Oracle® Solaris Studio 12.4: Fortran User's Guide

Exit Print View

Updated: March 2015

3.4.124 –xhasc[={yes|no}]

Treat Hollerith constant as a character string in an actual argument list.

With -xhasc=yes, the compiler treats Hollerith constants as character strings when they appear as an actual argument on a subroutine or function call. This is the default, and complies with the Fortran standard. (The actual call list generated by the compiler contains hidden string lengths for each character string.)

With -xhasc=no, Hollerith constants are treated as typeless values in subprogram calls, and only their addresses are put on the actual argument list. (No string length is generated on the actual call list passed to the subprogram.)

Compile routines with -xhasc=no if they call a subprogram with a Hollerith constant and the called subprogram expects that argument as INTEGER (or anything other than CHARACTER).


demo% cat hasc.f
                call z(4habcd, ’abcdefg’)
                subroutine z(i, s)
                integer i
                character *(*) s
                print *, "string length = ", len(s)
demo% f95 -o has0 hasc.f
demo% has0
 string length =   4    <-- should be 7
demo% f95 -o has1 -xhasc=no hasc.f
demo% has1
 string length =   7  <-- now correct length for s

Passing 4habcd to z is handled correctly by compiling with -xhasc=no.

This flag is provided to aid porting legacy Fortran 77 programs.