Oracle® Solaris Studio 12.4: Fortran User's Guide

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Updated: March 2015

3.4.129 –xinline_param=a[,a[,a]...]

Use this option to manually change the heuristics used by the compiler for deciding when to inline a function call.

This option only has an effect at -O3 or higher. The following sub-options have an effect only at -O4 or higher when automatic inlining is on.

In the following sub-options n must be a positive integer; a can be one of the following:

Table 3-19  -xinline_param Sub-options
Set the values of all the sub-options to their default values.
Automatic inlining only considers functions smaller than n pseudo instructions (counted in compiler's internal representation) as possible inline candidates.
Under no circumstances will a function larger than this be considered for inlining.
Set inlined function's size limit to n pseudo instructions (counted in compiler's internal representation).
Functions of greater size than this may sometimes be inlined.
When interacting with max_inst_hard, the value of max_inst_soft should be equal to or smaller than the value of max_inst_hard, i.e, max_inst_soft <= max_inst_hard.
In general, the compiler's automatic inliner only inlines calls whose called function's size is smaller than the value of max_inst_soft. In some cases a function may be inlined when its size is larger than the value of max_inst_soft but smaller than that of max_inst_hard. An example of this would be if the parameters passed into a function were constants.
When deciding whether to change the value of max_inst_hard or max_inst_soft for inlining one specific call site to a function, use -xinline_report=2 to report detailed inlining message and follow the suggestion in the inlining message.
Allow functions to increase due to automatic inlining by up to n pseudo instructions (counted in compiler's internal representation).
The automatic inliner is allowed to increase the size of the program by up to n% where the size is measured in pseudo instructions.
The minimum call site frequency counter as measured by profiling feedback (-xprofile) in order to consider a function for automatic inlining.
This option is valid only when the application is compiled with profiling feedback (-xprofile=use).
Use this suboption to control the degree of automatic inlining that is applied. The compiler will inline more functions with higher settings for -xinline_param=level.
n must be one of 1, 2, or 3.
The default value of n is 2 when this option is not specified, or when the options is specified without :n.
Specify the level of automatic inline:
level:1 basic inlining level:2 medium inlining (default) level:3 aggressive inlining
The level decides the specified values for the combination of the following inlining parameters:
max_growth + max_function_inst + max_inst + max_inst_call
When level = 1, all the parameters are half the values of the default.
When level = 2, all the parameters are the default value.
When level = 3, all the parameters are double the values of the default.
When a function calls itself either directly or indirectly, it is said to be making a recursive call.
This suboption allows a recursive call to be automatically inlined up to n levels.
Specifies the maximum number of pseudo instructions (counted in compiler's internal representation) the caller of a recursive function can grow to by performing automatic recursive inlining.
When interactions between max_recursive_inst and max_recursive_depth occur, recursive function calls will be inlined until either the max_recursive_depth number of recursive calls, or until the size of the function being inlined into exceeds max_recursive_inst. The settings of these two parameters control the degree of inlining of small recursive functions.

If -xinline_param=default is specified, the compiler will set all the values of the subopitons to the default values.

If the option is not specified, the default is -xinline_param=default.

The list of values and options accumulate from left to right. So for a specification of -xinline_param=max_inst_hard:30,..,max_inst_hard:50, the value max_inst_hard:50 will be passed to the compiler.

If multiple -xinline_param options are specified on the command line, the list of sub-options likewise accumulate from left to right. For example, the effect of

 -xinline_param=max_inst_hard:50,min_counter:70 ...

will be the same as that of
