Oracle® Solaris Studio 12.4: Fortran User's Guide

Exit Print View

Updated: March 2015

3.4.110 –xassume_control[=keywords]

Set parameters to control ASSUME pragmas.

Use this flag to control the way the compiler handles ASSUME pragmas in the source code.

The ASSUME pragmas provide a way for the programmer to assert special information that the compiler can use for better optimization. These assertions may be qualified with a probability value. Those with a probability of 0 or 1 are marked as certain; otherwise they are considered non-certain.

You can also assert, with a probability or certainty, the trip count of an upcoming DO loop, or that an upcoming branch will be taken.

See The ASSUME Directives, for a description of the ASSUME pragmas recognized by the f95 compiler.

The keywords on the -xassume_control option can be a single suboption keyword or a comma-separated list of keywords. The keyword suboptions recognized are:

The assertions made on ASSUME pragmas affect optimization of the program.
The compiler generates code to check the correctness of all assertions marked as certain, and emits a runtime message if the assertion is violated; the program continues if fatal is not also specified.
When used with check, the program will terminate when an assertion marked certain is violated.
The d parameter is an optional tolerance value, and must be a real positive constant less than 1. The default is ".1". retrospective compiles code to count the truth or falsity of all assertions. Those outside the tolerance value d are listed on output at program termination.
All ASSUME pragmas are ignored.

The compiler default is


This means that the compiler recognizes ASSUME pragmas and they will affect optimization, but no checking is done.

If specified without parameters, -xassume_control implies


In this case the compiler accepts and checks all certain ASSUME pragmas, but they do not affect optimization. Assertions that are invalid cause the program to terminate.