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Oracle® ZFS Storage Appliance Administration Guide
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Document Information

Using This Documentation

Chapter 1 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Overview

Chapter 2 Status

Chapter 3 Initial Configuration

Chapter 4 Network Configuration

Chapter 5 Storage Configuration

Chapter 6 Storage Area Network Configuration

Chapter 7 User Configuration

Chapter 8 Setting ZFSSA Preferences

Chapter 9 Alert Configuration

Alert Categories

Supported Alert Actions

Send Email

Send SNMP trap

Send Syslog Message

Resume/Suspend Dataset

Resume/Suspend Worksheet

Execute Workflow

Threshold Alerts

Configuring Alerts Using the BUI

Adding a Threshold Alert

Adding an Alert Action

Configuring Alerts Using the CLI

Adding a Threshold Alert

Adding an Alert Action

Chapter 10 Cluster Configuration

Chapter 11 ZFSSA Services

Chapter 12 Shares, Projects, and Schema

Chapter 13 Replication

Chapter 14 Shadow Migration

Chapter 15 CLI Scripting

Chapter 16 Maintenance Workflows

Chapter 17 Integration


Supported Alert Actions

The following actions are supported.

Send Email

An email containing the alert details can be sent. The configuration requires an email address and email subject line. The following is a sample email sent based on a threshold alert:

From Mon Oct 13 15:24:47 2009
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2009 15:24:21 +0000 (GMT)
From: Appliance on caji <>
Subject: High CPU on caji

SUNW-MSG-ID: AK-8000-TT, TYPE: Alert, VER: 1, SEVERITY: Minor
EVENT-TIME: Mon Oct 13 15:24:12 2009
PLATFORM: i86pc, CSN: 0809QAU005, HOSTNAME: caji
SOURCE: svc:/appliance/kit/akd:default, REV: 1.0
EVENT-ID: 15a53214-c4e7-eae4-dae6-a652a51ea29b
DESC: cpu.utilization threshold of 90 is violated.
IMPACT: The impact depends on what statistic is being monitored.
REC-ACTION: The suggested action depends on what statistic is being monitored.


Details on how the appliance sends mail can be configured on the SMTP service screen.

Send SNMP trap

An SNMP trap containing alert details can be sent, if an SNMP trap destination is configured in the SNMP service, and that service is online. The following is an example SNMP trap, as seen from the Net-SNMP tool snmptrapd -P:

# /usr/sfw/sbin/snmptrapd -P
2009-10-13 15:31:15 NET-SNMP version 5.0.9 Started.
2009-10-13 15:31:34 []:
        iso. = Timeticks: (2132104431) 246 days, 18:30:44.31
   iso. = OID: iso.
98.55.57 = STRING: "7cf0acd4-30c1-4c19-e9cb-ac27f7126b79"
98.55.57 = STRING: "alert.ak.xmlrpc.threshold.violated"
       iso. = STRING: "cpu.utilization threshold of 90 is violated."

Send Syslog Message

A syslog message containing alert details can be sent to one or more remote systems, if the Syslog service is enabled. Refer to the documentation describing the Syslog Relay service for example syslog payloads and a description of how to configure syslog receivers on other operating systems.

Resume/Suspend Dataset

Analytics Datasets in Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Analytics Guide may be resumed or suspended. This is particularly useful when tracking down sporadic performance issues, and when enabling these datasets 24x7 is not desirable.

For example: imagine you noticed a spike in CPU activity once or twice a week, and other analytics showed an associated drop in NFS performance. You enable some additional datasets, but you don't quite have enough information to prove what the problem is. If you could enable the NFS by hostname and filename datasets, you are certain you will understand the cause a lot better. However those particular datasets can be heavy handed - leaving them enabled 24x7 will degrade performance for everyone. This is where the resume/suspend dataset actions may be of use. A threshold alert could be configured to resume paused NFS by hostname and filename datasets, only when the CPU activity spike is detected; a second alert can be configured to then suspend those datasets, after a short interval of data is collected. The end result - you collect the data you need only during the issue, and minimize the performance impact of this data collection.

Resume/Suspend Worksheet

These actions are to resume or suspend an entire Analytics Open Worksheets in Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Analytics Guide , which may contain numerous datasets. The reasons for doing this are similar to those for resuming and suspending datasets.

Execute Workflow

Workflows may be optionally executed as alert actions. To allow a workflow to be eligible as an alert action, its alert action must be set to true. Refer to Workflows as alert actions for details.