Oracle® Solaris Studio 12.4: Fortran User's Guide

Exit Print View

Updated: March 2015

3.4.83 –recl=a[,b]

Set default output record length.

Set the default record length (in characters) for either or both preconnected units output (standard output) and error (standard error). This option must be specified using one of the following forms:

  • –recl=out:N

  • –recl=error:N

  • –recl=out:N1,error:N2

  • –recl=error:N1,out:N2

  • –recl=all:N

where N, N1, N2 are all positive integers in the range from 72 to 2147483646. out refers to standard output, error to standard error, and all sets the default record length to both. The default is –recl=all:80. This option is only effective if the program being compiled has a Fortran main program.