user sessions could be impractical. As an alternative, you can use the auditconfig command to dynamically change each logged-in user's preselection mask.

The following procedure assumes that you changed the system-wide audit preselection mask from lo to lo,ex by running the following command:

# auditconfig -setflags lo,ex

Before You Begin

You must become an administrator who is assigned the Audit Configuration rights profile. To terminate user sessions, you must become an administrator who is assigned the Process Management rights profile. For more information, see Using Your Assigned Administrative Rights in Securing Users and Processes in Oracle Solaris 11.2 .

  1. List the regular users who are logged in and their process IDs.
    # who -a
    jdoe  - vt/2         Jan 25 07:56  4:10   1597   (:0)
    jdoe  + pts/1        Jan 25 10:10   .     1706   (:0.0)
    jdoe  + pts/2        Jan 25 11:36  3:41   1706   (:0.0)
  2. For later comparison, display each user's preselection mask.
    # auditconfig -getpinfo 1706
    audit id = jdoe(1234)
    process preselection mask = lo(0x1000,0x1000)
    terminal id (maj,min,host) = 9426,65559,mach1(
    audit session id = 103203403
  3. Modify the appropriate preselection mask by running one or more of the following commands:
    # auditconfig -setpmask 1706 lo,ex         /* for this process */
    # auditconfig -setumask jdoe lo,ex         /* for this user */
    # auditconfig -setsmask 103203403 lo,ex    /* for this session */
  4. Verify that the preselection mask for the user has changed.

    For example, check a process that existed before you changed the mask.

    # auditconfig -getpinfo 1706
    audit id = jdoe(1234)
    process preselection mask = ex,lo(0x40001000,0x40001000)
    terminal id (maj,min,host) = 9426,65559,mach1(
    audit session id = 103203403